/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Location Virtual Channel Extension * * Copyright 2024 Armin Novak * Copyright 2024 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG CHANNELS_TAG("location.client") /* implement [MS-RDPEL] * https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-rdpel/4397a0af-c821-4b75-9068-476fb579c327 */ typedef struct { GENERIC_DYNVC_PLUGIN baseDynPlugin; LocationClientContext context; } LOCATION_PLUGIN; typedef struct { GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK baseCb; UINT32 serverVersion; UINT32 clientVersion; UINT32 serverFlags; UINT32 clientFlags; } LOCATION_CALLBACK; static BOOL location_read_header(wLog* log, wStream* s, UINT16* ppduType, UINT32* ppduLength) { WINPR_ASSERT(log); WINPR_ASSERT(s); WINPR_ASSERT(ppduType); WINPR_ASSERT(ppduLength); if (!Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLengthWLog(log, s, 6)) return FALSE; Stream_Read_UINT16(s, *ppduType); Stream_Read_UINT32(s, *ppduLength); if (*ppduLength < 6) { WLog_Print(log, WLOG_ERROR, "RDPLOCATION_HEADER::pduLengh=%" PRIu16 " < sizeof(RDPLOCATION_HEADER)[6]", *ppduLength); return FALSE; } return Stream_CheckAndLogRequiredLengthWLog(log, s, *ppduLength - 6ull); } static BOOL location_write_header(wStream* s, UINT16 pduType, UINT32 pduLength) { if (!Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, 6)) return FALSE; Stream_Write_UINT16(s, pduType); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, pduLength + 6); return Stream_EnsureRemainingCapacity(s, pduLength); } static BOOL location_read_server_ready_pdu(LOCATION_CALLBACK* callback, wStream* s, UINT16 pduSize) { if (pduSize < 6 + 4) return FALSE; // Short message Stream_Read_UINT32(s, callback->serverVersion); if (pduSize >= 6 + 4 + 4) Stream_Read_UINT32(s, callback->serverFlags); return TRUE; } static UINT location_channel_send(IWTSVirtualChannel* channel, wStream* s) { const size_t len = Stream_GetPosition(s); Stream_SetPosition(s, 2); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, len); WINPR_ASSERT(channel); WINPR_ASSERT(channel->Write); return channel->Write(channel, len, Stream_Buffer(s), NULL); } static UINT location_send_client_ready_pdu(const LOCATION_CALLBACK* callback) { wStream sbuffer = { 0 }; BYTE buffer[32] = { 0 }; wStream* s = Stream_StaticInit(&sbuffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); WINPR_ASSERT(s); if (!location_write_header(s, PDUTYPE_CLIENT_READY, 8)) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; Stream_Write_UINT32(s, callback->clientVersion); Stream_Write_UINT32(s, callback->clientFlags); return location_channel_send(callback->baseCb.channel, s); } static const char* location_version_str(UINT32 version, char* buffer, size_t size) { const char* str = NULL; switch (version) { case RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_100: str = "RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_100"; break; case RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200: str = "RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200"; break; default: str = "RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_UNKNOWN"; break; } _snprintf(buffer, size, "%s [0x%08" PRIx32 "]", str, version); return buffer; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT location_on_data_received(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback, wStream* data) { LOCATION_CALLBACK* callback = (LOCATION_CALLBACK*)pChannelCallback; WINPR_ASSERT(callback); LOCATION_PLUGIN* plugin = (LOCATION_PLUGIN*)callback->baseCb.plugin; WINPR_ASSERT(plugin); UINT16 pduType = 0; UINT32 pduLength = 0; if (!location_read_header(plugin->baseDynPlugin.log, data, &pduType, &pduLength)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; switch (pduType) { case PDUTYPE_SERVER_READY: if (!location_read_server_ready_pdu(callback, data, pduLength)) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; switch (callback->serverVersion) { case RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200: callback->clientVersion = RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200; break; case RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_100: callback->clientVersion = RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_100; break; default: callback->clientVersion = RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_100; if (callback->serverVersion > RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200) callback->clientVersion = RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200; break; } char cbuffer[64] = { 0 }; char sbuffer[64] = { 0 }; WLog_Print(plugin->baseDynPlugin.log, WLOG_DEBUG, "Server version %s, client version %s", location_version_str(callback->serverVersion, sbuffer, sizeof(sbuffer)), location_version_str(callback->clientVersion, cbuffer, sizeof(cbuffer))); if (!plugin->context.LocationStart) { WLog_Print(plugin->baseDynPlugin.log, WLOG_WARN, "LocationStart=NULL, no location data will be sent"); return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } const UINT res = plugin->context.LocationStart(&plugin->context, callback->clientVersion, 0); if (res != CHANNEL_RC_OK) return res; return location_send_client_ready_pdu(callback); default: WLog_WARN(TAG, "invalid pduType=%s"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } static UINT location_send_base_location3d(IWTSVirtualChannel* channel, const RDPLOCATION_BASE_LOCATION3D_PDU* pdu) { wStream sbuffer = { 0 }; BYTE buffer[32] = { 0 }; wStream* s = Stream_StaticInit(&sbuffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); WINPR_ASSERT(s); WINPR_ASSERT(channel); WINPR_ASSERT(pdu); if (pdu->source) WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf, altitude=%" PRId32 ", speed=%lf, heading=%lf, haccuracy=%lf, source=%" PRIu8, pdu->latitude, pdu->longitude, pdu->altitude, pdu->speed, pdu->heading, pdu->horizontalAccuracy, *pdu->source); else WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf, altitude=%" PRId32, pdu->latitude, pdu->longitude, pdu->altitude); if (!location_write_header(s, PDUTYPE_BASE_LOCATION3D, pdu->source ? 25 : 12)) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->latitude) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->longitude) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_signed_integer(s, pdu->altitude)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (pdu->source) { if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->speed) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->heading) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->horizontalAccuracy)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; Stream_Write_UINT8(s, *pdu->source); } return location_channel_send(channel, s); } static UINT location_send_location2d_delta(IWTSVirtualChannel* channel, const RDPLOCATION_LOCATION2D_DELTA_PDU* pdu) { wStream sbuffer = { 0 }; BYTE buffer[32] = { 0 }; wStream* s = Stream_StaticInit(&sbuffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); WINPR_ASSERT(s); WINPR_ASSERT(channel); WINPR_ASSERT(pdu); const BOOL ext = pdu->speedDelta && pdu->headingDelta; if (ext) WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf, speed=%lf, heading=%lf", pdu->latitudeDelta, pdu->longitudeDelta, pdu->speedDelta, pdu->headingDelta); else WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf", pdu->latitudeDelta, pdu->longitudeDelta); if (!location_write_header(s, PDUTYPE_LOCATION2D_DELTA, ext ? 16 : 8)) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->latitudeDelta) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->longitudeDelta)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (ext) { if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->speedDelta) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->headingDelta)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return location_channel_send(channel, s); } static UINT location_send_location3d_delta(IWTSVirtualChannel* channel, const RDPLOCATION_LOCATION3D_DELTA_PDU* pdu) { wStream sbuffer = { 0 }; BYTE buffer[32] = { 0 }; wStream* s = Stream_StaticInit(&sbuffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); WINPR_ASSERT(s); WINPR_ASSERT(channel); WINPR_ASSERT(pdu); const BOOL ext = pdu->speedDelta && pdu->headingDelta; if (ext) WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf, altitude=%" PRId32 ", speed=%lf, heading=%lf", pdu->latitudeDelta, pdu->longitudeDelta, pdu->altitudeDelta, pdu->speedDelta, pdu->headingDelta); else WLog_DBG(TAG, "latitude=%lf, logitude=%lf, altitude=%" PRId32, pdu->latitudeDelta, pdu->longitudeDelta, pdu->altitudeDelta); if (!location_write_header(s, PDUTYPE_LOCATION3D_DELTA, ext ? 20 : 12)) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->latitudeDelta) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, pdu->longitudeDelta) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_signed_integer(s, pdu->altitudeDelta)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (ext) { if (!freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->speedDelta) || !freerdp_write_four_byte_float(s, *pdu->headingDelta)) return ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return location_channel_send(channel, s); } static UINT location_send(LocationClientContext* context, LOCATION_PDUTYPE type, size_t count, ...) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); LOCATION_PLUGIN* loc = context->handle; WINPR_ASSERT(loc); GENERIC_LISTENER_CALLBACK* cb = loc->baseDynPlugin.listener_callback; WINPR_ASSERT(cb); IWTSVirtualChannel* channel = cb->channel; WINPR_ASSERT(channel); LOCATION_CALLBACK* callback = (LOCATION_CALLBACK*)loc->baseDynPlugin.channel_callbacks; WINPR_ASSERT(callback); UINT32 res = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; va_list ap; va_start(ap, count); switch (type) { case PDUTYPE_BASE_LOCATION3D: if ((count != 3) && (count != 7)) res = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else { RDPLOCATION_BASE_LOCATION3D_PDU pdu = { 0 }; LOCATIONSOURCE source = LOCATIONSOURCE_IP; double speed = FP_NAN; double heading = FP_NAN; double horizontalAccuracy = FP_NAN; pdu.latitude = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.longitude = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.altitude = va_arg(ap, INT32); if ((count > 3) && (callback->clientVersion >= RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200)) { speed = va_arg(ap, double); heading = va_arg(ap, double); horizontalAccuracy = va_arg(ap, double); source = va_arg(ap, int); pdu.speed = &speed; pdu.heading = &heading; pdu.horizontalAccuracy = &horizontalAccuracy; pdu.source = &source; } res = location_send_base_location3d(channel, &pdu); } break; case PDUTYPE_LOCATION2D_DELTA: if ((count != 2) && (count != 4)) res = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else { RDPLOCATION_LOCATION2D_DELTA_PDU pdu = { 0 }; pdu.latitudeDelta = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.longitudeDelta = va_arg(ap, double); double speedDelta = FP_NAN; double headingDelta = FP_NAN; if ((count > 2) && (callback->clientVersion >= RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200)) { speedDelta = va_arg(ap, double); headingDelta = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.speedDelta = &speedDelta; pdu.headingDelta = &headingDelta; } res = location_send_location2d_delta(channel, &pdu); } break; case PDUTYPE_LOCATION3D_DELTA: if ((count != 3) && (count != 5)) res = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else { RDPLOCATION_LOCATION3D_DELTA_PDU pdu = { 0 }; double speedDelta = FP_NAN; double headingDelta = FP_NAN; pdu.latitudeDelta = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.longitudeDelta = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.altitudeDelta = va_arg(ap, INT32); if ((count > 3) && (callback->clientVersion >= RDPLOCATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_200)) { speedDelta = va_arg(ap, double); headingDelta = va_arg(ap, double); pdu.speedDelta = &speedDelta; pdu.headingDelta = &headingDelta; } res = location_send_location3d_delta(channel, &pdu); } break; default: res = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } va_end(ap); return res; } /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ static UINT location_on_close(IWTSVirtualChannelCallback* pChannelCallback) { UINT res = CHANNEL_RC_OK; GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK* callback = (GENERIC_CHANNEL_CALLBACK*)pChannelCallback; if (callback) { LOCATION_PLUGIN* plugin = (LOCATION_PLUGIN*)callback->plugin; WINPR_ASSERT(plugin); res = IFCALLRESULT(CHANNEL_RC_OK, plugin->context.LocationStop, &plugin->context); } free(callback); return res; } static UINT location_init(GENERIC_DYNVC_PLUGIN* plugin, rdpContext* context, rdpSettings* settings) { LOCATION_PLUGIN* loc = (LOCATION_PLUGIN*)plugin; WINPR_ASSERT(loc); loc->context.LocationSend = location_send; loc->context.handle = loc; plugin->iface.pInterface = &loc->context; return CHANNEL_RC_OK; } static const IWTSVirtualChannelCallback location_callbacks = { location_on_data_received, NULL, /* Open */ location_on_close, NULL }; /** * Function description * * @return 0 on success, otherwise a Win32 error code */ FREERDP_ENTRY_POINT(UINT location_DVCPluginEntry(IDRDYNVC_ENTRY_POINTS* pEntryPoints)) { return freerdp_generic_DVCPluginEntry(pEntryPoints, TAG, LOCATION_DVC_CHANNEL_NAME, sizeof(LOCATION_PLUGIN), sizeof(LOCATION_CALLBACK), &location_callbacks, location_init, NULL); }