#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # # Copyright (c) 2024 NFWare Inc. # # noqa: E501 # """ Test static route functionality """ import ipaddress import pytest from lib.topogen import Topogen from lib.common_config import retry pytestmark = [pytest.mark.staticd, pytest.mark.mgmtd] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def tgen(request): "Setup/Teardown the environment and provide tgen argument to tests" topodef = {"s1": ("r1",), "s2": ("r1",)} tgen = Topogen(topodef, request.module.__name__) tgen.start_topology() router_list = tgen.routers() for rname, router in router_list.items(): # Setup VRF red router.net.add_l3vrf("red", 10) router.net.attach_iface_to_l3vrf(rname + "-eth0", "red") # Setup VRF blue router.net.add_l3vrf("blue", 20) router.net.attach_iface_to_l3vrf(rname + "-eth1", "blue") # Load configuration router.load_frr_config("frr.conf") tgen.start_router() yield tgen tgen.stop_topology() @retry(retry_timeout=1, initial_wait=0.1) def check_kernel(r1, prefix, nexthops, vrf, expected_p=True, expected_nh=True): vrfstr = f" vrf {vrf}" if vrf else "" net = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix) if net.version == 6: kernel = r1.run(f"ip -6 route show{vrfstr} {prefix}") else: kernel = r1.run(f"ip -4 route show{vrfstr} {prefix}") if expected_p: assert prefix in kernel, f"Failed to find \n'{prefix}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" else: assert ( prefix not in kernel ), f"Failed found \n'{prefix}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" if not expected_p: return for nh in nexthops: if expected_nh: assert f"{nh}" in kernel, f"Failed to find \n'{nh}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" else: assert ( f"{nh}" not in kernel ), f"Failed found \n'{nh}'\n in \n'{kernel:.1920}'" def test_static_vrf(tgen): if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) r1 = tgen.gears["r1"] # Check initial configuration check_kernel(r1, "", ["", ""], None) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0", "r1-eth1"], None) check_kernel(r1, "", [""], "red") check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth1"], "red") check_kernel(r1, "", [""], "blue") check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0"], "blue") # Delete VRF red r1.net.del_iface("red") # Check that "red" nexthops are removed, "blue" nexthops are still there check_kernel(r1, "", [""], None, expected_nh=False) check_kernel(r1, "", [""], None) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0"], None, expected_nh=False) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth1"], None) check_kernel(r1, "", [""], "blue", expected_p=False) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0"], "blue", expected_p=False) # Delete VRF blue r1.net.del_iface("blue") # Check that "blue" nexthops are removed check_kernel(r1, "", [""], None, expected_p=False) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth1"], None, expected_p=False) # Add VRF red back, attach "eth0" to it r1.net.add_l3vrf("red", 10) r1.net.attach_iface_to_l3vrf("r1-eth0", "red") # Check that "red" nexthops are restored check_kernel(r1, "", [""], None) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0"], None) # Add VRF blue back, attach "eth1" to it r1.net.add_l3vrf("blue", 20) r1.net.attach_iface_to_l3vrf("r1-eth1", "blue") # Check that everything is restored check_kernel(r1, "", ["", ""], None) check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0", "r1-eth1"], None) check_kernel(r1, "", [""], "red") check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth1"], "red") check_kernel(r1, "", [""], "blue") check_kernel(r1, "", ["r1-eth0"], "blue")