/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * NTLM Security Package * * Copyright 2011-2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef WINPR_SSPI_NTLM_PRIVATE_H #define WINPR_SSPI_NTLM_PRIVATE_H #include #include #include #include #include "../sspi.h" #define MESSAGE_TYPE_NEGOTIATE 1 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_CHALLENGE 2 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATE 3 #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_56 0x80000000 /* W (0) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_EXCH 0x40000000 /* V (1) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128 0x20000000 /* U (2) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED1 0x10000000 /* r1 (3) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED2 0x08000000 /* r2 (4) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED3 0x04000000 /* r3 (5) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_VERSION 0x02000000 /* T (6) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED4 0x01000000 /* r4 (7) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_TARGET_INFO 0x00800000 /* S (8) */ #define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_NON_NT_SESSION_KEY 0x00400000 /* R (9) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED5 0x00200000 /* r5 (10) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_IDENTIFY 0x00100000 /* Q (11) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSION_SECURITY 0x00080000 /* P (12) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED6 0x00040000 /* r6 (13) */ #define NTLMSSP_TARGET_TYPE_SERVER 0x00020000 /* O (14) */ #define NTLMSSP_TARGET_TYPE_DOMAIN 0x00010000 /* N (15) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ALWAYS_SIGN 0x00008000 /* M (16) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED7 0x00004000 /* r7 (17) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_WORKSTATION_SUPPLIED 0x00002000 /* L (18) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_DOMAIN_SUPPLIED 0x00001000 /* K (19) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ANONYMOUS 0x00000800 /* J (20) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED8 0x00000400 /* r8 (21) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM 0x00000200 /* H (22) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED9 0x00000100 /* r9 (23) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_LM_KEY 0x00000080 /* G (24) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_DATAGRAM 0x00000040 /* F (25) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL 0x00000020 /* E (26) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN 0x00000010 /* D (27) */ #define NTLMSSP_RESERVED10 0x00000008 /* r10 (28) */ #define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET 0x00000004 /* C (29) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_OEM 0x00000002 /* B (30) */ #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE 0x00000001 /* A (31) */ typedef enum { NTLM_STATE_INITIAL, NTLM_STATE_NEGOTIATE, NTLM_STATE_CHALLENGE, NTLM_STATE_AUTHENTICATE, NTLM_STATE_FINAL } NTLM_STATE; #ifdef __MINGW32__ typedef MSV1_0_AVID NTLM_AV_ID; #if __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR < 9 enum { MsvAvTimestamp = MsvAvFlags + 1, MsvAvRestrictions, MsvAvTargetName, MsvAvChannelBindings, MsvAvSingleHost = MsvAvRestrictions }; #else #ifndef MsvAvSingleHost #define MsvAvSingleHost MsvAvRestrictions #endif #endif #else typedef enum { MsvAvEOL, MsvAvNbComputerName, MsvAvNbDomainName, MsvAvDnsComputerName, MsvAvDnsDomainName, MsvAvDnsTreeName, MsvAvFlags, MsvAvTimestamp, MsvAvSingleHost, MsvAvTargetName, MsvAvChannelBindings } NTLM_AV_ID; #endif /* __MINGW32__ */ typedef struct { UINT16 AvId; UINT16 AvLen; } NTLM_AV_PAIR; #define MSV_AV_FLAGS_AUTHENTICATION_CONSTRAINED 0x00000001 #define MSV_AV_FLAGS_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY_CHECK 0x00000002 #define MSV_AV_FLAGS_TARGET_SPN_UNTRUSTED_SOURCE 0x00000004 #define WINDOWS_MAJOR_VERSION_5 0x05 #define WINDOWS_MAJOR_VERSION_6 0x06 #define WINDOWS_MINOR_VERSION_0 0x00 #define WINDOWS_MINOR_VERSION_1 0x01 #define WINDOWS_MINOR_VERSION_2 0x02 #define NTLMSSP_REVISION_W2K3 0x0F typedef struct { UINT8 ProductMajorVersion; UINT8 ProductMinorVersion; UINT16 ProductBuild; BYTE Reserved[3]; UINT8 NTLMRevisionCurrent; } NTLM_VERSION_INFO; typedef struct { UINT32 Size; UINT32 Z4; UINT32 DataPresent; UINT32 CustomData; BYTE MachineID[32]; } NTLM_SINGLE_HOST_DATA; typedef struct { BYTE Response[24]; } NTLM_RESPONSE; typedef struct { UINT8 RespType; UINT8 HiRespType; UINT16 Reserved1; UINT32 Reserved2; BYTE Timestamp[8]; BYTE ClientChallenge[8]; UINT32 Reserved3; NTLM_AV_PAIR* AvPairs; UINT32 cbAvPairs; } NTLMv2_CLIENT_CHALLENGE; typedef struct { BYTE Response[16]; NTLMv2_CLIENT_CHALLENGE Challenge; } NTLMv2_RESPONSE; typedef struct { UINT16 Len; UINT16 MaxLen; PBYTE Buffer; UINT32 BufferOffset; } NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS; typedef struct { BYTE Signature[8]; UINT32 MessageType; } NTLM_MESSAGE_HEADER; typedef struct { NTLM_MESSAGE_HEADER header; UINT32 NegotiateFlags; NTLM_VERSION_INFO Version; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS DomainName; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS Workstation; } NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE; typedef struct { NTLM_MESSAGE_HEADER header; UINT32 NegotiateFlags; BYTE ServerChallenge[8]; BYTE Reserved[8]; NTLM_VERSION_INFO Version; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS TargetName; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS TargetInfo; } NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE; typedef struct { NTLM_MESSAGE_HEADER header; UINT32 NegotiateFlags; NTLM_VERSION_INFO Version; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS DomainName; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS UserName; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS Workstation; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS LmChallengeResponse; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS NtChallengeResponse; NTLM_MESSAGE_FIELDS EncryptedRandomSessionKey; BYTE MessageIntegrityCheck[16]; } NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE; typedef struct { BOOL server; BOOL NTLMv2; BOOL UseMIC; NTLM_STATE state; int SendSeqNum; int RecvSeqNum; char* SamFile; BYTE NtlmHash[16]; BYTE NtlmV2Hash[16]; BYTE MachineID[32]; BOOL SendVersionInfo; BOOL confidentiality; WINPR_RC4_CTX* SendRc4Seal; WINPR_RC4_CTX* RecvRc4Seal; BYTE* SendSigningKey; BYTE* RecvSigningKey; BYTE* SendSealingKey; BYTE* RecvSealingKey; UINT32 NegotiateFlags; BOOL UseSamFileDatabase; int LmCompatibilityLevel; int SuppressExtendedProtection; BOOL SendWorkstationName; UNICODE_STRING Workstation; UNICODE_STRING ServicePrincipalName; SSPI_CREDENTIALS* credentials; BYTE* ChannelBindingToken; BYTE ChannelBindingsHash[16]; SecPkgContext_Bindings Bindings; BOOL SendSingleHostData; BOOL NegotiateKeyExchange; NTLM_SINGLE_HOST_DATA SingleHostData; NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE; NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE CHALLENGE_MESSAGE; NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE; size_t MessageIntegrityCheckOffset; SecBuffer NegotiateMessage; SecBuffer ChallengeMessage; SecBuffer AuthenticateMessage; SecBuffer ChallengeTargetInfo; SecBuffer AuthenticateTargetInfo; SecBuffer TargetName; SecBuffer NtChallengeResponse; SecBuffer LmChallengeResponse; NTLMv2_RESPONSE NTLMv2Response; BYTE NtProofString[16]; BYTE Timestamp[8]; BYTE ChallengeTimestamp[8]; BYTE ServerChallenge[8]; BYTE ClientChallenge[8]; BYTE SessionBaseKey[16]; BYTE KeyExchangeKey[16]; BYTE RandomSessionKey[16]; BYTE ExportedSessionKey[16]; BYTE EncryptedRandomSessionKey[16]; BYTE ClientSigningKey[16]; BYTE ClientSealingKey[16]; BYTE ServerSigningKey[16]; BYTE ServerSealingKey[16]; psSspiNtlmHashCallback HashCallback; void* HashCallbackArg; } NTLM_CONTEXT; char* ntlm_negotiate_flags_string(char* buffer, size_t size, UINT32 flags); const char* ntlm_message_type_string(UINT32 messageType); const char* ntlm_state_string(NTLM_STATE state); void ntlm_change_state(NTLM_CONTEXT* ntlm, NTLM_STATE state); NTLM_STATE ntlm_get_state(NTLM_CONTEXT* ntlm); BOOL ntlm_reset_cipher_state(PSecHandle phContext); SECURITY_STATUS ntlm_computeProofValue(NTLM_CONTEXT* ntlm, SecBuffer* ntproof); SECURITY_STATUS ntlm_computeMicValue(NTLM_CONTEXT* ntlm, SecBuffer* micvalue); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_NLA #define WITH_DEBUG_NTLM #endif BOOL NTLM_init(void); #endif /* WINPR_SSPI_NTLM_PRIVATE_H */