/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Named pipe transport * * Copyright 2023-2024 David Fort * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "tcp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "childsession.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("childsession") typedef struct { OVERLAPPED readOverlapped; HANDLE hFile; BOOL opInProgress; BOOL lastOpClosed; RingBuffer readBuffer; BOOL blocking; BYTE tmpReadBuffer[4096]; HANDLE readEvent; } WINPR_BIO_NAMED; static int transport_bio_named_uninit(BIO* bio); static int transport_bio_named_write(BIO* bio, const char* buf, int size) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_ASSERT(buf); WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)BIO_get_data(bio); if (!buf) return 0; BIO_clear_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_WRITE); DWORD written = 0; UINT64 start = GetTickCount64(); BOOL ret = WriteFile(ptr->hFile, buf, size, &written, NULL); // winpr_HexDump(TAG, WLOG_DEBUG, buf, size); if (!ret) { WLog_VRB(TAG, "error or deferred"); return 0; } WLog_VRB(TAG, "(%d)=%d written=%d duration=%d", size, ret, written, GetTickCount64() - start); if (written == 0) { WLog_VRB(TAG, "closed on write"); return 0; } return written; } static BOOL treatReadResult(WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr, DWORD readBytes) { WLog_VRB(TAG, "treatReadResult(readBytes=%" PRIu32 ")", readBytes); ptr->opInProgress = FALSE; if (readBytes == 0) { WLog_VRB(TAG, "readBytes == 0"); return TRUE; } if (!ringbuffer_write(&ptr->readBuffer, ptr->tmpReadBuffer, readBytes)) { WLog_VRB(TAG, "ringbuffer_write()"); return FALSE; } return SetEvent(ptr->readEvent); } static BOOL doReadOp(WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr) { DWORD readBytes; if (!ResetEvent(ptr->readEvent)) return FALSE; ptr->opInProgress = TRUE; if (!ReadFile(ptr->hFile, ptr->tmpReadBuffer, sizeof(ptr->tmpReadBuffer), &readBytes, &ptr->readOverlapped)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); switch (error) { case ERROR_NO_DATA: WLog_VRB(TAG, "No Data, unexpected"); return TRUE; case ERROR_IO_PENDING: WLog_VRB(TAG, "ERROR_IO_PENDING"); return TRUE; case ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: WLog_VRB(TAG, "broken pipe"); ptr->lastOpClosed = TRUE; return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } return treatReadResult(ptr, readBytes); } static int transport_bio_named_read(BIO* bio, char* buf, int size) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_ASSERT(buf); WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)BIO_get_data(bio); if (!buf) return 0; BIO_clear_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY | BIO_FLAGS_READ); if (ptr->blocking) { while (!ringbuffer_used(&ptr->readBuffer)) { if (ptr->lastOpClosed) return 0; if (ptr->opInProgress) { DWORD status = WaitForSingleObjectEx(ptr->readEvent, 500, TRUE); switch (status) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: case WAIT_IO_COMPLETION: continue; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: break; default: return -1; } DWORD readBytes; if (!GetOverlappedResult(ptr->hFile, &ptr->readOverlapped, &readBytes, FALSE)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "GetOverlappedResult blocking(lastError=%" PRIu32 ")", GetLastError()); return -1; } if (!treatReadResult(ptr, readBytes)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "treatReadResult blocking"); return -1; } } } } else { if (ptr->opInProgress) { DWORD status = WaitForSingleObject(ptr->readEvent, 0); switch (status) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: BIO_set_flags(bio, (BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY | BIO_FLAGS_READ)); return -1; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "error WaitForSingleObject(readEvent)=0x%" PRIx32 "", status); return -1; } DWORD readBytes; if (!GetOverlappedResult(ptr->hFile, &ptr->readOverlapped, &readBytes, FALSE)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "GetOverlappedResult non blocking(lastError=%" PRIu32 ")", GetLastError()); return -1; } if (!treatReadResult(ptr, readBytes)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error treatReadResult non blocking"); return -1; } } } int ret = MIN(size, ringbuffer_used(&ptr->readBuffer)); if (ret) { DataChunk chunks[2]; int nchunks = ringbuffer_peek(&ptr->readBuffer, chunks, ret); for (int i = 0; i < nchunks; i++) { memcpy(buf, chunks[i].data, chunks[i].size); buf += chunks[i].size; } ringbuffer_commit_read_bytes(&ptr->readBuffer, ret); WLog_VRB(TAG, "(%d)=%d nchunks=%d", size, ret, nchunks); } else { ret = -1; } if (!ringbuffer_used(&ptr->readBuffer)) { if (!ptr->opInProgress && !doReadOp(ptr)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error rearming read"); return -1; } } if (ret <= 0) BIO_set_flags(bio, (BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY | BIO_FLAGS_READ)); return ret; } static int transport_bio_named_puts(BIO* bio, const char* str) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_ASSERT(str); return transport_bio_named_write(bio, str, strlen(str)); } static int transport_bio_named_gets(BIO* bio, char* str, int size) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_ASSERT(str); return transport_bio_named_read(bio, str, size); } static long transport_bio_named_ctrl(BIO* bio, int cmd, long arg1, void* arg2) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); int status = -1; WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)BIO_get_data(bio); switch (cmd) { case BIO_C_SET_SOCKET: case BIO_C_GET_SOCKET: return -1; case BIO_C_GET_EVENT: if (!BIO_get_init(bio) || !arg2) return 0; *((HANDLE*)arg2) = ptr->readEvent; return 1; case BIO_C_SET_HANDLE: BIO_set_init(bio, 1); if (!BIO_get_init(bio) || !arg2) return 0; ptr->hFile = (HANDLE)arg2; ptr->blocking = TRUE; if (!doReadOp(ptr)) return -1; return 1; case BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK: { WLog_DBG(TAG, "BIO_C_SET_NONBLOCK"); ptr->blocking = FALSE; return 1; } case BIO_C_WAIT_READ: { WLog_DBG(TAG, "BIO_C_WAIT_READ"); return 1; } case BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE: { WLog_DBG(TAG, "BIO_C_WAIT_WRITE"); return 1; } default: break; } switch (cmd) { case BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE: status = BIO_get_shutdown(bio); break; case BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE: BIO_set_shutdown(bio, (int)arg1); status = 1; break; case BIO_CTRL_DUP: status = 1; break; case BIO_CTRL_FLUSH: status = 1; break; default: status = 0; break; } return status; } static void BIO_NAMED_free(WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr) { if (!ptr) return; if (ptr->hFile) { CloseHandle(ptr->hFile); ptr->hFile = NULL; } if (ptr->readEvent) { CloseHandle(ptr->readEvent); ptr->readEvent = NULL; } ringbuffer_destroy(&ptr->readBuffer); free(ptr); } static int transport_bio_named_uninit(BIO* bio) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)BIO_get_data(bio); BIO_NAMED_free(ptr); BIO_set_init(bio, 0); BIO_set_flags(bio, 0); return 1; } static int transport_bio_named_new(BIO* bio) { WINPR_ASSERT(bio); WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)calloc(1, sizeof(WINPR_BIO_NAMED)); if (!ptr) return 0; if (!ringbuffer_init(&ptr->readBuffer, 0xfffff)) goto error; ptr->readEvent = CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!ptr->readEvent || ptr->readEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto error; ptr->readOverlapped.hEvent = ptr->readEvent; BIO_set_data(bio, ptr); BIO_set_flags(bio, BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY); return 1; error: BIO_NAMED_free(ptr); return 0; } static int transport_bio_named_free(BIO* bio) { WINPR_BIO_NAMED* ptr = NULL; if (!bio) return 0; transport_bio_named_uninit(bio); ptr = (WINPR_BIO_NAMED*)BIO_get_data(bio); if (ptr) BIO_set_data(bio, NULL); return 1; } static BIO_METHOD* BIO_s_namedpipe(void) { static BIO_METHOD* bio_methods = NULL; if (bio_methods == NULL) { if (!(bio_methods = BIO_meth_new(BIO_TYPE_NAMEDPIPE, "NamedPipe"))) return NULL; BIO_meth_set_write(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_write); BIO_meth_set_read(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_read); BIO_meth_set_puts(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_puts); BIO_meth_set_gets(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_gets); BIO_meth_set_ctrl(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_ctrl); BIO_meth_set_create(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_new); BIO_meth_set_destroy(bio_methods, transport_bio_named_free); } return bio_methods; } typedef NTSTATUS (*WinStationCreateChildSessionTransportFn)(WCHAR* path, DWORD len); static BOOL createChildSessionTransport(HANDLE* pFile) { WINPR_ASSERT(pFile); HANDLE hModule = NULL; BOOL ret = FALSE; *pFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL childEnabled = 0; if (!WTSIsChildSessionsEnabled(&childEnabled)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when calling WTSIsChildSessionsEnabled"); goto out; } if (!childEnabled) { WLog_INFO(TAG, "child sessions aren't enabled"); if (!WTSEnableChildSessions(TRUE)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when calling WTSEnableChildSessions"); goto out; } WLog_INFO(TAG, "successfully enabled child sessions"); } hModule = LoadLibraryA("winsta.dll"); if (!hModule) return FALSE; WCHAR pipePath[0x80] = { 0 }; char pipePathA[0x80] = { 0 }; WinStationCreateChildSessionTransportFn createChildSessionFn = (WinStationCreateChildSessionTransportFn)GetProcAddress( hModule, "WinStationCreateChildSessionTransport"); if (!createChildSessionFn) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "unable to retrieve WinStationCreateChildSessionTransport function"); goto out; } HRESULT hStatus = createChildSessionFn(pipePath, 0x80); if (!SUCCEEDED(hStatus)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error 0x%x when creating childSessionTransport", hStatus); goto out; } const BYTE startOfPath[] = { '\\', 0, '\\', 0, '.', 0, '\\', 0 }; if (_wcsncmp(pipePath, (WCHAR*)startOfPath, 4)) { /* when compiled under 32 bits, the path may miss "\\.\" at the beginning of the string * so add it if it's not there */ size_t len = _wcslen(pipePath); if (len > 0x80 - (4 + 1)) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "pipePath is too long to be adjusted"); goto out; } memmove(pipePath + 4, pipePath, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(pipePath, startOfPath, 8); } ConvertWCharNToUtf8(pipePath, 0x80, pipePathA, sizeof(pipePathA)); WLog_DBG(TAG, "child session is at '%s'", pipePathA); HANDLE f = CreateFileW(pipePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "error when connecting to local named pipe"); goto out; } *pFile = f; ret = TRUE; out: FreeLibrary(hModule); return ret; } BIO* createChildSessionBio(void) { HANDLE f = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (!createChildSessionTransport(&f)) return NULL; BIO* lowLevelBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_namedpipe()); if (!lowLevelBio) { CloseHandle(f); return NULL; } BIO_set_handle(lowLevelBio, f); BIO* bufferedBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_buffered_socket()); if (!bufferedBio) { BIO_free_all(lowLevelBio); return FALSE; } bufferedBio = BIO_push(bufferedBio, lowLevelBio); return bufferedBio; }