path: root/tests/topotests/munet/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-09 13:16:35 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-09 13:16:35 +0000
commite2bbf175a2184bd76f6c54ccf8456babeb1a46fc (patch)
treef0b76550d6e6f500ada964a3a4ee933a45e5a6f1 /tests/topotests/munet/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 9.1.upstream/9.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/topotests/munet/')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/topotests/munet/ b/tests/topotests/munet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fc0c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/topotests/munet/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*-
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# September 30 2021, Christian Hopps <>
+# Copyright 2021, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
+"""A module that implements the standalone parser."""
+import asyncio
+import importlib.resources
+import json
+import logging
+import logging.config
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from pathlib import Path
+ import jsonschema # pylint: disable=C0415
+ import jsonschema.validators # pylint: disable=C0415
+ from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError # pylint: disable=C0415
+except ImportError:
+ jsonschema = None
+from .config import list_to_dict_with_key
+from .native import Munet
+def get_schema():
+ if get_schema.schema is None:
+ with importlib.resources.path("munet", "munet-schema.json") as datapath:
+ search = [str(datapath.parent)]
+ get_schema.schema = get_config(basename="munet-schema", search=search)
+ return get_schema.schema
+get_schema.schema = None
+project_root_contains = [
+ ".git",
+ "pyproject.toml",
+ "tox.ini",
+ "setup.cfg",
+ "",
+ "pytest.ini",
+ ".projectile",
+def is_project_root(path: Path) -> bool:
+ for contains in project_root_contains:
+ if path.joinpath(contains).exists():
+ return True
+ return False
+def find_project_root(config_path: Path, project_root=None):
+ if project_root is not None:
+ project_root = Path(project_root)
+ if project_root in config_path.parents:
+ return project_root
+ logging.warning(
+ "project_root %s is not a common ancestor of config file %s",
+ project_root,
+ config_path,
+ )
+ return config_path.parent
+ for ppath in config_path.parents:
+ if is_project_root(ppath):
+ return ppath
+ return config_path.parent
+def get_config(pathname=None, basename="munet", search=None, logf=logging.debug):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if not search:
+ search = [cwd]
+ elif isinstance(search, (str, Path)):
+ search = [search]
+ if pathname:
+ pathname = os.path.join(cwd, pathname)
+ if not os.path.exists(pathname):
+ raise FileNotFoundError(pathname)
+ else:
+ for d in search:
+ logf("%s", f'searching in "{d}" for "{basename}".{{yaml, toml, json}}')
+ for ext in ("yaml", "toml", "json"):
+ pathname = os.path.join(d, basename + "." + ext)
+ if os.path.exists(pathname):
+ logf("%s", f'Found "{pathname}"')
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ break
+ else:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(basename + ".{json,toml,yaml} in " + f"{search}")
+ _, ext = pathname.rsplit(".", 1)
+ if ext == "json":
+ config = json.load(open(pathname, encoding="utf-8"))
+ elif ext == "toml":
+ import toml # pylint: disable=C0415
+ config = toml.load(pathname)
+ elif ext == "yaml":
+ import yaml # pylint: disable=C0415
+ config = yaml.safe_load(open(pathname, encoding="utf-8"))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Filename does not end with (.json|.toml|.yaml)")
+ config["config_pathname"] = os.path.realpath(pathname)
+ return config
+def setup_logging(args, config_base="logconf"):
+ # Create rundir and arrange for future commands to run in it.
+ # Change CWD to the rundir prior to parsing config
+ old = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(args.rundir)
+ try:
+ search = [old]
+ with importlib.resources.path("munet", config_base + ".yaml") as datapath:
+ search.append(str(datapath.parent))
+ def logf(msg, *p, **k):
+ if args.verbose:
+ print("PRELOG: " + msg % p, **k, file=sys.stderr)
+ config = get_config(args.log_config, config_base, search, logf=logf)
+ pathname = config["config_pathname"]
+ del config["config_pathname"]
+ if "info_console" in config["handlers"]:
+ # mutest case
+ if args.verbose > 1:
+ config["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = "DEBUG"
+ config["handlers"]["info_console"]["level"] = "DEBUG"
+ elif args.verbose:
+ config["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = "INFO"
+ config["handlers"]["info_console"]["level"] = "DEBUG"
+ elif args.verbose:
+ # munet case
+ config["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = "DEBUG"
+ # add the rundir path to the filenames
+ for v in config["handlers"].values():
+ filename = v.get("filename")
+ if not filename:
+ continue
+ v["filename"] = os.path.join(args.rundir, filename)
+ logging.config.dictConfig(dict(config))
+"Loaded logging config %s", pathname)
+ return config
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old)
+def append_hosts_files(unet, netname):
+ if not netname:
+ return
+ entries = []
+ for name in ("munet", *list(unet.hosts)):
+ if name == "munet":
+ node = unet.switches[netname]
+ ifname = None
+ else:
+ node = unet.hosts[name]
+ if not hasattr(node, "_intf_addrs"):
+ continue
+ ifname = node.get_ifname(netname)
+ for b in (False, True):
+ ifaddr = node.get_intf_addr(ifname, ipv6=b)
+ if ifaddr and hasattr(ifaddr, "ip"):
+ entries.append((name, ifaddr.ip))
+ for name in ("munet", *list(unet.hosts)):
+ node = unet if name == "munet" else unet.hosts[name]
+ if not hasattr(node, "rundir"):
+ continue
+ with open(os.path.join(node.rundir, "hosts.txt"), "a+", encoding="ascii") as hf:
+ hf.write("\n")
+ for e in entries:
+ hf.write(f"{e[1]}\t{e[0]}\n")
+def validate_config(config, logger, args):
+ if jsonschema is None:
+ logger.debug("No validation w/o jsonschema module")
+ return True
+ old = os.getcwd()
+ if args:
+ os.chdir(args.rundir)
+ try:
+ validator = jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator(get_schema())
+ validator.validate(instance=config)
+ logger.debug("Validated %s", config["config_pathname"])
+ return True
+ except FileNotFoundError as error:
+"No schema found: %s", error)
+ return False
+ except ValidationError as error:
+"Validation failed: %s", error)
+ return False
+ finally:
+ if args:
+ os.chdir(old)
+def load_kinds(args, search=None):
+ # Change CWD to the rundir prior to parsing config
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if args:
+ os.chdir(args.rundir)
+ args_config = args.kinds_config if args else None
+ try:
+ if search is None:
+ search = [cwd]
+ with importlib.resources.path("munet", "kinds.yaml") as datapath:
+ search.insert(0, str(datapath.parent))
+ configs = []
+ if args_config:
+ configs.append(get_config(args_config, "kinds", search=[]))
+ else:
+ # prefer directories at the front of the list
+ for kdir in search:
+ try:
+ configs.append(get_config(basename="kinds", search=[kdir]))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ continue
+ kinds = {}
+ for config in configs:
+ # XXX need to fix the issue with `connections: ["net0"]` not validating
+ # if jsonschema is not None:
+ # validator = jsonschema.validators.Draft202012Validator(get_schema())
+ # validator.validate(instance=config)
+ kinds_list = config.get("kinds", [])
+ kinds_dict = list_to_dict_with_key(kinds_list, "name")
+ if kinds_dict:
+"Loading kinds config from %s", config["config_pathname"])
+ if "kinds" in kinds:
+ kinds["kinds"].update(**kinds_dict)
+ else:
+ kinds["kinds"] = kinds_dict
+ cli_list = config.get("cli", {}).get("commands", [])
+ if cli_list:
+"Loading cli comands from %s", config["config_pathname"])
+ if "cli" not in kinds:
+ kinds["cli"] = {}
+ if "commands" not in kinds["cli"]:
+ kinds["cli"]["commands"] = []
+ kinds["cli"]["commands"].extend(cli_list)
+ return kinds
+ except FileNotFoundError as error:
+ # if we have kinds in args but the file doesn't exist, raise the error
+ if args_config is not None:
+ raise error
+ return {}
+ finally:
+ if args:
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+async def async_build_topology(
+ config=None,
+ logger=None,
+ rundir=None,
+ args=None,
+ unshare_inline=False,
+ pytestconfig=None,
+ search_root=None,
+ top_level_pidns=True,
+ if not rundir:
+ rundir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="unet")
+"mkdir -p {rundir} && chmod 755 {rundir}", check=True, shell=True)
+ isolated = not if args else True
+ if not config:
+ config = get_config(basename="munet")
+ # create search directories from common root if given
+ cpath = Path(config["config_pathname"]).absolute()
+ project_root = args.project_root if args else None
+ if not search_root:
+ search_root = find_project_root(cpath, project_root)
+ if not search_root:
+ search = [cpath.parent]
+ else:
+ search_root = Path(search_root).absolute()
+ if search_root in cpath.parents:
+ search = list(cpath.parents)
+ if remcount := len(search_root.parents):
+ search = search[0:-remcount]
+ # load kinds along search path and merge into config
+ kinds = load_kinds(args, search=search)
+ config_kinds_dict = list_to_dict_with_key(config.get("kinds", []), "name")
+ config["kinds"] = {**kinds.get("kinds", {}), **config_kinds_dict}
+ # mere CLI command from kinds into config as well.
+ kinds_cli_list = kinds.get("cli", {}).get("commands", [])
+ config_cli_list = config.get("cli", {}).get("commands", [])
+ if config_cli_list:
+ if kinds_cli_list:
+ config_cli_list.extend(list(kinds_cli_list))
+ elif kinds_cli_list:
+ if "cli" not in config:
+ config["cli"] = {}
+ if "commands" not in config["cli"]:
+ config["cli"]["commands"] = []
+ config["cli"]["commands"].extend(list(kinds_cli_list))
+ unet = Munet(
+ rundir=rundir,
+ config=config,
+ pytestconfig=pytestconfig,
+ isolated=isolated,
+ pid=top_level_pidns,
+ unshare_inline=args.unshare_inline if args else unshare_inline,
+ logger=logger,
+ )
+ try:
+ await unet._async_build(logger) # pylint: disable=W0212
+ except Exception as error:
+ logging.critical("Failure building munet topology: %s", error, exc_info=True)
+ await unet.async_delete()
+ raise
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ await unet.async_delete()
+ raise
+ topoconf = config.get("topology")
+ if not topoconf:
+ return unet
+ dns_network = topoconf.get("dns-network")
+ if dns_network:
+ append_hosts_files(unet, dns_network)
+ # Write our current config to the run directory
+ with open(f"{unet.rundir}/config.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ json.dump(unet.config, f, indent=2)
+ return unet
+def build_topology(config=None, logger=None, rundir=None, args=None, pytestconfig=None):
+ return, logger, rundir, args, pytestconfig))