**** BGPD **** .. include:: defines.rst .. |DAEMON| replace:: bgpd SYNOPSIS ======== |DAEMON| |synopsis-options-hv| |DAEMON| |synopsis-options| DESCRIPTION =========== |DAEMON| is a routing component that works with the FRRouting routing engine. OPTIONS ======= OPTIONS available for the |DAEMON| command: .. include:: common-options.rst .. option:: -p, --bgp_port Set the bgp protocol's port number. When port number is 0, that means do not listen bgp port. .. option:: -l, --listenon Specify a specific IP address for bgpd to listen on, rather than its default of ```` / ``::``. This can be useful to constrain bgpd to an internal address, or to run multiple bgpd processes on one host. .. option:: -n, --no_kernel Do not install learned routes into the linux kernel. This option is useful for a route-reflector environment or if you are running multiple bgp processes in the same namespace. This option is different than the --no_zebra option in that a ZAPI connection is made. .. option:: -e, --ecmp Run BGP with a limited ecmp capability, that is different than what BGP was compiled with. The value specified must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the MULTIPATH_NUM specified on compilation. .. option:: -Z, --no_zebra Do not communicate with zebra at all. This is different than the --no_kernel option in that we do not even open a ZAPI connection to the zebra process. .. option:: -s, --socket_size When opening tcp connections to our peers, set the socket send buffer size that the kernel will use for the peers socket. This option is only really useful at a very large scale. Experimentation should be done to see if this is helping or not at the scale you are running at. LABEL MANAGER ------------- .. option:: -I, --int_num Set zclient id. This is required when using Zebra label manager in proxy mode. FILES ===== |INSTALL_PREFIX_SBIN|/|DAEMON| The default location of the |DAEMON| binary. |INSTALL_PREFIX_ETC|/|DAEMON|.conf The default location of the |DAEMON| config file. $(PWD)/|DAEMON|.log If the |DAEMON| process is configured to output logs to a file, then you will find this file in the directory where you started |DAEMON|. .. include:: epilogue.rst