#!/usr/bin/env perl # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # vqpcli.pl -s localhost -v mydomain -w -i 2/4 -m 0010.a49f.30e3 # use Socket; $|=0; #$DEBUG=1; $DEBUG=0; sub formatItem($$) { my $mybuf; undef($mybuf); $itemheader = shift; $itemvalue = shift; $mybuf = $mybuf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*",$itemheader))); # Add header $payload = pack("a*",(unpack("a*",$itemvalue))); $length=length($payload); $length= pack("H*",(unpack("a*",sprintf("%04x",$length)))); $mybuf = $mybuf . $length . $payload; # Add payload + length return $mybuf; } sub parseOpts() { use Getopt::Std; my $errors = ""; getopts("s:v:w:i:m:t:c:",\%opt) or usage(); usage() if $opt{h}; my %request = ( server_ip => $opt{s} || "", client_ip => $opt{w} || "", # IP to say we are - VMPS doesn't care port_name => $opt{i} || "Fa0/1", # Default port name to use vlan => $opt{c} || "", # Isn't really needed. vtp_domain => $opt{v} || "", # Is kinda important macaddr => $opt{m} || "", # Likewise... ); $opt{m} =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $errors=$errors . "MAC address must be in nnnn.nnnn.nnnn format\n" if ($opt{m} !~ /[a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]/); $errors=$errors . "VTP Domain must be specified\n" if ($opt{v} !~ /.*/); $errors=$errors . "No Server name specified\n" if ($opt{s} =~ /^$/); print STDERR $errors if ($errors); usage() if ($errors); $request{macaddr} =~ s/\.//g; return %request; } sub usage() { print STDERR << "EOO"; Options: -s ip VMPS Server to query -v domain VMPS/VTP Domain to query -w ip client switch IP to query for -i iface client switch Interface name (ie: Fa0/17) -m macaddr attached device MAC address in nnnn.nnnn.nnnn format -c vlan Vlan to reconfirm membership to EOO exit(1); } sub makeVQPrequest($) { my $request = $_; my $buf; # Header... $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","01"))); # Header bit # Is a request to join a vlan $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","01"))); # Is a request # No error $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","00"))); # No error # 6 data items in inbound payload $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","06"))); # Sequence number of request $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","000 1234"))); # Bogus sequence number # Add Client switch IP $buf = $buf . formatItem("000 0c01",(sprintf("%s",unpack("a*",inet_aton($request{client_ip}))))); # Add Port Name $buf = $buf . formatItem("000 0c02",$request{port_name}); # Payload # Add VLAN to confirm to buffer $buf = $buf . formatItem("000 0c03",$request{vlan}); # Payload # Add VTP domain name $buf = $buf . formatItem("000 0c04",$request{vtp_domain}); # Payload # Add UNKNOWN data to buffer... $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","000 0c07"))); # Header $buf = $buf . pack("H*",(unpack("a*","0001 0"))); # Unknown filler # Add MAC address to buffer $buf = $buf . formatItem("000 0c06",sprintf("%s",pack("H*",(unpack("a*",$request{macaddr}))))); # Payload return "$buf"; } sub sendVQP($$) { my $PORTNO="1589"; my $HOSTNAME= shift; my $buf = shift; if ($DEBUG==1) { print "==============================\n"; print "MESSAGE SENT:\n"; open (HEX, "|/usr/bin/hexdump"); select HEX; print $buf; close HEX; select STDOUT; print "==============================\n"; } socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or die "socket: $!"; my $ipaddr = inet_aton($HOSTNAME); my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($PORTNO, $ipaddr); send(SOCKET, $buf, 0, $portaddr) == length($buf) or die "cannot send to $HOSTNAME($PORTNO): $!"; $portaddr = recv(SOCKET, $buf, 1500, 0); # or die "recv: $!"; if ($DEBUG==1) { print "MESSAGE RECV:\n"; open (HEX, "|/usr/bin/hexdump"); select HEX; print $buf; close HEX; select STDOUT; print "==============================\n"; } return "$buf"; } sub parseVQPresp($) { my %response = ( status => "", vlan => "", macaddr => "", ); my $buf = shift; $buf =~ /^(.)(.)(.)(.)(....)/; my ($header,$type,$status,$size,$sequence) = (ord($1),ord($2),ord($3),ord($4),pack("a*",(unpack("H*",$5)))); $buf =~ s/^........//; $response{status}="ALLOW" if ($status == 0); $response{status}="DENY" if ($status == 3); $response{status}="SHUTDOWN" if ($status == 4); $response{status}="WRONG_DOMAIN" if ($status == 5); for ($i=1;$i<=$size;$i++) { $payload_type=pack("a*",(unpack("H*",substr($buf,0,4)))); $payload_size=sprintf("%d",hex(pack("a*",(unpack("H*",substr($buf,4,2)))))); $payload=substr($buf,6,$payload_size); if ($payload_type eq "00000c03") { $response{vlan}=$payload; } elsif ($payload_type eq"00000c08") { $response{macaddr}=pack("a*",(unpack("H*",$payload))); } substr($buf,0,($payload_size + 6)) = ""; } return %response; } %request=parseOpts(); $buf = makeVQPrequest(%request); $buf = sendVQP($request{server_ip},$buf); %response = parseVQPresp($buf); print "Vlan: $response{vlan}\nMAC Address: $response{macaddr} \nStatus: $response{status}\n";