# This is a quick hack to convert an openldap schema file to a form which # can be loaded into Samba4/AD. # # Inspired by: # http://david-latham.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/extending-ad-schema-on-samba4-part-2.html # https://github.com/linuxplayground/yubikey-ldap/tree/master/samba4-schema # # (c) 2017 Brian Candler # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import sys import re from collections import OrderedDict BASEDN = 'dc=samba4,dc=internal' # RFC 2252 to https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961740.aspx SYNTAX_MAP = { '': ('', 1), # boolean '': ('', 127), # DN '': ('', 27), # DirectoryString '': ('', 22), # IA5String '': ('', 10), # Integer } obj = None for line in sys.stdin: if re.match(r'^\s*(#|$)', line): continue m = re.match(r'^attributetype\s+\(\s+(\S+)', line) if m: obj = OrderedDict([ ('objectClass', ['top', 'attributeSchema']), ('attributeID', m.group(1)), ('isSingleValued', 'FALSE'), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^objectclass\s+\(\s+(\S+)', line) if m: obj = OrderedDict([ ('objectClass', ['top', 'classSchema']), ('governsID', m.group(1)), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*NAME\s+[\'"](.+)[\'"]', line) if m: obj.update([ ('cn', m.group(1)), ('name', m.group(1)), ('lDAPDisplayName', m.group(1)), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*DESC\s+[\'"](.+)[\'"]', line) if m: obj.update([ ('description', m.group(1)), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*(EQUALITY|SUBSTR)\s+(\S+)', line) if m: # Not supported by AD? # https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961575.aspx continue m = re.match(r'^\s*SYNTAX\s+(\S+)', line) if m: obj.update([ ('attributeSyntax', SYNTAX_MAP[m.group(1)][0]), ('oMSyntax', SYNTAX_MAP[m.group(1)][1]), ]) continue if re.match(r'^\s*SINGLE-VALUE', line): obj.update([ ('isSingleValued', 'TRUE'), ]) continue if re.match(r'^\s*AUXILIARY', line): # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679014(v=vs.85).aspx # https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2008.05.schema.aspx obj.update([ ('objectClassCategory', '3'), ]) continue if re.match(r'^\s*STRUCTURAL', line): obj.update([ ('objectClassCategory', '1'), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*SUP\s+(\S+)', line) if m: obj.update([ ('subClassOf', m.group(1)), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*(MAY|MUST)\s+\((.*)\)\s*$', line) if m: attrs = m.group(2).split('$') obj.update([ ('%sContain' % m.group(1).lower(), [v.strip() for v in attrs]), ]) continue m = re.match(r'^\s*(MAY|MUST)\s+(\w+)\s*$', line) if m: obj.update([ ('%sContain' % m.group(1).lower(), m.group(2)), ]) continue if re.match(r'^\s*\)', line) and obj: print("dn: CN=%s,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,%s" % (obj['cn'], BASEDN)) print("changetype: add") for k in obj: if type(obj[k]) == list: for v in obj[k]: print("%s: %s" % (k, v)) else: print("%s: %s" % (k, obj[k])) print() obj = None continue print("??? %s" % line, file=sys.stderr)