/** * WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime * Time Zone * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../log.h" #define TAG WINPR_TAG("timezone") #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include "TimeZones.h" #include "WindowsZones.h" static UINT64 winpr_windows_gmtime(void) { time_t unix_time = 0; UINT64 windows_time = 0; time(&unix_time); if (unix_time < 0) return 0; windows_time = (UINT64)unix_time; windows_time *= 10000000; windows_time += 621355968000000000ULL; return windows_time; } static char* winpr_read_unix_timezone_identifier_from_file(FILE* fp) { const INT CHUNK_SIZE = 32; INT64 rc = 0; INT64 read = 0; INT64 length = CHUNK_SIZE; char* tzid = NULL; tzid = (char*)malloc(length); if (!tzid) return NULL; do { rc = fread(tzid + read, 1, length - read - 1, fp); if (rc > 0) read += rc; if (read < (length - 1)) break; length += CHUNK_SIZE; char* tmp = (char*)realloc(tzid, length); if (!tmp) { free(tzid); return NULL; } tzid = tmp; } while (rc > 0); if (ferror(fp)) { free(tzid); return NULL; } tzid[read] = '\0'; if (read > 0) { if (tzid[read - 1] == '\n') tzid[read - 1] = '\0'; } return tzid; } static char* winpr_get_timezone_from_link(const char* links[], size_t count) { const char* _links[] = { "/etc/localtime", "/etc/TZ" }; if (links == NULL) { links = _links; count = ARRAYSIZE(_links); } /* * On linux distros such as Redhat or Archlinux, a symlink at /etc/localtime * will point to /usr/share/zoneinfo/region/place where region/place could be * America/Montreal for example. * Some distributions do have to symlink at /etc/TZ. */ for (size_t x = 0; x < count; x++) { char* tzid = NULL; const char* link = links[x]; char* buf = realpath(link, NULL); if (buf) { size_t sep = 0; size_t alloc = 0; size_t pos = 0; size_t len = pos = strlen(buf); /* find the position of the 2nd to last "/" */ for (size_t i = 1; i <= len; i++) { const size_t curpos = len - i; const char cur = buf[curpos]; if (cur == '/') sep++; if (sep >= 2) { alloc = i; pos = len - i + 1; break; } } if ((len == 0) || (sep != 2)) goto end; tzid = (char*)calloc(alloc + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!tzid) goto end; strncpy(tzid, &buf[pos], alloc); WLog_DBG(TAG, "tzid: %s", tzid); goto end; } end: free(buf); if (tzid) return tzid; } return NULL; } #if defined(ANDROID) #include "../utils/android.h" static char* winpr_get_android_timezone_identifier(void) { char* tzid = NULL; JNIEnv* jniEnv; /* Preferred: Try to get identifier from java TimeZone class */ if (jniVm && ((*jniVm)->GetEnv(jniVm, (void**)&jniEnv, JNI_VERSION_1_6) == JNI_OK)) { const char* raw; jclass jObjClass; jobject jObj; jmethodID jDefaultTimezone; jmethodID jTimezoneIdentifier; jstring tzJId; jboolean attached = (*jniVm)->AttachCurrentThread(jniVm, &jniEnv, NULL); jObjClass = (*jniEnv)->FindClass(jniEnv, "java/util/TimeZone"); if (!jObjClass) goto fail; jDefaultTimezone = (*jniEnv)->GetStaticMethodID(jniEnv, jObjClass, "getDefault", "()Ljava/util/TimeZone;"); if (!jDefaultTimezone) goto fail; jObj = (*jniEnv)->CallStaticObjectMethod(jniEnv, jObjClass, jDefaultTimezone); if (!jObj) goto fail; jTimezoneIdentifier = (*jniEnv)->GetMethodID(jniEnv, jObjClass, "getID", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if (!jTimezoneIdentifier) goto fail; tzJId = (*jniEnv)->CallObjectMethod(jniEnv, jObj, jTimezoneIdentifier); if (!tzJId) goto fail; raw = (*jniEnv)->GetStringUTFChars(jniEnv, tzJId, 0); if (raw) tzid = _strdup(raw); (*jniEnv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jniEnv, tzJId, raw); fail: if (attached) (*jniVm)->DetachCurrentThread(jniVm); } /* Fall back to property, might not be available. */ if (!tzid) { FILE* fp = popen("getprop persist.sys.timezone", "r"); if (fp) { tzid = winpr_read_unix_timezone_identifier_from_file(fp); pclose(fp); } } return tzid; } #endif static char* winpr_get_unix_timezone_identifier_from_file(void) { #if defined(ANDROID) return winpr_get_android_timezone_identifier(); #else FILE* fp = NULL; char* tzid = NULL; #if !defined(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE) #error \ "Please define WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE with the path to your timezone file (e.g. /etc/timezone or similar)" #else fp = winpr_fopen(WINPR_TIMEZONE_FILE, "r"); #endif if (NULL == fp) return NULL; tzid = winpr_read_unix_timezone_identifier_from_file(fp); fclose(fp); if (tzid != NULL) WLog_DBG(TAG, "tzid: %s", tzid); return tzid; #endif } static BOOL winpr_match_unix_timezone_identifier_with_list(const char* tzid, const char* list) { char* p = NULL; char* list_copy = NULL; char* context = NULL; list_copy = _strdup(list); if (!list_copy) return FALSE; p = strtok_s(list_copy, " ", &context); while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(p, tzid) == 0) { free(list_copy); return TRUE; } p = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &context); } free(list_copy); return FALSE; } static TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* winpr_detect_windows_time_zone(void) { char* tzid = NULL; char* ntzid = NULL; LPCSTR tz = "TZ"; DWORD nSize = GetEnvironmentVariableA(tz, NULL, 0); if (nSize) { tzid = (char*)malloc(nSize); if (!GetEnvironmentVariableA(tz, tzid, nSize)) { free(tzid); tzid = NULL; } else if (tzid[0] == ':') { /* Remove leading colon, see tzset(3) */ memmove(tzid, tzid + 1, nSize - sizeof(char)); } } if (tzid == NULL) tzid = winpr_get_unix_timezone_identifier_from_file(); if (tzid == NULL) { tzid = winpr_get_timezone_from_link(NULL, 0); } else { const char* zipath = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/"; char buf[1024] = { 0 }; const char* links[] = { buf }; if (tzid[0] == '/') { /* Full path given in TZ */ links[0] = tzid; } else snprintf(buf, ARRAYSIZE(buf), "%s%s", zipath, tzid); ntzid = winpr_get_timezone_from_link(links, 1); if (ntzid != NULL) { free(tzid); tzid = ntzid; } } if (tzid == NULL) return NULL; WLog_INFO(TAG, "tzid: %s", tzid); for (size_t i = 0; i < TimeZoneTableNrElements; i++) { const TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* tze = &TimeZoneTable[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < WindowsTimeZoneIdTableNrElements; j++) { const WINDOWS_TZID_ENTRY* wzid = &WindowsTimeZoneIdTable[j]; if (strcmp(tze->Id, wzid->windows) != 0) continue; if (winpr_match_unix_timezone_identifier_with_list(tzid, wzid->tzid)) { TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* ctimezone = (TIME_ZONE_ENTRY*)malloc(sizeof(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY)); free(tzid); if (!ctimezone) return NULL; *ctimezone = TimeZoneTable[i]; return ctimezone; } } } WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unable to find a match for unix timezone: %s", tzid); free(tzid); return NULL; } static const TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY* winpr_get_current_time_zone_rule(const TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY* rules, UINT32 count) { UINT64 windows_time = 0; windows_time = winpr_windows_gmtime(); for (UINT32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ((rules[i].TicksStart >= windows_time) && (windows_time >= rules[i].TicksEnd)) { /*WLog_ERR(TAG, "Got rule %" PRIu32 " from table at %p with count %"PRIu32"", i, * (void*) rules, count);*/ return &rules[i]; } } WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unable to get current timezone rule"); return NULL; } DWORD GetTimeZoneInformation(LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation) { time_t t = 0; struct tm tres = { 0 }; TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* dtz = NULL; const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION empty = { 0 }; LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tz = lpTimeZoneInformation; WINPR_ASSERT(tz); *tz = empty; t = time(NULL); struct tm* local_time = localtime_r(&t, &tres); if (!local_time) goto out_error; #ifdef WINPR_HAVE_TM_GMTOFF { long bias = -(local_time->tm_gmtoff / 60L); if (bias > INT32_MAX) bias = INT32_MAX; tz->Bias = (LONG)bias; } #endif dtz = winpr_detect_windows_time_zone(); if (dtz != NULL) { WLog_DBG(TAG, "tz: Bias=%" PRId32 " sn='%s' dln='%s'", dtz->Bias, dtz->StandardName, dtz->DaylightName); tz->Bias = dtz->Bias; if (ConvertUtf8ToWChar(dtz->StandardName, tz->StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tz->StandardName)) < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "StandardName conversion failed - using default"); goto out_error; } if (ConvertUtf8ToWChar(dtz->DaylightName, tz->DaylightName, ARRAYSIZE(tz->DaylightName)) < 0) { WLog_ERR(TAG, "DaylightName conversion failed - using default"); goto out_error; } if ((dtz->SupportsDST) && (dtz->RuleTableCount > 0)) { const TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY* rule = winpr_get_current_time_zone_rule(dtz->RuleTable, dtz->RuleTableCount); if (rule != NULL) { tz->DaylightBias = -rule->DaylightDelta; tz->StandardDate = rule->StandardDate; tz->DaylightDate = rule->DaylightDate; } } free(dtz); /* 1 ... TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD * 2 ... TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT */ return local_time->tm_isdst ? 2 : 1; } /* could not detect timezone, use computed bias from tm_gmtoff */ WLog_DBG(TAG, "tz not found, using computed bias %" PRId32 ".", tz->Bias); out_error: free(dtz); if (ConvertUtf8ToWChar("Client Local Time", tz->StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tz->StandardName)) <= 0) WLog_WARN(TAG, "Failed to set default timezone name"); memcpy(tz->DaylightName, tz->StandardName, sizeof(tz->DaylightName)); return 0; /* TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN */ } BOOL SetTimeZoneInformation(const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); return FALSE; } BOOL SystemTimeToFileTime(const SYSTEMTIME* lpSystemTime, LPFILETIME lpFileTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpSystemTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpFileTime); return FALSE; } BOOL FileTimeToSystemTime(const FILETIME* lpFileTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpFileTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpSystemTime); return FALSE; } BOOL SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZone, LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZone); WINPR_UNUSED(lpUniversalTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpLocalTime); return FALSE; } BOOL TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); WINPR_UNUSED(lpLocalTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpUniversalTime); return FALSE; } #endif /* * GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation is provided by the SDK if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 in SDKs above 7.1A * and incorrectly if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 in older SDKs */ #if !defined(_WIN32) || \ (defined(_WIN32) && (defined(NTDDI_WIN8) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600 || \ !defined(NTDDI_WIN8) && _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0501)) /* Windows Vista */ DWORD GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(PDYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION pTimeZoneInformation) { WINPR_UNUSED(pTimeZoneInformation); return 0; } BOOL SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); return FALSE; } BOOL GetTimeZoneInformationForYear(USHORT wYear, PDYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION pdtzi, LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION ptzi) { WINPR_UNUSED(wYear); WINPR_UNUSED(pdtzi); WINPR_UNUSED(ptzi); return FALSE; } #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) || (defined(_WIN32) && (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0601)) /* Windows 7 */ BOOL SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx(const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation, const SYSTEMTIME* lpUniversalTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); WINPR_UNUSED(lpUniversalTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpLocalTime); return FALSE; } BOOL TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx(const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation, const SYSTEMTIME* lpLocalTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); WINPR_UNUSED(lpLocalTime); WINPR_UNUSED(lpUniversalTime); return FALSE; } #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) || (defined(_WIN32) && (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0602)) /* Windows 8 */ DWORD EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation(const DWORD dwIndex, PDYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation) { WINPR_UNUSED(dwIndex); WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); return 0; } DWORD GetDynamicTimeZoneInformationEffectiveYears( const PDYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, LPDWORD FirstYear, LPDWORD LastYear) { WINPR_UNUSED(lpTimeZoneInformation); WINPR_UNUSED(FirstYear); WINPR_UNUSED(LastYear); return 0; } #endif