/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * GDI Shape Functions * * Copyright 2010-2011 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2016 Armin Novak * Copyright 2016 Thincast Technologies GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clipping.h" #include "../gdi/gdi.h" #define TAG FREERDP_TAG("gdi.shape") static void Ellipse_Bresenham(HGDI_DC hdc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { INT32 e = 0; INT32 e2 = 0; INT32 dx = 0; INT32 dy = 0; INT32 a = 0; INT32 b = 0; INT32 c = 0; a = (x1 < x2) ? x2 - x1 : x1 - x2; b = (y1 < y2) ? y2 - y1 : y1 - y2; c = b & 1; dx = 4 * (1 - a) * b * b; dy = 4 * (c + 1) * a * a; e = dx + dy + c * a * a; if (x1 > x2) { x1 = x2; x2 += a; } if (y1 > y2) y1 = y2; y1 += (b + 1) / 2; y2 = y1 - c; a *= 8 * a; c = 8 * b * b; do { gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x2, y1, 0); gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x1, y1, 0); gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x1, y2, 0); gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x2, y2, 0); e2 = 2 * e; if (e2 >= dx) { x1++; x2--; e += dx += c; } if (e2 <= dy) { y1++; y2--; e += dy += a; } } while (x1 <= x2); while (y1 - y2 < b) { gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x1 - 1, ++y1, 0); gdi_SetPixel(hdc, x1 - 1, --y2, 0); } } /** * Draw an ellipse * msdn{dd162510} * * @param hdc device context * @param nLeftRect x1 * @param nTopRect y1 * @param nRightRect x2 * @param nBottomRect y2 * * @return nonzero if successful, 0 otherwise */ BOOL gdi_Ellipse(HGDI_DC hdc, int nLeftRect, int nTopRect, int nRightRect, int nBottomRect) { Ellipse_Bresenham(hdc, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect); return TRUE; } /** * Fill a rectangle with the given brush. * msdn{dd162719} * * @param hdc device context * @param rect rectangle * @param hbr brush * * @return nonzero if successful, 0 otherwise */ BOOL gdi_FillRect(HGDI_DC hdc, const HGDI_RECT rect, HGDI_BRUSH hbr) { UINT32 color = 0; UINT32 dstColor = 0; BOOL monochrome = FALSE; INT32 nXDest = 0; INT32 nYDest = 0; INT32 nWidth = 0; INT32 nHeight = 0; const BYTE* srcp = NULL; DWORD formatSize = 0; gdi_RectToCRgn(rect, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight); if (!hdc || !hbr) return FALSE; if (!gdi_ClipCoords(hdc, &nXDest, &nYDest, &nWidth, &nHeight, NULL, NULL)) return TRUE; switch (hbr->style) { case GDI_BS_SOLID: color = hbr->color; for (INT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++) { BYTE* dstp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDest + x, nYDest); if (dstp) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstp, hdc->format, color); } srcp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDest, nYDest); formatSize = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(hdc->format); for (INT32 y = 1; y < nHeight; y++) { BYTE* dstp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDest, nYDest + y); memcpy(dstp, srcp, 1ull * nWidth * formatSize); } break; case GDI_BS_HATCHED: case GDI_BS_PATTERN: monochrome = (hbr->pattern->format == PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO); formatSize = FreeRDPGetBytesPerPixel(hbr->pattern->format); for (INT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++) { for (INT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++) { const UINT32 yOffset = ((nYDest + y) * hbr->pattern->width % hbr->pattern->height) * formatSize; const UINT32 xOffset = ((nXDest + x) % hbr->pattern->width) * formatSize; const BYTE* patp = &hbr->pattern->data[yOffset + xOffset]; BYTE* dstp = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDest + x, nYDest + y); if (!patp) return FALSE; if (monochrome) { if (*patp == 0) dstColor = hdc->bkColor; else dstColor = hdc->textColor; } else { dstColor = FreeRDPReadColor(patp, hbr->pattern->format); dstColor = FreeRDPConvertColor(dstColor, hbr->pattern->format, hdc->format, NULL); } if (dstp) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstp, hdc->format, dstColor); } } break; default: break; } if (!gdi_InvalidateRegion(hdc, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * Draw a polygon * msdn{dd162814} * @param hdc device context * @param lpPoints array of points * @param nCount number of points * @return nonzero if successful, 0 otherwise */ BOOL gdi_Polygon(HGDI_DC hdc, GDI_POINT* lpPoints, int nCount) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented!"); return FALSE; } /** * Draw a series of closed polygons * msdn{dd162818} * @param hdc device context * @param lpPoints array of series of points * @param lpPolyCounts array of number of points in each series * @param nCount count of number of points in lpPolyCounts * @return nonzero if successful, 0 otherwise */ BOOL gdi_PolyPolygon(HGDI_DC hdc, GDI_POINT* lpPoints, int* lpPolyCounts, int nCount) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "Not implemented!"); return FALSE; } BOOL gdi_Rectangle(HGDI_DC hdc, INT32 nXDst, INT32 nYDst, INT32 nWidth, INT32 nHeight) { UINT32 color = 0; if (!gdi_ClipCoords(hdc, &nXDst, &nYDst, &nWidth, &nHeight, NULL, NULL)) return TRUE; color = hdc->textColor; for (INT32 y = 0; y < nHeight; y++) { BYTE* dstLeft = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDst, nYDst + y); BYTE* dstRight = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDst + nWidth - 1, nYDst + y); if (dstLeft) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstLeft, hdc->format, color); if (dstRight) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstRight, hdc->format, color); } for (INT32 x = 0; x < nWidth; x++) { BYTE* dstTop = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDst + x, nYDst); BYTE* dstBottom = gdi_get_bitmap_pointer(hdc, nXDst + x, nYDst + nHeight - 1); if (dstTop) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstTop, hdc->format, color); if (dstBottom) FreeRDPWriteColor(dstBottom, hdc->format, color); } return FALSE; }