# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # # May 28 2023, Christian Hopps # # Copyright (c) 2023, LabN Consulting, L.L.C. # import ipaddress import math import re import pytest from lib.common_config import retry, step from lib.topolog import logger from munet.base import proc_error @retry(retry_timeout=30) def check_vtysh_up(router): rc, o, e = router.net.cmd_status("vtysh -c 'show version'") return None if not rc else proc_error(rc, o, e) @retry(retry_timeout=3, initial_wait=0.1) def check_kernel(r1, prefix, expected=True): net = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix) if net.version == 6: kernel = r1.net.cmd_nostatus("ip -6 route show", warn=not expected) else: kernel = r1.net.cmd_nostatus("ip -4 route show", warn=not expected) logger.debug("checking kernel routing table:\n%0.1920s", kernel) route = f"{str(net)}(?: nhid [0-9]+)?.*proto (static|196)" m = re.search(route, kernel) if expected and not m: return f"Failed to find \n'{route}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" elif not expected and m: return f"Failed found \n'{route}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" return None def get_ip_networks(super_prefix, count): count_log2 = math.log(count, 2) if count_log2 != int(count_log2): count_log2 = int(count_log2) + 1 else: count_log2 = int(count_log2) network = ipaddress.ip_network(super_prefix) return tuple(network.subnets(count_log2))[0:count] def write_big_route_conf(super_prefix, count, confpath, prologue=""): start = None end = None with open(confpath, "w+", encoding="ascii") as f: if prologue: f.write(prologue + "\n") for net in get_ip_networks(super_prefix, count): end = net if not start: start = net f.write(f"ip route {net} lo\n") return start, end def _test_staticd_late_start(tgen, router): if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) # for x in ["r1"]: # tgen.gears[x].net.cmd_nostatus( # "vtysh -c 'debug mgmt client frontend' " # "-c 'debug mgmt client backend' " # "-c 'debug mgmt backend frontend datastore transaction'" # ) step("Verifying startup route is not present w/o staticd running") result = check_kernel(router, "", expected=False) assert result is not None step("Configure another static route verify is not present w/o staticd running") router.net.cmd_nostatus("vtysh -c 'config t' -c 'ip route'") result = check_kernel(router, "", expected=False) assert result is not None result = check_kernel(router, "", expected=False) assert result is not None step("Starting staticd") router.startDaemons(["staticd"]) step("Verifying both routes are present") result = check_kernel(router, "") assert result is None result = check_kernel(router, "") assert result is None