graph template { label="ospf_topo2"; splines = "line" # Routers r1 [ shape=doubleoctagon, label="r1\n192.0.2.1\n2001:db8::1", fillcolor="#f08080", style=filled, ]; r2 [ shape=doubleoctagon, label="r2\n\\n2001:db8::2", fillcolor="#f08080", style=filled, ]; r3 [ shape=doubleoctagon, label="r3\n192.0.2.3\n2001:db8::3", fillcolor="#f08080", style=filled, ]; r4 [ shape=doubleoctagon, label="r4\n192.0.2.4\n2001:db8::4", fillcolor="#f08080", style=filled, ]; # Connections r1 -- r2 [label="eth1"]; r1 -- r2 [label="eth2"]; r2 -- r3 [label="eth3\neth1"]; r1 -- r4 [label="eth3\neth1"]; r4 -- r3 [label="eth2"]; r4 -- r3 [label="eth3"]; # Group r1 and r2 above, r3 and r4 below { rank=min; r1; r2; } { rank=max; r3; r4; } }