CREATE TABLE radippool ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, pool_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, framedipaddress VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, nasipaddress VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, pool_key VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT '', CalledStationId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '', CallingStationId VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '', expiry_time timestamp(0) DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, username VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '' ); CREATE INDEX radippool_poolname_expire ON radippool (pool_name, expiry_time); CREATE INDEX radippool_framedipaddress ON radippool (framedipaddress); CREATE INDEX radippool_nasip_poolkey_ipaddress ON radippool (nasipaddress, pool_key, framedipaddress); CREATE SEQUENCE radippool_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER radippool_serialnumber BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF id ON radippool FOR EACH ROW BEGIN if ( = 0 or is null ) then SELECT radippool_seq.nextval into from dual; end if; END; /