/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Handle Management * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef WINPR_HANDLE_PRIVATE_H #define WINPR_HANDLE_PRIVATE_H #include #include #include #include #define HANDLE_TYPE_NONE 0 #define HANDLE_TYPE_PROCESS 1 #define HANDLE_TYPE_THREAD 2 #define HANDLE_TYPE_EVENT 3 #define HANDLE_TYPE_MUTEX 4 #define HANDLE_TYPE_SEMAPHORE 5 #define HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER 6 #define HANDLE_TYPE_NAMED_PIPE 7 #define HANDLE_TYPE_ANONYMOUS_PIPE 8 #define HANDLE_TYPE_ACCESS_TOKEN 9 #define HANDLE_TYPE_FILE 10 #define HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER_QUEUE 11 #define HANDLE_TYPE_TIMER_QUEUE_TIMER 12 #define HANDLE_TYPE_COMM 13 typedef BOOL (*pcIsHandled)(HANDLE handle); typedef BOOL (*pcCloseHandle)(HANDLE handle); typedef int (*pcGetFd)(HANDLE handle); typedef DWORD (*pcCleanupHandle)(HANDLE handle); typedef BOOL (*pcReadFile)(PVOID Object, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef BOOL (*pcReadFileEx)(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine); typedef BOOL (*pcReadFileScatter)(HANDLE hFile, FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT aSegmentArray[], DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef BOOL (*pcWriteFile)(PVOID Object, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef BOOL (*pcWriteFileEx)(HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine); typedef BOOL (*pcWriteFileGather)(HANDLE hFile, FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT aSegmentArray[], DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef DWORD (*pcGetFileSize)(HANDLE handle, LPDWORD lpFileSizeHigh); typedef BOOL (*pcGetFileInformationByHandle)(HANDLE handle, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION lpFileInformation); typedef BOOL (*pcFlushFileBuffers)(HANDLE hFile); typedef BOOL (*pcSetEndOfFile)(HANDLE handle); typedef DWORD (*pcSetFilePointer)(HANDLE handle, LONG lDistanceToMove, PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh, DWORD dwMoveMethod); typedef BOOL (*pcSetFilePointerEx)(HANDLE hFile, LARGE_INTEGER liDistanceToMove, PLARGE_INTEGER lpNewFilePointer, DWORD dwMoveMethod); typedef BOOL (*pcLockFile)(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh); typedef BOOL (*pcLockFileEx)(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef BOOL (*pcUnlockFile)(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh); typedef BOOL (*pcUnlockFileEx)(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped); typedef BOOL (*pcSetFileTime)(HANDLE hFile, const FILETIME* lpCreationTime, const FILETIME* lpLastAccessTime, const FILETIME* lpLastWriteTime); typedef struct { pcIsHandled IsHandled; pcCloseHandle CloseHandle; pcGetFd GetFd; pcCleanupHandle CleanupHandle; pcReadFile ReadFile; pcReadFileEx ReadFileEx; pcReadFileScatter ReadFileScatter; pcWriteFile WriteFile; pcWriteFileEx WriteFileEx; pcWriteFileGather WriteFileGather; pcGetFileSize GetFileSize; pcFlushFileBuffers FlushFileBuffers; pcSetEndOfFile SetEndOfFile; pcSetFilePointer SetFilePointer; pcSetFilePointerEx SetFilePointerEx; pcLockFile LockFile; pcLockFileEx LockFileEx; pcUnlockFile UnlockFile; pcUnlockFileEx UnlockFileEx; pcSetFileTime SetFileTime; pcGetFileInformationByHandle GetFileInformationByHandle; } HANDLE_OPS; typedef struct { ULONG Type; ULONG Mode; HANDLE_OPS* ops; } WINPR_HANDLE; static INLINE BOOL WINPR_HANDLE_IS_HANDLED(HANDLE handle, ULONG type, BOOL invalidValue) { WINPR_HANDLE* pWinprHandle = (WINPR_HANDLE*)handle; BOOL invalid = !pWinprHandle; if (invalidValue) { if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == pWinprHandle) invalid = TRUE; } if (invalid || (pWinprHandle->Type != type)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static INLINE void WINPR_HANDLE_SET_TYPE_AND_MODE(void* _handle, ULONG _type, ULONG _mode) { WINPR_HANDLE* hdl = (WINPR_HANDLE*)_handle; hdl->Type = _type; hdl->Mode = _mode; } static INLINE BOOL winpr_Handle_GetInfo(HANDLE handle, ULONG* pType, WINPR_HANDLE** pObject) { WINPR_HANDLE* wHandle; if (handle == NULL) return FALSE; /* INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE is an invalid value for every handle, but it * confuses the clang scanbuild analyzer. */ #ifndef __clang_analyzer__ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; #endif wHandle = (WINPR_HANDLE*)handle; *pType = wHandle->Type; *pObject = handle; return TRUE; } static INLINE int winpr_Handle_getFd(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_HANDLE* hdl; ULONG type; if (!winpr_Handle_GetInfo(handle, &type, &hdl)) return -1; if (!hdl || !hdl->ops || !hdl->ops->GetFd) return -1; return hdl->ops->GetFd(handle); } static INLINE DWORD winpr_Handle_cleanup(HANDLE handle) { WINPR_HANDLE* hdl; ULONG type; if (!winpr_Handle_GetInfo(handle, &type, &hdl)) return WAIT_FAILED; if (!hdl || !hdl->ops) return WAIT_FAILED; /* If there is no cleanup function, assume all ok. */ if (!hdl->ops->CleanupHandle) return WAIT_OBJECT_0; return hdl->ops->CleanupHandle(handle); } #endif /* WINPR_HANDLE_PRIVATE_H */