/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Negotiate Security Package * * Copyright 2011-2014 Marc-Andre Moreau * Copyright 2017 Dorian Ducournau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "negotiate.h" #include "../NTLM/ntlm.h" #include "../NTLM/ntlm_export.h" #include "../Kerberos/kerberos.h" #include "../sspi.h" #include "../../log.h" #define TAG WINPR_TAG("negotiate") static const char NEGO_REG_KEY[] = "Software\\" WINPR_VENDOR_STRING "\\" WINPR_PRODUCT_STRING "\\SSPI\\Negotiate"; typedef struct { const TCHAR* name; const SecurityFunctionTableA* table; const SecurityFunctionTableW* table_w; } SecPkg; struct Mech_st { const WinPrAsn1_OID* oid; const SecPkg* pkg; const UINT flags; const BOOL preferred; }; typedef struct { const Mech* mech; CredHandle cred; BOOL valid; } MechCred; const SecPkgInfoA NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoA = { 0x00083BB3, /* fCapabilities */ 1, /* wVersion */ 0x0009, /* wRPCID */ 0x00002FE0, /* cbMaxToken */ "Negotiate", /* Name */ "Microsoft Package Negotiator" /* Comment */ }; static WCHAR NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_NameBuffer[32] = { 0 }; static WCHAR NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_CommentBuffer[32] = { 0 }; const SecPkgInfoW NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW = { 0x00083BB3, /* fCapabilities */ 1, /* wVersion */ 0x0009, /* wRPCID */ 0x00002FE0, /* cbMaxToken */ NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_NameBuffer, /* Name */ NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_CommentBuffer /* Comment */ }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID spnego_OID = { 6, (BYTE*)"\x2b\x06\x01\x05\x05\x02" }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID kerberos_u2u_OID = { 10, (BYTE*)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02\x03" }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID kerberos_OID = { 9, (BYTE*)"\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02" }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID kerberos_wrong_OID = { 9, (BYTE*)"\x2a\x86\x48\x82\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x02" }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID ntlm_OID = { 10, (BYTE*)"\x2b\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\x37\x02\x02\x0a" }; static const WinPrAsn1_OID negoex_OID = { 10, (BYTE*)"\x2b\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\x37\x02\x02\x1e" }; #ifdef WITH_KRB5 static const SecPkg SecPkgTable[] = { { KERBEROS_SSP_NAME, &KERBEROS_SecurityFunctionTableA, &KERBEROS_SecurityFunctionTableW }, { KERBEROS_SSP_NAME, &KERBEROS_SecurityFunctionTableA, &KERBEROS_SecurityFunctionTableW }, { NTLM_SSP_NAME, &NTLM_SecurityFunctionTableA, &NTLM_SecurityFunctionTableW } }; static const Mech MechTable[] = { { &kerberos_u2u_OID, &SecPkgTable[0], ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY | ISC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY, TRUE }, { &kerberos_OID, &SecPkgTable[1], ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY, TRUE }, { &ntlm_OID, &SecPkgTable[2], 0, FALSE }, }; #else static const SecPkg SecPkgTable[] = { { NTLM_SSP_NAME, &NTLM_SecurityFunctionTableA, &NTLM_SecurityFunctionTableW } }; static const Mech MechTable[] = { { &ntlm_OID, &SecPkgTable[0], 0, FALSE }, }; #endif static const size_t MECH_COUNT = sizeof(MechTable) / sizeof(Mech); enum NegState { NOSTATE = -1, ACCEPT_COMPLETED, ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE, REJECT, REQUEST_MIC }; typedef struct { enum NegState negState; BOOL init; WinPrAsn1_OID supportedMech; SecBuffer mechTypes; SecBuffer mechToken; SecBuffer mic; } NegToken; static const NegToken empty_neg_token = { NOSTATE, FALSE, { 0, NULL }, { 0, 0, NULL }, { 0, 0, NULL }, { 0, 0, NULL } }; static NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* negotiate_ContextNew(NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* init_context) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = NULL; WINPR_ASSERT(init_context); context = calloc(1, sizeof(NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT)); if (!context) return NULL; if (init_context->spnego) { init_context->mechTypes.pvBuffer = malloc(init_context->mechTypes.cbBuffer); if (!init_context->mechTypes.pvBuffer) { free(context); return NULL; } } *context = *init_context; return context; } static void negotiate_ContextFree(NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context) { WINPR_ASSERT(context); if (context->mechTypes.pvBuffer) free(context->mechTypes.pvBuffer); free(context); } static const char* negotiate_mech_name(const WinPrAsn1_OID* oid) { if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &spnego_OID)) return "SPNEGO ("; else if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &kerberos_u2u_OID)) return "Kerberos user to user (1.2.840.113554."; else if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &kerberos_OID)) return "Kerberos (1.2.840.113554.1.2.2)"; else if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &kerberos_wrong_OID)) return "Kerberos [wrong OID] (1.2.840.48018.1.2.2)"; else if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &ntlm_OID)) return "NTLM ("; else if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &negoex_OID)) return "NegoEx ("; else return "Unknown mechanism"; } static const Mech* negotiate_GetMechByOID(const WinPrAsn1_OID* oid) { WINPR_ASSERT(oid); WinPrAsn1_OID testOid = *oid; if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(&testOid, &kerberos_wrong_OID)) { testOid.len = kerberos_OID.len; testOid.data = kerberos_OID.data; } for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(&testOid, MechTable[i].oid)) return &MechTable[i]; } return NULL; } static PSecHandle negotiate_FindCredential(MechCred* creds, const Mech* mech) { WINPR_ASSERT(creds); if (!mech) return NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; if (cred->mech == mech) { if (cred->valid) return &cred->cred; return NULL; } } return NULL; } static BOOL negotiate_get_dword(HKEY hKey, const char* subkey, DWORD* pdwValue) { DWORD dwValue = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); LONG rc = RegQueryValueExA(hKey, subkey, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&dwValue, &dwSize); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; if (dwType != REG_DWORD) return FALSE; *pdwValue = dwValue; return TRUE; } static BOOL negotiate_get_config_from_auth_package_list(void* pAuthData, BOOL* kerberos, BOOL* ntlm) { char* tok_ctx = NULL; char* tok_ptr = NULL; char* PackageList = NULL; if (!sspi_CopyAuthPackageListA((const SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_INFO*)pAuthData, &PackageList)) return FALSE; tok_ptr = strtok_s(PackageList, ",", &tok_ctx); while (tok_ptr) { char* PackageName = tok_ptr; BOOL PackageInclude = TRUE; if (PackageName[0] == '!') { PackageName = &PackageName[1]; PackageInclude = FALSE; } if (!_stricmp(PackageName, "ntlm")) { *ntlm = PackageInclude; } else if (!_stricmp(PackageName, "kerberos")) { *kerberos = PackageInclude; } else { WLog_WARN(TAG, "Unknown authentication package name: %s", PackageName); } tok_ptr = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &tok_ctx); } free(PackageList); return TRUE; } static BOOL negotiate_get_config(void* pAuthData, BOOL* kerberos, BOOL* ntlm) { HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG rc = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(kerberos); WINPR_ASSERT(ntlm); #if !defined(WITH_KRB5_NO_NTLM_FALLBACK) *ntlm = TRUE; #else *ntlm = FALSE; #endif *kerberos = TRUE; if (negotiate_get_config_from_auth_package_list(pAuthData, kerberos, ntlm)) { return TRUE; // use explicit authentication package list } rc = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NEGO_REG_KEY, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hKey); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwValue = 0; if (negotiate_get_dword(hKey, "kerberos", &dwValue)) *kerberos = (dwValue != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; #if !defined(WITH_KRB5_NO_NTLM_FALLBACK) if (negotiate_get_dword(hKey, "ntlm", &dwValue)) *ntlm = (dwValue != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; #endif RegCloseKey(hKey); } return TRUE; } static BOOL negotiate_write_neg_token(PSecBuffer output_buffer, NegToken* token) { WINPR_ASSERT(output_buffer); WINPR_ASSERT(token); BOOL ret = FALSE; WinPrAsn1Encoder* enc = NULL; WinPrAsn1_MemoryChunk mechTypes = { token->mechTypes.cbBuffer, token->mechTypes.pvBuffer }; WinPrAsn1_OctetString mechToken = { token->mechToken.cbBuffer, token->mechToken.pvBuffer }; WinPrAsn1_OctetString mechListMic = { token->mic.cbBuffer, token->mic.pvBuffer }; wStream s; size_t len = 0; enc = WinPrAsn1Encoder_New(WINPR_ASN1_DER); if (!enc) return FALSE; /* For NegTokenInit wrap in an initialContextToken */ if (token->init) { /* InitialContextToken [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE */ if (!WinPrAsn1EncAppContainer(enc, 0)) goto cleanup; /* thisMech MechType OID */ if (!WinPrAsn1EncOID(enc, &spnego_OID)) goto cleanup; } /* innerContextToken [0] NegTokenInit or [1] NegTokenResp */ if (!WinPrAsn1EncContextualSeqContainer(enc, token->init ? 0 : 1)) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, token->init ? "Writing negTokenInit..." : "Writing negTokenResp..."); /* mechTypes [0] MechTypeList (mechTypes already contains the SEQUENCE tag) */ if (token->init) { if (!WinPrAsn1EncContextualRawContent(enc, 0, &mechTypes)) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechTypes [0] (%li bytes)", token->mechTypes.cbBuffer); } /* negState [0] ENUMERATED */ else if (token->negState != NOSTATE) { if (!WinPrAsn1EncContextualEnumerated(enc, 0, token->negState)) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tnegState [0] (%d)", token->negState); } /* supportedMech [1] OID */ if (token->supportedMech.len) { if (!WinPrAsn1EncContextualOID(enc, 1, &token->supportedMech)) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tsupportedMech [1] (%s)", negotiate_mech_name(&token->supportedMech)); } /* mechToken [2] OCTET STRING */ if (token->mechToken.cbBuffer) { if (WinPrAsn1EncContextualOctetString(enc, 2, &mechToken) == 0) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechToken [2] (%li bytes)", token->mechToken.cbBuffer); } /* mechListMIC [3] OCTET STRING */ if (token->mic.cbBuffer) { if (WinPrAsn1EncContextualOctetString(enc, 3, &mechListMic) == 0) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechListMIC [3] (%li bytes)", token->mic.cbBuffer); } /* NegTokenInit or NegTokenResp */ if (!WinPrAsn1EncEndContainer(enc)) goto cleanup; if (token->init) { /* initialContextToken */ if (!WinPrAsn1EncEndContainer(enc)) goto cleanup; } if (!WinPrAsn1EncStreamSize(enc, &len) || len > output_buffer->cbBuffer) goto cleanup; Stream_StaticInit(&s, output_buffer->pvBuffer, len); if (WinPrAsn1EncToStream(enc, &s)) { output_buffer->cbBuffer = len; ret = TRUE; } cleanup: WinPrAsn1Encoder_Free(&enc); return ret; } static BOOL negotiate_read_neg_token(PSecBuffer input, NegToken* token) { WinPrAsn1Decoder dec; WinPrAsn1Decoder dec2; WinPrAsn1_OID oid; WinPrAsn1_tagId contextual = 0; WinPrAsn1_tag tag = 0; size_t len = 0; WinPrAsn1_OctetString octet_string; BOOL err = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(input); WINPR_ASSERT(token); WinPrAsn1Decoder_InitMem(&dec, WINPR_ASN1_DER, input->pvBuffer, input->cbBuffer); if (!WinPrAsn1DecPeekTag(&dec, &tag)) return FALSE; if (tag == 0x60) { /* initialContextToken [APPLICATION 0] */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadApp(&dec, &tag, &dec2) || tag != 0) return FALSE; dec = dec2; /* thisMech OID */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOID(&dec, &oid, FALSE)) return FALSE; if (!sspi_gss_oid_compare(&spnego_OID, &oid)) return FALSE; /* [0] NegTokenInit */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadContextualSequence(&dec, 0, &err, &dec2)) return FALSE; token->init = TRUE; } /* [1] NegTokenResp */ else if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadContextualSequence(&dec, 1, &err, &dec2)) return FALSE; dec = dec2; WLog_DBG(TAG, token->init ? "Reading negTokenInit..." : "Reading negTokenResp..."); /* Read NegTokenResp sequence members */ do { if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadContextualTag(&dec, &contextual, &dec2)) return FALSE; switch (contextual) { case 0: if (token->init) { /* mechTypes [0] MechTypeList */ wStream s = WinPrAsn1DecGetStream(&dec2); token->mechTypes.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; token->mechTypes.cbBuffer = Stream_Length(&s); token->mechTypes.pvBuffer = Stream_Buffer(&s); WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechTypes [0] (%li bytes)", token->mechTypes.cbBuffer); } else { /* negState [0] ENUMERATED */ WinPrAsn1_ENUMERATED rd = 0; if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadEnumerated(&dec2, &rd)) return FALSE; token->negState = rd; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tnegState [0] (%d)", token->negState); } break; case 1: if (token->init) { /* reqFlags [1] ContextFlags BIT STRING (ignored) */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecPeekTagAndLen(&dec2, &tag, &len) || (tag != ER_TAG_BIT_STRING)) return FALSE; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\treqFlags [1] (%li bytes)", len); } else { /* supportedMech [1] MechType */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOID(&dec2, &token->supportedMech, FALSE)) return FALSE; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tsupportedMech [1] (%s)", negotiate_mech_name(&token->supportedMech)); } break; case 2: /* mechToken [2] OCTET STRING */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOctetString(&dec2, &octet_string, FALSE)) return FALSE; token->mechToken.cbBuffer = octet_string.len; token->mechToken.pvBuffer = octet_string.data; token->mechToken.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechToken [2] (%li bytes)", octet_string.len); break; case 3: /* mechListMic [3] OCTET STRING */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOctetString(&dec2, &octet_string, FALSE)) return FALSE; token->mic.cbBuffer = octet_string.len; token->mic.pvBuffer = octet_string.data; token->mic.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; WLog_DBG(TAG, "\tmechListMIC [3] (%li bytes)", octet_string.len); break; default: WLog_ERR(TAG, "unknown contextual item %d", contextual); return FALSE; } } while (WinPrAsn1DecPeekTag(&dec, &tag)); return TRUE; } static SECURITY_STATUS negotiate_mic_exchange(NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context, NegToken* input_token, NegToken* output_token, PSecBuffer output_buffer) { SecBuffer mic_buffers[2] = { 0 }; SecBufferDesc mic_buffer_desc = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 2, mic_buffers }; SECURITY_STATUS status = 0; WINPR_ASSERT(context); WINPR_ASSERT(input_token); WINPR_ASSERT(output_token); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); const SecurityFunctionTableA* table = context->mech->pkg->table; WINPR_ASSERT(table); mic_buffers[0] = context->mechTypes; /* Verify MIC if we received one */ if (input_token->mic.cbBuffer > 0) { mic_buffers[1] = input_token->mic; status = table->VerifySignature(&context->sub_context, &mic_buffer_desc, 0, 0); if (status != SEC_E_OK) return status; output_token->negState = ACCEPT_COMPLETED; } /* If peer expects a MIC then generate it */ if (input_token->negState != ACCEPT_COMPLETED) { /* Store the mic token after the mech token in the output buffer */ output_token->mic.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; if (output_buffer) { output_token->mic.cbBuffer = output_buffer->cbBuffer - output_token->mechToken.cbBuffer; output_token->mic.pvBuffer = (BYTE*)output_buffer->pvBuffer + output_token->mechToken.cbBuffer; } mic_buffers[1] = output_token->mic; status = table->MakeSignature(&context->sub_context, 0, &mic_buffer_desc, 0); if (status != SEC_E_OK) return status; output_token->mic = mic_buffers[1]; } /* When using NTLM cipher states need to be reset after mic exchange */ const TCHAR* name = sspi_SecureHandleGetUpperPointer(&context->sub_context); if (!name) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; if (_tcscmp(name, NTLM_SSP_NAME) == 0) { if (!ntlm_reset_cipher_state(&context->sub_context)) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_InitializeSecurityContextW( PCredHandle phCredential, PCtxtHandle phContext, SEC_WCHAR* pszTargetName, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG Reserved1, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, ULONG Reserved2, PCtxtHandle phNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = NULL; NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT init_context = { 0 }; MechCred* creds = NULL; PCtxtHandle sub_context = NULL; PCredHandle sub_cred = NULL; NegToken input_token = empty_neg_token; NegToken output_token = empty_neg_token; PSecBuffer input_buffer = NULL; PSecBuffer output_buffer = NULL; PSecBuffer bindings_buffer = NULL; SecBuffer mech_input_buffers[2] = { 0 }; SecBufferDesc mech_input = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 2, mech_input_buffers }; SecBufferDesc mech_output = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 1, &output_token.mechToken }; SECURITY_STATUS status = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; SECURITY_STATUS sub_status = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; WinPrAsn1Encoder* enc = NULL; wStream s; const Mech* mech = NULL; if (!phCredential || !SecIsValidHandle(phCredential)) return SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS; creds = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phCredential); /* behave like windows SSPIs that don't want empty context */ if (phContext && !phContext->dwLower && !phContext->dwUpper) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; context = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (pInput) { input_buffer = sspi_FindSecBuffer(pInput, SECBUFFER_TOKEN); bindings_buffer = sspi_FindSecBuffer(pInput, SECBUFFER_CHANNEL_BINDINGS); } if (pOutput) output_buffer = sspi_FindSecBuffer(pOutput, SECBUFFER_TOKEN); if (!context) { enc = WinPrAsn1Encoder_New(WINPR_ASN1_DER); if (!enc) return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; if (!WinPrAsn1EncSeqContainer(enc)) goto cleanup; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; const SecPkg* pkg = MechTable[i].pkg; WINPR_ASSERT(pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table_w); if (!cred->valid) continue; /* Send an optimistic token for the first valid mechanism */ if (!init_context.mech) { /* Use the output buffer to store the optimistic token */ if (!output_buffer) goto cleanup; CopyMemory(&output_token.mechToken, output_buffer, sizeof(SecBuffer)); if (bindings_buffer) mech_input_buffers[0] = *bindings_buffer; WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table_w->InitializeSecurityContextW); sub_status = pkg->table_w->InitializeSecurityContextW( &cred->cred, NULL, pszTargetName, fContextReq | cred->mech->flags, Reserved1, TargetDataRep, &mech_input, Reserved2, &init_context.sub_context, &mech_output, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry); /* If the mechanism failed we can't use it; skip */ if (IsSecurityStatusError(sub_status)) { if (SecIsValidHandle(&init_context.sub_context)) { WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table_w->DeleteSecurityContext); pkg->table_w->DeleteSecurityContext(&init_context.sub_context); } cred->valid = FALSE; continue; } init_context.mech = cred->mech; } if (!WinPrAsn1EncOID(enc, cred->mech->oid)) goto cleanup; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Available mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(cred->mech->oid)); } /* No usable mechanisms were found */ if (!init_context.mech) goto cleanup; /* If the only available mech is NTLM use it directly otherwise use spnego */ if (init_context.mech->oid == &ntlm_OID) { init_context.spnego = FALSE; output_buffer->cbBuffer = output_token.mechToken.cbBuffer; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Using direct NTLM"); } else { init_context.spnego = TRUE; init_context.mechTypes.BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; init_context.mechTypes.cbBuffer = WinPrAsn1EncEndContainer(enc); } /* Allocate memory for the new context */ context = negotiate_ContextNew(&init_context); if (!context) { init_context.mech->pkg->table->DeleteSecurityContext(&init_context.sub_context); WinPrAsn1Encoder_Free(&enc); return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } sspi_SecureHandleSetUpperPointer(phNewContext, NEGO_SSP_NAME); sspi_SecureHandleSetLowerPointer(phNewContext, context); if (!context->spnego) { status = sub_status; goto cleanup; } /* Write mechTypesList */ Stream_StaticInit(&s, context->mechTypes.pvBuffer, context->mechTypes.cbBuffer); if (!WinPrAsn1EncToStream(enc, &s)) goto cleanup; output_token.mechTypes.cbBuffer = context->mechTypes.cbBuffer; output_token.mechTypes.pvBuffer = context->mechTypes.pvBuffer; output_token.init = TRUE; if (sub_status == SEC_E_OK) context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL_OPTIMISTIC; } else { if (!input_buffer) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; sub_context = &context->sub_context; sub_cred = negotiate_FindCredential(creds, context->mech); if (!context->spnego) { return context->mech->pkg->table_w->InitializeSecurityContextW( sub_cred, sub_context, pszTargetName, fContextReq | context->mech->flags, Reserved1, TargetDataRep, pInput, Reserved2, sub_context, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry); } if (!negotiate_read_neg_token(input_buffer, &input_token)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* On first response check if the server doesn't like out prefered mech */ if (context->state < NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP && input_token.supportedMech.len && !sspi_gss_oid_compare(&input_token.supportedMech, context->mech->oid)) { mech = negotiate_GetMechByOID(&input_token.supportedMech); if (!mech) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* Make sure the specified mech is supported and get the appropriate credential */ sub_cred = negotiate_FindCredential(creds, mech); if (!sub_cred) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* Clean up the optimistic mech */ context->mech->pkg->table_w->DeleteSecurityContext(&context->sub_context); sub_context = NULL; context->mech = mech; context->mic = TRUE; } /* Check neg_state (required on first response) */ if (context->state < NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP) { switch (input_token.negState) { case NOSTATE: return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; case REJECT: return SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED; case REQUEST_MIC: context->mic = TRUE; /* fallthrough */ WINPR_FALLTHROUGH case ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE: context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP; break; case ACCEPT_COMPLETED: if (context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_INITIAL) context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP; else context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL; break; } WLog_DBG(TAG, "Negotiated mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(context->mech->oid)); } if (context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP) { /* Store the mech token in the output buffer */ CopyMemory(&output_token.mechToken, output_buffer, sizeof(SecBuffer)); mech_input_buffers[0] = input_token.mechToken; if (bindings_buffer) mech_input_buffers[1] = *bindings_buffer; status = context->mech->pkg->table_w->InitializeSecurityContextW( sub_cred, sub_context, pszTargetName, fContextReq | context->mech->flags, Reserved1, TargetDataRep, input_token.mechToken.cbBuffer ? &mech_input : NULL, Reserved2, &context->sub_context, &mech_output, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry); if (IsSecurityStatusError(status)) return status; } if (status == SEC_E_OK) { if (output_token.mechToken.cbBuffer > 0) context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_MIC; else context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL; } /* Check if the acceptor sent its final token without a mic */ if (context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL && input_token.mic.cbBuffer == 0) { if (context->mic || input_token.negState != ACCEPT_COMPLETED) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; if (output_buffer) output_buffer->cbBuffer = 0; return SEC_E_OK; } if ((context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_MIC && context->mic) || context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL) { status = negotiate_mic_exchange(context, &input_token, &output_token, output_buffer); if (status != SEC_E_OK) return status; } } if (input_token.negState == ACCEPT_COMPLETED) { if (output_buffer) output_buffer->cbBuffer = 0; return SEC_E_OK; } if (output_token.negState == ACCEPT_COMPLETED) status = SEC_E_OK; else status = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED; if (!negotiate_write_neg_token(output_buffer, &output_token)) status = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; cleanup: WinPrAsn1Encoder_Free(&enc); return status; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_InitializeSecurityContextA( PCredHandle phCredential, PCtxtHandle phContext, SEC_CHAR* pszTargetName, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG Reserved1, ULONG TargetDataRep, PSecBufferDesc pInput, ULONG Reserved2, PCtxtHandle phNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { SECURITY_STATUS status = 0; SEC_WCHAR* pszTargetNameW = NULL; if (pszTargetName) { pszTargetNameW = ConvertUtf8ToWCharAlloc(pszTargetName, NULL); if (!pszTargetNameW) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; } status = negotiate_InitializeSecurityContextW( phCredential, phContext, pszTargetNameW, fContextReq, Reserved1, TargetDataRep, pInput, Reserved2, phNewContext, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsExpiry); free(pszTargetNameW); return status; } static const Mech* guessMech(PSecBuffer input_buffer, BOOL* spNego, WinPrAsn1_OID* oid) { WinPrAsn1Decoder decoder; WinPrAsn1Decoder appDecoder; WinPrAsn1_tagId tag = 0; *spNego = FALSE; /* Check for NTLM token */ if (input_buffer->cbBuffer >= 8 && strncmp(input_buffer->pvBuffer, "NTLMSSP", 8) == 0) { *oid = ntlm_OID; return negotiate_GetMechByOID(&ntlm_OID); } /* Read initialContextToken or raw Kerberos token */ WinPrAsn1Decoder_InitMem(&decoder, WINPR_ASN1_DER, input_buffer->pvBuffer, input_buffer->cbBuffer); if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadApp(&decoder, &tag, &appDecoder) || tag != 0) return NULL; if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOID(&appDecoder, oid, FALSE)) return NULL; if (sspi_gss_oid_compare(oid, &spnego_OID)) { *spNego = TRUE; return NULL; } return negotiate_GetMechByOID(oid); } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_AcceptSecurityContext( PCredHandle phCredential, PCtxtHandle phContext, PSecBufferDesc pInput, ULONG fContextReq, ULONG TargetDataRep, PCtxtHandle phNewContext, PSecBufferDesc pOutput, PULONG pfContextAttr, PTimeStamp ptsTimeStamp) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = NULL; NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT init_context = { 0 }; MechCred* creds = NULL; PCredHandle sub_cred = NULL; NegToken input_token = empty_neg_token; NegToken output_token = empty_neg_token; PSecBuffer input_buffer = NULL; PSecBuffer output_buffer = NULL; SecBufferDesc mech_input = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 1, &input_token.mechToken }; SecBufferDesc mech_output = { SECBUFFER_VERSION, 1, &output_token.mechToken }; SECURITY_STATUS status = SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; WinPrAsn1Decoder dec; WinPrAsn1Decoder dec2; WinPrAsn1_tagId tag = 0; WinPrAsn1_OID oid = { 0 }; const Mech* first_mech = NULL; if (!phCredential || !SecIsValidHandle(phCredential)) return SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS; creds = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phCredential); if (!pInput) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* behave like windows SSPIs that don't want empty context */ if (phContext && !phContext->dwLower && !phContext->dwUpper) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; context = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); input_buffer = sspi_FindSecBuffer(pInput, SECBUFFER_TOKEN); if (pOutput) output_buffer = sspi_FindSecBuffer(pOutput, SECBUFFER_TOKEN); if (!context) { init_context.mech = guessMech(input_buffer, &init_context.spnego, &oid); if (!init_context.mech && !init_context.spnego) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(&oid)); if (init_context.spnego) { /* Process spnego token */ if (!negotiate_read_neg_token(input_buffer, &input_token)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* First token must be negoTokenInit and must contain a mechList */ if (!input_token.init || input_token.mechTypes.cbBuffer == 0) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; init_context.mechTypes.BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; init_context.mechTypes.cbBuffer = input_token.mechTypes.cbBuffer; /* Prepare to read mechList */ WinPrAsn1Decoder_InitMem(&dec, WINPR_ASN1_DER, input_token.mechTypes.pvBuffer, input_token.mechTypes.cbBuffer); if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadSequence(&dec, &dec2)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; dec = dec2; /* If an optimistic token was provided pass it into the first mech */ if (input_token.mechToken.cbBuffer) { if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOID(&dec, &oid, FALSE)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; init_context.mech = negotiate_GetMechByOID(&oid); if (init_context.mech) { if (output_buffer) output_token.mechToken = *output_buffer; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Requested mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(init_context.mech->oid)); } } } if (init_context.mech) { sub_cred = negotiate_FindCredential(creds, init_context.mech); status = init_context.mech->pkg->table->AcceptSecurityContext( sub_cred, NULL, init_context.spnego ? &mech_input : pInput, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, &init_context.sub_context, init_context.spnego ? &mech_output : pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsTimeStamp); } if (IsSecurityStatusError(status)) { if (!init_context.spnego) return status; init_context.mic = TRUE; first_mech = init_context.mech; init_context.mech = NULL; output_token.mechToken.cbBuffer = 0; } while (!init_context.mech && WinPrAsn1DecPeekTag(&dec, &tag)) { /* Read each mechanism */ if (!WinPrAsn1DecReadOID(&dec, &oid, FALSE)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; init_context.mech = negotiate_GetMechByOID(&oid); WLog_DBG(TAG, "Requested mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(&oid)); /* Microsoft may send two versions of the kerberos OID */ if (init_context.mech == first_mech) init_context.mech = NULL; if (init_context.mech && !negotiate_FindCredential(creds, init_context.mech)) init_context.mech = NULL; } if (!init_context.mech) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; context = negotiate_ContextNew(&init_context); if (!context) { if (!IsSecurityStatusError(status)) init_context.mech->pkg->table->DeleteSecurityContext(&init_context.sub_context); return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } sspi_SecureHandleSetUpperPointer(phNewContext, NEGO_SSP_NAME); sspi_SecureHandleSetLowerPointer(phNewContext, context); if (!init_context.spnego) return status; CopyMemory(init_context.mechTypes.pvBuffer, input_token.mechTypes.pvBuffer, input_token.mechTypes.cbBuffer); if (!context->mech->preferred) { output_token.negState = REQUEST_MIC; context->mic = TRUE; } else { output_token.negState = ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE; } if (status == SEC_E_OK) context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL; else context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP; output_token.supportedMech = oid; WLog_DBG(TAG, "Accepted mechanism: %s", negotiate_mech_name(&output_token.supportedMech)); } else { sub_cred = negotiate_FindCredential(creds, context->mech); if (!sub_cred) return SEC_E_NO_CREDENTIALS; if (!context->spnego) { return context->mech->pkg->table->AcceptSecurityContext( sub_cred, &context->sub_context, pInput, fContextReq, TargetDataRep, &context->sub_context, pOutput, pfContextAttr, ptsTimeStamp); } if (!negotiate_read_neg_token(input_buffer, &input_token)) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* Process the mechanism token */ if (input_token.mechToken.cbBuffer > 0) { if (context->state != NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; /* Use the output buffer to store the optimistic token */ if (output_buffer) CopyMemory(&output_token.mechToken, output_buffer, sizeof(SecBuffer)); status = context->mech->pkg->table->AcceptSecurityContext( sub_cred, &context->sub_context, &mech_input, fContextReq | context->mech->flags, TargetDataRep, &context->sub_context, &mech_output, pfContextAttr, ptsTimeStamp); if (IsSecurityStatusError(status)) return status; if (status == SEC_E_OK) context->state = NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL; } else if (context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_NEGORESP) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; } if (context->state == NEGOTIATE_STATE_FINAL) { /* Check if initiator sent the last mech token without a mic and a mic was required */ if (context->mic && output_token.mechToken.cbBuffer == 0 && input_token.mic.cbBuffer == 0) return SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN; if (context->mic || input_token.mic.cbBuffer > 0) { status = negotiate_mic_exchange(context, &input_token, &output_token, output_buffer); if (status != SEC_E_OK) return status; } else output_token.negState = ACCEPT_COMPLETED; } if (input_token.negState == ACCEPT_COMPLETED) { if (output_buffer) output_buffer->cbBuffer = 0; return SEC_E_OK; } if (output_token.negState == ACCEPT_COMPLETED) status = SEC_E_OK; else status = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED; if (!negotiate_write_neg_token(output_buffer, &output_token)) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; return status; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_CompleteAuthToken(PCtxtHandle phContext, PSecBufferDesc pToken) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = NULL; SECURITY_STATUS status = SEC_E_OK; context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->CompleteAuthToken) status = context->mech->pkg->table->CompleteAuthToken(&context->sub_context, pToken); return status; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_DeleteSecurityContext(PCtxtHandle phContext) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = NULL; SECURITY_STATUS status = SEC_E_OK; context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); const SecPkg* pkg = NULL; if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); pkg = context->mech->pkg; if (pkg->table->DeleteSecurityContext) status = pkg->table->DeleteSecurityContext(&context->sub_context); negotiate_ContextFree(context); return status; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_ImpersonateSecurityContext(PCtxtHandle phContext) { return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_RevertSecurityContext(PCtxtHandle phContext) { return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_QueryContextAttributesW(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table_w); if (context->mech->pkg->table_w->QueryContextAttributesW) return context->mech->pkg->table_w->QueryContextAttributesW(&context->sub_context, ulAttribute, pBuffer); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_QueryContextAttributesA(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->QueryContextAttributesA) return context->mech->pkg->table->QueryContextAttributesA(&context->sub_context, ulAttribute, pBuffer); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_SetContextAttributesW(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table_w); if (context->mech->pkg->table_w->SetContextAttributesW) return context->mech->pkg->table_w->SetContextAttributesW(&context->sub_context, ulAttribute, pBuffer, cbBuffer); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_SetContextAttributesA(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->SetContextAttributesA) return context->mech->pkg->table->SetContextAttributesA(&context->sub_context, ulAttribute, pBuffer, cbBuffer); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_SetCredentialsAttributesW(PCredHandle phCredential, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer) { MechCred* creds = NULL; BOOL success = FALSE; SECURITY_STATUS secStatus = 0; creds = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phCredential); if (!creds) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table_w->SetCredentialsAttributesW); secStatus = cred->mech->pkg->table_w->SetCredentialsAttributesW(&cred->cred, ulAttribute, pBuffer, cbBuffer); if (secStatus == SEC_E_OK) { success = TRUE; } } // return success if at least one submodule accepts the credential attribute return (success ? SEC_E_OK : SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_SetCredentialsAttributesA(PCredHandle phCredential, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer) { MechCred* creds = NULL; BOOL success = FALSE; SECURITY_STATUS secStatus = 0; creds = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phCredential); if (!creds) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; if (!cred->valid) continue; WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table->SetCredentialsAttributesA); secStatus = cred->mech->pkg->table->SetCredentialsAttributesA(&cred->cred, ulAttribute, pBuffer, cbBuffer); if (secStatus == SEC_E_OK) { success = TRUE; } } // return success if at least one submodule accepts the credential attribute return (success ? SEC_E_OK : SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION); } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_AcquireCredentialsHandleW( SEC_WCHAR* pszPrincipal, SEC_WCHAR* pszPackage, ULONG fCredentialUse, void* pvLogonID, void* pAuthData, SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, void* pvGetKeyArgument, PCredHandle phCredential, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { BOOL kerberos = 0; BOOL ntlm = 0; if (!negotiate_get_config(pAuthData, &kerberos, &ntlm)) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; MechCred* creds = calloc(MECH_COUNT, sizeof(MechCred)); if (!creds) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; const SecPkg* pkg = MechTable[i].pkg; cred->mech = &MechTable[i]; if (!kerberos && _tcscmp(pkg->name, KERBEROS_SSP_NAME) == 0) continue; if (!ntlm && _tcscmp(SecPkgTable[i].name, NTLM_SSP_NAME) == 0) continue; WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table_w); WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table_w->AcquireCredentialsHandleW); if (pkg->table_w->AcquireCredentialsHandleW( pszPrincipal, pszPackage, fCredentialUse, pvLogonID, pAuthData, pGetKeyFn, pvGetKeyArgument, &cred->cred, ptsExpiry) != SEC_E_OK) continue; cred->valid = TRUE; } sspi_SecureHandleSetLowerPointer(phCredential, (void*)creds); sspi_SecureHandleSetUpperPointer(phCredential, (void*)NEGO_SSP_NAME); return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_AcquireCredentialsHandleA( SEC_CHAR* pszPrincipal, SEC_CHAR* pszPackage, ULONG fCredentialUse, void* pvLogonID, void* pAuthData, SEC_GET_KEY_FN pGetKeyFn, void* pvGetKeyArgument, PCredHandle phCredential, PTimeStamp ptsExpiry) { BOOL kerberos = 0; BOOL ntlm = 0; if (!negotiate_get_config(pAuthData, &kerberos, &ntlm)) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; MechCred* creds = calloc(MECH_COUNT, sizeof(MechCred)); if (!creds) return SEC_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { const SecPkg* pkg = MechTable[i].pkg; MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; cred->mech = &MechTable[i]; if (!kerberos && _tcscmp(pkg->name, KERBEROS_SSP_NAME) == 0) continue; if (!ntlm && _tcscmp(SecPkgTable[i].name, NTLM_SSP_NAME) == 0) continue; WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table); WINPR_ASSERT(pkg->table->AcquireCredentialsHandleA); if (pkg->table->AcquireCredentialsHandleA(pszPrincipal, pszPackage, fCredentialUse, pvLogonID, pAuthData, pGetKeyFn, pvGetKeyArgument, &cred->cred, ptsExpiry) != SEC_E_OK) continue; cred->valid = TRUE; } sspi_SecureHandleSetLowerPointer(phCredential, (void*)creds); sspi_SecureHandleSetUpperPointer(phCredential, (void*)NEGO_SSP_NAME); return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_QueryCredentialsAttributesW(PCredHandle phCredential, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "TODO: Implement"); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_QueryCredentialsAttributesA(PCredHandle phCredential, ULONG ulAttribute, void* pBuffer) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "TODO: Implement"); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_FreeCredentialsHandle(PCredHandle phCredential) { MechCred* creds = NULL; creds = sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phCredential); if (!creds) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; for (size_t i = 0; i < MECH_COUNT; i++) { MechCred* cred = &creds[i]; WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table); WINPR_ASSERT(cred->mech->pkg->table->FreeCredentialsHandle); cred->mech->pkg->table->FreeCredentialsHandle(&cred->cred); } free(creds); return SEC_E_OK; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_EncryptMessage(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; if (context->mic) MessageSeqNo++; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->EncryptMessage) return context->mech->pkg->table->EncryptMessage(&context->sub_context, fQOP, pMessage, MessageSeqNo); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_DecryptMessage(PCtxtHandle phContext, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo, ULONG* pfQOP) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; if (context->mic) MessageSeqNo++; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->DecryptMessage) return context->mech->pkg->table->DecryptMessage(&context->sub_context, pMessage, MessageSeqNo, pfQOP); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_MakeSignature(PCtxtHandle phContext, ULONG fQOP, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; if (context->mic) MessageSeqNo++; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->MakeSignature) return context->mech->pkg->table->MakeSignature(&context->sub_context, fQOP, pMessage, MessageSeqNo); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } static SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY negotiate_VerifySignature(PCtxtHandle phContext, PSecBufferDesc pMessage, ULONG MessageSeqNo, ULONG* pfQOP) { NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT* context = (NEGOTIATE_CONTEXT*)sspi_SecureHandleGetLowerPointer(phContext); if (!context) return SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE; if (context->mic) MessageSeqNo++; WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg); WINPR_ASSERT(context->mech->pkg->table); if (context->mech->pkg->table->VerifySignature) return context->mech->pkg->table->VerifySignature(&context->sub_context, pMessage, MessageSeqNo, pfQOP); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } const SecurityFunctionTableA NEGOTIATE_SecurityFunctionTableA = { 3, /* dwVersion */ NULL, /* EnumerateSecurityPackages */ negotiate_QueryCredentialsAttributesA, /* QueryCredentialsAttributes */ negotiate_AcquireCredentialsHandleA, /* AcquireCredentialsHandle */ negotiate_FreeCredentialsHandle, /* FreeCredentialsHandle */ NULL, /* Reserved2 */ negotiate_InitializeSecurityContextA, /* InitializeSecurityContext */ negotiate_AcceptSecurityContext, /* AcceptSecurityContext */ negotiate_CompleteAuthToken, /* CompleteAuthToken */ negotiate_DeleteSecurityContext, /* DeleteSecurityContext */ NULL, /* ApplyControlToken */ negotiate_QueryContextAttributesA, /* QueryContextAttributes */ negotiate_ImpersonateSecurityContext, /* ImpersonateSecurityContext */ negotiate_RevertSecurityContext, /* RevertSecurityContext */ negotiate_MakeSignature, /* MakeSignature */ negotiate_VerifySignature, /* VerifySignature */ NULL, /* FreeContextBuffer */ NULL, /* QuerySecurityPackageInfo */ NULL, /* Reserved3 */ NULL, /* Reserved4 */ NULL, /* ExportSecurityContext */ NULL, /* ImportSecurityContext */ NULL, /* AddCredentials */ NULL, /* Reserved8 */ NULL, /* QuerySecurityContextToken */ negotiate_EncryptMessage, /* EncryptMessage */ negotiate_DecryptMessage, /* DecryptMessage */ negotiate_SetContextAttributesA, /* SetContextAttributes */ negotiate_SetCredentialsAttributesA, /* SetCredentialsAttributes */ }; const SecurityFunctionTableW NEGOTIATE_SecurityFunctionTableW = { 3, /* dwVersion */ NULL, /* EnumerateSecurityPackages */ negotiate_QueryCredentialsAttributesW, /* QueryCredentialsAttributes */ negotiate_AcquireCredentialsHandleW, /* AcquireCredentialsHandle */ negotiate_FreeCredentialsHandle, /* FreeCredentialsHandle */ NULL, /* Reserved2 */ negotiate_InitializeSecurityContextW, /* InitializeSecurityContext */ negotiate_AcceptSecurityContext, /* AcceptSecurityContext */ negotiate_CompleteAuthToken, /* CompleteAuthToken */ negotiate_DeleteSecurityContext, /* DeleteSecurityContext */ NULL, /* ApplyControlToken */ negotiate_QueryContextAttributesW, /* QueryContextAttributes */ negotiate_ImpersonateSecurityContext, /* ImpersonateSecurityContext */ negotiate_RevertSecurityContext, /* RevertSecurityContext */ negotiate_MakeSignature, /* MakeSignature */ negotiate_VerifySignature, /* VerifySignature */ NULL, /* FreeContextBuffer */ NULL, /* QuerySecurityPackageInfo */ NULL, /* Reserved3 */ NULL, /* Reserved4 */ NULL, /* ExportSecurityContext */ NULL, /* ImportSecurityContext */ NULL, /* AddCredentials */ NULL, /* Reserved8 */ NULL, /* QuerySecurityContextToken */ negotiate_EncryptMessage, /* EncryptMessage */ negotiate_DecryptMessage, /* DecryptMessage */ negotiate_SetContextAttributesW, /* SetContextAttributes */ negotiate_SetCredentialsAttributesW, /* SetCredentialsAttributes */ }; BOOL NEGOTIATE_init(void) { InitializeConstWCharFromUtf8(NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoA.Name, NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_NameBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_NameBuffer)); InitializeConstWCharFromUtf8(NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoA.Comment, NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_CommentBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(NEGOTIATE_SecPkgInfoW_CommentBuffer)); return TRUE; }