path: root/doc/developer/frr-release-procedure.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/developer/frr-release-procedure.rst')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/developer/frr-release-procedure.rst b/doc/developer/frr-release-procedure.rst
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+++ b/doc/developer/frr-release-procedure.rst
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+.. _frr-release-procedure:
+FRR Release Procedure
+``<version>`` - version to be released, e.g. 7.3
+``origin`` - FRR upstream repository
+Stage 1 - Preparation
+#. Prepare changelog for the new release
+ Note: use ``tools/`` to help draft release notes changelog
+#. Checkout the existing ``dev/<version>`` branch.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git checkout dev/<version>
+#. Create and push a new branch called ``stable/<version>`` based on the
+ ``dev/<version>`` branch.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git checkout -b stable/<version>
+#. Remove the development branch called ``dev/<version>``
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git push origin --delete dev/<version>
+#. Update Changelog for Red Hat Packages:
+ Edit :file:`redhat/` and look for the ``%changelog`` section:
+ - Change last (top of list) entry from ``%{version}`` to the **last**
+ released version number. For example, if ``<version>`` is ``7.3`` and the
+ last public release was ``7.2``, you would use ``7.2``, changing the file
+ like so::
+ * Tue Nov 7 2017 Martin Winter <> - %{version}
+ to::
+ * Tue Nov 7 2017 Martin Winter <> - 7.2
+ - Add new entry to the top of the list with ``%{version}`` tag. Make sure
+ to watch the format, i.e. the day is always 2 characters, with the 1st
+ character being a space if the day is one digit.
+ - Add the changelog text below this entry.
+#. Update Changelog for Debian Packages:
+ Update :file:`debian/changelog`:
+ - Run following with **last** release version number and debian revision
+ (usually -1) as argument to ``dch --newversion VERSION``. For example, if
+ ``<version>`` is ``7.3`` then you will run ``dch --newversion 7.3-1``.
+ - The ``dch`` will run an editor, and you should add the changelog text below
+ this entry, usually that would be: **New upstream version**.
+ - Verify the changelog format using ``dpkg-parsechangelog``. In the
+ repository root:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ dpkg-parsechangelog
+ You should see output like this::
+ vagrant@local ~/frr> dpkg-parsechangelog
+ Source: frr
+ Version: 7.3-dev-0
+ Distribution: UNRELEASED
+ Urgency: medium
+ Maintainer: FRRouting-Dev <>
+ Timestamp: 1540478210
+ Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 16:36:50 +0200
+ Changes:
+ frr (7.3-dev-0) RELEASED; urgency=medium
+ .
+ * Your Changes Here
+#. Commit the changes, adding the changelog to the commit message. Follow all
+ existing commit guidelines. The commit message should be akin to::
+ debian, redhat: updating changelog for new release
+#. Change main version number:
+ - Edit :file:`` and change version in the ``AC_INIT`` command
+ to ``<version>``
+ Add and commit this change. This commit should be separate from the commit
+ containing the changelog. The commit message should be::
+ FRR Release <version>
+ The version field should be complete; i.e. for ``8.0.0``, the version should
+ be ``8.0.0`` and not ``8.0`` or ``8``.
+Stage 2 - Staging
+#. Push the stable branch to a new remote branch prefixed with ``rc``::
+ git push origin stable/<version>:rc/version
+ This will trigger the NetDEF CI, which serve as a sanity check on the
+ release branch. Verify that all tests pass and that all package builds are
+ successful. To do this, go to the NetDEF CI located here:
+ In the top left, look for ``rc-<version>`` in the "Plan branch" dropdown.
+ Select this version. Note that it may take a few minutes for the CI to kick
+ in on this new branch and appear in the list.
+#. Push the stable branch:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git push origin stable/<version>:refs/heads/stable/<version>
+#. Create and push a git tag for the version:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git tag -a frr-<version> -m "FRRouting Release <version>"
+ git push origin frr-<version>
+#. Create a new branch based on ``master``, cherry-pick the commit made earlier
+ that added the changelogs, and use it to create a PR against ``master``.
+ This way ``master`` has the latest changelog for the next cycle.
+#. Kick off the "Release" build plan on the CI system for the correct release.
+ Contact Martin Winter for this step. Ensure all release packages build
+ successfully.
+#. Kick off the Snapcraft build plan for the release.
+#. Build Docker images
+ 1. Log into the Netdef Docker build VM
+ 2. ``sudo -su builduser``
+ 3. Suppose we are releasing 8.5.0, then ``X.Y.Z`` is ``8.5.0``. Run this:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ cd /home/builduser/frr
+ git fetch --all
+ git checkout frr-$TAG
+ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le,linux/s390x,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v6 -f docker/alpine/Dockerfile -t$TAG --push .
+ git tag docker/$TAG
+ git push origin docker/$TAG
+ This will build a multi-arch image and upload it to Quay, as well as
+ create a git tag corresponding to the commit that the image was built
+ from and upload that to Github. It's important that the git tag point to
+ the exact codebase that was used to build the docker image, so if any
+ changes need to be made on top of the ``frr-$TAG`` release tag, make
+ sure these changes are committed and pointed at by the ``docker/X.Y.Z``
+ tag.
+Stage 3 - Publish
+#. Upload both the Debian and RPM packages to their respective repositories.
+#. Coordinate with the maintainer of FRR's RPM repository to publish the RPM
+ packages on that repository. Update the repository webpage. Verify that the
+ instructions on the webpage work and that FRR is installable from the
+ repository on a Red Hat system.
+ Current maintainer: *Martin Winter*
+#. Coordinate with the maintainer of FRR Debian package to publish the Debian
+ packages on that repository. Update the repository webpage. Verify that the
+ instructions on the webpage work and that FRR is installable from the
+ repository on a Debian system.
+ Current maintainer: *Jafar Al-Gharaibeh*
+#. Log in to the Read The Docs instance. in the "FRRouting" project, navigate
+ to the "Overview" tab. Ensure there is a ``stable-<version>`` version listed
+ and that it is enabled. Go to "Admin" and then "Advanced Settings". Change
+ "Default version" to the new version. This ensures that the documentation
+ shown to visitors is that of the latest release by default.
+ This step must be performed by someone with administrative access to the
+ Read the Docs instance.
+#. On GitHub, go to the <>_ and click
+ "Draft a new release". Write a release announcement. The release
+ announcement should follow the template in
+ ````, located next to this document. Check
+ for spelling errors, and optionally (but preferably) have other maintainers
+ proofread the announcement text.
+ Do not attach any packages or source tarballs to the GitHub release.
+ Publish the release once it is reviewed.
+#. Deploy Snapcraft release. Remember that this will automatically upgrade Snap
+ users.
+ Current maintainer: *Martin Winter*
+#. Build and publish the Docker containers.
+ Current maintainer: *Quentin Young*
+#. Clone the ``frr-www`` repository:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ git clone
+#. Add a new release announcement, using a previous announcement as template:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ cp content/release/<old-version>.md content/release/<new-version>.md
+ Paste the GitHub release announcement text into this document, and **remove
+ line breaks**. In other words, this::
+ This is one continuous
+ sentence that should be
+ rendered on one line
+ Needs to be changed to this::
+ This is one continuous sentence that should be rendered on one line
+ This is very important otherwise the announcement will be unreadable on the
+ website.
+ To get the number of commiters and commits, here is a couple of handy commands:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ # The number of commits
+ % git log --oneline --no-merges base_8.2...base_8.1 | wc -l
+ # The number of commiters
+ % git shortlog --summary --no-merges base_8.2...base_8.1 | wc -l
+ Make sure to add a link to the GitHub releases page at the top.
+#. Deploy the updated ``frr-www`` on the web server and verify
+ that the announcement text is visible.
+#. Update (Default Version) for to
+ be the version of this latest release.
+#. Send an email to ````. The text of this email
+ should include text as appropriate from the GitHub release and a link to the
+ GitHub release, Debian repository, and RPM repository.