# # PRE: update # # # Set it. # update request { NAS-Port := 1000 } # # Enforce it. # update request { NAS-Port == 1000 } if (NAS-Port != 1000) { update reply { Filter-Id += "fail 1" } } # # Enforce to new lower value. # update request { NAS-Port <= 500 } if (NAS-Port != 500) { update reply { Filter-Id += "fail 2 - expected 500, got %{NAS-Port}" } } # # Enforce to new higher value # update request { NAS-Port >= 2000 } if (NAS-Port != 2000) { update reply { Filter-Id += "fail 3 - expected 2000, got %{NAS-Port}" } } # # Enforce value which previously didn't exist. # update request { Idle-Timeout >= 14400 } if (&request:Idle-Timeout != 14400) { update reply { Filter-Id += "fail Idle-Timeout >= 14400" } } # non-existent attribute update request { Class -= 0xabcdef } update request { Class -= &Class } update request { NAS-Port -= &NAS-Port } if (!reply:Filter-Id) { update control { Cleartext-Password := 'hello' } update reply { Filter-Id := "filter" } }