#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Convert old-style "clients" file to new "clients.conf" format. # # Usage: clients.pl clients [naslist] new-clients.conf # The "new-clients.conf" will be created if it does not exist. # If it does exist, it will be over-written. # # # $Id$ # if (($#ARGV < 1) || ($#ARGV > 2)) { print "Usage: clients.pl clients [naslist] new-clients.conf\n"; print " The \"new-clients.conf\" will be created if it does not exist.\n"; print " If it does exist, it will be over-written.\n"; exit(1); } $old = shift; $new = shift; if ($new =~ /naslist/) { $naslist = $new; $new = shift; } open OLD, "< $old" or die "Failed to open $old: $!\n"; while () { next if (/^\s*\#/); next if (/^\s*$/); split; $clients{$_[0]}{"secret"} = $_[1]; } close OLD; if (defined $naslist) { open OLD, "< $naslist" or die "Failed to open $naslist: $!\n"; while () { next if (/^\s*\#/); next if (/^\s*$/); split; if (!defined $clients{$_[0]}) { print "WARNING! client $_[0] is defined in naslist, but not in clients!"; next; } $clients{$_[0]}{"shortname"} = $_[1]; $clients{$_[0]}{"nas_type"} = $_[2]; } } open NEW, "> $new" or die "Failed to open $new: $!\n"; foreach $client (keys %clients) { print NEW "client $client {\n"; print NEW "\tsecret = ", $clients{$client}{"secret"}, "\n"; if (defined $clients{$client}{"shortname"}) { print NEW "\tshortname = ", $clients{$client}{"shortname"}, "\n"; print NEW "\tnas_type = ", $clients{$client}{"nas_type"}, "\n"; } print NEW "}\n"; print NEW "\n"; }