/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * * Copyright 2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "shadow_surface.h" #include "shadow_capture.h" #define TAG SERVER_TAG("shadow") int shadow_capture_align_clip_rect(RECTANGLE_16* rect, RECTANGLE_16* clip) { int dx = 0; int dy = 0; dx = (rect->left % 16); if (dx != 0) { rect->left -= dx; rect->right += dx; } dx = (rect->right % 16); if (dx != 0) { rect->right += (16 - dx); } dy = (rect->top % 16); if (dy != 0) { rect->top -= dy; rect->bottom += dy; } dy = (rect->bottom % 16); if (dy != 0) { rect->bottom += (16 - dy); } if (rect->left < clip->left) rect->left = clip->left; if (rect->top < clip->top) rect->top = clip->top; if (rect->right > clip->right) rect->right = clip->right; if (rect->bottom > clip->bottom) rect->bottom = clip->bottom; return 1; } int shadow_capture_compare(BYTE* pData1, UINT32 nStep1, UINT32 nWidth, UINT32 nHeight, BYTE* pData2, UINT32 nStep2, RECTANGLE_16* rect) { BOOL equal = 0; BOOL allEqual = 0; UINT32 tw = 0; UINT32 th = 0; UINT32 nrow = 0; UINT32 ncol = 0; UINT32 l = 0; UINT32 t = 0; UINT32 r = 0; UINT32 b = 0; BYTE* p1 = NULL; BYTE* p2 = NULL; BOOL rows[1024]; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_SHADOW_CAPTURE BOOL cols[1024] = { FALSE }; #endif allEqual = TRUE; ZeroMemory(rect, sizeof(RECTANGLE_16)); FillMemory(rows, sizeof(rows), 0xFF); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_SHADOW_CAPTURE FillMemory(cols, sizeof(cols), 0xFF); #endif nrow = (nHeight + 15) / 16; ncol = (nWidth + 15) / 16; l = ncol + 1; r = 0; t = nrow + 1; b = 0; for (UINT32 ty = 0; ty < nrow; ty++) { th = ((ty + 1) == nrow) ? (nHeight % 16) : 16; if (!th) th = 16; for (UINT32 tx = 0; tx < ncol; tx++) { equal = TRUE; tw = ((tx + 1) == ncol) ? (nWidth % 16) : 16; if (!tw) tw = 16; p1 = &pData1[(ty * 16 * nStep1) + (tx * 16 * 4)]; p2 = &pData2[(ty * 16 * nStep2) + (tx * 16 * 4)]; for (UINT32 k = 0; k < th; k++) { if (memcmp(p1, p2, tw * 4) != 0) { equal = FALSE; break; } p1 += nStep1; p2 += nStep2; } if (!equal) { rows[ty] = FALSE; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_SHADOW_CAPTURE cols[tx] = FALSE; #endif if (l > tx) l = tx; if (r < tx) r = tx; } } if (!rows[ty]) { allEqual = FALSE; if (t > ty) t = ty; if (b < ty) b = ty; } } if (allEqual) return 0; WINPR_ASSERT(l * 16 <= UINT16_MAX); WINPR_ASSERT(t * 16 <= UINT16_MAX); WINPR_ASSERT((r + 1) * 16 <= UINT16_MAX); WINPR_ASSERT((b + 1) * 16 <= UINT16_MAX); rect->left = (UINT16)l * 16; rect->top = (UINT16)t * 16; rect->right = (UINT16)(r + 1) * 16; rect->bottom = (UINT16)(b + 1) * 16; WINPR_ASSERT(nWidth <= UINT16_MAX); if (rect->right > nWidth) rect->right = (UINT16)nWidth; WINPR_ASSERT(nHeight <= UINT16_MAX); if (rect->bottom > nHeight) rect->bottom = (UINT16)nHeight; #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_SHADOW_CAPTURE size_t size = ncol + 1; char* col_str = calloc(size, sizeof(char)); if (!col_str) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "calloc failed!"); return 1; } for (UINT32 tx = 0; tx < ncol; tx++) sprintf_s(&col_str[tx], size - tx, "-"); WLog_INFO(TAG, "%s", col_str); for (UINT32 tx = 0; tx < ncol; tx++) sprintf_s(&col_str[tx], size - tx, "%c", cols[tx] ? 'O' : 'X'); WLog_INFO(TAG, "%s", col_str); for (UINT32 tx = 0; tx < ncol; tx++) sprintf_s(&col_str[tx], size - tx, "-"); WLog_INFO(TAG, "%s", col_str); for (UINT32 ty = 0; ty < nrow; ty++) { for (UINT32 tx = 0; tx < ncol; tx++) sprintf_s(&col_str[tx], size - tx, "%c", cols[tx] ? 'O' : 'X'); WLog_INFO(TAG, "%s", col_str); WLog_INFO(TAG, "|%s|", rows[ty] ? "O" : "X"); } WLog_INFO(TAG, "left: %" PRIu32 " top: %" PRIu32 " right: %" PRIu32 " bottom: %" PRIu32 " ncol: %" PRIu32 " nrow: %" PRIu32, l, t, r, b, ncol, nrow); free(col_str); #endif return 1; } rdpShadowCapture* shadow_capture_new(rdpShadowServer* server) { WINPR_ASSERT(server); rdpShadowCapture* capture = (rdpShadowCapture*)calloc(1, sizeof(rdpShadowCapture)); if (!capture) return NULL; capture->server = server; if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&(capture->lock), 4000)) { WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_PUSH WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_IGNORED_MISMATCHED_DEALLOC shadow_capture_free(capture); WINPR_PRAGMA_DIAG_POP return NULL; } return capture; } void shadow_capture_free(rdpShadowCapture* capture) { if (!capture) return; DeleteCriticalSection(&(capture->lock)); free(capture); }