path: root/debian/rules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
45 files changed, 13119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81e5581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Build rules for gcc (>= 2.95) and gcc-snapshot
+# Targets found in this makefile:
+# - unpack tarballs
+# - patch sources
+# - (re)create the control file
+# - create a debian/rules.parameters file, which is included
+# by debian/rules2
+# All other targets are passed to the debian/rules2 file
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+default: build
+include debian/rules.defs
+include debian/rules.unpack
+include debian/rules.patch
+control: $(control_dependencies)
+ @echo "Build environment: derivative=$(derivative), release=$(distrelease)"
+ -mkdir -p $(stampdir)
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules.conf $@
+configure: control $(unpack_stamp) $(patch_stamp)
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+# no backport support for these releases ..., keep conditionals for
+# Debian: jessie stretch buster bullseye ...
+# UBuntu: precise trusty xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute ...
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),lenny squeeze wheezy hardy lucid))
+ @echo explicitely fail the build for $(distribution)/$(distrelease) on $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH).
+ @echo no bug report required. please figure out the back port yourself.
+ false
+#ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-13)
+# ifneq (,$(findstring native, $(build_type)))
+# ifneq (,$(findstring mips, $(TARGET_ALIAS)))
+# @echo "native compiler for $(TARGET_ALIAS) not built from this source."
+# @echo "See"
+# false
+# endif
+# endif
+build: pre-build control
+ $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -f debian/rules2 $@
+build-arch: pre-build control
+ $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -f debian/rules2 $@
+build-indep: pre-build control
+ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) nostrap nohppa64 nonvptx nocheck nopgo nolto" \
+ $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -f debian/rules2 $@
+check: $(check_stamp)
+$(check_stamp): $(build_stamp)
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+ rm -rf $(stampdir)
+# remove temporary dirs used for unpacking
+ rm -rf $(gcc_srcdir) $(gdc_srcdir) $(newlib_srcdir) $(binutils_srcdir)
+ -$(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+ rm -rf $(srcdir)* $(builddir)* debian/tmp* html
+ rm -f bootstrap-* test-protocol* first-move-stamp
+ rm -f debian/*.tmp
+ rm -f debian/soname-cache
+ find debian -name '.#*' | xargs -r rm -f
+ rm -f $(series_file)*
+ rm -rf .pc
+ dh_clean
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+html-docs doxygen-docs update-doxygen-docs update-ada-files xxx:
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+binary-arch binary:
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) nostrap nohppa64 nonvptx nocheck nopgo nolto" \
+ $(MAKE) -f debian/rules2 $@
+source diff:
+ @echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
+ foo=$(shell basename $(CURDIR)); \
+ if [ "$$foo" != "gcc-3.4" ]; then \
+ find -name CVS -o -name .cvsignore -o -name '.#*' | \
+ xargs rm -rf; \
+ fi
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary release
diff --git a/debian/rules.conf b/debian/rules.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e72ea2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1453 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# rules.conf
+# - used to build debian/control and debian/rules.parameters
+# - assumes unpacked sources
+include debian/rules.defs
+include debian/rules.sonames
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+include $(binutils_srcdir)/debian/rules.defs
+# manual ...
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU), $(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),hppa m68k))
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),m68k)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),hppa)
+ endif
+_soname_map = gcc-s=$(GCC_SONAME) gcc=$(GCC_SONAME) stdc++=$(CXX_SONAME) \
+ gomp=$(GOMP_SONAME) ssp=$(SSP_SONAME) gfortran=$(FORTRAN_SONAME) \
+ itm=$(ITM_SONAME) objc=$(OBJC_SONAME) quadmath=$(QUADMATH_SONAME) \
+ go=$(GO_SONAME) backtrace=$(BTRACE_SONAME) \
+ atomic=$(ATOMIC_SONAME) asan=$(ASAN_SONAME) lsan=$(LSAN_SONAME) \
+ tsan=$(TSAN_SONAME) ubsan=$(UBSAN_SONAME) hwasan=$(HWASAN_SONAME) \
+ vtv=$(VTV_SONAME) gm2=$(GM2_SONAME) \
+ gphobos=$(GPHOBOS_SONAME)
+_soname = $(patsubst $(1)=%,%,$(filter $(1)=%,$(_soname_map)))
+rel_on_dev := $(if $(cross_lib_arch),>=,=)
+# $(call _lib_name,<name>,<biarch>,<ext>)
+_lib_name = $(subst $(SPACE),, \
+ lib$(2)$(1) \
+ $(if $(filter dev,$(3)),,$(call _soname,$(1))) \
+ $(if $(or $(filter $(3),dev),$(and $(filter $(3),dbg),$(filter $(1),stdc++))),-$(BASE_VERSION)) \
+ $(if $(3),-$(3))$(LS)$(AQ))
+# $(call _lib_vers,<ext>,<vers>)
+_lib_vers = ($(if $(filter $(1),dev),$(rel_on_dev),>=) $(2))
+# Helper to generate biarch/triarch dependencies.
+# For example, $(eval $(call gen_multilib_deps,gomp)) will create the
+# libgompbiarch variable, and make it contains the libgompbiarch{32,64,n32}
+# variables if biarch{32,64,n32} is set to yes.
+define gen_multilib_deps
+ lib$1biarch64$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),64,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ lib$1biarch32$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),32,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ lib$1biarchn32$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),n32,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ lib$1biarchx32$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),x32,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ lib$1biarchhf$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),hf,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ lib$1biarchsf$2 := $(call _lib_name,$(1),sf,$(2)) $(call _lib_vers,$(2),$(3))
+ ifeq ($$(biarch64),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch64$2)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(biarch32),yes)
+ ifeq ($$(biarch64),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch64$2), $$(lib$1biarch32$2)
+ else
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch32$2)
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(biarchx32),yes)
+ ifeq ($$(biarch64),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch64$2), $$(lib$1biarchx32$2)
+ else ifeq ($$(biarch32),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch32$2), $$(lib$1biarchx32$2)
+ else
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarchx32$2)
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(biarchn32),yes)
+ ifeq ($$(biarch64),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch64$2), $$(lib$1biarchn32$2)
+ else ifeq ($$(biarch32),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarch32$2), $$(lib$1biarchn32$2)
+ else
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarchn32$2)
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(biarchhf),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarchhf$2) | $(call _lib_name,$(1),hf,$(2))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(biarchsf),yes)
+ lib$1biarch$2 := $$(lib$1biarchsf$2) | $(call _lib_name,$(1),sf,$(2))
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_shared_libgcc),yes)
+ LIBGCC_DEP := libgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})
+ $(eval $(call gen_multilib_deps,gcc-s,,$$$${gcc:Version}))
+LIBGCC_DEV_DEP := libgcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(LS)$(AQ) ($(rel_on_dev) $${gcc:Version})
+$(foreach x,stdc++ gomp ssp gfortran itm objc atomic asan lsan ubsan hwasan quadmath go vtv, \
+ $(eval $(call gen_multilib_deps,$(x),,$$$${gcc:Version})))
+$(foreach x,gcc gcc-s stdc++ gfortran objc go gphobos, \
+ $(eval $(call gen_multilib_deps,$(x),dev,$$$${gcc:Version})))
+$(foreach x,gcc gcc-s stdc++ gfortran objc go gphobos, \
+ $(eval $(call gen_multilib_deps,$(x),dbg,$$$${gcc:Version})))
+# Helper to generate _no_archs variables.
+# For example, $(eval $(call gen_no_archs,go)) will create the go_no_archs
+# variable, using the go_no_cpu and go_no_systems variables.
+define gen_no_archs
+ $1_no_archs :=
+ ifneq (,$$($1_no_cpus))
+ $1_no_archs += $$(foreach cpu,$$(filter-out i386 amd64 alpha arm,$$($1_no_cpus)),!$$(cpu))
+ ifneq (,$$(filter i386,$$($1_no_cpus)))
+ $1_no_archs += !i386 !hurd-i386 !kfreebsd-i386
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$(filter amd64,$$($1_no_cpus)))
+ $1_no_archs += !amd64 !hurd-amd64 !kfreebsd-amd64
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$(filter alpha,$$($1_no_cpus)))
+ $1_no_archs += !alpha !hurd-alpha
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$(filter arm,$$($1_no_cpus)))
+ $1_no_archs += !arm !armel !armhf
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$(strip $3))
+ $1_no_systems_tmp := $$(subst $$(SPACE)gnu$$(SPACE),$$(SPACE)hurd-gnu$$(SPACE),$$(SPACE)$3$$(SPACE))
+ $1_no_archs += $$(foreach cpu,$$($1_no_cpus),$$(foreach system,$$($1_no_systems_tmp),!$$(subst gnu,$$(cpu),$$(system))))
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$($1_no_systems))
+ $1_no_systems_tmp := $$(subst $$(SPACE)gnu$$(SPACE),$$(SPACE)hurd-gnu$$(SPACE),$$(SPACE)$$($1_no_systems)$$(SPACE))
+ $1_no_archs += $$(foreach system,$$($1_no_systems_tmp),$$(foreach cpu,$2,!$$(subst gnu,$$(cpu),$$(system))))
+ endif
+ $1_no_archs := $$(strip $$($1_no_archs))
+base_deb_cpus := amd64 i386
+base_deb_systems :=
+$(foreach x,ada d fortran go m2 rs libgphobos libgc check locale,$(eval $(call gen_no_archs,$(x),$(base_deb_cpus),$(base_deb_systems))))
+linux_no_archs := !hurd-any !kfreebsd-any
+GCC_VERSION := $(strip $(shell cat $(firstword $(wildcard $(srcdir)/gcc/FULL-VER $(srcdir)/gcc/BASE-VER))))
+NEXT_GCC_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | \
+ awk -F. '{OFS="."; $$2 += 1; $$3=0; print}')
+GCC_MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | sed -r 's/([0-9])\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/\1/')
+GCC_MINOR_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | sed -r 's/[0-9]\.([0-9])\.[0-9]/\1/')
+GCC_RELEASE_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | sed -r 's/[0-9]\.[0-9]\.([0-9])/\1/')
+NEXT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell expr $(echo $(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)) + 1)
+NEXT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION := $(shell expr $(echo $(GCC_MINOR_VERSION)) + 1)
+NEXT_GCC_RELEASE_VERSION := $(shell expr $(echo $(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)) + 1)
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ BASE_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')
+GCC_SOURCE_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed 's/-.*//')
+ awk -F. '{OFS="."; $$2 += 1; $$3=0; print}')
+MAINTAINER = Debian GCC Maintainers <>
+ifeq ($(distribution),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(PKGSOURCE),gnat gdc))
+ MAINTAINER = Ubuntu MOTU Developers <>
+ else
+ MAINTAINER = Ubuntu Core developers <>
+ endif
+UPLOADERS = Matthias Klose <>
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(PKGSOURCE),gnat))
+ UPLOADERS = Ludovic Brenta <>
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(PKGSOURCE),gdc))
+ UPLOADERS = Iain Buclaw <>, Matthias Klose <>
+DPKGV = 1.14.15
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ DPKGV = 1.16.0~ubuntu4
+ifeq ($(multiarch_stage1),yes)
+ DPKGV = 1.16.0~ubuntu4
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ DPKGV = 1.17.14
+DPKG_BUILD_DEP = dpkg-dev (>= $(DPKGV)),
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial))
+ LOCALES = locales
+ LOCALES = locales-all
+# The binutils version needed.
+# The oldest suitable versions for the various platforms can be found in
+# INSTALL/specific.html ; we take a tighter dependency if possible to be on
+# the safe side (something like newest( version in stable, versions for the
+# various platforms in INSTALL/specific.html) ).
+# We need binutils (>= 2.19.1) for a new dwarf unwind expression opcode.
+# See
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise))
+ BINUTILSBDV = 2.22-6~
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),trusty))
+ BINUTILSBDV = 2.24-5~
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie))
+ BINUTILSBDV = 2.25-7~
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),xenial))
+ BINUTILSBDV = 2.26.1
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),bionic))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),buster focal))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),groovy))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),bullseye))
+ BINUTILSBDV = 2.35.2
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),hirsute))
+ else
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch jessie precise trusty xenial))
+ BINUTILS_BUILD_DEP = binutils$(TS)$(NT) (>= $(BINUTILSBDV)), binutils-multiarch$(NT) (>= $(BINUTILSBDV))
+ else
+ BINUTILS_BUILD_DEP = binutils$(TS)$(NT) (>= $(BINUTILSBDV)), debhelper (>= 10.10.6~)
+ endif
+ BINUTILSV := $(shell dpkg -l binutils$(TS) \
+ | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;exit}' | sed 's/-.*//')
+ ifneq (,$(findstring cross-build-,$(build_type)))
+ BINUTILSV := $(shell dpkg -l binutils$(TS) \
+ | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;exit}' | sed 's/-.*//')
+ else
+ BINUTILSV := $(shell dpkg -l binutils binutils-multiarch \
+ | awk '/^ii/{print $$3;exit}' | sed 's/-.*//')
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ ifeq (,$(filter gccgo% gnat%, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ BINUTILS_BUILD_DEP += , $(binutils_hppa64)$(NT) (>= $(BINUTILSBDV)) [$(hppa64_archs)]
+ endif
+ifeq (,$(BINUTILSV))
+# FIXME; stripping doesn't work with gold
+#BINUTILS_BUILD_DEP += , binutils-gold (>= $(BINUTILSV)) [$(gold_archs)]
+# libc-dev dependencies
+libc_ver := 2.23
+libc_dev_ver := $(libc_ver)
+kfreebsd_libc_dev_ver := 2.25
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ libc_dev_ver := 2.23-1~
+ else
+ libc_dev_ver := 2.13-0ubuntu6
+ endif
+# first set LIBC_DEP/LIBC_DEV_DEP for native builds only
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),linux)
+ LIBC_DEP = $(if $(filter alpha ia64, $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)),libc6.1,libc6)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring musl-linux-,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)))
+ LIBC_DEP = musl
+ libc_ver = 0.9
+ libc_dev_ver = 0.9
+ endif
+else ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),hurd)
+ LIBC_DEP = libc0.3
+else ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),kfreebsd)
+ LIBC_DEP = libc0.1
+ libc_dev_ver := $(kfreebsd_libc_dev_ver)
+else ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),uclibc)
+ LIBC_DEP = libuclibc
+# this is about Debian archs name, *NOT* GNU target triplet
+biarch_deb_map := \
+ i386=amd64 amd64=i386 \
+ mips=mips64 mipsel=mips64el \
+ mipsn32=mips mipsn32el=mipsel \
+ mips64=mips mips64el=mipsel \
+ mipsr6=mips64r6 mipsr6el=mips64r6el \
+ mipsn32r6=mipsr6 mipsn32r6el=mipsr6el \
+ mips64r6=mipsr6 mips64r6el=mipsr6el \
+ powerpc=ppc64 ppc64=powerpc \
+ sparc=sparc64 sparc64=sparc\
+ s390=s390x s390x=s390 \
+ kfreebsd-amd64=i386 \
+ armel=armhf \
+ armhf=armel
+biarch_deb_arch := $(patsubst $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)=%,%, \
+ $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)=%,$(biarch_deb_map)))
+ifneq (,$(findstring yes,$(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32)$(biarchhf)$(biarchsf)))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEP := $${shlibs:Depends}
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ # amd64, x32, i386
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 x32 i386))
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)$(biarch32),yesyes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-amd64$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-i386$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)$(biarchx32),yesyes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-amd64$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-x32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarch32)$(biarchx32),yesyes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-i386$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-x32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ endif
+ # mips*
+ ifneq (,$(findstring mips, $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)))
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)$(biarch32),yesyes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := libc6-dev-mips32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += libc6-dev-mipsn32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)$(biarch32),yesyes)
+ triarch := $(COMMA)$(SPACE)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := libc6-dev-mips32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += libc6-dev-mips64$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)$(biarch64),yesyes)
+ triarch := $(COMMA)$(SPACE)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP := libc6-dev-mips64$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver)),
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += libc6-dev-mipsn32$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarchhf),yes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEP := $(LIBC_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEP += | $(LIBC_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += | $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarchsf),yes)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEP := $(LIBC_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEP += | $(LIBC_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ)
+ LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP += | $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)-$(biarch_deb_arch)$(LS)$(AQ)
+ endif
+# now add the cross suffix and required version
+LIBC_DEV_DEP := $(LIBC_DEV_DEP)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ LIBC_DBG_DEP = libc6.1-dbg [alpha ia64] | libc0.3-dbg [hurd-amd64 hurd-i386] | libc0.1-dbg [kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386] | libc6-dbg,
+# TODO: make this automatic, there must be a better way to define LIBC_DEP.
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ LIBC_BUILD_DEP = libc6.1-dev (>= $(libc_dev_ver)) [alpha ia64] | libc0.3-dev (>= $(libc_dev_ver)) [hurd-amd64 hurd-i386] | libc0.1-dev (>= $(kfreebsd_libc_dev_ver)) [kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386] | libc6-dev (>= $(libc_dev_ver))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_BUILD_DEP = libc6-dev-amd64 [i386 x32], libc6-dev-sparc64 [sparc], libc6-dev-sparc [sparc64], libc6-dev-s390 [s390x], libc6-dev-s390x [s390], libc6-dev-i386 [amd64 x32], libc6-dev-powerpc [ppc64], libc6-dev-ppc64 [powerpc], libc0.1-dev-i386 [kfreebsd-amd64], lib32gcc-s1 [amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-amd64 mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el s390x sparc64 x32], libn32gcc-s1 [mips mipsel mips64 mips64el], lib64gcc-s1 [i386 mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el powerpc sparc s390 x32], libc6-dev-mips64 [mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el], libc6-dev-mipsn32 [mips mipsel mips64 mips64el], libc6-dev-mips32 [mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el],
+ ifeq (yes,$(MIPS_R6_ENABLED))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_BUILD_DEP = libc6-dev-amd64 [i386 x32], libc6-dev-sparc64 [sparc], libc6-dev-sparc [sparc64], libc6-dev-s390 [s390x], libc6-dev-s390x [s390], libc6-dev-i386 [amd64 x32], libc6-dev-powerpc [ppc64], libc6-dev-ppc64 [powerpc], libc0.1-dev-i386 [kfreebsd-amd64], lib32gcc-s1 [amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-amd64 mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el mips64r6 mips64r6el s390x sparc64 x32], libn32gcc-s1 [mips mipsel mips64 mips64el mipsr6 mipsr6el mips64r6 mips64r6el], lib64gcc-s1 [i386 mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el mipsr6 mipsr6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el powerpc sparc s390 x32], libc6-dev-mips64 [mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el mipsr6 mipsr6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el], libc6-dev-mipsn32 [mips mipsel mips64 mips64el mipsr6 mipsr6el mips64r6 mips64r6el], libc6-dev-mips32 [mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el mips64r6 mips64r6el],
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_BUILD_DEP += libc6-dev-x32 [amd64 i386], libx32gcc-s1 [amd64 i386],
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_BUILD_DEP += libc6-dev-armhf [armel], libhfgcc-s1 [armel],
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)))
+ LIBC_BIARCH_BUILD_DEP += libc6-dev-armel [armhf], libsfgcc-s1 [armhf],
+ endif
+ # FIXME: needed for backports
+ ifneq ($(LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP),)
+ else
+ endif
+# needed for the include/asm symlink to run the testsuite for
+# non default multilibs
+ifneq (,$(multilib_archs))
+ GCC_MULTILIB_BUILD_DEP = g++-multilib [$(multilib_archs)]$(pf_ncross),
+LIBUNWIND_DEV_DEP := libunwind8-dev$(LS)$(AQ)
+LIBATOMIC_OPS_BUILD_DEP := libatomic-ops-dev$(LS) [ia64],
+ifneq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),ia64)
+ LIBUNWIND_DEV_DEP := # nothing
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+ LIBUNWIND_DEV_DEP := # nothing
+GMP_BUILD_DEP = libgmp-dev (>= 2:5.0.1~),
+MPFR_BUILD_DEP = libmpfr-dev (>= 3.0.0-9~),
+ISL_BUILD_DEP = libisl-dev,
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch precise trusty xenial bionic))
+ ISL_BUILD_DEP = libisl-dev (>= 0.20),
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ MPC_BUILD_DEP = libmpc-dev,
+ MPC_BUILD_DEP = libmpc-dev (>= 1.0),
+ifeq (,$(findstring gcc,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ CHECK_BUILD_DEP := dejagnu$(if $(check_no_archs), [$(check_no_archs)]),
+ CHECK_BUILD_DEP := dejagnu$(if $(check_no_archs), [$(check_no_archs)]) <!nocheck>,
+AUTO_BUILD_DEP := m4, libtool,
+autoconf_version = 2.69
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch buster trusty xenial bionic focal groovy))
+ autoconf_version =
+AUTO_BUILD_DEP += autoconf$(autoconf_version),
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ SDT_BUILD_DEP = systemtap-sdt-dev [linux-any],
+# ensure that the common libs, built from the next GCC version are available
+ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ ifneq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ BASE_BUILD_DEP = gcc-14-base,
+ endif
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ OFFLOAD_BUILD_DEP += nvptx-tools [$(nvptx_archs)],
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ LLVM_DEP = amdgcn-tools [$(gcn_archs)],
+ else
+ LLVM_DEP = llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)$(if $(pkg_llvm_ver), (>= $(pkg_llvm_ver))) [$(gcn_archs)], \
+ lld-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)$(if $(pkg_llvm_ver), (>= $(pkg_llvm_ver))) [$(gcn_archs)],
+ endif
+PHOBOS_BUILD_DEP = lib32z1-dev [amd64 kfreebsd-amd64], lib64z1-dev [i386],
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise))
+ PHOBOS_BUILD_DEP += libx32z1-dev [amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 i386],
+ endif
+PHOBOS_BUILD_DEP += unzip <!nocheck>,
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ GM2_BUILD_DEP = python3:any,
+ifeq ($(usage_stats),yes)
+ ifeq (,$(no_usage_archs))
+ USAGE_BUILD_DEP = python3:any, python3-psutil, python3-matplotlib,
+ else
+ USAGE_BUILD_DEP = python3:any, \
+ python3-psutil [$(foreach a,$(no_usage_archs),!$(a))], \
+ python3-matplotlib [$(foreach a,$(no_usage_archs),!$(a))],
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise trusty))
+ DEBHELPER_BUILD_DEP = debhelper (>= 9),
+ DEBHELPER_BUILD_DEP = debhelper (>= 9.20141010),
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+# all archs for which to create b-d's
+any_archs := alpha amd64 armel armhf arm64 i386 loong64 mips mipsel mips64 mips64el mipsn32 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el m68k riscv64 sh4 sparc64 s390x x32
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster precise xenial bionic))
+ any_archs := $(filter-out mips, $(any_archs))
+ifeq (yes,$(MIPS_R6_ENABLED))
+ any_archs += mipsn32el mipsr6 mipsr6el mips64r6 mips64r6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el
+ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(any_archs)))
+any_archs += $(DEB_HOST_ARCH)
+arch_gnutype_map := $(foreach a,$(any_archs),$(a)=$(shell CC=true dpkg-architecture -f -a$(a) -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE))
+_gnu_type = $(subst $1=,,$(filter $1=%,$(arch_gnutype_map)))
+_gnu_suffix = -$(subst _,-,$(call _gnu_type,$1))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise trusty))
+ TARGET_TOOL_BUILD_DEP = bash, # non-empty line
+ pf_cross =
+ pf_ncross =
+ $(foreach a, $(any_archs), \
+ g++-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>, \
+ $(if $(filter $(a), avr),, \
+ gobjc-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>,) \
+ gfortran-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>, \
+ $(if $(filter $(a), s390 sh4),, \
+ gdc-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>,) \
+ $(if $(filter $(a), hppa m68k sh4),, \
+ gccgo-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>,) \
+ $(if $(filter $(a), m68k),, \
+ gnat-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>,) \
+ $(if $(filter !$(a), $(m2_no_archs)),, \
+ gm2-$(BASE_VERSION)$(call _gnu_suffix,$(a)) [$(a)] <cross>,) \
+ )
+ pf_cross = $(SPACE)<cross>
+ pf_ncross = $(SPACE)<!cross>
+ NT = :native
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ LIBSTDCXX_BUILD_INDEP = doxygen (>= 1.7.2), graphviz (>= 2.2), ghostscript, texlive-latex-base
+ LIBSTDCXX_BUILD_INDEP +=, xsltproc, libxml2-utils, docbook-xsl-ns
+ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ LIBSTDCXX_BUILD_INDEP = doxygen (>= 1.7.2), graphviz (>= 2.2), ghostscript, \
+ texlive-latex-base, xsltproc, libxml2-utils, docbook-xsl-ns
+GO_BUILD_DEP := netbase,
+# try to build with itself, or with the last version
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ gnat_build_dep :=
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-4.9$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-4.9$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-6$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-6$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), trusty xenial))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-5$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-5$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), stretch))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-6$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs) !x32], g++-7 [x32], gnat-7 [x32], g++-6$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), buster))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-8$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-8$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), bionic focal))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-11$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-11$(NT)
+ gdc_build_dep := gdc-11$(NT)
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), bullseye hirsute jammy))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-11$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs) !alpha !m68k], g++-11$(NT), gnat-12 [alpha m68k], g++-12$(NT) [alpha m68k]
+ gdc_build_dep := gdc-11$(NT) [$(d_no_archs)]
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), impish))
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-11$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-11$(NT)
+ gdc_build_dep := gdc-11$(NT) [$(d_no_archs)]
+ gnat_build_dep := gnat-12$(NT) [$(ada_no_archs)], g++-12$(NT)
+ gdc_build_dep := gdc-12$(NT) [$(d_no_archs)]
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+ gnat_build_dep :=
+ gdc_build_dep :=
+ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ ifneq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ # Build gnat as part of the combined gcc-x.y source package. Do not fail
+ # if gnat is not present on unsupported architectures; the build scripts
+ # will not use gnat anyway.
+ GNAT_BUILD_DEP := $(gnat_build_dep),
+ endif
+ GDC_BUILD_DEP := $(gdc_build_dep),
+else ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ # Ditto, as part of the gcc-snapshot package.
+ GNAT_BUILD_DEP := $(gnat_build_dep),
+ GDC_BUILD_DEP := $(gdc_build_dep),
+else ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ # Special source package just for gnat. Fail early if gnat is not present,
+ # rather than waste CPU cycles and fail later.
+ # Bootstrap step needs a gnatgcc symbolic link.
+ GNAT_BUILD_DEP := $(gnat_build_dep),
+else ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gdc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ # Special source package just for gdc.
+else ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gccgo-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ # Special source package just for gccgo.
+# build cross compiler
+ CROSS_BUILD_DEP := libc6-dev$(cross_lib_arch),
+ifneq (,$(findstring cross-build-,$(build_type)))
+ CROSS_BUILD_DEP += zlib1g-dev$(cross_lib_arch), libmpfr-dev$(cross_lib_arch),
+ ifeq (,$(findstring gcc,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter !$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(ada_no_archs)))
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter !$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(d_no_archs)))
+ endif
+ ifeq (yes_,$(with_m2)_$(filter !$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(m2_no_archs)))
+ endif
+ arch_gnutype_map = $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)=$(TARGET_ALIAS)
+endif # cross compiler
+BASE_BREAKS := gnat (<< 7)
+# these would need proper updates, and are only needed for upgrades
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch jessie trusty xenial bionic))
+# FIXME: can these be dropped? In the end the remained in the same location.
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), arm64 s390x sparc64))
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster trusty xenial bionic))
+ LIBGCC_BREAKS := libgcc-9-dev (<< 9.2.1-26), libgcc-8-dev (<< 8.3.0-27), libgcc-7-dev (<< 7.5.0-4),
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),sid bullseye focal))
+ LIBGCC_BREAKS += cryptsetup-initramfs (<< 2:2.2.2-3~),
+# The numeric part of the gcc version number (x.yy.zz)
+NEXT_GCC_VERSION := $(shell echo $(GCC_VERSION) | \
+ awk -F. '{OFS="."; if (NF==2) $$3=1; else $$NF += 1; print}')
+# first version with a new path component in gcc_lib_dir (i.e. GCC_VERSION
+# or TARGET_ALIAS changes), or last version available for all architectures
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+# semiautomatic ...
+ifeq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_libgnat),yes)
+ LIBGNAT_DEP := libgnat-$(GNAT_VERSION)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})
+pkg_ver := -$(BASE_VERSION)
+ctrl_flags = \
+ -DDIST=$(distribution) \
+ctrl_flags += \
+ -DARCH_GNUTYPE_MAP="$(arch_gnutype_map)" \
+ -DMULTILIB_ARCHS="$(multilib_archs)" \
+ -DTP=$(TP) \
+ -DTS=$(TS) \
+ -DLS=$(LS) \
+ -DAQ=$(AQ) \
+ -DNT=$(NT)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ctrl_flags += \
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ctrl_flags += -DCROSS_ARCH=$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ endif
+ # add '-DPRI=optional' to ctrl_flags if this is not the default compiler
+ # ctrl_flags += \
+ # -DPRI=optional
+ifeq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ctrl_flags += \
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ ctrl_flags += \
+ctrl_flags += -DBUILD_DEP_FOR_BINUTILS="$(if $(filter yes, $(with_binutils)),$(bd_binutils_only))"
+control: control-file readme-bugs-file parameters-file symbols-files copyright-file substvars-file versioned-files check-versions
+# stage1 and stage2 compilers are only C
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+ languages = c
+ addons = gccbase cdev plugindev
+ ifeq ($(with_gcclbase),yes)
+ addons += gcclbase
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ addons += multilib
+ endif
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),armml)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),armml)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),x32dev)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage2)
+ addons += libgcc
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ addons += lib32gcc lib64gcc libn32gcc
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfgcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfgcc)
+ endif
+ else
+ endif
+languages = c c++ fortran objc objpp
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifeq (,$(filter libgfortran, $(with_rtlibs)))
+ languages := $(filter-out fortran, $(languages))
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter libobjc, $(with_rtlibs)))
+ languages := $(filter-out objc objpp, $(languages))
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_dbg),yes)
+ addons += libdbg
+ifeq ($(with_gccbase),yes)
+ addons += gccbase
+ifeq ($(with_gcclbase),yes)
+ addons += gcclbase
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ addons += cdev c++dev source multilib
+ ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ addons += testresults
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter fortran, $(languages)))
+ addons += fdev
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter objc, $(languages)))
+ addons += objcdev
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter objpp, $(languages)))
+ addons += objppdev
+ endif
+ addons += plugindev
+addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),armml)
+addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),armml)
+addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),x32dev)
+ifeq ($(with_libgcc),yes)
+ addons += libgcc lib4gcc lib32gcc lib64gcc libn32gcc
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfgcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfgcc)
+ ifeq ($(with_libcompatgcc),yes)
+ addons += libcompatgcc
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_libcxx),yes)
+ addons += libcxx lib32cxx lib64cxx libn32cxx
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32cxx)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfcxx)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfcxx)
+addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32dbgcxx)
+addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfdbgcxx)
+addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfdbgcxx)
+ifeq ($(with_libgfortran),yes)
+ addons += libgfortran lib32gfortran lib64gfortran libn32gfortran
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gfortran)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfgfortran)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfgfortran)
+ifeq ($(with_libobjc),yes)
+ addons += libobjc lib32objc lib64objc libn32objc
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32objc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfobjc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfobjc)
+ifeq ($(with_libgomp),yes)
+ addons += libgomp lib32gomp lib64gomp libn32gomp
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gomp)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfgomp)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfgomp)
+ifeq ($(with_libitm),yes)
+ addons += libitm lib32itm lib64itm libn32itm
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32itm)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfitm)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfitm)
+ifeq ($(with_libatomic),yes)
+ addons += libatomic lib32atomic lib64atomic libn32atomic
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32atomic)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfatomic)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfatomic)
+ifeq ($(with_libbacktrace),yes)
+ addons += libbtrace lib32btrace lib64btrace libn32btrace
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32btrace)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfbtrace)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfbtrace)
+ifeq ($(with_libasan),yes)
+ addons += libasan lib32asan lib64asan libn32asan
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32asan)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfasan)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfasan)
+ifeq ($(with_liblsan),yes)
+ addons += liblsan
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),lunar jammy focal))
+ addons += lib32lsan lib64lsan libn32lsan
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32lsan)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhflsan)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsflsan)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_libtsan),yes)
+ addons += libtsan
+ addons += libtsan #lib32tsan lib64tsan libn32tsan
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32tsan)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhftsan)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsftsan)
+ifeq ($(with_libubsan),yes)
+ addons += libubsan lib32ubsan lib64ubsan libn32ubsan
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32ubsan)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfubsan)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfubsan)
+#ifeq ($(with_libhwasan),yes)
+ addons += libhwasan
+ifeq ($(with_vtv),yes)
+ addons += libvtv lib32vtv lib64vtv #libn32vtv
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32vtv)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfvtv)
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfvtv)
+ifeq ($(with_libqmath),yes)
+ addons += libqmath lib32qmath lib64qmath libn32qmath
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32qmath)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfqmath)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfqmath)
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ addons += jit
+ifeq ($(with_libgccjit),yes)
+ addons += libjit
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ addons += olnvptx gompnvptx
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ addons += olgcn gompgcn
+ifeq ($(with_offload_hsa),yes)
+ addons += olhsa gomphsa
+ifeq ($(with_libcc1),yes)
+ addons += libcc1
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ languages += d
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobos),yes)
+ addons += libphobos libn32phobos
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32phobos)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobosdev),yes)
+ addons += libdevphobos libdevn32phobos
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libdevx32phobos)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ addons += ggo godev
+ ifeq ($(with_libgo),yes)
+ addons += libggo lib32ggo lib64ggo libn32ggo
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32ggo)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ languages += m2
+ addons += libdevgm2
+ ifeq ($(with_libgm2),yes)
+ addons += libgm2 # lib32gm2 lib64gm2 libn32gm2
+ #addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gm2)
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_rs),yes)
+ languages += rust
+ #addons += libdevgrs
+ #ifeq ($(with_libgrs),yes)
+ # addons += libgrs # lib32gm2 lib64gm2 libn32gm2
+ # #addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gm2)
+ #endif
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ languages += ada
+ addons += libgnat libs # libgmath libnof lib64gnat ssp
+ ifeq ($(with_gnatsjlj),yes)
+ addons += adasjlj
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ endif # DEB_CROSS
+ ifeq ($(with_separate_libgo),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages := $(filter-out go,$(languages))
+ addons := $(filter-out ggo godev libggo lib64ggo lib32ggo libn32ggo libx32ggo,$(addons))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gccgo-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages = go
+ addons = ggo godev libggo lib64ggo lib32ggo libn32ggo gccbase multilib
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32ggo)
+ ifeq ($(with_standalone_go),yes)
+ addons += libgcc lib4gcc lib32gcc lib64gcc libn32gcc
+ addons += $(if $(findstring amd64,$(biarchx32archs)),libx32gcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armel,$(biarchhfarchs)),libhfgcc)
+ addons += $(if $(findstring armhf,$(biarchsfarchs)),libsfgcc)
+ ifeq ($(with_libcc1),yes)
+ addons += libcc1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_standalone_go),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gccgo-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ ctrl_flags += -DSTANDALONEGO
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages := $(filter-out ada,$(languages))
+ addons := $(filter-out libgnat adasjlj,$(addons))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages = ada
+ addons = gnatbase libgnat
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_separate_gdc),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages := $(filter-out d,$(languages))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gdc-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ languages = d
+ addons =
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobos),yes)
+ addons += libphobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobosdev),yes)
+ addons += libdevphobos
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes) # no docs for cross compilers
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ addons += gfdldoc
+ endif
+ endif
+endif # not stage
+ echo "addons: $(addons)"; \
+ m4 $(ctrl_flags) \
+ -DPV=$(pkg_ver) \
+ -DGM2_V=$(GM2_SONAME) \
+ -DCC1_SO=$(CC1_SONAME) \
+ -Denabled_languages="$(languages) $(addons)" \
+ -Dada_no_archs="$(ada_no_archs)" \
+ -Dfortran_no_archs="$(fortran_no_archs)" \
+ -Dgo_no_archs="$(go_no_archs)" \
+ -Dd_no_archs="$(d_no_archs)" \
+ -Dm2_no_archs="$(m2_no_archs)" \
+ -Drs_no_archs="$(rs_no_archs)" \
+ -Dlibgc_no_archs="$(libgc_no_archs)" \
+ -Dlibphobos_archs="$(phobos_archs)" \
+ -Dlibphobos_no_archs="$(phobos_no_archs)" \
+ -Dcheck_no_archs="$(check_no_archs)" \
+ -Dlocale_no_archs="$(locale_no_archs)" \
+ -Dlinux_gnu_archs="$(linux_gnu_archs)" \
+ -Dbiarch32_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarch32archs)))" \
+ -Dbiarch64_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarch64archs)))" \
+ -Dbiarchn32_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarchn32archs)))" \
+ -Dbiarchx32_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarchx32archs)))" \
+ -Dbiarchhf_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarchhfarchs)))" \
+ -Dbiarchsf_archs="$(strip $(subst /, ,$(biarchsfarchs)))" \
+ -Dnvptx_archs="$(nvptx_archs)" \
+ -Dgcn_archs="$(gcn_archs)" \
+ -Dadd_built_using=$(add_built_using) \
+ $(if $(findstring build-native, $(build_type)), \
+ $(if $(filter $(distrelease),jessie stretch buster xenial bionic focal),,-DLIBGCCPROTECTED=1)) \
+ debian/control.m4 > debian/control.tmp2
+ uniq debian/control.tmp2 | grep -v '^ *, *$$' | sed -E '/^Build/s/ *, +/, /g;/^ /s/, +/, /g;/^ /s/ *,/,/g; s/ +$$//' \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_base_only)), | awk '/^$$/ {if (p) exit; else p=1; } {print}') \
+ > debian/control.tmp
+ rm -f debian/control.tmp2
+ [ -e debian/control ] \
+ && cmp -s debian/control debian/control.tmp \
+ && rm -f debian/control.tmp && exit 0; \
+ mv debian/control.tmp debian/control; touch $(control_stamp)
+ m4 -DDIST=$(distribution) -DSRCNAME=$(PKGSOURCE) \
+ debian/README.Bugs.m4 > debian/README.Bugs
+ rm -f debian/copyright
+ if echo $(SOURCE_VERSION) | grep -E ^'[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]-[0-9]{8}' ; \
+ then SVN_BRANCH="trunk" ; \
+ else \
+ SVN_BRANCH="gcc-$(subst .,_,$(BASE_VERSION))-branch" ; \
+ fi ; \
+ sed debian/ \
+ -e "s/@BV@/$(BASE_VERSION)/g" \
+ -e "s/@SVN_BRANCH@/$$SVN_BRANCH/g" \
+ > debian/copyright
+substvars-file: control-file
+ rm -f debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ ( \
+ echo 'libgcc:Version=$(DEB_GCC_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gcc:Version=$(DEB_GCC_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gcc:EpochVersion=$(DEB_EVERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gcc:SoftVersion=$(DEB_GCC_SOFT_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gdc:Version=$(DEB_GDC_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gm2:Version=$(DEB_GM2_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gnat:Version=$(DEB_GNAT_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'gnat:SoftVersion=$(DEB_GNAT_SOFT_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'binutils:Version=$(BINUTILSV)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libgcc=$(LIBGCC_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libgccdev=$(LIBGCC_DEV_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libgccbiarch=$(libgcc-sbiarch)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libgccbiarchdev=$(libgccbiarchdev)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libc=$(LIBC_DEP) (>= $(libc_ver))'; \
+ echo 'dep:libcdev=$(LIBC_DEV_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libcbiarch=$(LIBC_BIARCH_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libcbiarchdev=$(LIBC_BIARCH_DEV_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libunwinddev=$(LIBUNWIND_DEV_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libcxxbiarchdev=$(libstdc++biarchdev)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libcxxbiarchdbg=$(libstdc++biarchdbg)'; \
+ echo 'dep:libgnat=$(LIBGNAT_DEP)'; \
+ echo 'base:Breaks=$(BASE_BREAKS)'; \
+ echo 'libgcc:Breaks=$(LIBGCC_BREAKS)'; \
+ echo 'target:suffix=-$(subst _,-,$(TARGET_ALIAS))'; \
+ ) > debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), $(multilib_archs)))
+ ( \
+ echo 'gcc:multilib=gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-multilib$(TS)'; \
+ echo 'gxx:multilib=g++-$(BASE_VERSION)-multilib$(TS)'; \
+ echo 'gobjc:multilib=gobjc-$(BASE_VERSION)-multilib$(TS)'; \
+ echo 'gobjcxx:multilib=gobjc++-$(BASE_VERSION)-multilib$(TS)'; \
+ echo 'gfortran:multilib=gfortran-$(BASE_VERSION)-multilib$(TS)'; \
+ ) >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_gold),yes)
+ echo 'dep:gold=binutils-gold (>= $(BINUTILSV))' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_libssp),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libssp=libssp$(SSP_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libgomp=libgomp$(GOMP_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libitm=libitm$(ITM_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_atomic),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libatomic=libatomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_libbacktrace),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libbacktrace=libbtrace$(BTRACE_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_asan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libasan=libasan$(ASAN_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_lsan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:liblsan=liblsan$(LSAN_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_tsan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libtsan=libtsan$(TSAN_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_ubsan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libubsan=libubsan$(UBSAN_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_hwasan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libhwasan=libhwasan$(HWASAN_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_vtv),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libvtv=libvtv$(VTV_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libqmath=libquadmath$(QUADMATH_SONAME)$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(distribution),Debian)
+ echo 'dep:libx32z=$(if $(filter $(distribution), Debian),,libx32z1-dev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libgfortranbiarchdev=$(libgfortranbiarchdev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ echo 'dep:libobjcbiarchdev=$(libobjcbiarchdev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libphobosbiarchdev=$(libgphobosbiarchdev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libssp),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libsspbiarch=$(libsspbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libgompbiarch=$(libgompbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libitmbiarch=$(libitmbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_atomic),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libatomicbiarch=$(libatomicbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libbacktrace),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libbtracebiarch=$(libbtracebiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_asan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libasanbiarch=$(libasanbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lsan),yes)
+ #echo 'dep:liblsanbiarch=$(liblsanbiarch)' \
+ # >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_tsan),yes)
+ #echo 'dep:libtsanbiarch=$(libtsanbiarch)' \
+ # >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_ubsan),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libubsanbiarch=$(libubsanbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_hwasan),yes)
+ # amd64 hwasan not available for 32/x32
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64)
+ else
+ echo 'dep:libhwasanbiarch=$(libhwasanbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_vtv),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libvtvbiarch=$(libvtvbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libqmathbiarch=$(libquadmathbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libgobiarchdev=$(libgobiarchdev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ echo 'dep:libgobiarch=$(libgobiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ echo 'dep:gdccross=gdc$(pkg_ver) (>= $(DEB_GCC_SOFT_VERSION))' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ echo 'dep:phobosdev=libgphobos$(pkg_ver)-dev$(LS)$(AQ) (>= $(DEB_GCC_SOFT_VERSION))' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ : # FIXME: make the cross gdc aware of both include paths
+ echo 'dep:gdccross=gdc$(pkg_ver) (>= $(DEB_GCC_SOFT_VERSION))' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobosdev),yes)
+ echo 'dep:libphobosbiarchdev=$(libgphobosbiarchdev)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ echo 'dep:libphobosbiarch=$(libgphobosbiarch)' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_cc1),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ echo 'dep:libcc1=libcc1-$(CC1_SONAME) (>= $${gcc:SoftVersion})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ else
+ echo 'dep:libcc1=libcc1-$(CC1_SONAME) (>= $${gcc:Version})' \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),hppa)
+ echo 'dep:prctl=prctl' >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(derivative)-$(DEB_HOST_ARCH),Debian-amd64)
+ echo 'confl:lib32=libc6-i386 (<< 2.9-22)' >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ echo 'multiarch:breaks=gcc-4.3 (<< 4.3.6-1), gcc-4.4 (<< 4.4.6-4), gcc-4.5 (<< 4.5.3-2)' >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ echo 'golang:Conflicts=golang-go (<< 2:1.3.3-1ubuntu2)' >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ifeq ($(add_built_using),yes)
+ echo "Built-Using=$(shell dpkg-query -f '$${source:Package} (= $${source:Version}), ' -W gcc$(pkg_ver)-source)" \
+ >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ v=`sed -n '/^#define MOD_VERSION/s/.* "\([0-9]*\)"/\1/p' \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/fortran/`; \
+ echo "fortran:mod-version=gfortran-mod-$$v" >> debian/substvars.local.tmp
+ [ -e debian/substvars.local ] \
+ && cmp -s debian/substvars.local debian/substvars.local.tmp \
+ && rm -f debian/substvars.local.tmp && exit 0; \
+ mv debian/substvars.local.tmp debian/substvars.local; \
+ touch $(control_stamp)
+ rm -f debian/rules.parameters.tmp
+ ( \
+ echo '# configuration parameters taken from upstream source files'; \
+ echo 'GCC_VERSION := $(GCC_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'DEB_VERSION := $(DEB_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'GCC_SONAME := $(GCC_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'CXX_SONAME := $(CXX_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'OBJC_SONAME := $(OBJC_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'GDC_VERSION := $(GDC_VERSION)'; \
+ echo 'GNAT_SONAME := $(GNAT_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'FFI_SONAME := $(FFI_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'SSP_SONAME := $(SSP_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'GOMP_SONAME := $(GOMP_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'ITM_SONAME := $(ITM_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'ASAN_SONAME := $(ASAN_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'LSAN_SONAME := $(LSAN_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'TSAN_SONAME := $(TSAN_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'VTV_SONAME := $(VTV_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'GO_SONAME := $(GO_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'CC1_SONAME := $(CC1_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'GM2_SONAME := $(GM2_SONAME)'; \
+ echo 'LIBC_DEP := $(LIBC_DEP)'; \
+ ) > debian/rules.parameters.tmp
+ [ -e debian/rules.parameters ] \
+ && cmp -s debian/rules.parameters debian/rules.parameters.tmp \
+ && rm -f debian/rules.parameters.tmp && exit 0; \
+ mv debian/rules.parameters.tmp debian/rules.parameters; \
+ touch $(control_stamp)
+symbols-files: control-file
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ test -n "$(LS)"
+ set -e; \
+ for p in $$(dh_listpackages -i | grep '^lib'); do \
+ p=$${p%$(LS)}; \
+ if [ -f debian/$$p.symbols.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) ]; then \
+ f=debian/$$p.symbols.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH); \
+ elif [ -f debian/$$p.symbols ]; then \
+ f=debian/$$p.symbols; \
+ else \
+ continue; \
+ fi; \
+ link=debian/$$p$(LS).symbols; \
+ if [ -L $$link ]; then \
+ echo >&2 "removing left over symbols file link: $$link"; \
+ rm -f $$link; \
+ fi; \
+ ln -s $$f $$link; \
+ done
+ endif
+ fs=`echo debian/*BV* debian/*CXX* debian/*LC* | sort -u`; \
+ for f in $$fs; do \
+ [ -f $$f ] || echo "CANNOT FIND $$f"; \
+ [ -f $$f ] || continue; \
+ if [ -z "$(DEB_CROSS)" ]; then case "$$f" in *-CR*) continue; esac; fi; \
+ f2=$$(echo $$f \
+ | sed 's/BV/$(BASE_VERSION)/;s/CXX/$(CXX_SONAME)/;s/LC/$(GCC_SONAME)/;s/-CRB/$(cross_bin_arch)/;s/\.in$$//'); \
+ sed -e 's/@BV@/$(BASE_VERSION)/g' \
+ -e 's/@CXX@/$(CXX_SONAME)/g' \
+ -e 's/@LC@/$(GCC_SONAME)/g' \
+ -e 's/@SRC@/$(PKGSOURCE)/g' \
+ -e 's/@GFDL@/$(if $(filter yes,$(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE)),#)/g' \
+ -e 's/@gcc_priority@/$(subst .,,$(BASE_VERSION))/g' \
+ -e 's/@TARGET@/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)/g' \
+ -e 's/@TARGET_QUAL@/$(TARGET_QUAL)/g' \
+ $$f > $$f2; \
+ touch -r $$f $$f2; \
+ done
+ for t in ar nm ranlib; do \
+ sed "s/@BV@/$(BASE_VERSION)/g;s/@TOOL@/$$t/g" \
+ debian/gcc-XX-BV.1 > debian/gcc-$$t-$(BASE_VERSION).1; \
+ done
+# don't encode versioned build dependencies in the control file, but check
+# these here instead.
+ v=$$(dpkg-query -l dpkg-dev | awk '/^.i/ {print $$3}'); \
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$$v" lt "$(DPKGV)"; then \
+ echo "dpkg-dev (>= $(DPKGV)) required, found $$v"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ v=$$(dpkg-query -l binutils binutils-multiarch 2>/dev/null | awk '/^.i/ {print $$3;exit}'); \
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$$v" lt "$(BINUTILSBDV)"; then \
+ echo "binutils (>= $(BINUTILSBDV)) required, found $$v"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+.PRECIOUS: $(stampdir)/%-stamp
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd21fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ifeq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += gnatbase
+ifeq ($(with_libgnat),yes)
+ # During native builds, gnat-BV Depends:
+ # * libgnat because of the development symlink.
+ # During cross builds, gnat1 is linked statically. Only the latter remains.
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgnat
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) ada
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) ada-doc
+ endif
+p_gbase = $(p_xbase)
+p_glbase = $(p_lbase)
+ifeq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ p_gbase = gnat$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)-base
+ p_glbase = gnat$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)-base
+p_gnat = gnat-$(GNAT_VERSION)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_gnatsjlj= gnat-$(GNAT_VERSION)-sjlj$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_lgnat = libgnat-$(GNAT_VERSION)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lgnat_dbg = libgnat-$(GNAT_VERSION)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_gnatd = $(p_gnat)-doc
+d_gbase = debian/$(p_gbase)
+d_gnat = debian/$(p_gnat)
+d_gnatsjlj = debian/$(p_gnatsjlj)
+d_lgnat = debian/$(p_lgnat)
+d_gnatd = debian/$(p_gnatd)
+GNAT_TOOLS = gnat gnatbind gnatchop gnatclean gnatkr gnatlink \
+ gnatls gnatmake gnatname gnatprep gnathtml
+dirs_gnat = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_gbase) \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/{adalib,adainclude} \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+files_gnat = \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/gnat1 \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/ada_target_properties \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/adainclude/*.ad[bs] \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/adainclude/*.h \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/*.ali \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/lib*.a \
+ $(foreach i,$(GNAT_TOOLS),$(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)$(i)$(pkg_ver))
+# Strip unreproducible -f*-prefix-map= options from installed .ali
+# files until the proper solution BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP is accepted.
+sed_ali_strip_prefix_map := sed -i '/^A -f[a-z]+-prefix-map=/d'
+$(binary_stamp)-gnatbase: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_gbase) debian/ada/README.gnat debian/README.maintainers
+ : # $(p_gbase)
+ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ mkdir -p $(d_gbase)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)
+ ln -sf ../$(p_gbase) $(d_gbase)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/Ada
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_gbase) src/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+ dh_compress -p$(p_gbase)
+ dh_fixperms -p$(p_gbase)
+ dh_gencontrol -p$(p_gbase) -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars)
+ dh_installdeb -p$(p_gbase)
+ dh_md5sums -p$(p_gbase)
+ dh_builddeb -p$(p_gbase)
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-libgnat: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ : # libgnat
+ rm -rf $(d_lgnat)
+ dh_install -p$(p_lgnat) $(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/libgna{t,rl}-$(GNAT_SONAME).so $(usr_lib)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_lgnat) $(p_glbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_lgnat)
+ b=libgnat; \
+ v=$(GNAT_VERSION); \
+ for ext in preinst postinst prerm postrm; do \
+ for t in '' -dev -dbg; do \
+ if [ -f debian/$$b$$t.$$ext ]; then \
+ cp -pf debian/$$b$$t.$$ext debian/$$b$$v$$t.$$ext; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ done
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_lgnat) \
+ -V '$(p_lgnat) (>= $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed 's/-.*//'))'
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_lgnat))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ mkdir -p $(d_lgnat)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo package-name-doesnt-match-sonames > \
+ $(d_lgnat)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_lgnat)
+# The subst Make command below could be simplified, but ensures
+# consistency with libraries building non-default multilib packages.
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_lgnat), $(p_lgnat_dbg), $(v_dbg),,)
+ $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_lgnat) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst gnat-$(GNAT_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_lgnat)) \
+ $(subst gnat-$(GNAT_SONAME),atomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME),$(p_lgnat)) \
+ ,) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common)
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_lgnat))
+ifeq ($(with_dbg),yes)
+ : # $(p_lgnat_dbg)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_lgnat_dbg) $(p_glbase)
+ echo $(p_lgnat) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_lgnat_dbg)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-ada: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ : # $(p_gnat)
+ rm -rf $(d_gnat)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gnat) $(dirs_gnat)
+ : # Upstream does not install gnathtml.
+ cp src/gcc/ada/ debian/tmp/$(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gnathtml$(pkg_ver)
+ chmod 755 debian/tmp/$(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gnathtml$(pkg_ver)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_gnat) $(files_gnat)
+ifeq ($(with_gnatsjlj),yes)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gnatsjlj) $(gcc_lib_dir)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_gnatsjlj) $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adainclude
+ifeq ($(with_libgnat),yes)
+ # Development links to actual shared libraries provided by libgnat.
+ dh_install -p$(p_gnat) $(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/libgna{t,rl}.so $(usr_lib)
+ # Similar links specific to Debian. FIXME: what is their purpose?
+ dh_link -p$(p_gnat) $(foreach lib,libgnat libgnarl,\
+ $(usr_lib)/$(lib)-$(GNAT_SONAME).so $(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/$(lib).so)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gnat) $(p_gbase)
+ifeq ($(with_gnatsjlj),yes)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gnatsjlj) $(p_gbase)
+ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ cp -p test-summary $(d_gnat)/$(docdir)/$(p_gbase)/.
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(d_gnat)/$(docdir)/$(p_gbase)/ada
+ cp -p src/gcc/ada/ChangeLog $(d_gnat)/$(docdir)/$(p_gbase)/ada/.
+ for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+ case "$$i" in \
+ gnat) cp -p debian/gnat.1 $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gnat$(pkg_ver).1 ;; \
+ *) ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gnat$(pkg_ver).1 $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver).1; \
+ esac; \
+ done
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ : # still ship the unversioned prefixed names in the gnat package.
+ for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)$$i; \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gnat$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)$$i.1.gz; \
+ done
+ ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ : # ship the versioned prefixed names in the gnat package.
+ for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/bin/$$i$(pkg_ver); \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gnat$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz; \
+ done
+ : # still ship the unversioned names in the gnat package.
+ for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+ ln -sf $$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/bin/$$i; \
+ ln -sf gnat$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i.1.gz; \
+ done
+ endif
+ : # still ship the unversioned prefixed names in the gnat package.
+ for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)$$i; \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gnat$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)$$i.1.gz; \
+ done
+ : # keep this one unversioned, see Debian #802838.
+ install -m755 debian/ada/gnatgcc $(d_gnat)/usr/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gnatgcc
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ dh_link -p$(p_gnat) \
+ usr/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ usr/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gnatgcc.1.gz
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ dh_link -p$(p_gnat) \
+ usr/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gnatgcc usr/bin/gnatgcc
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ dh_link -p$(p_gnat) \
+ usr/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ usr/share/man/man1/gnatgcc.1.gz
+ endif
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_gnat)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_gnat)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/gnat1
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gnat)
+ find $(d_gnat) -name '*.ali' | xargs $(sed_ali_strip_prefix_map)
+ find $(d_gnat) -name '*.ali' | xargs chmod 444
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gnat)
+ mkdir -p $(d_gnat)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(p_gnat) binary: hardening-no-pie'; \
+ echo '$(p_gnat) binary: non-standard-file-perm' \
+ ) > $(d_gnat)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gnat)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_gnat) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_gnat)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gnat)
+ echo $(p_gnat) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ifeq ($(with_gnatsjlj),yes)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gnatsjlj)
+ find $(d_gnatsjlj) -name '*.ali' | xargs $(sed_ali_strip_prefix_map)
+ find $(d_gnatsjlj) -name '*.ali' | xargs chmod 444
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gnatsjlj)
+ echo $(p_gnatsjlj) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(build_gnatdoc_stamp): $(build_stamp)
+ mkdir -p html
+ rm -f html/*.info
+ echo -n gnat_ugn gnat_rm gnat-style | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) -I{} \
+ sh -c 'cd html && \
+ echo "generating {}-$(GNAT_VERSION).info"; \
+ makeinfo -I $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/include -I $(srcdir)/gcc/ada \
+ -I $(builddir)/gcc \
+ -o {}-$(GNAT_VERSION).info \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/ada/{}.texi'
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-ada-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(build_gnatdoc_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gnatd)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gnatd) \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ cp -p html/gnat*info* $(d_gnatd)/$(PF)/share/info/.
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_gnatd) \
+ html/gnat_ugn.html html/gnat_rm.html html/gnat-style.html
+ echo $(p_gnatd) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6f589b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+arch_binaries += base
+ifeq ($(with_gcclbase),yes)
+ ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ indep_binaries += lbase
+ endif
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# gcc-base
+$(binary_stamp)-base: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -rf $(d_base)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_base)
+ifeq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_base) debian/README.Debian
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_base) debian/README.Debian.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ rm -f $(d_base)/usr/share/doc/$(p_base)/README.Debian
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_base)
+ dh_compress -p$(p_base)
+ dh_fixperms -p$(p_base)
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(DEB_CROSS),rtlibs-yes)
+ $(cross_gencontrol) dh_gencontrol -p$(p_base) -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars)
+ dh_gencontrol -p$(p_base) -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars)
+ dh_installdeb -p$(p_base)
+ dh_md5sums -p$(p_base)
+ dh_builddeb -p$(p_base)
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-lbase: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -rf $(d_lbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_lbase) debian/README.Debian
+ rm -f debian/$(p_lbase)/usr/share/doc/$(p_lbase)/README.Debian
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_lbase)
+ dh_compress -p$(p_lbase)
+ dh_fixperms -p$(p_lbase)
+ dh_gencontrol -p$(p_lbase) -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars)
+ dh_installdeb -p$(p_lbase)
+ dh_md5sums -p$(p_lbase)
+ dh_builddeb -p$(p_lbase)
+ touch $@
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbeeb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) cpp
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) cpp-doc
+ endif
+ endif
+dirs_cpp = \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+files_cpp = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)cpp$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_cpp += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)cpp$(pkg_ver).1
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-cpp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_cpp)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_cpp) $(dirs_cpp)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_cpp) $(files_cpp)
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)cpp$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_cpp)/$(PF)/bin/cpp$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)cpp$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_cpp)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/cpp$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(d_cpp)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_cpp) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_cpp)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_cpp)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_cpp) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_cpp)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_cpp)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_cpp) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_cpp)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) $(d_cpp)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1
+ dh_strip -p$(p_cpp) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/cc1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_cpp)
+ echo $(p_cpp) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-cpp-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_cppd)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_cppd) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase) \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_cppd) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/cpp*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_cppd) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_cppd) html/cpp.html html/cppinternals.html
+ rm -f $(d_cppd)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_cppd)
+ echo $(p_cppd) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30af1b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) cxx-multi
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) cxx
+dirs_cxx = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/C++ \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(PF)/share/info \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir) \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1
+files_cxx = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)g++$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1plus \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/g++-mapper-server
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_cxx += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)g++$(pkg_ver).1
+p_cxx_m = g++$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_cxx_m = debian/$(p_cxx_m)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-cxx: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_cxx)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_cxx) $(dirs_cxx)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_cxx) $(files_cxx)
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)g++$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_cxx)/$(PF)/bin/g++$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)g++$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_cxx)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/g++$(pkg_ver).1.gz
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(d_cxx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_cxx) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_cxx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_cxx)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_cxx) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_cxx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_cxx)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_cxx) $(p_xbase)
+ cp -p debian/README.C++ $(d_cxx)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/C++/
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/cp/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_cxx)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/C++/changelog
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_cxx)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_cxx)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_cxx)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1plus
+ dh_strip -p$(p_cxx) $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/cc1plus)
+ echo $(p_cxx) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-cxx-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_cxx_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_cxx_m) \
+ $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_cxx_m) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_cxx_m)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_cxx_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_cxx_m)
+ echo $(p_cxx_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131d8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gdc-multi
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gdc
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libphobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libphobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libphobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64phobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64phobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32phobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32phobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32phobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32phobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32phobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32phobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfphobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfphobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfphobosdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfphobos-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64phobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64phobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32phobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32phobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32phobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32phobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32phobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32phobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfphobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfphobos
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfphobos),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfphobos
+ endif
+p_gdc = gdc$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_gdc_m = gdc$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_libphobos = libgphobos$(GPHOBOS_SONAME)
+p_libphobosdev = libgphobos$(pkg_ver)-dev
+d_gdc = debian/$(p_gdc)
+d_gdc_m = debian/$(p_gdc_m)
+d_libphobos = debian/$(p_libphobos)
+d_libphobosdev = debian/$(p_libphobosdev)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ gdc_include_dir := $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/d
+ gdc_include_dir := $(PF)/include/d/$(BASE_VERSION)
+# FIXME: always here?
+gdc_include_dir := $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/d
+dirs_gdc = \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ dirs_gdc += \
+ $(gdc_include_dir)
+files_gdc = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gdc$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/d21
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes-now-pure-gfdl)
+ files_gdc += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gdc$(pkg_ver).1
+dirs_libphobos = \
+ $(PF)/lib \
+ $(gdc_include_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+$(binary_stamp)-gdc: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gdc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gdc) $(dirs_gdc)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_gdc)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_gdc) src/gcc/d/ChangeLog
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_gdc) -X/zlib/ $(files_gdc)
+ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libgphobos.spec $(d_gdc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gdc$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gdc)/$(PF)/bin/gdc$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes-now-pure-gfdl)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gdc$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_gdc)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gdc$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+# FIXME: __entrypoint.di needs to go into a libgdc-dev Multi-Arch: same package
+## # Always needed by gdc.
+## mkdir -p $(d_gdc)/$(gdc_include_dir)
+## cp $(srcdir)/libphobos/libdruntime/__entrypoint.di \
+## $(d_gdc)/$(gdc_include_dir)/.
+#ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+# dh_link -p$(p_gdc) \
+# /$(gdc_include_dir) \
+# /$(dir $(gdc_include_dir))/$(GCC_VERSION)
+ dh_link -p$(p_gdc) \
+ /$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/README.Bugs \
+ /$(docdir)/$(p_gdc)/README.Bugs
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_gdc)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/d21
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gdc) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/d21)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gdc)
+ mkdir -p $(d_gdc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_gdc) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_gdc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gdc)
+ echo $(p_gdc) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ find $(d_gdc) -type d -empty -delete
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-gdc-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gdc_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gdc_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gdc_m) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gdc_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gdc_m)
+ echo $(p_gdc_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libphobos
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libgphobos.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ -- -a$(call mlib_to_arch,$(2)) || echo XXXXXXXXXXX ERROR $(p_l)
+ rm -f debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst gphobos$(GPHOBOS_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ mkdir -p $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ $(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64),
+ $(if $(2),
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision" \
+ >> $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ )
+ ,
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision" \
+ >> $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ )
+ $(if $(2),
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: embedded-library" \
+ >> $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ )
+ dh_lintian -p$(p_l)
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libphobos_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libgdruntime,$(GDRUNTIME_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libgphobos,$(GPHOBOS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ $(if $(2),,
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gdc_include_dir)
+ )
+## : # included in gdc package
+## rm -f $(d_l)/$(gdc_include_dir)/__entrypoint.di
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_separate_gdc)),$(p_gdc),$(p_lbase))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# don't put this as a comment within define/endef
+# $(call install_gcc_lib,libphobos,$(PHOBOS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+do_libphobos = $(call __do_libphobos,lib$(1)gphobos$(GPHOBOS_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libphobos_dev = $(call __do_libphobos_dev,lib$(1)gphobos-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libphobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64phobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32phobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32phobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32phobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfphobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfphobos: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libphobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64phobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32phobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32phobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32phobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfphobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfphobos-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libphobos_dev,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead1ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libgfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgfortran
+ifeq ($(with_fdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib64gfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64fortran
+ifeq ($(with_lib64gfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib32gfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32fortran
+ifeq ($(with_lib32gfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libn32gfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32fortran
+ifeq ($(with_libn32gfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libx32gfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32fortran
+ifeq ($(with_libx32gfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libhfgfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhffortran
+ifeq ($(with_libhfgfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libsfgfortran),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsffortran
+ifeq ($(with_libsfgfortrandev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgfortran-dev
+ifeq ($(with_fdev),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) fdev-multi
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) fdev
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) fortran-doc
+ endif
+ endif
+p_g95 = gfortran$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_g95_m = gfortran$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_g95d = gfortran$(pkg_ver)-doc
+p_flib = libgfortran$(FORTRAN_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_g95 = debian/$(p_g95)
+d_g95_m = debian/$(p_g95_m)
+d_g95d = debian/$(p_g95d)
+dirs_g95 = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/fortran \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir) \
+ $(PF)/include \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1
+files_g95 = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gfortran$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/finclude \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/f951
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_g95 += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gfortran$(pkg_ver).1
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+define __do_fortran
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libgfortran.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst gfortran$(FORTRAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst gfortran$(FORTRAN_SONAME),gcc$(QUADMATH_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_fortran = $(call __do_fortran,lib$(1)gfortran$(FORTRAN_SONAME),$(1))
+define __do_libgfortran_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/libcaf_single.a
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libgfortran,$(FORTRAN_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ $(if $(2),, \
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/include/ISO_Fortran_binding.h)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_l)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_l)
+ $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_libgfortran_dev = $(call __do_libgfortran_dev,lib$(1)gfortran-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libgfortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64fortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32fortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32fortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32fortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhffortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsffortran: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_fortran,sf)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-fdev: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_g95)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_g95) $(dirs_g95)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_g95) $(files_g95)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libgfortran.spec $(d_g95)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gfortran$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_g95)/$(PF)/bin/gfortran$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gfortran$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_g95)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gfortran$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(d_g95)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(p_g95) binary: hardening-no-pie'; \
+ echo '$(p_g95) binary: missing-prerequisite-for-gfortran-module'; \
+ ) > $(d_g95)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_g95)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_g95) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_g95)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_g95)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_g95) $(p_xbase)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/fortran/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_g95)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/fortran/changelog
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_g95)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_g95)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/f951
+ dh_strip -p$(p_g95) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/f951)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_g95)
+ echo $(p_g95) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-fdev-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_g95_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_g95_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_g95_m) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_g95_m)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_g95_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_g95_m)
+ echo $(p_g95_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-fortran-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_g95d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_g95d) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/fortran \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_g95d) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/gfortran*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_g95d) $(p_xbase)
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_g95d)
+ rm -f $(d_g95d)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ cp -p html/gfortran.html $(d_g95d)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/fortran/
+ echo $(p_g95d) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgfortran-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgfortran_dev,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8982c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gcc-multi
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_plugins),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gcc-plugindev
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gcc
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) gcc-doc
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_nls),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) gcc-locales
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) testresults
+ endif
+# gcc must be moved after g77 and g++
+# not all files $(PF)/include/*.h are part of gcc,
+# but it becomes difficult to name all these files ...
+dirs_gcc = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/{gcc,libssp,gomp,itm,quadmath,sanitizer} \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 $(libgcc_dir)
+# XXX: what about triarch mapping?
+files_gcc = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix){gcc,gcov,gcov-tool,gcov-dump,lto-dump}$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-{ar,ranlib,nm}$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-{ar,nm,ranlib}$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/{collect2,lto1,lto-wrapper} \
+ $(shell test -e $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/SYSCALLS.c.X \
+ && echo $(gcc_lib_dir)/SYSCALLS.c.X)
+ifeq ($(with_libcc1_plugin),yes)
+ files_gcc += \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/libc[cp]{,.0,.0.0.0}
+files_gcc += \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage1)
+ files_gcc += \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_gcc += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix){gcc,gcov}$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcov-{dump,tool}$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)lto-dump$(pkg_ver).1
+usr_doc_files = debian/README.Bugs \
+ $(shell test -f $(srcdir)/FAQ && echo $(srcdir)/FAQ)
+p_loc = gcc$(pkg_ver)-locales
+d_loc = debian/$(p_loc)
+p_gcc_m = gcc$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_gcc_m = debian/$(p_gcc_m)
+p_pld = gcc$(pkg_ver)-plugin-dev$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_pld = debian/$(p_pld)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gcc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gcc) $(dirs_gcc)
+ifeq ($(with_libssp),yes)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libssp/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/libssp/changelog
+ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libgomp*.spec $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libgomp/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/gomp/changelog
+ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libitm*.spec $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libitm/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/itm/changelog
+ifeq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libquadmath/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/quadmath/changelog
+ifeq ($(with_asan),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libsanitizer*.spec $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/sanitizer/changelog
+ifeq ($(with_hwasan),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libhwasan_preinit.o $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ifeq ($(with_cc1),yes)
+ rm -f $(d)/$(PF)/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/
+ dh_link -p$(p_gcc) \
+ /$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_gcc) $(files_gcc)
+ : # keep the link in the old place for a while
+ dh_link -p$(p_gcc) \
+ /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/ /$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ for i in gcc gcov gcov-dump gcov-tool gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib lto-dump; do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(PF)/bin/$$i$(pkg_ver); \
+ done
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ for i in gcc gcov gcov-dump gcov-tool lto-dump; do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz; \
+ done
+ endif
+ for i in gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib; do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz; \
+ done
+# dh_installdebconf
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gcc) $(p_xbase)
+ cp -p $(usr_doc_files) $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/.
+ cp -p debian/README.ssp $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/
+ cp -p debian/NEWS.gcc $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/NEWS
+ cp -p debian/NEWS.html $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/NEWS.html
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/ChangeLog $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/changelog
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/gcc/changelog
+ if [ -f $(builddir)/gcc/.bad_compare ]; then \
+ ( \
+ echo "The comparision of the stage2 and stage3 object files shows differences."; \
+ echo "The Debian package was modified to ignore these differences."; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "The following files differ:"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ cat $(builddir)/gcc/.bad_compare; \
+ ) > $(d_gcc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/BOOTSTRAP_COMPARISION_FAILURE; \
+ else \
+ true; \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $(d_gcc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_gcc) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_gcc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gcc)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_gcc) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_gcc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gcc)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_gcc)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/lto1 \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/lto-wrapper \
+ $(d_gcc)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/collect2
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gcc) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/lto1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gcc)
+ echo $(p_gcc) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc-multi: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gcc_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gcc_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gcc_m) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_gcc_m)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gcc_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gcc_m)
+ echo $(p_gcc_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc-plugindev: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_pld)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_pld) \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_pld) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/include \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/gtype.state \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/plugin/gengtype
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_pld) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_pld)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_pld)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_pld)
+ mkdir -p $(d_pld)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_pld) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_pld)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_pld)
+ echo $(p_pld) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc-locales: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_loc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_loc) \
+ $(docdir)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_loc) \
+ $(PF)/share/locale/*/*/cpplib*.* \
+ $(PF)/share/locale/*/*/gcc*.*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_loc) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_loc)
+ echo $(p_loc) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-testresults: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_tst)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_tst) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_tst) $(p_xbase)
+ mkdir -p $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ cd $(d_tst) && tar xvf ../../installed-testlogs.tar
+ echo "Nothing to compare (testsuite not run)"
+ echo 'Test run disabled, reason: $(with_check)' \
+ > $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test-run-disabled
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_tst)
+ echo $(p_tst) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_doc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_doc) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase) \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_doc) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/cpp{,internals}-* \
+ $(PF)/share/info/gcc{,int}-* \
+ $(PF)/share/info/lib{gomp,itm}-* \
+ $(if $(with_qmath),$(PF)/share/info/libquadmath-*)
+ rm -f $(d_doc)/$(PF)/share/info/gccinst*
+ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ $(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libgomp stamp-build-info
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libgomp/$(cmd_prefix)libgomp$(pkg_ver).info \
+ $(d_doc)/$(PF)/share/info/libgomp$(pkg_ver).info
+ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ -$(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libitm stamp-build-info
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libitm/$(cmd_prefix)libitm$(pkg_ver).info ]; then \
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libitm/$(cmd_prefix)libitm$(pkg_ver).info \
+ $(d_doc)/$(PF)/share/info/libitm$(pkg_ver).info; \
+ fi
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_doc) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_doc) html/gcc.html html/gccint.html
+ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ cp -p html/libgomp.html $(d_doc)/usr/share/doc/$(p_doc)/
+ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ cp -p html/libitm.html $(d_doc)/usr/share/doc/$(p_doc)/
+ifeq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ cp -p html/libquadmath.html $(d_doc)/usr/share/doc/$(p_doc)/
+ rm -f $(d_doc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_doc)
+ echo $(p_doc) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c80699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gcn
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gcn-plugin
+ endif
+p_gcn = gcc$(pkg_ver)-offload-amdgcn
+d_gcn = debian/$(p_gcn)
+p_pl_gcn = libgomp-plugin-amdgcn1
+d_pl_gcn = debian/$(p_pl_gcn)
+dirs_gcn = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/ \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel
+files_gcn = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-accel-$(gcn_target_name)-gcc$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)
+# not needed: libs moved, headers not needed for lto1
+# $(PF)/amdgcn-none
+# are these needed?
+# $(PF)/lib/gcc/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/{include,finclude,mgomp}
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_gcn += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-accel-$(gcn_target_name)-gcc$(pkg_ver).1
+$(binary_stamp)-gcn: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gcn)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gcn) $(dirs_gcn)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-gcn -f - $(files_gcn) \
+ | tar -x -v -C $(d_gcn) -f -
+ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_gcn) \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_gcn) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ mkdir -p $(d_gcn)/usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin
+ dh_link -p$(p_gcn) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ranlib
+ mkdir -p $(d_gcn)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(p_gcn) binary: hardening-no-pie'; \
+ echo '$(p_gcn) binary: non-standard-dir-in-usr'; \
+ echo '$(p_gcn) binary: file-in-unusual-dir'; \
+ echo '$(p_gcn) binary: binary-from-other-architecture'; \
+ ) > $(d_gcn)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gcn)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_gcn) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_gcn)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gcn)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gcn) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_gcn)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_gcn)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/{collect2,lto1,lto-wrapper,mkoffload}
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gcn) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/lto1) -X/lib{c,g,m,gcc,gomp,gcov,gfortran,caf_single,ssp,ssp_nonshared}.a
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gcn)
+ echo $(p_gcn) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gcn-plugin: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_pl_gcn)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_pl_gcn) \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(usr_lib)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_pl_gcn) \
+ $(usr_lib)/*
+ mkdir -p $(d_pl_gcn)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(p_pl_gcn) binary: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames'; \
+ ) > $(d_pl_gcn)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_pl_gcn)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_pl_gcn) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_pl_gcn)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_pl_gcn)
+ dh_makeshlibs -p$(p_pl_gcn)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_pl_gcn)
+ echo $(p_pl_gcn) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e0ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libgo),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgo
+ifeq ($(with_godev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgo-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib64go),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64go
+ifeq ($(with_lib64godev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64go-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib32go),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32go
+ifeq ($(with_lib32godev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32go-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libn32go),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32go
+ifeq ($(with_libn32godev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32go-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libx32go),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32go
+ifeq ($(with_libx32godev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32go-dev
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gccgo
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gccgo-multi
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) go-doc
+ endif
+ endif
+p_go = gccgo$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_go_m = gccgo$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_god = gccgo$(pkg_ver)-doc
+p_golib = libgo$(GO_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_go = debian/$(p_go)
+d_go_m = debian/$(p_go_m)
+d_god = debian/$(p_god)
+d_golib = debian/$(p_golib)
+dirs_go = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/go \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir) \
+ $(PF)/include \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1
+files_go = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gccgo$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/go1
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ files_go += \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix){go,gofmt}$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cgo \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/{buildid,test2json,vet} \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix){go,gofmt}$(pkg_ver).1
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_go += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gccgo$(pkg_ver).1
+ifeq ($(with_standalone_go),yes)
+ dirs_go += \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1
+# XXX: what about triarch mapping?
+ files_go += \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix){cpp,gcc,gcov,gcov-tool}$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-{ar,ranlib,nm}$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-{ar,nm,ranlib}$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/{cc1,collect2,lto1,lto-wrapper} \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/{,.0,.0.0.0} \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/{libgcc*,libgcov.a,*.o} \
+ $(header_files) \
+ $(shell test -e $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/SYSCALLS.c.X \
+ && echo $(gcc_lib_dir)/SYSCALLS.c.X)
+ ifeq ($(with_cc1),yes)
+ files_go += \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/{,.0,.0.0.0}
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_go += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix){cpp,gcc,gcov,gcov-tool}$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ files_go += $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarch64subdir)/{libgcc*,libgcov.a,*.o}
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ files_go += $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarch32subdir)/{libgcc*,*.o}
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32),yes)
+ files_go += $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchn32subdir)/{libgcc*,libgcov.a,*.o}
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(biarchx32),yes)
+ files_go += $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchx32subdir)/{libgcc*,libgcov.a,*.o}
+ endif
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+define __do_libgo
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_l) binary: unstripped-binary-or-object' \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ : # don't strip:
+ : # dh_strip -p$(p_l) --dbg-package=$(p_d)
+ : # $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst go$(GO_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst go$(GO_SONAME),atomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define install_gccgo_lib
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).a debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/
+ if [ -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)libbegin.a ]; then \
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)libbegin.a debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/; \
+ fi
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.{la,so}
+ dh_link -p$(4) \
+ /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(1).so
+# __do_gccgo_libgcc(flavour,package,todir,fromdir)
+define __do_gccgo_libgcc
+ $(if $(findstring gccgo,$(PKGSOURCE)),
+ : # may be a linker script on some architectures
+ set -e; \
+ if [ -h $(4)/ ]; then \
+ rm -f $(4)/; \
+ dh_link -p$(2) /$(libgcc_dir$(1))/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(3)/; \
+ else \
+ mv $(4)/ $(d)/$(3)/; \
+ dh_link -p$(2) /$(libgcc_dir$(1))/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(3)/$(GCC_SONAME); \
+ fi; \
+ $(if $(1), dh_link -p$(2) /$(3)/ \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libgcc_s_$(1).so;)
+ )
+define __do_libgo_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2)) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/{libgobegin,libgolibbegin}.a \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/{libgobegin,libgolibbegin}.a \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/go
+ $(call install_gccgo_lib,libgo,$(GO_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_standalone_go)), \
+ $(call install_gccgo_lib,libgomp,$(GOMP_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l)))
+ $(call __do_gccgo_libgcc,$(2),$(p_l),$(gcc_lib_dir$(2)),$(d)/$(usr_lib$(2)))
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_libgo = $(call __do_libgo,lib$(1)go$(GO_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libgo_dev = $(call __do_libgo_dev,lib$(1)go-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libgo: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64go: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32go: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32go: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32go: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgo-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64go-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32go-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32go-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32go-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgo_dev,n32)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gccgo: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_go)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_go) $(dirs_go)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_go) $(files_go)
+ifneq (,$(findstring gccgo,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ rm -rf $(d_go)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/cilk
+ rm -rf $(d_go)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/openacc.h
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gccgo$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/bin/gccgo$(pkg_ver)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)go$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/bin/go$(pkg_ver)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gofmt$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/bin/gofmt$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gccgo$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gccgo$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)go$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/go$(pkg_ver).1
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gofmt$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gofmt$(pkg_ver).1
+ifeq ($(with_standalone_go),yes)
+ ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ for i in gcc gcov gcov-tool gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib; do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)$$i$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/bin/$$i$(pkg_ver); \
+ done
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ for i in gcc gcov gcov-tool gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib; do \
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gcc$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_go)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i$(pkg_ver).1; \
+ done
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libgomp*.spec $(d_go)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_cc1),yes)
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib)/
+ dh_link -p$(p_go) \
+ /$(usr_lib)/$(CC1_SONAME) /$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(d_go)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_go) binary: unstripped-binary-or-object' \
+ > $(d_go)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_go)
+ echo '$(p_go) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ >> $(d_go)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_go)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_go) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_go)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_go)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_go) $(p_xbase)
+# cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/go/ChangeLog \
+# $(d_go)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/go/changelog
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_go)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_go)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/go1
+ dh_strip -v -p$(p_go) -X/cgo -X/go$(pkg_ver) -X/gofmt$(pkg_ver) \
+ -X/buildid -X/test2json -X/vet $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/go1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_go)
+ echo $(p_go) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gccgo-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_go_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_go_m) $(docdir)
+ mkdir -p $(d_go_m)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_go_m) binary: non-multi-arch-lib-dir' \
+ > $(d_go_m)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_go_m)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_go_m) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_go_m)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_go_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_go_m)
+ echo $(p_go_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-go-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_god)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_god) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/go \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_god) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/gccgo*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_god) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_god)
+ rm -f $(d_god)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ cp -p html/gccgo.html $(d_god)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/go/
+ echo $(p_god) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f91f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) hppa64
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-hppa64: $(install_hppa64_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+# dh_installdirs -p$(p_hppa64)
+ rm -f $(d_hppa64)/usr/lib/libiberty.a
+ -find $(d_hppa64) ! -type d
+ : # provide as and ld links
+ dh_link -p $(p_hppa64) \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-as \
+ /$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/as \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-ld \
+ /$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/ld
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_hppa64) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_hppa64)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/cc1 \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/collect2 \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/lto-wrapper \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(hppa64libexecdir)/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/lto1
+ dh_strip -p$(p_hppa64) -X.o -Xlibgcc.a -Xlibgcov.a
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_hppa64)
+ mkdir -p $(d_hppa64)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ cp -p debian/$(p_hppa64).overrides \
+ $(d_hppa64)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_hppa64)
+ echo $(p_hppa64) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ touch $@
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c4cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libasan
+ifeq ($(with_lib64asan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64asan
+ifeq ($(with_lib32asan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32asan
+ifeq ($(with_libn32asan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32asan
+ifeq ($(with_libx32asan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32asan
+ifeq ($(with_libhfasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfasan
+ifeq ($(with_libsfasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfasan
+define __do_asan
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(p_l): unstripped-binary-or-object" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ $(if $(2), \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ echo "$(p_l): symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l))
+ $(if $(strip_sanitizer), $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,))
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(if $(ignshld),$(ignshld),-)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst asan$(ASAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst asan$(ASAN_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_asan = $(call __do_asan,lib$(1)asan$(ASAN_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_asan,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64asan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_asan,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32asan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_asan,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32asan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_asan,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32asan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_asan,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfasan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_asan,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfasan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_asan,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c2b591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libatomic
+ifeq ($(with_lib64atomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64atomic
+ifeq ($(with_lib32atomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32atomic
+ifeq ($(with_libn32atomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32atomic
+ifeq ($(with_libx32atomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32atomic
+ifeq ($(with_libhfatomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfatomic
+ifeq ($(with_libsfatomic),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfatomic
+define __do_atomic
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libatomic.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,,$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_atomic = $(call __do_atomic,lib$(1)atomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libatomic: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_atomic,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64atomic: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_atomic,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32atomic: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_atomic,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32atomic: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_atomic,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32atomic: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_atomic,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfatomic: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_atomic,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfatomic: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_atomic,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dba145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libcc1),yes)
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) libcc1
+ endif
+p_cc1 = libcc1-$(CC1_SONAME)
+d_cc1 = debian/$(p_cc1)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libcc1: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_cc1)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_cc1) \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(usr_lib)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_cc1) \
+ $(usr_lib)/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_cc1) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_cc1)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_cc1)
+ dh_makeshlibs -p$(p_cc1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_cc1)
+ echo $(p_cc1) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..836e553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libgcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgcc
+ifeq ($(with_lib64gcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gcc
+ifeq ($(with_lib32gcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gcc
+ifeq ($(with_libn32gcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gcc
+ifeq ($(with_libx32gcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gcc
+ifeq ($(with_libhfgcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgcc
+ifeq ($(with_libsfgcc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgcc
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64gccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32gccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32gccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32gccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfgccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgcc-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfgccdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgcc-dev
+ endif
+p_lgcc = libgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lgccdbg = libgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lgccdev = libgcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_lgcc = debian/$(p_lgcc)
+d_lgccdbg = debian/$(p_lgccdbg)
+d_lgccdev = debian/$(p_lgccdev)
+p_l32gcc = lib32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_l32gccdbg = lib32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_l32gccdev = lib32gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_l32gcc = debian/$(p_l32gcc)
+d_l32gccdbg = debian/$(p_l32gccdbg)
+d_l32gccdev = debian/$(p_l32gccdev)
+p_l64gcc = lib64gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_l64gccdbg = lib64gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_l64gccdev = lib64gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_l64gcc = debian/$(p_l64gcc)
+d_l64gccdbg = debian/$(p_l64gccdbg)
+d_l64gccdev = debian/$(p_l64gccdev)
+p_ln32gcc = libn32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_ln32gccdbg = libn32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_ln32gccdev = libn32gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_ln32gcc = debian/$(p_ln32gcc)
+d_ln32gccdbg = debian/$(p_ln32gccdbg)
+d_ln32gccdev = debian/$(p_ln32gccdev)
+p_lx32gcc = libx32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lx32gccdbg = libx32gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lx32gccdev = libx32gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_lx32gcc = debian/$(p_lx32gcc)
+d_lx32gccdbg = debian/$(p_lx32gccdbg)
+d_lx32gccdev = debian/$(p_lx32gccdev)
+p_lhfgcc = libhfgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lhfgccdbg = libhfgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lhfgccdev = libhfgcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_lhfgcc = debian/$(p_lhfgcc)
+d_lhfgccdbg = debian/$(p_lhfgccdbg)
+d_lhfgccdev = debian/$(p_lhfgccdev)
+p_lsfgcc = libsfgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lsfgccdbg = libsfgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lsfgccdev = libsfgcc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_lsfgcc = debian/$(p_lsfgcc)
+d_lsfgccdbg = debian/$(p_lsfgccdbg)
+d_lsfgccdev = debian/$(p_lsfgccdev)
+# __do_gcc_devels(flavour,package,todir,fromdir)
+define __do_gcc_devels
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ test -n "$(2)"
+ rm -rf debian/$(2)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(2) $(docdir) #TODO
+ dh_installdirs -p$(2) $(3)
+ $(call __do_gcc_devels2,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4))
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(2) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(2)
+ dh_strip -p$(2)
+ $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(2)
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(2))
+ echo $(2) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# __do_gcc_devels2(flavour,package,todir,fromdir)
+define __do_gcc_devels2
+# stage1 builds static libgcc only
+ $(if $(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1),,
+ : # may be a linker script on some architectures
+ set -e; \
+ if [ -h $(4)/ ]; then \
+ rm -f $(4)/; \
+ rm -f $(d)/$(3)/; \
+ ( \
+ echo '/* GNU ld script'; \
+ echo ' Use a trivial linker script instead of a symlink. */'; \
+ echo 'GROUP ($(GCC_SONAME) )'; \
+ ) > $(d)/$(3)/; \
+ else \
+ mv $(4)/ $(d)/$(3)/; \
+ fi; \
+ )
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(2) \
+ $(3)/{libgcc*,libgcov.a,*.o} \
+ $(if $(1),,$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/*.h $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/sanitizer/*.h) # Only move headers for the "main" package
+ $(if $(1),, for h in ISO_Fortran_binding.h libgccjit.h libgccjit++.h; do \
+ if [ -f debian/$(2)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/$$h ]; then \
+ mv debian/$(2)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/$$h $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/.; \
+ fi; done)
+ : # libbacktrace not installed by default
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_backtrace)),
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/$(1)/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/$(1)/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a \
+ debian/$(2)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/$(1); \
+ fi; \
+ $(if $(1),,
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h \
+ debian/$(2)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ install -m644 $(srcdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace.h \
+ debian/$(2)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ fi
+ ))
+ : # If building a flavour, add a lintian override
+ $(if $(1),
+ #TODO: use a file instead of a hacky echo
+ # but do we want to use one override file (in the source package) per
+ # flavour or not since they are essentially the same?
+ mkdir -p debian/$(2)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(2) binary: binary-from-other-architecture" \
+ >> debian/$(2)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(2)
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_lib$(1)gmath)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libgcc-math,$(GCC_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_libssp)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libssp,$(SSP_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_ssp)),
+ mv $(4)/libssp_nonshared.a debian/$(2)/$(3)/;
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_gomp)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libgomp,$(GOMP_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_itm)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libitm,$(ITM_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_atomic)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libatomic,$(ATOMIC_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_asan)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libasan,$(ASAN_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ mv $(4)/libasan_preinit.o debian/$(2)/$(3)/;
+ )
+ $(if $(1),,$(if $(filter yes, $(with_lsan)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,liblsan,$(LSAN_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ mv $(4)/liblsan_preinit.o debian/$(2)/$(3)/;
+ ))
+ $(if $(1),,$(if $(filter yes, $(with_tsan)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libtsan,$(TSAN_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ mv $(4)/libtsan_preinit.o debian/$(2)/$(3)/;
+ ))
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_ubsan)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libubsan,$(UBSAN_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(1),,$(if $(filter yes, $(with_hwasan)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libhwasan,$(HWASAN_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ ))
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_vtv)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libvtv,$(VTV_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_cilkrts)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libcilkrts,$(CILKRTS_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_qmath)),
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libquadmath,$(QUADMATH_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+ )
+# do_gcc_devels(flavour)
+define do_gcc_devels
+ $(call __do_gcc_devels,$(1),$(p_l$(1)gccdev),$(gcc_lib_dir$(1)),$(d)/$(usr_lib$(1)))
+define __do_libgcc
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_l) \
+ $(libgcc_dir$(2))
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_shared_libgcc)),
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(d_l)/$(libgcc_dir$(2))/.
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_internal_libunwind)),
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/libunwind.* \
+ $(d_l)/$(libgcc_dir$(2))/.
+ )
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(if $(3),$(3),$(p_lbase))
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_l)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(if $(3),$(3),$(p_lbase))
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_d)
+ )
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ # see Debian #533843 for the __aeabi symbol handling; this construct is
+ # just to include the symbols for dpkg versions older than 1.15.3 which
+ # didn't allow bypassing the symbol blacklist
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_shared_libgcc)),
+ $(if $(findstring gcc-s1,$(p_l)), \
+ ln -sf libgcc-s.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols \
+ )
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ -- -v$(DEB_LIBGCC_VERSION) -a$(call mlib_to_arch,$(2)) || echo XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ERROR $(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(if $(filter arm-linux-gnueabi%,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)),
+ if head -1 $(d_l)/DEBIAN/symbols 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^lib'; then \
+ grep -q '^ __aeabi' $(d_l)/DEBIAN/symbols \
+ || cat debian/libgcc.symbols.aeabi \
+ >> $(d_l)/DEBIAN/symbols; \
+ fi
+ )
+ )
+ $(if $(DEB_STAGE),,
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,,$(2))
+ )
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ $(if $(2),, # only for native
+ mkdir -p $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_l): package-name-doesnt-match-sonames' \
+ > $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ )
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_libcompatgcc)),
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l)) $(if $(3),$(3),$(p_lbase))
+ $(if $(with_dbg),
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_d)) $(if $(3),$(3),$(p_lbase))
+ )
+ $(if $(2),,
+ mkdir -p $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/$(libgcc_dir$(2))
+ cp -p $(d_l)/$(libgcc_dir$(2))/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/lib/.
+ mkdir -p $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/DEBIAN
+ cp -p $(d_l)/DEBIAN/{symbols,shlibs} \
+ $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/DEBIAN/.
+ cp -p $(d_l).substvars $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l)).substvars
+ mkdir -p $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l)): package-name-doesnt-match-sonames'; \
+ echo '$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l)): shlibs-declares-dependency-on-other-package'; \
+ echo '$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l)): symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package'; \
+ ) > $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(d_l))/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l))
+ )
+ echo $(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d))) >> debian/$(lib_binaries).epoch
+ )
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_libgcc = $(call __do_libgcc,lib$(1)gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(1),$(2))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libgcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,64,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,32,)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,n32,)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,x32,)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgcc: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_libgcc,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgcc-dev: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gcc_devels,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9441a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libgccjit),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgccjit
+$(lib_binaries) += libgccjitdev
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) libgccjitdoc
+p_jitlib = libgccjit$(GCCJIT_SONAME)
+p_jitdbg = libgccjit$(GCCJIT_SONAME)-dbg
+p_jitdev = libgccjit$(pkg_ver)-dev
+p_jitdoc = libgccjit$(pkg_ver)-doc
+d_jitlib = debian/$(p_jitlib)
+d_jitdev = debian/$(p_jitdev)
+d_jitdbg = debian/$(p_jitdbg)
+d_jitdoc = debian/$(p_jitdoc)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgccjit: $(install_jit_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_jitlib) $(d_jitdbg)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_jitlib) \
+ $(usr_lib)
+ifeq ($(with_dbg),yes)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_jitdbg)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_jitlib) \
+ $(usr_lib)/*
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib)/
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_jitlib) $(p_base)
+ifeq ($(with_dbg),yes)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_jitdbg) $(p_base)
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_jitlib), $(p_jitdbg), $(v_dbg),,)
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs -p$(p_jitlib)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_jitlib))
+ $(ignshld)$(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_jitlib) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_jitlib))
+ echo $(p_jitlib) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_jitdbg)) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-libgccjitdev: $(install_jit_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_jitdev)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_jitdev) \
+ $(usr_lib) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib)/
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_jitdev) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/libgccjit*.h
+ dh_link -p$(p_jitdev) \
+ $(usr_lib)/$(GCCJIT_SONAME) $(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_jitdev) $(p_base)
+ echo $(p_jitdev) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-libgccjitdoc: $(install_jit_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_jitdoc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_jitdoc) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/libgccjit-figures
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_jitdoc) \
+ $(PF)/share/info/libgccjit*
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/jit/docs/_build/texinfo/libgccjit-figures/*.png \
+ $(d_jitdoc)/$(PF)/share/info/libgccjit-figures/.
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_jitdoc) $(p_base)
+ echo $(p_jitdoc) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+ touch $@
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a86ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libgomp
+ifeq ($(with_lib64gomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gomp
+ifeq ($(with_lib32gomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gomp
+ifeq ($(with_libn32gomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gomp
+ifeq ($(with_libx32gomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gomp
+ifeq ($(with_libhfgomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgomp
+ifeq ($(with_libsfgomp),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgomp
+define __do_gomp
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libgomp.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,$(subst gomp$(GOMP_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)),$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_gomp = $(call __do_gomp,lib$(1)gomp$(GOMP_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libgomp: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_gomp,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gomp: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_gomp,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gomp: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_gomp,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gomp: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_gomp,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gomp: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_gomp,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgomp: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gomp,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgomp: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_gomp,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9475f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libhwasan
+ifeq ($(with_lib64hwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64hwasan
+ifeq ($(with_lib32hwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32hwasan
+ifeq ($(with_libn32hwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32hwasan
+ifeq ($(with_libx32hwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32hwasan
+ifeq ($(with_libhfhwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfhwasan
+ifeq ($(with_libsfhwasan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfhwasan
+define __do_hwasan
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(p_l): unstripped-binary-or-object" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ $(if $(2), \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ echo "$(p_l): symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l))
+ $(if $(strip_sanitizer), $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,))
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(if $(ignshld),$(ignshld),-)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst hwasan$(HWASAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst hwasan$(HWASAN_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_hwasan = $(call __do_hwasan,lib$(1)hwasan$(HWASAN_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libhwasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_hwasan,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64hwasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_hwasan,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32hwasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_hwasan,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32hwasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_hwasan,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32hwasan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_hwasan,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfhwasan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_hwasan,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfhwasan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_hwasan,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a618647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libitm
+ifeq ($(with_lib64itm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64itm
+ifeq ($(with_lib32itm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32itm
+ifeq ($(with_libn32itm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32itm
+ifeq ($(with_libx32itm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32itm
+ifeq ($(with_libhfitm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfitm
+ifeq ($(with_libsfitm),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfitm
+define __do_itm
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libitm.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_itm = $(call __do_itm,lib$(1)itm$(ITM_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libitm: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_itm,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64itm: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_itm,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32itm: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_itm,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32itm: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_itm,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32itm: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_itm,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfitm: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_itm,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfitm: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_itm,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b3e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += liblsan
+ifeq ($(with_lib64lsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64lsan
+ifeq ($(with_lib32lsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32lsan
+ifeq ($(with_libn32lsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32lsan
+ifeq ($(with_libx32lsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32lsan
+ifeq ($(with_libhflsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhflsan
+ifeq ($(with_libsflsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsflsan
+define __do_lsan
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(p_l): unstripped-binary-or-object" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ $(if $(strip_sanitizer), $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,))
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst lsan$(LSAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst lsan$(LSAN_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_lsan = $(call __do_lsan,lib$(1)lsan$(LSAN_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-liblsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_lsan,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64lsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_lsan,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32lsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_lsan,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32lsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_lsan,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32lsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_lsan,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhflsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_lsan,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsflsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_lsan,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c270d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libobjc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libobjc
+ifeq ($(with_objcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libobjc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib64objc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64objc
+ifeq ($(with_lib64objcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64objc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_lib32objc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32objc
+ifeq ($(with_lib32objcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32objc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libn32objc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32objc
+ifeq ($(with_libn32objcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32objc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libx32objc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32objc
+ifeq ($(with_libx32objcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32objc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libhfobjc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfobjc
+ifeq ($(with_libhfobjcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfobjc-dev
+ifeq ($(with_libsfobjc),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfobjc
+ifeq ($(with_libsfobjcdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfobjc-dev
+files_lobjcdev= \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/objc
+files_lobjc = \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ifeq ($(with_objc_gc),yes)
+ files_lobjc += \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+define __do_libobjc
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(files_lobjc)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ rm -f debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(if $(2),
+ ln -sf libobjc.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols ,
+ fgrep -v libobjc.symbols.gc debian/libobjc.symbols > debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ )
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ -- -a$(call mlib_to_arch,$(2)) || echo XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ERROR $(p_l)
+ rm -f debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,$(subst objc$(OBJC_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)),$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libobjc_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(files_lobjcdev)
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libobjc,$(OBJC_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_objc_gc)),
+ $(if $(2),,
+ dh_link -p$(p_l) \
+ /$(usr_lib$(2))/$(OBJC_SONAME) \
+ /$(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/
+ ))
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_libobjc = $(call __do_libobjc,lib$(1)objc$(OBJC_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libobjc_dev = $(call __do_libobjc_dev,lib$(1)objc-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libobjc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64objc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32objc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32objc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32objc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfobjc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfobjc: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libobjc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64objc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32objc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32objc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32objc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfobjc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfobjc-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libobjc_dev,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fcb744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libqmath
+ifeq ($(with_lib64qmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64qmath
+ifeq ($(with_lib32qmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32qmath
+ifeq ($(with_libn32qmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32qmath
+ifeq ($(with_libx32qmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32qmath
+ifeq ($(with_libhfqmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfqmath
+ifeq ($(with_libsfqmath),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfqmath
+define __do_qmath
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ ln -sf libquadmath.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_qmath = $(call __do_qmath,lib$(1)quadmath$(QUADMATH_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libqmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64qmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32qmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32qmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32qmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfqmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfqmath: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_qmath,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c873a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) libssp
+ifeq ($(with_lib64ssp),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) lib64ssp
+ifeq ($(with_lib32ssp),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) lib32ssp
+ifeq ($(with_libn32ssp),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) libn32ssp
+ifeq ($(with_libx32ssp),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) libx32ssp
+p_ssp = libssp$(SSP_SONAME)
+p_ssp32 = lib32ssp$(SSP_SONAME)
+p_ssp64 = lib64ssp$(SSP_SONAME)
+p_sspx32 = libx32ssp$(SSP_SONAME)
+p_sspd = libssp$(SSP_SONAME)-dev
+d_ssp = debian/$(p_ssp)
+d_ssp32 = debian/$(p_ssp32)
+d_ssp64 = debian/$(p_ssp64)
+d_sspx32 = debian/$(p_sspx32)
+d_sspd = debian/$(p_sspd)
+dirs_ssp = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_base) \
+ $(PF)/$(libdir)
+files_ssp = \
+ $(PF)/$(libdir)/*
+dirs_sspd = \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(PF)/include \
+ $(PF)/$(libdir)
+files_sspd = \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/ssp \
+ $(PF)/$(libdir)/libssp.{a,so} \
+ $(PF)/$(libdir)/libssp_nonshared.a
+ifeq ($(with_lib32ssp),yes)
+ dirs_sspd += $(lib32)
+ files_sspd += $(lib32)/libssp.{a,so}
+ files_sspd += $(lib32)/libssp_nonshared.a
+ifeq ($(with_lib64ssp),yes)
+ dirs_sspd += $(PF)/lib64
+ files_sspd += $(PF)/lib64/libssp.{a,so}
+ files_sspd += $(PF)/lib64/libssp_nonshared.a
+$(binary_stamp)-libssp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_ssp)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_ssp)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_ssp) $(files_ssp)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_ssp) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_ssp)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_ssp)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_ssp) -V '$(p_ssp) (>= $(DEB_SOVERSION))'
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_ssp)
+ echo $(p_ssp) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64ssp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_ssp64)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_ssp64) \
+ $(PF)/lib64
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_ssp64) \
+ $(PF)/lib64/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_ssp64) $(p_lbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_ssp64)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_ssp64) -V '$(p_ssp64) (>= $(DEB_SOVERSION))'
+# dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_ssp64)
+ echo $(p_ssp64) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32ssp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_ssp32)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_ssp32) \
+ $(lib32)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_ssp32) \
+ $(lib32)/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_ssp32) $(p_lbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_ssp32)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_ssp32) -V '$(p_ssp32) (>= $(DEB_SOVERSION))'
+# dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_ssp32)
+ echo $(p_ssp32) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32ssp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_sspn32)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_sspn32) \
+ $(PF)/$(libn32)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_sspn32) \
+ $(PF)/$(libn32)/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_sspn32) $(p_lbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_sspn32)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_sspn32) -V '$(p_sspn32) (>= $(DEB_SOVERSION))'
+# dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_sspn32)
+ echo $(p_sspn32) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32ssp: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_sspx32)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_sspx32) \
+ $(PF)/$(libx32)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_sspx32) \
+ $(PF)/$(libx32)/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_sspx32) $(p_lbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_sspx32)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_sspx32) -V '$(p_sspx32) (>= $(DEB_SOVERSION))'
+# dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_sspx32)
+ echo $(p_sspx32) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..567656e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+ifeq ($(with_libcxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libstdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_lib64cxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64stdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_lib32cxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32stdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_libn32cxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32stdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_libx32cxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32stdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_libhfcxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfstdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_libsfcxx),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfstdcxx
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64cxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64stdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64cxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64stdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32cxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32stdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32cxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32stdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32cxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32stdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32cxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32stdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32cxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32stdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32cxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32stdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfcxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfstdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfcxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfstdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfcxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfstdcxx-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfcxxdbg),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfstdcxxdbg
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_cxxdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libstdcxx-dev
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) libstdcxx-doc
+ endif
+ endif
+libstdc_ext = -$(BASE_VERSION)
+p_lib = libstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lib64 = lib64stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_lib32 = lib32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_libn32= libn32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_libx32= libx32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_libhf = libhfstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_libsf = libsfstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dev = libstdc++$(libstdc_ext)-dev$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_pic = libstdc++$(libstdc_ext)-pic$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbg = libstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbg64 = lib64stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbg32 = lib32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbgn32= libn32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbgx32= libx32stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbghf = libhfstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_dbgsf = libsfstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_libd = libstdc++$(libstdc_ext)-doc
+d_lib = debian/$(p_lib)
+d_lib64 = debian/$(p_lib64)
+d_lib32 = debian/$(p_lib32)
+d_libn32= debian/$(p_libn32)
+d_libx32= debian/$(p_libx32)
+d_libhf = debian/$(p_libhf)
+d_libsf = debian/$(p_libsf)
+d_dev = debian/$(p_dev)
+d_pic = debian/$(p_pic)
+d_dbg = debian/$(p_dbg)
+d_dbg64 = debian/$(p_dbg64)
+d_dbg32 = debian/$(p_dbg32)
+d_dbghf = debian/$(p_dbghf)
+d_dbgsf = debian/$(p_dbgsf)
+d_libd = debian/$(p_libd)
+dirs_dev = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_base)/C++ \
+ $(usr_lib) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include \
+ $(PFL)/include/c++
+files_dev = \
+ $(PFL)/include/c++/$(BASE_VERSION) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libstdc++.{a,so} \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libsupc++.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libstdc++fs.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libstdc++exp.a
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_cxxheaders),yes)
+ dirs_dev += \
+ files_dev += \
+ $(PF)/include/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/c++/$(BASE_VERSION)/{bits,ext}
+dirs_dbg = \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(PF)/lib/debug/$(usr_lib) \
+ $(usr_lib)/debug \
+ $(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib)/debug \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+files_dbg = \
+ $(usr_lib)/debug/libstdc++.{a,so*} \
+ $(usr_lib)/debug/libstdc++fs.a \
+ $(usr_lib)/debug/libstdc++exp.a
+dirs_pic = \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+files_pic = \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/libstdc++_pic.a
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+gxx_baseline_dir = $(shell \
+ sed -n '/^baseline_dir *=/s,.*= *\(.*\)$$,\1,p' \
+ $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/Makefile)
+gxx_baseline_file = $(gxx_baseline_dir)/baseline_symbols.txt
+ : # save the results of the libstdc++ test run, overridden by check-abi
+ -tar -c -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.tar \
+ -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite libstdc++.{log,sum}
+ cat debian/ \
+ > debian/README.libstdc++-baseline
+ baseline_name=`basename $(gxx_baseline_dir)`; \
+ baseline_parentdir=`dirname $(gxx_baseline_dir)`; \
+ compat_baseline_name=""; \
+ if [ -f "$(gxx_baseline_file)" ]; then \
+ ( \
+ echo "A baseline file for $$baseline_name was found."; \
+ echo "Running the check-abi script ..."; \
+ echo ""; \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite \
+ check-abi; \
+ ) >> debian/README.libstdc++-baseline; \
+ else \
+ ( \
+ echo "No baseline file found for $$baseline_name."; \
+ echo "Generating a new baseline file ..."; \
+ echo ""; \
+ ) >> debian/README.libstdc++-baseline; \
+ mkdir -p $(gxx_baseline_dir); \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite new-abi-baseline; \
+ if [ -f $(gxx_baseline_file) ]; then \
+ cat $(gxx_baseline_file); \
+ else \
+ cat $$(find $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3 $(srcdir)/libstdc++-v3 -name '.new') || true; \
+ fi >> debian/README.libstdc++-baseline; \
+ fi
+ : # restore the results of the libstdc++ test run
+ -tar -x -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.tar \
+ -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# FIXME: see #792204, libstdc++ symbols on sparc64, for now ignore errors
+# for the 32bit multilib build
+define __do_libstdcxx
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2)) \
+ $(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(if $(DEB_CROSS),,$(if $(2),,
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(PF)/share/gcc/python
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(PF)/share/gcc/python/libstdcxx
+ ))
+ cp -p $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/*.py \
+ $(d_l)/$(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib$(2))/.
+ sed -i -e "/^libdir *=/s,=.*,= '/$(usr_lib$(2))'," \
+ $(d_l)/$(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib$(2))/*.py
+ cp -a $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/*[0-9] \
+ $(d_l)/$(usr_lib$(2))/.
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_l)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),
+ dh_strip -p$(p_l) $(if $(filter rtlibs,$(DEB_STAGE)),,--dbg-package=$(1)-$(BASE_VERSION)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)),
+ dh_strip -p$(p_l) $(if $(filter rtlibs,$(DEB_STAGE)),,--dbgsym-migration='$(1)-$(BASE_VERSION)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch) (<< $(v_dbg))')
+ )
+ ln -sf libstdc++.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), armel hppa sparc64), \
+ -$(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ @echo "FIXME: libstdc++ not feature complete (", \
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ )
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,$(subst stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)),$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libstdcxx_dbg
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_d) \
+ $(PF)/lib/debug/$(usr_lib$(2)) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(if $(with_dbg),
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_lib$(2)cxx)),
+ cp -a $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/*[0-9] \
+ $(d_d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/.;
+ dh_strip -p$(p_d) --keep-debug;
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_common_libs)),, # if !with_common_libs
+ # remove the debug symbols for libstdc++
+ # built by a newer version of GCC
+ rm -rf $(d_d)/usr/lib/debug/$(PF);
+ )
+ rm -f $(d_d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/*[0-9]
+ )
+ )
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_cxx_debug)),
+ mkdir -p $(d_d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/debug;
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/debug/libstdc++* $(d_d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/debug;
+ rm -f $(d_d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/debug/libstdc++_pic.a
+ )
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_d) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,$(subst $(pkg_ver),,$(subst stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l))),$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_d))
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_d)
+ echo $(p_d) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libstdcxx_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(2))/libsupc++.a \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))/libsupc++.a \
+ $(if $(with_multiarch_cxxheaders),$(PF)/include/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/c++/$(BASE_VERSION)/$(2))
+ $(call install_gcc_lib,libstdc++,$(CXX_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l))
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_l)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_l)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,$(subst stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)),$(2))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_libstdcxx = $(call __do_libstdcxx,lib$(1)stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libstdcxx_dbg = $(call __do_libstdcxx_dbg,lib$(1)stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(libstdc_ext),$(1))
+do_libstdcxx_dev = $(call __do_libstdcxx_dev,lib$(1)stdc++-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-libstdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64stdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32stdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32stdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32stdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfstdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfstdcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64stdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32stdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32stdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32stdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfstdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfstdcxxdbg: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dbg,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64stdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32stdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32stdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32stdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfstdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfstdcxx-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libstdcxx_dev,sf)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+libcxxdev_deps = $(install_stamp)
+ifeq ($(with_libcxx),yes)
+ libcxxdev_deps += $(binary_stamp)-libstdcxx
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ libcxxdev_deps += debian/README.libstdc++-baseline
+# FIXME: the -dev and -dbg packages are built twice ...
+$(binary_stamp)-libstdcxx-dev: $(libcxxdev_deps)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_dev) $(d_pic)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_dev) $(dirs_dev)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_pic) $(dirs_pic)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_dbg) $(dirs_dbg)
+ : # - correct libstdc++-v3 file locations
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libsupc++.a $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libstdc++fs.a $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libstdc++exp.a $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libstdc++.{a,so} $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ ln -sf ../../../$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)/$(CXX_SONAME) \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ : # FIXME: update libstdc++-pic patch
+# mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/libstdc++_pic.a $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ cp $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs/libstdc++convenience.a \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/libstdc++_pic.a
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib)/debug/libstdc++_pic.a
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib64)/debug/libstdc++_pic.a
+ : # remove precompiled headers
+ -find $(d) -type d -name '*.gch' | xargs rm -rf
+ for i in $(d)/$(PF)/include/c++/$(GCC_VERSION)/*-linux; do \
+ if [ -d $$i ]; then mv $$i $$i-gnu; fi; \
+ done
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_dev) $(files_dev)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_pic) $(files_pic)
+ifeq ($(with_cxx_debug),yes)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_dbg) $(files_dbg)
+ dh_link -p$(p_dev) \
+ /$(usr_lib)/$(CXX_SONAME) \
+ /$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_dev) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_pic) $(p_lbase)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_dbg) $(p_lbase)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_dev)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/C++/changelog.libstdc++
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ cp -p debian/README.libstdc++-baseline \
+ $(d_dev)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/C++/README.libstdc++-baseline.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt ]; \
+ then \
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt \
+ $(d_dev)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/C++/libstdc++_symbols.txt.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH); \
+ fi
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/src/libstdc++-symbols.ver \
+ $(d_pic)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ cp -p $(d)/$(usr_lib)/*.py \
+ $(d_dbg)/$(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib)/debug/.
+ sed -i -e "/^libdir *=/s,=.*,= '/$(usr_lib)'," \
+ $(d_dbg)/$(PF)/share/gdb/auto-load/$(usr_lib)/debug/*.py
+ifeq ($(with_libcxx),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dbg),yes)
+ cp -a $(d)/$(usr_lib)/*[0-9] \
+ $(d_dbg)/$(usr_lib)/
+ dh_strip -p$(p_dbg) --keep-debug
+ rm -f $(d_dbg)/$(usr_lib)/*[0-9]
+ endif
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_dev), $(p_dbg), $(v_dbg),,)
+ifneq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ : # remove the debug symbols for libstdc++ built by a newer version of GCC
+ rm -rf $(d_dbg)/usr/lib/debug/$(PF)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_pic)
+ifeq ($(with_cxxdev),yes)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_dev)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_pic)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_dbg)
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_dev) -p$(p_pic) -p$(p_dbg) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search,,) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_dbg))
+ echo $(p_dev) $(p_pic) $(p_dbg) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+doxygen_doc_dir = $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/doc
+doxygen-docs: $(build_doxygen_stamp)
+$(build_doxygen_stamp): $(build_stamp)
+ $(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/doc SHELL=/bin/bash doc-html-doxygen
+ $(MAKE) -C $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/doc SHELL=/bin/bash doc-man-doxygen
+ -find $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/html -name 'struct*' -empty | xargs rm -f
+ touch $@
+$(binary_stamp)-libstdcxx-doc: $(install_stamp) doxygen-docs
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_libd)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_libd) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++ \
+ $(PF)/share/man
+# debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_libd) $(p_base)
+ dh_link -p$(p_libd) /usr/share/doc/$(p_base) /usr/share/doc/$(p_libd)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_libd)
+ rm -f $(d_libd)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/copyright
+ cp -a $(srcdir)/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/* \
+ $(d_libd)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++/.
+ cp -a $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/html \
+ $(d_libd)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++/user
+ find $(d_libd)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++ -name '*.md5' \
+ | xargs -r rm -f
+# Broken docs ... see #766499
+# rm -f $(d_libd)/$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++/*/jquery.js
+# dh_link -p$(p_libd) \
+# /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js \
+# /$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++/html/jquery.js \
+# /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js \
+# /$(docdir)/$(p_base)/libstdc++/user/jquery.js
+ : FIXME: depending on the doxygen version
+ if [ -d $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3cxx ]; then \
+ cp -a $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3cxx \
+ $(d_libd)/$(PF)/share/man/man3; \
+ if [ -d $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3 ]; then \
+ cp -a $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3/* \
+ $(d_libd)/$(PF)/share/man/man3/; \
+ fi; \
+ elif [ -d $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3 ]; then \
+ cp -a $(doxygen_doc_dir)/doxygen/man/man3 \
+ $(d_libd)/$(PF)/share/man/man3; \
+ fi
+ for i in $(d_libd)/$(PF)/share/man/man3/*.3; do \
+ [ -f $${i} ] || continue; \
+ mv $${i} $${i}cxx; \
+ done
+ rm -f $(d_libd)/$(PF)/share/man/man3/todo.3*
+ mkdir -p $(d_libd)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ cp -p debian/$(p_libd).overrides \
+ $(d_libd)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_libd)
+ echo $(p_libd) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd18270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libtsan
+ifeq (0,1)
+ifeq ($(with_lib64tsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64tsan
+ifeq ($(with_lib32tsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32tsan
+ifeq ($(with_libn32tsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32tsan
+ifeq ($(with_libx32tsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32tsan
+ifeq ($(with_libhftsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhftsan
+ifeq ($(with_libsftsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsftsan
+define __do_tsan
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(p_l): unstripped-binary-or-object" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ $(if $(strip_sanitizer), $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,))
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst tsan$(TSAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst tsan$(TSAN_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_tsan = $(call __do_tsan,lib$(1)tsan$(TSAN_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libtsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_tsan,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64tsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_tsan,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32tsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_tsan,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32tsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_tsan,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32tsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_tsan,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhftsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_tsan,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsftsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_tsan,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b373e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libubsan
+ifeq ($(with_lib64ubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64ubsan
+ifeq ($(with_lib32ubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32ubsan
+ifeq ($(with_libn32ubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32ubsan
+ifeq ($(with_libx32ubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32ubsan
+ifeq ($(with_libhfubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfubsan
+ifeq ($(with_libsfubsan),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfubsan
+define __do_ubsan
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo "$(p_l): unstripped-binary-or-object" \
+ >> debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ $(if $(strip_sanitizer), $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,))
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst ubsan$(UBSAN_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst ubsan$(UBSAN_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_ubsan = $(call __do_ubsan,lib$(1)ubsan$(UBSAN_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libubsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_ubsan,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64ubsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_ubsan,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32ubsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_ubsan,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32ubsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_ubsan,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32ubsan: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_ubsan,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfubsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_ubsan,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfubsan: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_ubsan,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27023a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+$(lib_binaries) += libvtv
+ifeq ($(with_lib64vtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64vtv
+ifeq ($(with_lib32vtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32vtv
+ifeq ($(with_libn32vtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32vtv
+ifeq ($(with_libx32vtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32vtv
+ifeq ($(with_libhfvtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfvtv
+ifeq ($(with_libsfvtv),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfvtv
+define __do_vtv
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ if [ -f debian/$(p_l).overrides ]; then \
+ mkdir -p debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ cp debian/$(p_l).overrides debian/$(p_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l); \
+ fi
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l)
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst vtv$(VTV_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ $(subst vtv$(VTV_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+do_vtv = $(call __do_vtv,lib$(1)vtv$(VTV_SONAME),$(1))
+$(binary_stamp)-libvtv: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_vtv,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64vtv: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_vtv,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32vtv: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_vtv,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32vtv: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_vtv,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32vtv: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_vtv,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfvtv: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_vtv,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfvtv: $(install_dependencies)
+ $(call do_vtv,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ecffb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifeq (0,1)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gm2-multi
+ endif
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) gm2
+ ifeq ($(with_m2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libgm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libgm2
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) gm2-doc
+ endif
+ ifeq (0,1)
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64gm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32gm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32gm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32gm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfgm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfgm2dev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgm2-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64gm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64gm2
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32gm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32gm2
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32gm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32gm2
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32gm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32gm2
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfgm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgm2
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfgm2),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgm2
+ endif
+ endif
+p_gm2 = gm2$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_gm2_m = gm2$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_libgm2 = libgm2-$(GM2_SONAME)
+p_libgm2dev = libgm2$(pkg_ver)-dev
+p_gm2d = gm2$(pkg_ver)-doc
+d_gm2 = debian/$(p_gm2)
+d_gm2_m = debian/$(p_gm2_m)
+d_libgm2 = debian/$(p_libgm2)
+d_libgm2dev = debian/$(p_libgm2dev)
+d_gm2d = debian/$(p_gm2d)
+dirs_gm2 = \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin
+#ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+# dirs_gm2 += \
+# $(gm2_include_dir)
+files_gm2 = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gm2$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/ \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1gm2
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes-now-pure-gfdl)
+ files_gm2 += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gm2$(pkg_ver).1
+dirs_libgm2 = \
+ $(PF)/lib \
+ $(gm2_include_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+$(binary_stamp)-gm2: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gm2)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gm2) $(dirs_gm2)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_gm2)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_gm2) src/gcc/m2/ChangeLog
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_gm2) $(files_gm2)
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gm2$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_gm2)/$(PF)/bin/gm2$(pkg_ver)
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes-now-pure-gfdl)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gm2$(pkg_ver).1 \
+ $(d_gm2)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gm2$(pkg_ver).1
+ endif
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gm2)
+ dh_link -p$(p_gm2) \
+ /$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/README.Bugs \
+ /$(docdir)/$(p_gm2)/README.Bugs
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_gm2)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1gm2
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gm2) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/cc1gm2 -X/gm2)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gm2)
+ mkdir -p $(d_gm2)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_gm2) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_gm2)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_gm2)
+ echo $(p_gm2) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ find $(d_gm2) -type d -empty -delete
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-gm2-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gm2_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gm2_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gm2_m) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_gm2_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_gm2_m)
+ echo $(p_gm2_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libgm2
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ : ln -sf libgm2.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ -- -a$(call mlib_to_arch,$(2)) || echo XXXXXXXXXXX ERROR $(p_l)
+ rm -f debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst gm2-$(GM2_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ mkdir -p $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ ( \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: shared-lib-without-dependency-information"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: library-not-linked-against-libc"; \
+ ) >> $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ dh_lintian -p$(p_l)
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# install_gm2_lib(lib,soname,flavour,package,subdir)
+define install_gm2_lib
+ dh_link -p$(4) \
+ /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(5)/$(1).so \
+ /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(1).so
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.a debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.{la,so}
+define __do_libgm2_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ : # install_gm2_lib calls needed?
+ $(if $(2),,
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/m2
+ )
+ $(call install_gm2_lib,libm2pim,$(GM2_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),m2/m2pim)
+ $(call install_gm2_lib,libm2cor,$(GM2_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),m2/m2cor)
+ $(call install_gm2_lib,libm2iso,$(GM2_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),m2/m2iso)
+ $(call install_gm2_lib,libm2log,$(GM2_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),m2/m2log)
+ $(call install_gm2_lib,libm2min,$(GM2_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),m2/m2min)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_separate_gm2)),$(p_gm2),$(p_lbase))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_libgm2 = $(call __do_libgm2,lib$(1)gm2-$(GM2_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libgm2_dev = $(call __do_libgm2_dev,lib$(1)gm2-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-gm2-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_gm2d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_gm2d) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_gm2) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/m2 \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ cp -p $(builddir)/gcc/doc/ $(d_gm2d)/$(PF)/share/info/gm2-$(BASE_VERSION).info
+ cp -p html/gm2.html $(d_gm2d)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/m2/gm2-$(BASE_VERSION).html
+ ln -sf ../$(p_xbase)/m2/gm2-$(BASE_VERSION).html $(d_gm2d)/$(docdir)/$(p_gm2)/gm2-$(BASE_VERSION).html
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_gm2d) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_gm2d)
+ rm -f $(d_gm2d)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ echo $(p_gm2d) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgm2: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64gm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32gm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32gm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32gm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgm2-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgm2_dev,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa5408a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) nof
+p_nof = gcc$(pkg_ver)-nof
+d_nof = debian/$(p_nof)
+dirs_nof = \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(usr_lib)/nof
+ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+ dirs_nof += \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/nof
+ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+ files_nof = \
+ $(libgcc_dir)/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/ \
+ $(usr_lib)/nof \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/nof
+ files_nof = \
+ $(usr_lib)/$(GCC_SONAME)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-nof: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib)/$(GCC_SONAME) $(d)/$(libgcc_dir)/.
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib)/
+ ln -sf $(libgcc_dir)/$(GCC_SONAME) \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/
+ rm -rf $(d_nof)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_nof) $(dirs_nof)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_nof) $(files_nof)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_nof) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_nof)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_nof)
+ dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_nof)
+ : # Only keep the shlibs file for the libgcc_s_nof library
+ fgrep libgcc_s_nof debian/$(p_nof)/DEBIAN/shlibs \
+ > debian/$(p_nof)/DEBIAN/shlibs.tmp
+ mv -f debian/$(p_nof)/DEBIAN/shlibs.tmp debian/$(p_nof)/DEBIAN/shlibs
+ echo $(p_nof) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2841b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) nvptx
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) nvptx-plugin
+ endif
+p_nvptx = gcc$(pkg_ver)-offload-nvptx
+d_nvptx = debian/$(p_nvptx)
+p_pl_nvptx = libgomp-plugin-nvptx1
+d_pl_nvptx = debian/$(p_pl_nvptx)
+dirs_nvptx = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/ \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel
+files_nvptx = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-accel-nvptx-none-gcc$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none
+# not needed: libs moved, headers not needed for lto1
+# $(PF)/nvptx-none
+# are these needed?
+# $(PF)/lib/gcc/nvptx-none/$(versiondir)/{include,finclude,mgomp}
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ files_nvptx += \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-accel-nvptx-none-gcc$(pkg_ver).1
+$(binary_stamp)-nvptx: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_nvptx)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_nvptx) $(dirs_nvptx)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-nvptx -f - $(files_nvptx) \
+ | tar -x -v -C $(d_nvptx) -f -
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_nvptx) \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ar \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/as \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ld \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ranlib
+ mkdir -p $(d_nvptx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ ( \
+ echo '$(p_nvptx) binary: hardening-no-pie'; \
+ echo '$(p_nvptx) binary: no-code-sections' \
+ ) > $(d_nvptx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_nvptx)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ echo '$(p_nvptx) binary: binary-without-manpage' \
+ >> $(d_nvptx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_nvptx)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_nvptx) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_nvptx)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_nvptx)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/{collect2,lto1,lto-wrapper,mkoffload}
+ dh_strip -p$(p_nvptx) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/lto1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_nvptx)
+ echo $(p_nvptx) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-nvptx-plugin: $(install_dependencies)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_pl_nvptx)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_pl_nvptx) \
+ $(docdir) \
+ $(usr_lib)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_pl_nvptx) \
+ $(usr_lib)/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_pl_nvptx) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_pl_nvptx)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_pl_nvptx)
+ dh_makeshlibs -p$(p_pl_nvptx)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_pl_nvptx)
+ echo $(p_pl_nvptx) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743bf52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) objc-multi
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) objc
+p_objc = gobjc$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_objc = debian/$(p_objc)
+p_objc_m= gobjc$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_objc_m= debian/$(p_objc_m)
+dirs_objc = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/ObjC \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+files_objc = \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1obj
+$(binary_stamp)-objc: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_objc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_objc) $(dirs_objc)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_objc) $(files_objc)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libobjc/{README*,THREADS*} \
+ $(d_objc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/ObjC/.
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/libobjc/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_objc)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/ObjC/changelog.libobjc
+ mkdir -p $(d_objc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_objc) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_objc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_objc)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_objc) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_objc)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_objc)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1obj
+ dh_strip -p$(p_objc) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/cc1obj)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_objc)
+ echo $(p_objc) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-objc-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_objc_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_objc_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_objc_m) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_objc_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_objc_m)
+ echo $(p_objc_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e750cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) objcxx-multi
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) objcxx
+p_objcx = gobjc++$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_objcx = debian/$(p_objcx)
+p_objcx_m = gobjc++$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_objcx_m = debian/$(p_objcx_m)
+dirs_objcx = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/Obj-C++ \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+files_objcx = \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1objplus
+$(binary_stamp)-objcxx: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_objcx)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_objcx) $(dirs_objcx)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_objcx) $(files_objcx)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_objcx) $(p_xbase)
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/gcc/objcp/ChangeLog \
+ $(d_objcx)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/Obj-C++/changelog
+ mkdir -p $(d_objcx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_objcx) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_objcx)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_objcx)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_objcx)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_objcx)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/cc1objplus
+ dh_strip -p$(p_objcx) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/cc1objplus)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_objcx)
+ echo $(p_objcx) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-objcxx-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_objcx_m)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_objcx_m) $(p_xbase)
+ debian/dh_rmemptydirs -p$(p_objcx_m)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_objcx_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_objcx_m)
+ echo $(p_objcx_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c77ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ ifeq (0,1)
+ #ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(biarch64) $(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchsf)))
+ # arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) grs-multi
+ #endif
+ endif
+ arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) grs
+ #ifeq ($(with_rsdev),yes)
+ # $(lib_binaries) += libgrs-dev
+ #endif
+ #ifeq ($(with_libgrs),yes)
+ # $(lib_binaries) += libgrs
+ #endif
+ #ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ # indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) grs-doc
+ #endif
+ ifeq (0,1)
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64grsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64grs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32grsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32grs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32grsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32grs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32grsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32grs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfgrsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgrs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfgrsdev),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgrs-dev
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib64grs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib64grs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_lib32grs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += lib32grs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libn32grs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libn32grs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libx32grs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libx32grs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libhfgrs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libhfgrs
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_libsfgrs),yes)
+ $(lib_binaries) += libsfgrs
+ endif
+ endif
+p_grs = gccrs$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_grs_m = gccrs$(pkg_ver)-multilib$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_libgrs = libgrs-$(GRS_SONAME)
+p_libgrsdev = libgrs$(pkg_ver)-dev
+p_grsd = grs$(pkg_ver)-doc
+d_grs = debian/$(p_grs)
+d_grs_m = debian/$(p_grs_m)
+d_libgrs = debian/$(p_libgrs)
+d_libgrsdev = debian/$(p_libgrsdev)
+d_grsd = debian/$(p_grsd)
+dirs_grs = \
+ $(PF)/bin \
+ $(PF)/share/man/man1 \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)
+#ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+# dirs_grs += \
+# $(grs_include_dir)
+files_grs = \
+ $(PF)/bin/$(cmd_prefix)gccrs$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/rust1
+# files_grs += \
+# $(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gccrs$(pkg_ver).1
+dirs_libgrs = \
+ $(PF)/lib \
+ $(grs_include_dir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+$(binary_stamp)-grs: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_grs)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_grs) $(dirs_grs)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_grs)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_grs) #src/gcc/rs/ChangeLog
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_grs) $(files_grs)
+ifeq ($(unprefixed_names),yes)
+ ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gccrs$(pkg_ver) \
+ $(d_grs)/$(PF)/bin/gccrs$(pkg_ver)
+# ln -sf $(cmd_prefix)gccrs$(pkg_ver).1 \
+# $(d_grs)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/gccrs$(pkg_ver).1
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_grs)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_grs) $(p_xbase)
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTONS)))
+ $(DWZ) \
+ $(d_grs)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/rust1
+ dh_strip -p$(p_grs) \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),-X/rustcc1)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_grs)
+ mkdir -p $(d_grs)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ echo '$(p_grs) binary: hardening-no-pie' \
+ > $(d_grs)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_grs)
+ echo $(p_grs) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ find $(d_grs) -type d -empty -delete
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-grs-multi: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_grs_m)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_grs_m) $(docdir)
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_grs_m) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_grs_m)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_grs_m)
+ echo $(p_grs_m) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+define __do_libgrs
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l) $(d_d)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/* \
+ $(usr_lib$(2))/*
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) $(p_lbase)
+ $(if $(with_dbg),debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_d) $(p_lbase))
+ $(call do_strip_lib_dbg, $(p_l), $(p_d), $(v_dbg),,)
+ : ln -sf libgrs.symbols debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(cross_makeshlibs) dh_makeshlibs $(ldconfig_arg) -p$(p_l) \
+ -- -a$(call mlib_to_arch,$(2)) || echo XXXXXXXXXXX ERROR $(p_l)
+ rm -f debian/$(p_l).symbols
+ $(call cross_mangle_shlibs,$(p_l))
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_l) \
+ $(call shlibdirs_to_search, \
+ $(subst grs-$(GRS_SONAME),gcc-s$(GCC_SONAME),$(p_l)) \
+ ,$(2)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),,-- -Ldebian/shlibs.common$(2))
+ $(call cross_mangle_substvars,$(p_l))
+ mkdir -p $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides; \
+ ( \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: shared-lib-without-dependency-information"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames"; \
+ echo "$(p_l) binary: library-not-linked-against-libc"; \
+ ) >> $(d_l)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_l)
+ dh_lintian -p$(p_l)
+ echo $(p_l) $(if $(with_dbg), $(p_d)) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+# install_grs_lib(lib,soname,flavour,package,subdir)
+#define install_grs_lib
+# mkdir -p debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(5)
+# mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.a debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(5)/.
+# rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.{la,so}
+# dh_link -p$(4) \
+# /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(5)/$(1).so
+define install_grs_lib
+ dh_link -p$(4) \
+ /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(5)/$(1).so
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).a
+define __do_libgrs_dev
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_l)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir$(2))
+ : # install_grs_lib calls needed?
+ $(if $(2),,
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_l) \
+ $(gcc_lexec_dir)/rs
+ )
+ $(call install_grs_lib,librspim,$(GRS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),rs/rspim)
+ $(call install_grs_lib,librscor,$(GRS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),rs/rscor)
+ $(call install_grs_lib,librsiso,$(GRS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),rs/rsiso)
+ $(call install_grs_lib,librslog,$(GRS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),rs/rslog)
+ $(call install_grs_lib,librsmin,$(GRS_SONAME),$(2),$(p_l),rs/rsmin)
+ : # included in grs package
+ rm -f $(d_l)/$(grs_include_dir)/__entrypoint.di
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_l) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(with_separate_grs)),$(p_grs),$(p_lbase))
+ echo $(p_l) >> debian/$(lib_binaries)
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+do_libgrs = $(call __do_libgrs,lib$(1)grs-$(GRS_SONAME),$(1))
+do_libgrs_dev = $(call __do_libgrs_dev,lib$(1)grs-$(BASE_VERSION)-dev,$(1))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-grs-doc: $(build_html_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_grsd)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_grsd) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_grs) \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/rs \
+ $(PF)/share/info
+ cp -p $(builddir)/gcc/doc/ $(d_grsd)/$(PF)/share/info/
+ cp -p html/grs.html $(d_grsd)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/rs/
+ ln -sf ../$(p_xbase)/rs/grs.html $(d_grsd)/$(docdir)/$(p_grs)/grs.html
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_grsd) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_grsd)
+ rm -f $(d_grsd)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/copyright
+ echo $(p_grsd) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgrs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64grs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32grs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32grs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32grs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgrs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgrs: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs,sf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libgrs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib64grs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,64)
+$(binary_stamp)-lib32grs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libx32grs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,x32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libn32grs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,n32)
+$(binary_stamp)-libhfgrs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,hf)
+$(binary_stamp)-libsfgrs-dev: $(install_stamp)
+ $(call do_libgrs_dev,sf)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8085e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) snapshot
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ p_snap = gcc-snapshot
+ $(error unknown build for single gcc package)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ p_snap := $(p_snap)$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_snap = debian/$(p_snap)
+dirs_snap = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_snap) \
+ usr/lib
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ snapshot_depends = $(binutils_hppa64),
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ snapshot_depends += nvptx-tools,
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ snapshot_depends += amdgcn-tools,
+ else
+ snapshot_depends += llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version), lld-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version),
+ endif
+common_substvars += '-Vsnap:depends=$(snapshot_depends)' '-Vsnap:recommends=$(snapshot_recommends)'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-snapshot: $(install_snap_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx)), $(install_nvptx_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_gcn)), $(install_gcn_stamp))
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_snap_stamp) $(install_snap_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_snap)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_snap) $(dirs_snap)
+ mv $(d)/$(PF) $(d_snap)/usr/lib/
+ find $(d_snap) -name '*.gch' -type d | xargs -r rm -rf
+ find $(d_snap) -name '*.la' -o -name '*.lai' | xargs -r rm -f
+ : # FIXME: libbacktrace is not installed by default
+ for d in . 32 n32 64 sf hf; do \
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/$$d/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/$$d/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a \
+ $(d_snap)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/$$d; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h \
+ $(d_snap)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ install -m644 $(srcdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace.h \
+ $(d_snap)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf $(d_snap)/$(PF)/lib/nof
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes FIXME: apply our ada patches)
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnat.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnat-$(GNAT_VERSION).a
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnarl.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnarl-$(GNAT_VERSION).a
+ set -e; \
+ for lib in lib{gnat,gnarl}; do \
+ vlib=$$lib-$(GNAT_SONAME); \
+ mv $(d_snap)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/$$ $(d_snap)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/. ; \
+ rm -f $(d_snap)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/$$; \
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-native/adalib/$$; \
+ done
+ ln -sf gcc $(d_snap)/$(PF)/bin/cc
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ ln -sf gcc $(d_snap)/$(PF)/bin/gnatgcc
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ ln -sf gfortran $(d_snap)/$(PF)/bin/f77
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-nvptx -f - $(PF) \
+ | tar x -C $(d_snap) -f -
+ rm -f $(d_snap)/$(PF)/bin/*-lto-dump
+ rm -f $(d_snap)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-accel-nvptx-none-*.1
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ar \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/as \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ld \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ranlib
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-gcn -f - $(PF) \
+ | tar x -C $(d_snap) -f -
+ ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ else
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ : # FIXME: are these really needed?
+ dh_link -p$(p_snap) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ranlib
+ rm -f $(d_snap)/$(PF)/bin/*-lto-dump
+ rm -f $(d_snap)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-accel-$(gcn_target_name)-*.1
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ : # provide as and ld links
+ dh_link -p $(p_snap) \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-as \
+ /$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/as \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-ld \
+ /$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/ld
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_snap) test-summary
+ cd $(d_snap) && tar xvf ../../installed-testlogs.tar
+ mv $(d_snap)/usr/share/doc/gcc-base/* $(d_snap)/usr/share/doc/$(p_snap)/.
+ rm -rf $(d_snap)/usr/share/doc/gcc-base
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_snap)
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt ]; \
+ then \
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt \
+ $(d_snap)/$(docdir)/$(p_snap)/libstdc++6_symbols.txt; \
+ fi
+ cp -p debian/README.snapshot \
+ $(d_snap)/$(docdir)/$(p_snap)/README.Debian
+ cp -p debian/README.Bugs \
+ $(d_snap)/$(docdir)/$(p_snap)/
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_snap)
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),hppa)
+# dh_dwz -p$(p_snap) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+# $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ dh_strip -p$(p_snap) -Xdebug -X.o -X.a -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+# dh_dwz -p$(p_snap) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+# $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ dh_strip -p$(p_snap) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+ -X/lib{c,g,m,gcc,gomp,gcov,gfortran,caf_single,ssp,ssp_nonshared}.a \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ mkdir -p $(d_snap)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ cp -p debian/gcc-snapshot.overrides \
+ $(d_snap)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_snap)
+ ( \
+ echo 'libgcc_s $(GCC_SONAME) ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libobjc $(OBJC_SONAME) ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgfortran $(FORTRAN_SONAME) ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgo $(GO_SONAME) ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgomp $(GOMP_SONAME) ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgnat-$(GNAT_SONAME) 1 ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgnarl-$(GNAT_SONAME) 1 ${p_snap} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ ) > debian/shlibs.local
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) \
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_snap) -l$(CURDIR)/$(d_snap)/$(PF)/lib:$(CURDIR)/$(d_snap)/$(PF)/$(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 ppc64),lib32,lib64):/usr/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)/lib
+ -sed -i -e 's/$(p_snap)[^,]*, //g' debian/$(p_snap).substvars
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ : # paths needed for relative lookups from startfile_prefixes
+ for ma in $(xarch_multiarch_names); do \
+ mkdir -p $(d_snap)/lib/$$ma; \
+ mkdir -p $(d_snap)/usr/lib/$$ma; \
+ done
+ echo $(p_snap) >> debian/arch_binaries.epoch
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_snap_stamp)-tmp $(install_snap_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6badfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) softfloat
+p_softfloat = gcc$(pkg_ver)-soft-float
+d_softfloat = debian/$(p_softfloat)
+dirs_softfloat = \
+ $(PFL)/$(libdir) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)
+files_softfloat = \
+ $(PFL)/$(libdir)/soft-float \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/soft-float
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-softfloat: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_stamp) $(install_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_softfloat)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_softfloat) $(dirs_softfloat)
+ $(dh_compat2) dh_movefiles -p$(p_softfloat) $(files_softfloat)
+ rm -rf $(d_softfloat)/$(PFL)/$(libdir)/soft-float/*
+ mv $(d_softfloat)/$(PFL)/$(libdir)/soft-float/libssp.a \
+ $(d_softfloat)/$(PFL)/$(libdir)/soft-float/libssp_nonshared.a
+ debian/dh_doclink -p$(p_softfloat) $(p_xbase)
+ dh_strip -p$(p_softfloat)
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_softfloat)
+ echo $(p_softfloat) >> debian/arch_binaries
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_stamp)-tmp $(install_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9844826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+indep_binaries := $(indep_binaries) gcc-source
+ifeq ($(BACKPORT),true)
+ p_source = gcc$(pkg_ver)-$(GCC_VERSION)-source
+ p_source = gcc$(pkg_ver)-source
+d_source= debian/$(p_source)
+$(binary_stamp)-gcc-source: $(install_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_source)
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_source)
+ dh_install -p$(p_source) $(gcc_tarball) usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)
+ifneq (,$(m2_tarball))
+ dh_install -p$(p_source) $(m2_tarball) usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)
+ tar cf - $$(find './debian' -mindepth 1 \( \
+ -name .svn -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/.debhelper' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/gcc-*' -type d -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/cpp-*' -type d -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/*fortran*' -type d -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/lib*' -type d -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/patches/*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/tmp*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/files' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/rules.d/*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/rules.parameters' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/soname-cache' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/*substvars*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/gcc-snapshot*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/*[0-9]*.p*' -prune -o \
+ -path './debian/*$(pkg_ver)[.-]*' -prune -o \
+ -print \) ) \
+ | tar -x -C $(d_source)/usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver) -f -
+ # FIXME: Remove generated files
+ find $(d_source)/usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver) -name '*.debhelper.log' -o -name .svn | xargs rm -rf
+ rm -f $(d_source)/usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)/debian/patches/series
+ touch $(d_source)/usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)/debian/rules.parameters
+ dh_link -p$(p_source) \
+ /usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)/debian/patches /usr/src/gcc$(pkg_ver)/patches
+ mkdir -p $(d_source)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ cp -p debian/$(p_source).overrides \
+ $(d_source)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_source)
+ echo $(p_source) >> debian/indep_binaries
+ touch $@
diff --git a/debian/rules.d/ b/debian/rules.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19d68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+arch_binaries := $(arch_binaries) toolchain
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ p_tc = gcc-toolchain-$(BASE_VERSION)
+ $(error unknown build for single gcc package)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ p_tc := $(p_tc)$(cross_bin_arch)
+d_tc = debian/$(p_tc)
+dirs_tc = \
+ $(docdir)/$(p_tc) \
+ usr/lib
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ snapshot_depends = $(binutils_hppa64),
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ snapshot_depends += nvptx-tools,
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ snapshot_depends += amdgcn-tools,
+ else
+ snapshot_depends += llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version), lld-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version),
+ endif
+common_substvars += '-Vsnap:depends=$(snapshot_depends)' '-Vsnap:recommends=$(snapshot_recommends)'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(binary_stamp)-toolchain: $(install_tc_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx)), $(install_nvptx_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_gcn)), $(install_gcn_stamp))
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ mv $(install_tc_stamp) $(install_tc_stamp)-tmp
+ rm -rf $(d_tc)
+ dh_installdirs -p$(p_tc) $(dirs_tc)
+ mv $(d)/$(PF) $(d_tc)/usr/lib/
+ find $(d_tc) -name '*.gch' -type d | xargs -r rm -rf
+ find $(d_tc) -name '*.la' -o -name '*.lai' | xargs -r rm -f
+ : # FIXME: libbacktrace is not installed by default
+ for d in . 32 n32 64 sf hf; do \
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/$$d/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/$$d/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a \
+ $(d_tc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/$$d; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h ]; then \
+ install -m644 $(buildlibdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h \
+ $(d_tc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ install -m644 $(srcdir)/libbacktrace/backtrace.h \
+ $(d_tc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf $(d_tc)/$(PF)/lib/nof
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes FIXME: apply our ada patches)
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnat.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnat-$(GNAT_VERSION).a
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnarl.a \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-sjlj/adalib/libgnarl-$(GNAT_VERSION).a
+ set -e; \
+ for lib in lib{gnat,gnarl}; do \
+ vlib=$$lib-$(GNAT_SONAME); \
+ mv $(d_tc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/$$ $(d_tc)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/. ; \
+ rm -f $(d_tc)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/$$; \
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ \
+ /$(PF)/$(libdir)/$$ /$(gcc_lib_dir)/rts-native/adalib/$$; \
+ done
+ ln -sf gcc $(d_tc)/$(PF)/bin/cc
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ ln -sf gcc $(d_tc)/$(PF)/bin/gnatgcc
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ ln -sf gfortran $(d_tc)/$(PF)/bin/f77
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-nvptx -f - $(PF) \
+ | tar x -C $(d_tc) -f -
+ rm -f $(d_tc)/$(PF)/bin/*-lto-dump
+ rm -f $(d_tc)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-accel-nvptx-none-*.1
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ar \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/as \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ld \
+ /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ranlib
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ tar -c -C $(d)-gcn -f - $(PF) \
+ | tar x -C $(d_tc) -f -
+ ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/as /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin/ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ else
+ : # re-create the symlinks as relative symlinks
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ : # FIXME: are these really needed?
+ dh_link -p$(p_tc) \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ar \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-as \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ld \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-nm \
+ /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib /$(PF)/bin/$(gcn_target_name)-ranlib
+ rm -f $(d_tc)/$(PF)/bin/*-lto-dump
+ rm -f $(d_tc)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-accel-$(gcn_target_name)-*.1
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ : # provide as and ld links
+ dh_link -p $(p_tc) \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-as \
+ /$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/as \
+ /usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-ld \
+ /$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(versiondir)/ld
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_tc) test-summary
+ cd $(d_tc) && tar xvf ../../installed-testlogs.tar
+ mv $(d_tc)/usr/share/doc/gcc-base/* $(d_tc)/usr/share/doc/$(p_tc)/.
+ rm -rf $(d_tc)/usr/share/doc/gcc-base
+ dh_installdocs -p$(p_tc)
+ cp $(binutils_srcdir)/debian/copyright $(d_tc)/usr/share/doc/copyright.binutils
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt ]; \
+ then \
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/current_symbols.txt \
+ $(d_tc)/$(docdir)/$(p_tc)/libstdc++6_symbols.txt; \
+ fi
+ cp -p debian/README.snapshot \
+ $(d_tc)/$(docdir)/$(p_tc)/README.Debian
+ cp -p debian/README.Bugs \
+ $(d_tc)/$(docdir)/$(p_tc)/
+ dh_installchangelogs -p$(p_tc)
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),hppa)
+# dh_dwz -p$(p_tc) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+# $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ dh_strip -p$(p_tc) -Xdebug -X.o -X.a -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+# dh_dwz -p$(p_tc) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+# $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ dh_strip -p$(p_tc) -Xdebug -X/cgo -Xbin/go -Xbin/gofmt \
+ -X/lib{c,g,m,gcc,gomp,gcov,gfortran,caf_single,ssp,ssp_nonshared}.a \
+ $(if $(unstripped_exe),$(foreach i,cc1 cc1obj cc1objplus cc1plus cc1gm2 d21 f951 go1 lto1, -X/$(i)))
+ mkdir -p $(d_tc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides
+ cp -p debian/gcc-snapshot.overrides \
+ $(d_tc)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/$(p_tc)
+ ( \
+ echo 'libgcc_s $(GCC_SONAME) ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libobjc $(OBJC_SONAME) ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgfortran $(FORTRAN_SONAME) ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgo $(GO_SONAME) ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgomp $(GOMP_SONAME) ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgnat-$(GNAT_SONAME) 1 ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ echo 'libgnarl-$(GNAT_SONAME) 1 ${p_tc} (>= $(DEB_EVERSION))'; \
+ ) > debian/shlibs.local
+ $(ignshld)DIRNAME=$(subst n,,$(2)) $(cross_shlibdeps) \
+ dh_shlibdeps -p$(p_tc) -l$(CURDIR)/$(d_tc)/$(PF)/lib:$(CURDIR)/$(d_tc)/$(PF)/$(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 ppc64),lib32,lib64):/usr/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)/lib
+ -sed -i -e 's/$(p_tc)[^,]*, //g' debian/$(p_tc).substvars
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ : # paths needed for relative lookups from startfile_prefixes
+ for ma in $(xarch_multiarch_names); do \
+ mkdir -p $(d_tc)/lib/$$ma; \
+ mkdir -p $(d_tc)/usr/lib/$$ma; \
+ done
+ echo $(p_tc) >> debian/arch_binaries.epoch
+ trap '' 1 2 3 15; touch $@; mv $(install_tc_stamp)-tmp $(install_tc_stamp)
diff --git a/debian/rules.defs b/debian/rules.defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48a89f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,2334 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# definitions used in more than one Makefile / rules file
+# common vars
+SHELL = /bin/bash -e # brace expansion used in rules file
+srcdir = $(CURDIR)/src
+builddir = $(CURDIR)/build
+builddir_jit = $(CURDIR)/build-jit
+builddir_nvptx = $(CURDIR)/build-nvptx
+builddir_gcn = $(CURDIR)/build-gcn
+builddir_hppa64 = $(CURDIR)/build-hppa64
+stampdir = stamps
+distribution := $(shell lsb_release -is)
+distrelease := $(shell lsb_release -cs)
+derivative := $(shell if dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu; then echo Ubuntu; \
+ elif dpkg-vendor --derives-from Debian; then echo Debian; \
+ else echo Unknown; fi)
+# On non official archives, "lsb_release -cs" default to "n/a". Assume
+# sid in that case
+ifeq ($(distrelease),n/a)
+distrelease := sid
+on_buildd := $(shell [ -f /CurrentlyBuilding -o "$$LOGNAME" = buildd ] && echo yes)
+# creates {srcdir,builddir}_hppa64
+$(foreach x,srcdir builddir,$(foreach target,hppa64,$(eval \
+ $(x)_$(target) := $($(x))-$(target))))
+# for architecture dependent variables and changelog vars
+vafilt = $(subst $(2)=,,$(filter $(2)=%,$(1)))
+# for rules.sonames
+vafilt_defined = 1
+dpkg_target_vars := $(shell (dpkg-architecture | grep -q DEB_TARGET) && echo yes)
+ifeq ($(dpkg_target_vars),yes)
+DPKG_VARS := $(shell dpkg-architecture)
+ifeq ($(dpkg_target_vars),yes)
+ DPKG_VARS := $(filter-out DEB_TARGET_%, $(DPKG_VARS))
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE),i486-linux-gnu)
+ DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE = i686-linux-gnu
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE),i486-linux-gnu)
+ DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE = i686-linux-gnu
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie))
+ ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE),i486-linux-gnu)
+ DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE = i586-linux-gnu
+ endif
+ else
+ # stretch and newer ...
+ DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE := $(subst i586,i686,$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE))
+ DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE := $(subst i586,i686,$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE))
+ endif
+CHANGELOG_VARS := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | \
+ sed -n 's/ /_/g;/^[^_]/s/^\([^:]*\):_\(.*\)/\1=\2/p')
+# the name of the source package
+PKGSOURCE := $(call vafilt,$(CHANGELOG_VARS),Source)
+# those are required here too
+SOURCE_VERSION := $(call vafilt,$(CHANGELOG_VARS),Version)
+DEB_VERSION := $(strip $(shell echo $(SOURCE_VERSION) | \
+ sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/ds[0-9][0-9]*//'))
+# epoch used for gcc versions up to 3.3.x, now used for some remaining
+# libraries: libgcc1, libobjc1
+EPOCH := 1
+BASE_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]*\).*-.*/\1/')
+USE_CPUS := 1
+ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))))
+ USE_CPUS := $(subst parallel=,,$(filter parallel=%,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))))
+ NJOBS := -j $(USE_CPUS)
+CPUS_LTOLINK := $(if $(filter 1, $(USE_CPUS)),1,$(shell expr $(USE_CPUS) / 2))
+ifeq ($(derivative)-$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),Ubuntu-ppc64el)
+else ifeq ($(derivative)-$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH),Debian-sparc64)
+ CPUS_LTOLINK := $(shell if test $(CPUS_LTOLINK) -gt 4; then echo 4; else echo $(CPUS_LTOLINK); fi)
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ single_package = yes
+ trunk_build = yes
+else ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ single_package = yes
+ with_binutils = yes
+ # --program-suffix=-$(BASE_VERSION)
+ versioned_packages := yes
+# push glibc stack traces into stderr
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# set target
+# - GNU triplet via DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE
+# - Debian arch in debian/target
+# - Debian arch via DEB_GCC_TARGET or GCC_TARGET
+# alias
+ TARGET_VARS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -f -t$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE) 2>/dev/null)
+ # allow debian/target to be used instead of DEB_GCC_TARGET - this was requested
+ # by toolchain-source maintainer
+ DEBIAN_TARGET_FILE := $(strip $(if $(wildcard debian/target),$(shell cat debian/target 2>/dev/null)))
+ ifneq (,$(DEBIAN_TARGET_FILE))
+ else
+ else
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ TARGET_VARS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -f -a$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) 2>/dev/null)
+ifeq ($(dpkg_target_vars),yes)
+ TARGET_VARS := $(filter-out DEB_TARGET_%, $(TARGET_VARS))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch))
+ DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE := $(subst i586,i686,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE))
+ i586_symlinks = $(if $(findstring i686,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)),yes)
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),)
+ $(error Invalid architecure.)
+# Force this, people get confused about the default. See #760770.
+override with_deps_on_target_arch_pkgs :=
+# including unversiond symlinks for binaries
+#with_unversioned = yes
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cross-compiler config
+ # cross building a cross compiler, untested.
+ DEB_CROSS = yes
+ build_type = cross-build-cross
+ else
+ # cross building the native compiler
+ build_type = cross-build-native
+ endif
+ # cross compiler, sets WITH_SYSROOT on it's own
+ DEB_CROSS = yes
+ build_type = build-cross
+ else ifeq ($(FORCE_CROSS_LAYOUT),yes)
+ # a native build with a cross layout
+ DEB_CROSS = yes
+ build_type = build-cross
+ else
+ # native build
+ build_type = build-native
+ endif
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# cross compiler support
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ # TARGET: Alias to DEB_TARGET_ARCH (Debian arch name)
+ # TP: Target Prefix. Used primarily as a prefix for cross tool
+ # names (e.g. powerpc-linux-gcc).
+ # TS: Target Suffix. Used primarily at the end of cross compiler
+ # package names (e.g. gcc-powerpc).
+ # LS: Library Suffix. Used primarily at the end of cross compiler
+ # library package names (e.g. libgcc-powerpc-cross).
+ # AQ: Arch Qualifier. Used for cross-arch dependencies
+ TP := $(subst _,-,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE))-
+ TS := -$(subst _,-,$(DEB_TARGET_ALIAS))
+ LS := -$(subst _,-,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH))-cross
+ AQ :=
+ cross_bin_arch := -$(subst _,-,$(DEB_TARGET_ALIAS))
+ cross_lib_arch := -$(subst _,-,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH))-cross
+ cmd_prefix := $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-
+ lib_binaries := indep_binaries
+ cross_shlibdeps = DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET) ARCH=$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) MAKEFLAGS="CC=something"
+ cross_gencontrol = DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET)
+ cross_makeshlibs = DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET)
+ cross_clean = DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET)
+ ifeq ($(TARGET_ALIAS),i386-gnu)
+ TARGET_ALIAS := i586-gnu
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ cmd_prefix :=
+ unprefixed_names :=
+ else
+ cmd_prefix := $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-
+ unprefixed_names := yes
+ endif
+ #ifeq ($(TARGET_ALIAS),i486-linux-gnu)
+ # TARGET_ALIAS := i686-linux-gnu
+ #endif
+ TARGET_ALIAS := $(subst i386,i486,$(TARGET_ALIAS))
+ # configure as linux-gnu, not linux
+ #ifeq ($(findstring linux,$(TARGET_ALIAS))/$(findstring linux-gnu,$(TARGET_ALIAS)),linux/)
+ #endif
+ # configure as linux, not linux-gnu
+ #TARGET_ALIAS := $(subst linux-gnu,linux,$(TARGET_ALIAS))
+ lib_binaries := arch_binaries
+ cross_shlibdeps :=
+ cross_gencontrol :=
+ cross_makeshlibs :=
+ # FIXME: Ignore missing symbols for a first build ...
+ cross_makeshlibs := -
+ cross_clean :=
+ @echo TP: $(TP)
+ @echo TS: $(TS)
+# reaching the 50GB limit ...
+ifeq ($(derivative)-$(build_type),Ubuntu-build-native)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),amd64))
+ save_disk_space = yes
+ endif
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# bootstrap options
+ # "yes" is the default and causes a 3-stage bootstrap.
+ # "off" runs a complete build with --disable-bootstrap
+ # "no" means to just build the first stage, and not create the stage1
+ # directory.
+ # "lean" means a lean 3-stage bootstrap, i.e. delete each stage when no
+ # longer needed.
+ with_bootstrap = $(WITH_BOOTSTRAP)
+# gcc-snapshot ...
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), amd64 i386 armhf arm64 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el riscv64 s390x sparc64))
+ with_bootstrap := profiled
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Enable LTO only for 64bit builds
+ with_lto_build := yes
+ endif
+ # FIXME, disable LTO build for some archs
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), alpha ia64 mips64el hurd-amd64))
+ with_lto_build := yes
+ endif
+ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ ifeq (,$(DEB_STAGE))
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch precise trusty xenial bionic))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), amd64 i386 armhf arm64 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390x sparc64))
+ with_bootstrap := profiled
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Enable LTO only for 64bit builds
+ with_lto_build := yes
+ endif
+ # FIXME: hppa has issues with parsing the jobs output.
+ # FIXME: m68k and sh4 running on simulators, don't care ...
+ # FIXME: buildds not powerful ebough: mips*
+ # FIXME: just let it build, takes too long: hurd-amd64 hurd-i386
+ # FIXME: not yet tried to build: alpha
+ # FIXME: ia64, see
+ # FIXME: mips64el requested by syq
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), alpha hppa ia64 m68k mips mipsel mips64el sh4 sparc64 hurd-amd64 hurd-i386))
+ with_lto_build :=
+ endif
+ # FIXME: newer binutils needed?
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch precise trusty xenial bionic focal))
+ with_bootstrap :=
+ with_lto_build :=
+ endif
+ #with_bootstrap :=
+ #with_lto_build :=
+#with_lto_build := disabled for GCC 13
+ifneq ($(findstring nostrap, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_bootstrap := off
+ifneq ($(findstring nolto, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_lto_build :=
+ifneq ($(findstring nopgo, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ ifeq ($(with_bootstrap),profiled)
+ with_bootstrap :=
+ endif
+ifneq ($(findstring gccdebug, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_bootstrap := off
+ with_lto_build :=
+ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ usage_stats = yes
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ no_usage_archs = i386
+ else ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ no_usage_archs = alpha hppa ia64 m68k mipsel mips64el sh4 sparc64 x32 \
+ hurd-amd64 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),$(no_usage_archs)))
+ usage_stats =
+ endif
+usage_stats = disabled for release builds
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# stage options
+ifdef DEB_STAGE
+ with_cdev := yes
+ separate_lang := yes
+ # "stage1" is minimal compiler with static libgcc
+ # "stage2" is minimal compiler with shared libgcc
+ # "rtlibs" is a subset of target libraries, without compilers
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage1)
+ with_shared_libgcc := no
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage2)
+ with_libgcc := yes
+ with_shared_libgcc := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ with_rtlibs := libgcc libgomp libstdc++ libgfortran libquadmath
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ LS :=
+ TS :=
+ cross_lib_arch :=
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(BACKPORT),true)
+ with_dev := no
+ with_source := yes
+ with_base_only := yes
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# sysroot options
+ with_sysroot = $(WITH_SYSROOT)
+ with_build_sysroot = $(WITH_BUILD_SYSROOT)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# for components configuration
+COMMA = ,
+# lang= overwrites all of nolang=, overwrites all of WITHOUT_LANG
+DEB_LANG_OPT := $(filter lang=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))
+DEB_LANG := $(strip $(subst $(COMMA), ,$(patsubst lang=%,%,$(DEB_LANG_OPT))))
+DEB_NOLANG_OPT := $(filter nolang=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))
+DEB_NOLANG := $(strip $(subst $(COMMA), ,$(patsubst nolang=%,%,$(DEB_NOLANG_OPT))))
+lfilt = $(strip $(if $(DEB_LANG), \
+ $(if $(filter $(1) $(2),$(DEB_LANG)),yes),$(3)))
+nlfilt = $(strip $(if $(DEB_NOLANG), \
+ $(if $(filter $(1) $(2),$(DEB_NOLANG)),disabled by $(DEB_NOLANG_OPT),$(3))))
+wlfilt = $(strip $(if $(filter $(1) $(2), $(subst $(COMMA), ,$(WITHOUT_LANG))), \
+ disabled by WITHOUT_LANG=$(WITHOUT_LANG),$(3)))
+envfilt = $(strip $(or $(call lfilt,$(1),$(2)),$(call nlfilt,$(1),$(3)),$(call wlfilt,$(1),$(3)),$(4)))
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# architecture specific config
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 arm64 i386 ppc64 ppc64el s390x x32))
+ with_async_unwind = yes
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise trusty xenial bionic))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 arm64 i386 ppc64 ppc64el s390x x32))
+ with_stack_clash := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise trusty xenial bionic))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 i386 x32))
+ with_cf_protection := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),armhf)
+ ifeq ($(distribution),Raspbian)
+ with_arm_thumb := no
+ else
+ with_arm_thumb := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(derivative)-$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),Ubuntu-armel)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ with_arm_thumb := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+# build using fsf or the ibm branch
+ifeq ($(distribution),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),ppc64el))
+ #with_ibm_branch = yes
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_ibm_branch =
+# check if we're building for armel or armhf
+ifneq (,$(filter %eabihf,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)))
+ float_abi := hard
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distribution)-$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), Ubuntu-armel))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ float_abi := softfp
+ else
+ float_abi := soft
+ endif
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), arm armel))
+ float_abi := soft
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# basic config
+# allows to wrote backtraces for ICEs
+unstripped_exe =
+#ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 armel armhf arm64 mipsel mips64el ppc64el s390x))
+# unstripped_exe = yes
+# common things ---------------
+# build common packages, where package names don't differ in different
+# gcc versions (fixincludes, ...)
+with_common_pkgs := yes
+# ... and some libraries, which do not change (libgcc1, libssp0).
+with_common_libs := yes
+# XXX: should with_common_libs be "yes" only if this is the default compiler
+# version on the targeted arch?
+# build -dbg packages (with_dbg is empty when -dbg package are not built)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster precise trusty xenial bionic))
+ with_dbg = yes
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ v_dbg = 9.2.1-21ubuntu1
+ else ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ v_dbg = 9.2.1-21
+ else
+ $(error unknown version for -dbgsym package migration)
+ endif
+# is this a multiarch-enabled build?
+#ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), FIXME when removing multilib))
+ with_multiarch_lib := yes
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ with_multiarch_cxxheaders := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+multiarch_stage1 := yes
+ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie precise trusty xenial))
+# mapping for the non-default biarch multilib / multiarch names
+multiarch_xarch_map = \
+ amd64=i386-linux-gnu,x86_64-linux-gnux32 \
+ armel=arm-linux-gnueabi \
+ armhf=arm-linux-gnueabihf \
+ i386=x86_64-linux-gnu,x86_64-linux-gnux32 \
+ powerpc=powerpc64-linux-gnu \
+ ppc64=powerpc-linux-gnu \
+ sparc=sparc64-linux-gnu \
+ sparc64=sparc-linux-gnu \
+ s390=s390x-linux-gnu \
+ s390x=s390-linux-gnu \
+ mips=mips64-linux-gnuabin32,mips64-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsel=mips64el-linux-gnuabin32,mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32=mips-linux-gnu,mips64-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32el=mipsel-linux-gnu,mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mips64=mips-linux-gnu,mips64-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mips64el=mipsel-linux-gnu,mips64el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mipsr6=mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabin32,mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsr6el=mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabin32,mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32r6=mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu,mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32r6el=mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu,mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mips64r6=mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu,mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mips64r6el=mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu,mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ x32=x86_64-linux-gnu,i386-linux-gnu \
+ kfreebsd-amd64=i386-kfreebsd-gnu
+xarch_multiarch_names = $(subst $(COMMA),$(SPACE),$(patsubst $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)=%,%, \
+ $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)=%,$(multiarch_xarch_map))))
+multilib_multiarch_map = \
+ amd64/32=i386-linux-gnu \
+ amd64/x32=x86_64-linux-gnux32 \
+ armel/hf=arm-linux-gnueabihf \
+ armhf/sf=arm-linux-gnueabi \
+ i386/64=x86_64-linux-gnu \
+ i386/x32=x86_64-linux-gnux32 \
+ powerpc/64=powerpc64-linux-gnu \
+ ppc64/32=powerpc-linux-gnu \
+ sparc/64=sparc64-linux-gnu \
+ sparc64/32=sparc-linux-gnu \
+ s390/64=s390x-linux-gnu \
+ s390x/32=s390-linux-gnu \
+ mips/n32=mips64-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mips/64=mips64-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsel/n32=mips64el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mipsel/64=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32/32=mips-linux-gnu \
+ mipsn32/64=mips64-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32el/32=mipsel-linux-gnu \
+ mipsn32el/64=mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mips64/32=mips-linux-gnu \
+ mips64/n32=mips64-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mips64el/32=mipsel-linux-gnu \
+ mips64el/n32=mips64el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mipsr6/n32=mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mipsr6/64=mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsr6el/n32=mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mipsr6el/64=mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32r6/32=mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu \
+ mipsn32r6/64=mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mipsn32r6el/32=mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu \
+ mipsn32r6el/64=mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64 \
+ mips64r6/32=mipsisa32r6-linux-gnu \
+ mips64r6/n32=mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ mips64r6el/32=mipsisa32r6el-linux-gnu \
+ mips64r6el/n32=mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabin32 \
+ x32/32=i386-linux-gnu \
+ x32/64=x86_64-linux-gnu \
+ kfreebsd-amd64/32=i386-kfreebsd-gnu
+# $(call mlib_to_march,<empty>|32|64|n32|x32|hf|sf)
+mlib_to_march = $(patsubst $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/$(1)=%,%, \
+ $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/$(1)=%,$(multilib_multiarch_map)))
+multilib_arch_map = \
+ amd64/32=i386 \
+ amd64/x32=x32 \
+ armel/hf=armhf \
+ armhf/sf=armel \
+ i386/64=amd64 \
+ i386/x32=x32 \
+ powerpc/64=ppc64 \
+ ppc64/32=powerpc \
+ sparc/64=sparc64 \
+ sparc64/32=sparc \
+ s390/64=s390x \
+ s390x/32=s390 \
+ mips/n32=mipsn32 \
+ mips/64=mips64 \
+ mipsel/n32=mipsn32el \
+ mipsel/64=mips64el \
+ mipsn32/32=mips \
+ mipsn32/64=mips64 \
+ mipsn32el/32=mipsel \
+ mipsn32el/64=mips64el \
+ mips64/32=mips \
+ mips64/n32=mipsn32 \
+ mips64el/32=mipsel \
+ mips64el/n32=mipsn32el \
+ mipsr6/n32=mipsn32r6 \
+ mipsr6/64=mips64r6 \
+ mipsr6el/n32=mipsn32r6el \
+ mipsr6el/64=mips64r6el \
+ mipsn32r6/32=mipsr6 \
+ mipsn32r6/64=mips64r6 \
+ mipsn32r6el/32=mipsr6el \
+ mipsn32r6el/64=mips64r6el \
+ mips64r6/32=mipsr6 \
+ mips64r6/n32=mipsn32r6 \
+ mips64r6el/32=mipsr6el \
+ mips64r6el/n32=mipsn32r6el \
+ x32/32=i386 \
+ x32/64=amd64 \
+ kfreebsd-amd64/32=kfreebsd-i386
+# $(call mlib_to_arch,<empty>|32|64|n32|x32|hf|sf)
+mlib_to_arch = $(patsubst $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/$(1)=%,%, \
+ $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/$(1)=%,$(multilib_arch_map)))
+# build -base packages
+with_gccbase := yes
+ifeq ($(build_type),build-cross)
+ ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ with_gcclbase := yes
+ endif
+# build dev packages.
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ with_dev := yes
+with_cpp := yes
+# set lang when built from a different source package.
+separate_lang := no
+#no_dummy_cpus := ia64 i386 hppa s390 sparc
+#ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(no_dummy_cpus)))
+# with_base_only := no
+# with_common_libs := yes
+# with_common_pkgs := yes
+# with_base_only := yes
+# with_common_libs := no
+# with_common_pkgs := no
+# with_dev := no
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ pkg_ver := -$(BASE_VERSION)
+ PV := $(pkg_ver)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# configure languages
+# C ---------------------------
+enabled_languages := c
+with_jit = yes
+# FIXME: compiler bug
+# m68k: PR 95381
+jit_no_cpus := ia64
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(jit_no_cpus)))
+ with_jit := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+# FIXME: see #994035, strange tar behavior
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS), kfreebsd))
+ with_jit := disabled for os $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS)
+ifneq (,$(with_rtlibs))
+ with_jit := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ifneq ($(findstring nojit, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_jit := disabled by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+with_jit := $(call envfilt, jit, , , $(with_jit))
+ifeq (,$(findstring gcc-,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_jit :=
+# this fails when installing the jit build
+# libtool: install: /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/build-jit/./binutils/ranlib /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/debian/tmp-jit/usr/lib/gcc-toolchain-13/lib/../lib/libgomp.a
+# /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/build-jit/binutils/.libs/ranlib: error while loading shared libraries: /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/build-jit/bfd/.libs/ file too short
+# /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/build-jit/binutils/.libs/ranlib: error while loading shared libraries: /home/packages/gcc/13/tc/gcc-toolchain-13-13.2.0+2.41/build-jit/bfd/.libs/ file too short
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_jit := disabled for $(PKGSOURCE) builds
+ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ with_jit := disabled for cross builds
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libgccjit := yes
+ endif
+nvptx_archs := amd64 arm64 ppc64el
+# arm64, see PR target/96265
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(nvptx_archs)))
+ offload_targets += nvptx-none
+ with_offload_nvptx := yes
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ offload_targets :=
+ with_offload_nvptx :=
+ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ offload_targets :=
+ with_offload_nvptx := disabled for cross builds
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ offload_targets :=
+ with_offload_nvptx := disabled for $(PKGSOURCE) builds
+ endif
+ifneq ($(findstring nonvptx, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ offload_targets :=
+ with_offload_nvptx := disabled by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+with_offload_nvptx := $(call envfilt, nvptx, , , $(with_offload_nvptx))
+#with_offload_nvptx := not yet built for GCC 13
+gcn_archs := amd64
+gcn_target_name = amdgcn-amdhsa
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),buster xenial bionic focal groovy))
+ gcn_tools_llvm_version = 9
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),focal groovy))
+ gcn_tools_llvm_version = 11
+ gcn_tools_llvm_version = tools
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(gcn_archs)))
+ offload_targets += $(gcn_target_name)
+ with_offload_gcn := yes
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise bionic focal))
+ offload_targets := $(filter-out $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets))
+ with_offload_gcn :=
+ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ offload_targets := $(filter-out $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets))
+ with_offload_gcn := disabled for cross builds
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ offload_targets := $(filter-out $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets))
+ with_offload_gcn := disabled for $(PKGSOURCE) builds
+ endif
+ifneq ($(findstring nogcn, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ offload_targets := $(filter-out $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets))
+ with_offload_gcn := disabled by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+with_offload_gcn := $(call envfilt, gcn, , , $(with_offload_gcn))
+#with_offload_gcn := not yet built for GCC 13
+with_cc1 := yes
+with_cc1 := $(call envfilt, cc1, , , $(with_cc1))
+ifeq ($(with_cc1),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libcc1 := yes
+ endif
+ with_libcc1_plugin := yes
+ifneq (,$(with_rtlibs))
+ with_libcc1 := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_libcc1_plugin := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ with_libcc1 := disabled for cross builds
+# Build all packages needed for C development
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_cdev := yes
+ endif
+ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+# Ada --------------------
+ada_no_cpus := arc ia64 loong64 sh3 sh3eb sh4eb
+ada_no_systems :=
+ada_no_cross := no
+ada_no_snap := no
+#ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+# ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),alpha))
+# ada_no_snap := yes
+# endif
+#ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+# ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),alpha))
+# ada_no_cross := yes
+# endif
+ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_ada := yes
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(ada_no_cpus)))
+ with_ada := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(ada_no_systems)))
+ with_ada := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ifeq ($(ada_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_ada := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifeq ($(ada_no_snap)-$(single_package),yes-yes)
+ with_ada := disabled for snapshot build
+ifneq (,$(findstring gccgo,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_ada :=
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ with_ada :=
+with_ada := $(call envfilt, ada, , , $(with_ada))
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgnat, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_ada := disabled for rtlibs stage
+#with_ada := disabled for GCC 13
+#ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+# with_separate_gnat := yes
+ifneq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ with_ada :=
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_ada)-$(with_separate_gnat),yes-yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gnat,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ languages := c
+ separate_lang := yes
+ with_mudflap := no
+ with_gccbase := no
+ with_cdev := no
+ with_cc1 := no
+ with_libcc1 := no
+ else
+ debian_extra_langs += ada
+ with_ada := built from separate source
+ with_libgnat := built from separate source
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ enabled_languages += ada
+ with_libgnat := yes
+ #with_gnatsjlj := yes
+# C++ -------------------------
+cxx_no_cpus := avr
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_cxx := yes
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(cxx_no_cpus)))
+ with_cxx := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+with_cxx := $(call envfilt, c++, obj-c++, , $(with_cxx))
+# Set the default libstdc++ ABI. libstdc++ provides both ABI's.
+# Existing code still runs with the new c++11 ABI, however link
+# errors are seen when one object is compiled with the new std::string in scope,
+# another object is compiled with the old std::string in scope. both can link
+# to but not to each other.
+# two objects (which might be some system library and a user's program) need to
+# agree on the version of std::string they're using
+libstdcxx_abi = new
+# backports default to the old ABI
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie precise trusty))
+ libstdcxx_abi = gcc4-compatible
+# Build all packages needed for C++ development
+ifeq ($(with_cxx),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_cxxdev := yes
+ with_libcxxdbg := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libcxx := yes
+ endif
+ # debugging versions of libstdc++
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ ifeq ($(with_cxxdev),yes)
+ with_cxx_debug := yes
+ debug_no_cpus :=
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(debug_no_cpus)))
+ with_cxx_debug := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ with_cxx_debug := $(call envfilt, debug, , , $(with_cxx_debug))
+ enabled_languages += c++
+# Go -------------------
+# - To build a standalone gccgo package (with no corresponding gcc
+# package): with_separate_libgo=yes, with_standalone_go=yes
+# - To build the go packages from the gcc source package:
+# with_separate_libgo=no, with_standalone_go=no
+# - To build gcc and go from separate sources:
+# with_separate_libgo=yes, with_standalone_go=no
+go_no_cross := yes
+go_no_cross := no
+ifneq (,$(findstring gccgo, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_separate_libgo := yes
+ with_standalone_go := yes
+ with_cc1 :=
+ with_libcc1 :=
+go_no_cpus := arc avr hppa loong64
+go_no_cpus += m68k # See PR 79281 / PR 83314
+go_no_systems := kfreebsd-gnu
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise))
+ go_no_cpus = armhf
+ go_no_archs = armhf
+# Debian #969221
+go_no_cpus += sh4
+go_no_archs += sh4
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_go := yes
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(go_no_cpus)))
+ with_go := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),$(go_no_systems)))
+ with_go := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(go_no_archs)))
+ with_go := disabled for architecture $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ifeq ($(go_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_go := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgo, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_go := disabled for rtlibs stage
+with_go := $(call envfilt, go, , , $(with_go))
+# Build all packages needed for Go development
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_godev := yes
+ endif
+ with_libgo := yes
+ enabled_languages += go
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_go)-$(with_separate_libgo),yes-yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gccgo, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ languages := c c++ go
+ separate_lang := yes
+ with_libgcc := yes
+ with_shared_libgcc := yes
+ else
+ debian_extra_langs += go
+ with_go := built from separate source
+ with_libgo := buit from separate source
+ endif
+# D ---------------------------
+d_no_cross := yes
+d_no_snap :=
+d_no_cpus := alpha arc ia64 loong64 m68k sh4 s390 sparc64
+d_no_systems := gnu kfreebsd-gnu
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ with_separate_gdc := yes
+with_separate_gdc := no
+ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_d := yes
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(d_no_cpus)))
+ with_d := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(d_no_systems)))
+ with_d := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(d_no_archs)))
+ with_d := disabled for architecture $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ifeq ($(d_no_snap)-$(single_package),yes-yes)
+ with_d := disabled for snapshot build
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libphobos, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_d := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_d := disabled while generating the dfsg tarball
+with_d := $(call envfilt, d, , , $(with_d))
+#with_d := not yet built for GCC 13
+ifeq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ with_d := no
+ifeq ($(with_d)-$(with_separate_gdc),yes-yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gdc,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ languages := c c++
+ separate_lang := yes
+ # FIXME: language selection needs improvement.
+ with_go := disabled for d
+ else
+ debian_extra_langs += d
+ with_d := built from separate source
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ druntime_only_archs = powerpc ppc64 ppc64el
+ phobos_archs = amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 x32
+ phobos_archs += hppa
+ phobos_archs += mips mips64 mipsel mips64el
+ phobos_archs += mipsn32 mipsn32el
+ phobos_archs += mipsr6 mipsr6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el mips64r6 mips64r6el
+ phobos_archs += riscv64 s390x
+ phobos_archs += $(druntime_only_archs)
+ #phobos_archs += kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), $(phobos_archs)))
+ with_phobos := yes
+ endif
+ phobos_no_systems := gnu kfreebsd-gnu
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(phobos_no_systems)))
+ with_phobos := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ endif
+ with_libphobosdev := $(with_phobos)
+ enabled_languages += d
+# Fortran 95 -------------------
+fortran_no_cross := yes
+fortran_no_cross := no
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_fortran := yes
+ endif
+ifeq ($(fortran_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_fortran := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgfortran libquadmath, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_fortran := disabled for rtlibs stage
+with_fortran := $(call envfilt, fortran, , , $(with_fortran))
+# Build all packages needed for Fortran development
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgfortran libquadmath, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_fdev := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libgfortran := yes
+ endif
+ enabled_languages += fortran
+# libquadmath -------------------
+quadmath_targets = amd64 ia64 i386 x32 \
+ hurd-amd64 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 \
+ ppc64el
+# powerpc and ppc64 don't have power7 CPU defaults ...
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), $(quadmath_targets)))
+ # FIXME: upstream build tied to gfortran build
+ ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ with_qmath := yes
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libqmath := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+# ObjC ------------------------
+objc_no_cross := no
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_objc := yes
+ objc_no_archs =
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(objc_no_archs)))
+ with_objc :=
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(objc_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_objc := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libobjc, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_objc := disabled for rtlibs stage
+with_objc := $(call envfilt, objc, obj-c++, , $(with_objc))
+ifeq ($(with_objc),yes)
+ # the ObjC runtime with garbage collection enabled needs the Boehm GC
+ with_objc_gc := yes
+ # disable ObjC garbage collection library (needs libgc)
+ libgc_no_cpus := avr
+ libgc_no_systems := knetbsd-gnu
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(libgc_no_cpus)))
+ with_objc_gc := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(libgc_no_systems)))
+ with_objc_gc := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)))
+ with_objc_gc := disabled for cross builds
+ endif
+ # Build all packages needed for Objective-C development
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_objcdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libobjc := yes
+ endif
+ enabled_languages += objc
+# ObjC++ ----------------------
+objcxx_no_cross := no
+ifeq ($(with_objc),yes)
+ ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_objcxx := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(objcxx_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_objcxx := disabled for cross compiler package
+with_objcxx := $(call envfilt, obj-c++, , c++ objc, $(with_objcxx))
+ifeq ($(with_objcxx),yes)
+ enabled_languages += obj-c++
+# Modula-2 -------------------
+m2_no_cross := yes
+m2_no_cross := no
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_m2 := yes
+ endif
+m2_no_cpus = loong64 powerpc ppc64 sh4
+m2_no_systems = gnu kfreebsd-gnu
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(m2_no_cpus)))
+ with_m2 := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),$(m2_no_systems)))
+ with_m2 := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ifeq ($(m2_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_m2 := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgm2, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+ with_m2 := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise))
+ with_m2 := disabled for $(distrelease) backport
+#with_m2 := disabled for GCC 13
+with_m2 := $(call envfilt, m2, , , $(with_m2))
+# Build all packages needed for Modula-2 development
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_m2dev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libgm2 := yes
+ endif
+ enabled_languages += m2
+# Rust -------------------
+rs_no_cross := yes
+rs_no_cross := no
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ ifneq ($(separate_lang),yes)
+ with_rs := yes
+ endif
+#rs_no_cpus = s390x
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(rs_no_cpus)))
+ with_rs := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ifeq ($(rs_no_cross)-$(DEB_CROSS),yes-yes)
+ with_rs := disabled for cross compiler package
+#ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(filter libgrs, $(with_rtlibs)),rtlibs-)
+# with_rs := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),lunar))
+ with_rs := yes
+ with_rs := disabled for GCC 13
+#with_rs := disabled for GCC 13
+with_rs := $(call envfilt, rust, , , $(with_rs))
+# Build all packages needed for Rust development
+ifeq ($(with_rs),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_dev),yes)
+ with_rsdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libgrs := yes
+ endif
+ enabled_languages += rust
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# other config
+# not built from the main source package
+ifeq (,$(findstring gcc-,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ extra_package := yes
+with_nls := yes
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ with_nls := no
+with_nls := $(call envfilt, nls, , , $(with_nls))
+# powerpc nof libraries -----
+with_libnof := no
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ ifeq (,$(with_rtlibs))
+ with_source := yes
+ endif
+with_source := $(call envfilt, source, , , $(with_source))
+ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+# ssp & libssp -------------------------
+with_ssp := yes
+ssp_no_archs = alpha hppa ia64 m68k
+ifneq (, $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(ssp_no_archs) $(ssp_no_archs:%=uclibc-%)))
+ with_ssp := not available on $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+with_ssp := $(call envfilt, ssp, , , $(with_ssp))
+ifeq ($(with_ssp),yes)
+ ifneq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_ssp_default := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+# gomp --------------------
+with_gomp := yes
+with_gomp := $(call envfilt, gomp, , , $(with_gomp))
+gomp_no_archs =
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(gomp_no_archs)))
+ with_gomp :=
+# itm --------------------
+itm_archs = alpha amd64 arm64 i386 x32 ppc64 ppc64el s390x sh4 sparc64
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(itm_archs)))
+ with_itm := yes
+with_itm := $(call envfilt, itm, , , $(with_itm))
+# atomic --------------------
+with_atomic := yes
+atomic_no_archs =
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(atomic_no_archs)))
+ with_atomic :=
+# backtrace --------------------
+with_backtrace := yes
+backtrace_no_archs = m68k
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(backtrace_no_archs)))
+ with_backtrace :=
+strip_sanitizer =
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie stretch buster precise xenial bionic))
+ strip_sanitizer = yes
+# asan / sanitizer --------------------
+with_asan :=
+with_asan := $(call envfilt, asan, , , $(with_asan))
+asan_archs = amd64 armel armhf arm64 i386 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el \
+ riscv64 s390x sparc sparc64 x32
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(asan_archs)))
+ with_asan := yes
+# lsan / sanitizer --------------------
+with_lsan :=
+with_lsan := $(call envfilt, lsan, , , $(with_lsan))
+lsan_archs = arm64 amd64 ppc64 ppc64el
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(lsan_archs)))
+ with_lsan := yes
+# tsan / sanitizer --------------------
+with_tsan :=
+with_tsan := $(call envfilt, tsan, , , $(with_tsan))
+tsan_archs = arm64 amd64 ppc64 ppc64el
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(tsan_archs)))
+ with_tsan := yes
+# hwasan / sanitizer --------------------
+with_hwasan :=
+with_hwasan := $(call envfilt, hwasan, , , $(with_hwasan))
+hwasan_archs = amd64 arm64
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(hwasan_archs)))
+ with_hwasan := yes
+# ubsan / sanitizer --------------------
+with_ubsan :=
+with_ubsan := $(call envfilt, ubsan, , , $(with_ubsan))
+ubsan_archs = amd64 armel armhf arm64 i386 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el x32 \
+ s390x sparc sparc64
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(ubsan_archs)))
+ with_ubsan := yes
+endif # with_cdev
+# libvtv --------------------
+with_vtv :=
+with_vtv := $(call envfilt, vtv, , , $(with_vtv))
+vtv_archs = amd64 i386 x32
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(vtv_archs)))
+ with_vtv := yes
+ with_libvtv := yes
+# libvtv builds a modified libstdc++, don't enable it by default
+with_vtv :=
+with_libvtv :=
+# pie by default --------------------
+with_pie :=
+ifeq ($(distribution),Debian)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie))
+ pie_archs = amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 \
+ mips mipsel mips64 mips64el mipsn32 mipsn32el \
+ mipsr6 mipsr6el mips64r6 mips64r6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el \
+ ppc64el s390x sparc sparc64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 \
+ hurd-amd64 hurd-i386 riscv64 loong64
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch))
+ pie_archs += powerpc ppc64
+ endif
+else ifeq ($(distribution),Ubuntu)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ pie_archs = s390x
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial))
+ pie_archs += amd64 ppc64el
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial))
+ pie_archs += armhf arm64 i386
+ endif
+ pie_archs += riscv64
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(pie_archs)))
+ with_pie := yes
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ with_pie := disabled for trunk builds
+# gold --------------------
+# armel with binutils 2.20.51 only
+gold_archs = amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390x sparc sparc64 x32 hurd-amd64 hurd-i386
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(gold_archs)))
+ with_gold := yes
+# plugins --------------------
+with_plugins := yes
+ifneq (,$(with_rtlibs))
+ with_plugins := disabled for rtlibs stage
+endif # ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+# Don't include docs with GFDL invariant sections
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# non-extra config
+ifeq ($(extra_package),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_separate_libgo),yes)
+ # package stuff
+ with_gccbase := yes
+ with_cdev := no
+ with_cxx := no
+ with_cxxdev := no
+ endif
+ # libssp ------------------
+ ifeq ($(with_ssp)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ #ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ with_libssp := $(if $(wildcard $(builddir)/gcc/auto-host.h),$(shell if grep -qs '^\#define TARGET_LIBC_PROVIDES_SSP 1' $(builddir)/gcc/auto-host.h; then echo 'libc provides ssp'; else echo 'yes'; fi))
+ #endif
+ with_libssp := libc provides ssp
+ endif
+ # libgomp -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_gomp)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libgomp := yes
+ endif
+ # libitm -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_itm)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libitm := yes
+ endif
+ # libatomic -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_atomic)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libatomic := yes
+ endif
+ # libbacktrace -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_backtrace)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ # currently not a shared library
+ #with_libbacktrace := yes
+ endif
+ # libasan -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_asan)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_asan),yes)
+ with_libasan := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ # liblsan -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_lsan)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ #ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ with_liblsan := yes
+ #endif
+ endif
+ # libtsan -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_tsan)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libtsan := yes
+ endif
+ # libubsan -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_ubsan)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_ubsan),yes)
+ with_libubsan := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ # libhwasan -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_hwasan)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_hwasan),yes)
+ with_libhwasan := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ # libvtv -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_vtv)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libvtv := yes
+ endif
+ # libquadmath -----------------
+ ifeq ($(with_qmath)-$(with_common_libs),yes-yes)
+ with_libqmath := yes
+ endif
+ # libunwind -----------------
+ with_internal_libunwind =
+ ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),ia64)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage1)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ with_internal_libunwind = yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ # Shared libgcc --------------------
+ ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage1)
+ with_shared_libgcc := yes
+ ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ with_libgcc := yes
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster lucid precise trusty xenial bionic focal))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ with_libcompatgcc := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ # libphobos -----------------
+ #ifeq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ with_libphobos := yes
+ endif
+ #endif
+ # libgcc-math --------------------
+ with_libgmath := no
+ ifneq (,$(findstring i486,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)))
+ #with_libgccmath := yes
+ #with_lib64gmath := yes
+ #with_libgmathdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64)
+ #with_libgccmath := yes
+ #with_lib32gmath := yes
+ #with_libgmathdev := yes
+ endif
+ # hppa64 build ----------------
+ hppa64_no_snap := no
+ hppa64_archs := hppa
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-native cross-build-native))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie precise trusty))
+ binutils_hppa64 := binutils-hppa64
+ else
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ hppa64_archs += amd64 i386 x32
+ endif
+ binutils_hppa64 := binutils-hppa64-linux-gnu
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(hppa64_archs)))
+ with_hppa64 := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_hppa64 := disabled for backports/toolchain builds
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(hppa64_no_snap)-$(trunk_build),yes-yes)
+ with_hppa64 := disabled for snapshot build
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(findstring nohppa64, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_hppa64 := disabled by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+ endif
+ with_hppa64 := $(call envfilt, hppa64, , , $(with_hppa64))
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ with_libasan := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_liblsan := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_libtsan := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_libubsan := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_libhwasan := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ with_hppa64 := disabled for rtlibs stage
+ endif
+# run testsuite ---------------
+with_check := yes
+# if you don't want to run the gcc testsuite, uncomment the next line
+#with_check := disabled by hand
+ifeq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ with_check := no
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ with_check := disabled for cross compiler package
+ifneq (,$(findstring cross-build-,$(build_type)))
+ with_check := disabled for cross building the compiler
+ifneq (,$(with_rtlibs))
+ with_check := disabled for rtlibs stage
+#check_no_cpus := m68k
+check_no_systems := # gnu kfreebsd-gnu
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),$(check_no_cpus)))
+ with_check := disabled for cpu $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU)
+#ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(check_no_systems)))
+# with_check := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ifneq (,$(findstring gdc,$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ with_check := disabled for D
+with_check := $(call envfilt, check, , , $(with_check))
+ with_check := disabled by environment
+ifneq ($(findstring nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ with_check := disabled by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), mipsel mips64el))
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ with_check := disabled for $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), testsuite timeouts
+ endif
+# override the Debian porters, we need to know about the test results
+ifeq ($(distribution),Debian)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), m68k sh4))
+# with_check := yes
+ endif
+ifeq ($(distribution)-$(DEB_HOST_ARCH),Ubuntu-riscv64)
+ with_check := disabled for $(DEB_HOST_ARCH) on Ubuntu, qemu builders
+with_check := disabled for this upload
+# not a dependency on all archs, but if available, use it for the testsuite
+ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/bin/localedef))
+ locale_data = generate
+# try to b-d on locales-all
+locale_data =
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-cross cross-build-cross))
+ ldconfig_arg = --noscripts
+all_enabled_languages := $(enabled_languages)
+languages_without_lang_opt := c++ objc obj-c++
+debian_extra_langs := $(subst obj-c++,objcp,$(debian_extra_langs))
+export debian_extra_langs
+# multilib
+biarch_map := i686=x86_64 powerpc=powerpc64 sparc=sparc64 sparc64=sparc s390=s390x s390x=s390 \
+ x86_64=i686 powerpc64=powerpc mips=mips64 mipsel=mips64el \
+ mips64=mips mips64el=mipsel mipsn32=mips mipsn32el=mipsel \
+ mipsr6=mips64r6 mipsr6el=mips64r6el mips64r6=mipsr6 mips64r6el=mipsr6el \
+ mipsn32r6=mipsr6 mipsn32r6el=mipsr6el
+# FIXME: why still?
+biarch_map := $(subst i686=,i486=,$(biarch_map))
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute))
+ biarch_map += arm=arm
+ endif
+biarch_cpu := $(strip $(patsubst $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)=%,%, \
+ $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)=%,$(biarch_map))))
+biarch64 := no
+biarch32 := no
+biarchn32 := no
+biarchx32 := no
+biarchhf := no
+biarchsf := no
+flavours :=
+define gen_biarch
+ ifneq (yes,$$(call envfilt, biarch, , ,yes))
+ biarch$1archs :=
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$$(findstring /$$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/,$$(biarch$1archs)))
+ biarch$1 := yes
+ flavours += $1
+ #biarch$1subdir = $$(biarch_cpu)-$$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+ biarch$1subdir = $1
+ ifeq ($$(with_libgcc),yes)
+ with_lib$1gcc := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_cdev),yes)
+ with_lib$1gccdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libcxx),yes)
+ with_lib$1cxx := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libcxxdbg),yes)
+ with_lib$1cxxdbg := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_cxxdev),yes)
+ with_lib$1cxxdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libobjc),yes)
+ with_lib$1objc := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_objcdev),yes)
+ with_lib$1objcdev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libgfortran),yes)
+ with_lib$1gfortran := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_fdev),yes)
+ with_lib$1gfortrandev := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $1, hf))
+ ifeq ($$(with_libphobos),yes)
+ with_lib$1phobos := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libphobosdev),yes)
+ with_lib$1phobosdev := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libssp),yes)
+ with_lib$1ssp := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libgomp),yes)
+ with_lib$1gomp:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libitm),yes)
+ with_lib$1itm:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libatomic),yes)
+ with_lib$1atomic:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libbacktrace),yes)
+ with_lib$1backtrace:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libasan),yes)
+ with_lib$1asan:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_liblsan),yes)
+ ifneq (,$$(filter $$(distrelease),lunar jammy focal))
+ with_lib$1lsan := yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libtsan),yes)
+ with_lib$1tsan:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libubsan),yes)
+ with_lib$1ubsan := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libhwasan),yes)
+ ifeq ($$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)-$1,i386-64)
+ with_lib$1hwasan:= yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)-$1,x32-64)
+ with_lib$1hwasan:= yes
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libvtv),yes)
+ with_lib$1vtv := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libqmath),yes)
+ with_lib$1qmath := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_libgo),yes)
+ with_lib$1go := yes
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$(with_godev),yes)
+ with_lib$1godev := yes
+ endif
+ biarch_multidir_names = libiberty libgcc libbacktrace libatomic libgomp
+ ifneq (,$$(findstring gcc-, $$(PKGSOURCE)))
+ biarch_multidir_names += libstdc++-v3 libobjc libgfortran libssp \
+ zlib libitm libsanitizer
+ ifeq ($$(with_objc_gc),yes)
+ biarch_multidir_names += boehm-gc
+ endif
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring yes, $(with_go)))
+ biarch_multidir_names += libffi
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ biarch_multidir_names += libquadmath
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ biarch_multidir_names += libgo
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $1, hf))
+ biarch_multidir_names += libphobos
+ endif
+ endif
+ # FIXME: it now builds, but installs everything into the same $libdir
+ #ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ # biarch_multidir_names += libgm2
+ #endif
+ ifneq (,$$(findstring 32,$1))
+ TARGET64_MACHINE := $$(strip $$(subst $$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),$$(biarch_cpu), \
+ else
+ TARGET64_MACHINE := $$(strip $$(subst $$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),$$(biarch_cpu), \
+ endif
+ endif
+biarch32archs := /amd64/ppc64/kfreebsd-amd64/s390x/sparc64/x32/mipsn32/mipsn32el/mips64/mips64el/
+biarch64archs := /i386/powerpc/sparc/s390/mips/mipsel/mipsn32/mipsn32el/
+biarchn32archs := /mips/mipsel/mips64/mips64el/
+ifeq (yes,$(MIPS_R6_ENABLED))
+ biarch32archs += /mipsn32r6/mipsn32r6el/mips64r6/mips64r6el/
+ biarch64archs += /mipsr6/mipsr6el/mipsn32r6/mipsn32r6el/x32/
+ biarchn32archs += /mipsr6/mipsr6el/mips64r6/mips64r6el/
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute))
+ biarchhfarchs := /armel/
+ biarchsfarchs := /armhf/
+ endif
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ biarchx32archs := /amd64/i386/
+ endif
+else ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ biarchx32archs := /amd64/i386/
+$(foreach x,32 64 n32 x32 hf sf,$(eval $(call gen_biarch,$(x))))
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),sh4)
+ biarch_multidir_names=none
+export biarch_multidir_names
+#ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+# no_biarch_libs := yes
+no_biarch_libs :=
+ifeq ($(no_biarch_libs),yes)
+ with_lib64gcc := no
+ with_lib64cxx := no
+ with_lib64cxxdbg := no
+ with_lib64objc := no
+ with_lib64ffi := no
+ with_lib64gfortran := no
+ with_lib64ssp := no
+ with_lib64go := no
+ with_lib64gomp := no
+ with_lib64itm := no
+ with_lib64qmath := no
+ with_lib64atomic := no
+ with_lib64backtrace := no
+ with_lib64asan := no
+ with_lib64lsan := no
+ with_lib64tsan := no
+ with_lib64ubsan := no
+ with_lib64hwasan := no
+ with_lib64vtv := no
+ with_lib64gccdev := no
+ with_lib64cxxdev := no
+ with_lib64objcdev := no
+ with_lib64gfortrandev := no
+ with_lib64phobosdev := no
+ with_lib32gcc := no
+ with_lib32cxx := no
+ with_lib32cxxdbg := no
+ with_lib32objc := no
+ with_lib32ffi := no
+ with_lib32gfortran := no
+ with_lib32ssp := no
+ with_lib32go := no
+ with_lib32gomp := no
+ with_lib32itm := no
+ with_lib32qmath := no
+ with_lib32atomic := no
+ with_lib32backtrace := no
+ with_lib32asan := no
+ with_lib32lsan := no
+ with_lib32tsan := no
+ with_lib32ubsan := no
+ with_lib32hwasan := no
+ with_lib32vtv := no
+ with_lib32gccdev := no
+ with_lib32cxxdev := no
+ with_lib32objcdev := no
+ with_lib32gfortrandev := no
+ with_lib32phobosdev := no
+ with_libn32gcc := no
+ with_libn32cxx := no
+ with_libn32cxxdbg := no
+ with_libn32objc := no
+ with_libn32ffi := no
+ with_libn32gfortran := no
+ with_libn32ssp := no
+ with_libn32go := no
+ with_libn32gomp := no
+ with_libn32itm := no
+ with_libn32qmath := no
+ with_libn32atomic := no
+ with_libn32backtrace := no
+ with_libn32asan := no
+ with_libn32lsan := no
+ with_libn32tsan := no
+ with_libn32ubsan := no
+ with_libn32hwasan := no
+ with_libn32gccdev := no
+ with_libn32cxxdev := no
+ with_libn32objcdev := no
+ with_libn32gfortrandev:= no
+ with_libn32phobosdev := no
+ with_libx32gcc := no
+ with_libx32cxx := no
+ with_libx32cxxdbg := no
+ with_libx32objc := no
+ with_libx32ffi := no
+ with_libx32gfortran := no
+ with_libx32ssp := no
+ with_libx32go := no
+ with_libx32gomp := no
+ with_libx32itm := no
+ with_libx32qmath := no
+ with_libx32atomic := no
+ with_libx32backtrace := no
+ with_libx32asan := no
+ with_libx32lsan := no
+ with_libx32tsan := no
+ with_libx32ubsan := no
+ with_libx32hwasan := no
+ with_libx32vtv := no
+ with_libx32gccdev := no
+ with_libx32cxxdev := no
+ with_libx32objcdev := no
+ with_libx32gfortrandev:= no
+ with_libx32phobosdev := no
+ with_libhfgcc := no
+ with_libhfcxx := no
+ with_libhfcxxdbg := no
+ with_libhfobjc := no
+ with_libhfffi := no
+ with_libhfgfortran := no
+ with_libhfssp := no
+ with_libhfgo := no
+ with_libhfgomp := no
+ with_libhfitm := no
+ with_libhfqmath := no
+ with_libhfatomic := no
+ with_libhfbacktrace := no
+ with_libhfasan := no
+ with_libhflsan := no
+ with_libhftsan := no
+ with_libhfubsan := no
+ with_libhfhwasan := no
+ with_libhfgccdev := no
+ with_libhfcxxdev := no
+ with_libhfobjcdev := no
+ with_libhfgfortrandev := no
+ with_libhfphobosdev := no
+ with_libsfgcc := no
+ with_libsfcxx := no
+ with_libsfcxxdbg := no
+ with_libsfobjc := no
+ with_libsfffi := no
+ with_libsfgfortran := no
+ with_libsfssp := no
+ with_libsfgo := no
+ with_libsfgomp := no
+ with_libsfitm := no
+ with_libsfqmath := no
+ with_libsfatomic := no
+ with_libsfbacktrace := no
+ with_libsfasan := no
+ with_libsflsan := no
+ with_libsftsan := no
+ with_libsfubsan := no
+ with_libsfhwasan := no
+ with_libsfgccdev := no
+ with_libsfcxxdev := no
+ with_libsfobjcdev := no
+ with_libsfgfortrandev := no
+ with_libsfphobosdev := no
+ ifeq ($(with_ada)-$(with_separate_gnat),yes-yes)
+ biarchhf := disabled for Ada
+ biarchsf := disabled for Ada
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter yes,$(biarch32) $(biarch64) $(biarchn32) $(biarchx32) $(biarchhf) $(biarchsf)))
+ multilib := yes
+multilib_archs = $(sort $(subst /, , $(biarch64archs) $(biarch32archs) $(biarchn32archs) $(biarchx32archs) $(biarchhfarchs) $(biarchsfarchs)))
+biarchsubdirs := \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarch64)),$(biarch64subdir),) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarch32)),$(biarch32subdir),) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarchn32)),$(biarchn32subdir),) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarchx32)),$(biarchx32subdir),) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarchhf)),$(biarchhfsubdir),) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarchsf)),$(biarchsfsubdir),)
+biarchsubdirs := {$(strip $(shell echo $(biarchsubdirs) | tr " " ","))}
+# GNU locales
+force_gnu_locales := yes
+locale_no_cpus :=
+locale_no_systems :=
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),$(locale_no_systems)))
+ force_gnu_locales := disabled for system $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM)
+gcc_tarpath := $(firstword $(wildcard gcc-*.tar.* /usr/src/gcc-13/gcc-*.tar.*))
+gcc_tarball := $(notdir $(gcc_tarpath))
+gcc_srcdir := $(subst -dfsg,,$(patsubst %.tar.xz,%,$(patsubst %.tar.lzma,%,$(patsubst %.tar.gz,%,$(gcc_tarball:.tar.bz2=)))))
+binutils_dsc := $(notdir $(firstword $(wildcard binutils_*.dsc)))
+binutils_srcdir := $(shell echo $(binutils_dsc) | sed 's/-.*//;s/_/-/')
+ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx) $(with_offload_gcn)))
+ newlib_tarpath := $(firstword $(wildcard newlib-*.tar.* /usr/src/gcc-$(BASE_VERSION)/newlib-*.tar.*))
+ newlib_tarball := $(notdir $(newlib_tarpath))
+ newlib_srcdir := $(patsubst %.tar.xz,%,$(patsubst %.tar.lzma,%,$(patsubst %.tar.gz,%,$(newlib_tarball:.tar.bz2=))))
+# NOTE: This is not yet used. when building gdc or gnat using the
+# gcc-source package, we don't require an exact binary dependency.
+ifneq ($(dir $(gcc_tarpath)),./)
+ built_using_external_source := yes
+ built_using_external_source :=
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ add_built_using = yes
+ifeq ($(with_ada)-$(with_separate_gnat),yes-yes)
+ add_built_using = yes
+unpack_stamp := $(stampdir)/01-unpack-stamp
+pre_patch_stamp := $(stampdir)/02-pre-patch-stamp
+patch_stamp := $(stampdir)/02-patch-stamp
+control_stamp := $(stampdir)/03-control-stamp
+configure_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-stamp
+build_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-stamp
+build_arch_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-arch-stamp
+build_indep_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-indep-stamp
+build_html_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-html-stamp
+build_locale_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-locale-stamp
+build_doxygen_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-doxygen-stamp
+build_gnatdoc_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-gnatdoc-stamp
+check_stamp := $(stampdir)/06-check-stamp
+check_inst_stamp := $(stampdir)/06-check-inst-stamp
+install_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-stamp
+install_snap_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-snap-stamp
+install_tc_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-tc-stamp
+binary_stamp := $(stampdir)/08-binary-stamp
+configure_dummy_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-dummy-stamp
+build_dummy_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-dummy-stamp
+install_dummy_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-dummy-stamp
+configure_jit_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-jit-stamp
+build_jit_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-jit-stamp
+install_jit_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-jit-stamp
+# installation of the offload compilers is required for the check target
+# name it 06-install-*-stamp
+configure_nvptx_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-nvptx-stamp
+build_nvptx_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-nvptx-stamp
+install_nvptx_stamp := $(stampdir)/06-install-nvptx-stamp
+configure_gcn_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-gcn-stamp
+build_gcn_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-gcn-stamp
+install_gcn_stamp := $(stampdir)/06-install-gcn-stamp
+configure_hppa64_stamp := $(stampdir)/04-configure-hppa64-stamp
+build_hppa64_stamp := $(stampdir)/05-build-hppa64-stamp
+install_hppa64_stamp := $(stampdir)/07-install-hppa64-stamp
+control_dependencies := $(patch_stamp)
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ configure_dependencies = $(configure_stamp)
+ build_dependencies = $(build_stamp)
+ install_dependencies = $(install_snap_stamp)
+ ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ check_dependencies += $(check_stamp)
+ endif
+ else ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ configure_dependencies = $(configure_stamp)
+ build_dependencies = $(build_stamp)
+ install_dependencies = $(install_tc_stamp)
+ ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ check_dependencies += $(check_stamp)
+ endif
+ else
+ $(error Unknown single-package $(PKGSOURCE))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ configure_dependencies = $(configure_dummy_stamp)
+ build_dependencies = $(build_dummy_stamp)
+ install_dependencies = $(install_dummy_stamp)
+ else
+ configure_dependencies = $(configure_stamp)
+ build_dependencies = $(build_stamp)
+ install_dependencies = $(install_stamp)
+ ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ check_dependencies += $(check_stamp)
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ build_dependencies += $(build_jit_stamp)
+ install_dependencies += $(install_jit_stamp)
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ build_dependencies += $(build_nvptx_stamp)
+ install_dependencies += $(install_nvptx_stamp)
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ build_dependencies += $(build_gcn_stamp)
+ install_dependencies += $(install_gcn_stamp)
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ build_dependencies += $(build_hppa64_stamp)
+ ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ install_dependencies += $(install_hppa64_stamp)
+ endif
+build_dependencies += $(check_dependencies)
+build_arch_dependencies = $(build_dependencies)
+build_indep_dependencies = $(build_dependencies)
+ifneq (,$(findstring build-native, $(build_type)))
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ build_indep_dependencies += $(build_html_stamp)
+ ifeq ($(with_cxx),yes)
+ build_indep_dependencies += $(build_doxygen_stamp)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ build_indep_dependencies += $(build_gnatdoc_stamp)
+ endif
+ endif
+ mkdir -p $(stampdir)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ define cross_mangle_shlibs
+ if [ -f debian/$(1)/DEBIAN/shlibs ]; then \
+ sed -i s/$(cross_lib_arch)/:$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/g debian/$(1)/DEBIAN/shlibs; \
+ fi
+ endef
+ define cross_mangle_substvars
+ if [ -f debian/$(1).substvars ]; then \
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's/:$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)/$(cross_lib_arch)/g' \
+ -e 's/\(libc[.0-9]*-[^:]*\):\([a-z0-9-]*\)/\1-\2-cross/g' \
+ $(if $(filter armel,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)),-e 's/:armhf/-armhf-cross/g') \
+ $(if $(filter armhf,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)),-e 's/:armel/-armel-cross/g') \
+ debian/$(1).substvars; \
+ fi
+ endef
+ define cross_mangle_shlibs
+ endef
+ define cross_mangle_substvars
+ endef
+ # precise's dh_shlibdeps doesn't work well for ARM multilibs
+ # and dh_shlibdeps doesn't work well for cross builds, see #698881.
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise quantal raring))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), armel armhf arm64))
+ ignshld = -
+ endif
+ endif
+ # FIXME: don't stop at the first shlibdeps failure ...
+ ignshld = -
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ define cross_mangle_shlibs
+ endef
+ define cross_mangle_substvars
+ endef
+# takes a *list* of package names as $1, the multilib dirname as $2
+_shlibdirs = \
+ $(if $(strip $(1)), \
+ $(shell find $(foreach p,$(1),$(CURDIR)/debian/$(p)) \
+ -name '*.so.*' -printf '%h ' | uniq)) \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/lib/$(call mlib_to_march,$(2)) \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/usr/lib/$(call mlib_to_march,$(2)) \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)$(subst /usr,,/$(usr_lib$(2))) \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/$(usr_lib$(2)) \
+ $(if $(findstring mips64,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)), \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/$(usr_lib64)) \
+ $(if $(findstring mipsn32,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)), \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/$(usr_libn32)) \
+ $(if $(filter sparc64,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)), \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/$(usr_lib64)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes,$(biarchsf) $(biarchhf)), \
+ $(with_build_sysroot)/usr/$(call mlib_to_march,$(2))/lib) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_common_libs)),, \
+ $(CURDIR)/$(d)/$(usr_lib$(2)) \
+ $(CURDIR)/$(d)/usr/$(call mlib_to_march,$(2))/lib)
+shlibdirs_to_search = -l$(subst $(SPACE),:,$(foreach d,$(_shlibdirs),$(d)))
diff --git a/debian/rules.parameters b/debian/rules.parameters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d142e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.parameters
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# configuration parameters taken from upstream source files
+GCC_VERSION := 13.2.0
+SOURCE_VERSION := 13.2.0-10
+DEB_VERSION := 13.2.0-10
+DEB_EVERSION := 1:13.2.0-10
+DEB_GDC_VERSION := 13.2.0-10
+DEB_LIBGCC_VERSION := 13.2.0-10
+GO_SONAME := 22
+CC1_SONAME := 0
+GM2_SONAME := 18
+LIBC_DEP := libc6
diff --git a/debian/rules.patch b/debian/rules.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b4fcb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# rules to patch the unpacked files in the source directory
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# various rules to unpack addons and (un)apply patches.
+# - patch / apply-patches
+# - unpatch / reverse-patches
+patchdir ?= debian/patches
+series_file ?= $(patchdir)/series
+# which patches should be applied?
+debian_patches = \
+ git-updates \
+# git-updates \
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ debian_patches += \
+ git-doc-updates \
+ rename-info-files \
+# git-doc-updates \
+debian_patches += \
+ gcc-gfdl-build
+# libstdc++-pic \
+debian_patches += \
+ gcc-textdomain \
+ gcc-distro-specs \
+ gcc-driver-extra-langs \
+ gcc-hash-style-gnu \
+ libstdc++-doclink \
+ libstdc++-man-3cxx \
+ libstdc++-test-installed \
+ libstdc++-doxygen-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH \
+ alpha-no-ev4-directive \
+ note-gnu-stack \
+ libgomp-omp_h-multilib \
+ libgo-testsuite \
+ libgo-cleanfiles \
+ gcc-target-include-asm \
+ libgo-revert-timeout-exp \
+ libgo-setcontext-config \
+ gcc-auto-build \
+ libitm-no-fortify-source \
+ sparc64-biarch-long-double-128 \
+ pr66368 \
+ pr67590 \
+ libffi-race-condition \
+ cuda-float128 \
+ t-libunwind-elf-Wl-z-defs \
+ gcc-force-cross-layout \
+ gcc-search-prefixed-as-ld \
+ kfreebsd-decimal-float \
+ pr87808 \
+ pr94253 \
+ gcc-arm-disable-guality-tests \
+ musl-ssp \
+ pr79724-revert \
+ pr104290-followup \
+ arc-stddef \
+ pr107475 \
+ gccrs-bootstrap-mipsel \
+ pr110066 \
+ pr88552 \
+ hppa64-libgcov-fallback \
+ toplevel-add-gprofng \
+ toplevel-add-libsframe \
+ libiberty-sha1-1 \
+ libiberty-sha1-2 \
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),lunar))
+ debian_patches += rust-enabled
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute))
+ debian_patches += pr100067-revert
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster bullseye precise trusty xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute))
+ debian_patches += dwarf5-revert-default
+ ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ debian_patches += dwarf5-revert-default-doc
+ endif
+# TODO:
+# pr81829 \
+# $(if $(filter yes, $(DEB_CROSS)),,gcc-print-file-name) \
+# libstdc++-nothumb-check \
+hardening_patches =
+ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Ubuntu))
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ hardening_patches += \
+ gcc-distro-specs-ubuntu-doc \
+ testsuite-hardening-format \
+ testsuite-hardening-printf-types \
+ testsuite-hardening-updates \
+ testsuite-glibc-warnings
+ endif
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Debian))
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+# ifneq ($(with_pie),yes)
+# hardening_patches += \
+# ignore-pie-specs-when-not-enabled
+# endif
+ endif
+# FIXME 4.5: Drop and adjust symbols files
+ifneq (,$(findstring 4.4, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ debian_patches += pr39491
+# Patches for non-core languages.
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ debian_patches += gm2-texinfo
+# Most of the time, it would be safe to apply them whether the
+# language is selected or not. But when working on a new GCC version,
+# it is convenient to concentrate on core languages, and refresh them
+# later when working on the specific language.
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ debian_patches += ada-gcc-name
+ debian_patches += ada-verbose
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ debian_patches += ada-nobiarch-check
+ endif
+ debian_patches += ada-link-lib
+ debian_patches += ada-gnattools-cross
+ ifeq ($(with_gnatsjlj),yes)
+ debian_patches += ada-sjlj
+ endif
+ debian_patches += ada-lib-info-source-date-epoch
+ # FIXME: debian_patches += ada-749574
+ debian_patches += ada-perl-shebang
+# FIXME: still relevant?
+# gdc-multiarch
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ debian_patches += gdc-texinfo
+ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64 i386 armhf))
+ debian_patches += disable-gdc-tests
+debian_patches += alpha-ieee
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ debian_patches += alpha-ieee-doc
+# all patches below this line are applied for gcc-snapshot builds as well
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ debian_patches =
+debian_patches += \
+ sys-auxv-header \
+ gdc-dynamic-link-phobos \
+ ia64-disable-selective-scheduling \
+ libstdc++-pythondir \
+ gcc-verbose-lto-link \
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ debian_patches += \
+ ada-armel-libatomic \
+ ada-kfreebsd
+ifeq ($(with_ibm_branch),yes)
+ debian_patches += ibm-branch
+ifeq ($(with_softfloat),yes)
+ debian_patches += arm-multilib-soft-float
+else ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(biarchhfarchs)$(biarchsfarchs))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ debian_patches += arm-multilib-softfp$(if $(filter yes,$(DEB_CROSS)),-cross)
+ else
+ debian_patches += arm-multilib-soft$(if $(filter yes,$(DEB_CROSS)),-cross)
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute))
+ debian_patches += arm-multilib-defaults
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ debian_patches += cross-fixes
+ debian_patches += cross-install-location
+debian_patches += hurd-amd64
+debian_patches += hurd-multiarch
+debian_patches += hurd-multilib-multiarch
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),hurd)
+ debian_patches += hurd-changes
+ # FIXME: #1005297, PR 104660
+ debian_patches += libgo-hurd-hack
+debian_patches += gcc-ice-dump
+debian_patches += gcc-ice-apport
+debian_patches += skip-bootstrap-multilib
+debian_patches += libffi-ro-eh_frame_sect
+# sigaction on sparc changed between glibc 2.19 and 2.21
+ifeq (,$(filter 2.1%, $(shell dpkg-query -l libc-bin | awk '/^.i/ {print $$3}')))
+ # keep it, gets remove in GCC from time to time
+ #debian_patches += pr67899
+debian_patches += gcc-multiarch
+debian_patches += config-ml
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_multiarch_cxxheaders),yes)
+ debian_patches += g++-multiarch-incdir
+ debian_patches += canonical-cpppath
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-cross cross-build-cross))
+ debian_patches += cross-no-locale-include
+ debian_patches += cross-biarch
+debian_patches += gcc-multilib-multiarch
+ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Ubuntu))
+ debian_patches += gcc-as-needed
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty xenial))
+ debian_patches += gcc-as-needed-gold
+ endif
+else # Debian
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch))
+ debian_patches += gcc-as-needed gcc-as-needed-gold
+ endif
+debian_patches += libgomp-kfreebsd-testsuite
+debian_patches += go-testsuite
+# don't remove, this is regularly overwritten, see PR sanitizer/63958.
+#debian_patches += libasan-sparc
+series_stamp = $(stampdir)/02-series-stamp
+series: $(series_stamp)
+ echo $(strip $(addsuffix .diff,$(debian_patches))) \
+ | sed -r 's/ +/ /g' | tr " " "\n" > $(series_file)
+ifneq (,$(strip $(hardening_patches)))
+ ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ echo $(strip $(addsuffix .diff,$(hardening_patches))) \
+ | sed -r 's/ +/ /g' | tr " " "\n" >> $(series_file)
+ endif
+ sed -r 's/(.)$$/\1 -p1/' -i $(series_file)
+ touch $@
+autoconf_files = $(shell lsdiff --no-filename $(foreach patch,$(debian_patches),$(patchdir)/$(patch).diff) \
+ | sed -rn '/(configure\.ac|acinclude.m4)$$/s:[^/]+/src/:src/:p' | sort -u)
+autoconf_dirs = $(sort $(dir $(autoconf_files)))
+automake_files = $(addprefix ./, $(filter-out none, \
+ $(shell lsdiff --no-filename $(foreach patch,$(debian_patches),$(patchdir)/$(patch).diff) \
+ | sed -rn '/Makefile\.(am|in)$$/s:[^/]+/src/:src/:p' | sort -u)))
+autoconf_version = 2.69
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch buster trusty xenial bionic focal groovy))
+ autoconf_version =
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ # The actual version depends on the build-dependencies set by
+ # variable AUTO_BUILD_DEP in rules.conf. Here, we assume the
+ # correct version is installed.
+ #autoconf_version =
+# FIXME: the auto* stuff is done every time for every subdir, which
+# leads to build errors. Idea: record the auto* calls in the patch
+# files (AUTO <dir> <auto-command with options>) and run them separately,
+# maybe only once per directory).
+$(patch_stamp): $(unpack_stamp) $(series_stamp)
+ sync
+ quilt --quiltrc /dev/null push -a || test $$? = 2
+ : # only needed when we have changes, and currently fails with autogen 5.18
+ : #cd $(srcdir)/fixincludes && ./genfixes
+ sync
+ echo -n $(autoconf_dirs) | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) -I{} \
+ sh -c 'echo "Running autoconf$(autoconf_version) in {}..." ; \
+ cd $(CURDIR)/{} && rm -f configure && \
+ AUTOM4TE=/usr/bin/autom4te$(autoconf_version) autoconf$(autoconf_version)'
+ for i in $(debian_patches) $(hardening_patches); do \
+ echo -e "\n$$i:" >> pxxx; \
+ sed -n 's/^# *DP: */ /p' $(patchdir)/$$i.diff >> pxxx; \
+ done
+# -$(srcdir)/move-if-change pxxx $@
+ : # generate the distro-defaults.h header
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ ( \
+ echo '/* distro specific configuration injected by the distro build. */'; \
+ echo ''; \
+ echo '#ifndef ACCEL_COMPILER' \
+ ) >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ifeq ($(with_async_unwind),yes)
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_ASYNC_UNWIND 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ifeq ($(with_ssp)-$(with_ssp_default),yes-yes)
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_SSP 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_SSP_STRONG 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ endif
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Ubuntu))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),lucid precise trusty xenial bionic focal jammy kinetic lunar mantic))
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_FORTIFY_SOURCE 2' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ else
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_FORTIFY_SOURCE 3' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ endif
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_RELRO 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_BIND_NOW 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+# FIXME: this is directly patched
+# echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_FORTIFY_SOURCE 1' \
+# >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_stack_clash),yes)
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_STACK_CLASH 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(with_cf_protection),yes)
+ echo '#define DIST_DEFAULT_CF_PROTECTION 1' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ endif
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Debian))
+ ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-13, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ endif
+ echo '#endif' \
+ >> $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h
+ mv pxxx $@
+ QUILT_PATCHES=$(patchdir) \
+ quilt --quiltrc /dev/null pop -a -R || test $$? = 2
+ rm -rf .pc
+update-patches: $(series_stamp)
+ export QUILT_PATCHES=$(patchdir); \
+ quilt pop -a; \
+ export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"; \
+ export QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"; \
+ while quilt push; do quilt refresh --no-timestamps --no-index -pab; done
+patch: $(patch_stamp)
+.PHONY: patch series quilt autotools
diff --git a/debian/rules.sonames b/debian/rules.sonames
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e12c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.sonames
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ifneq ($(vafilt_defined),1)
+ $(error rules.defs must be included before rules.sonames)
+ifeq (,$(wildcard debian/soname-cache))
+ SONAME_VARS := $(shell \
+ cache=debian/soname-cache; \
+ rm -f $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libstdc++-v3/acinclude.m4`; \
+ echo CXX_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libobjc/`; \
+ echo OBJC_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libgfortran/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo FORTRAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libssp/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo SSP_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libffi/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo FFI_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libgomp/`; \
+ echo GOMP_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/asan/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo ASAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/lsan/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo LSAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/tsan/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo TSAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/ubsan/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo UBSAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libsanitizer/hwasan/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo HWASAN_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libatomic/`; \
+ v=1; \
+ echo ATOMIC_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libbacktrace/`; \
+ echo BTRACE_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`tail -1 $(srcdir)/libquadmath/libtool-version | cut -d: -f1`; \
+ echo QUADMATH_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`grep '[^_]Library_Version.*:' $(srcdir)/gcc/ada/ \
+ | sed -e 's/.*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/'`; \
+ echo GNAT_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libgo/`; \
+ echo GO_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ echo ITM_SONAME=1 >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libvtv/`; \
+ v=0; \
+ echo VTV_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ echo CC1_SONAME=0 >> $$cache; \
+ echo GCCJIT_SONAME=0 >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libphobos/`; \
+ echo GPHOBOS_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ echo GDRUNTIME_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ v=`awk -F= '/^libtool_VERSION/ {split($$2,v,":"); print v[1]}' \
+ $(srcdir)/libgm2/`; \
+ echo GM2_SONAME=$$v >> $$cache; \
+ cat $$cache)
+ SONAME_VARS := $(shell cat debian/soname-cache)
+GO_SONAME = $(call vafilt,$(SONAME_VARS),GO_SONAME)
+CC1_SONAME = $(call vafilt,$(SONAME_VARS),CC1_SONAME)
+GM2_SONAME = $(call vafilt,$(SONAME_VARS),GM2_SONAME)
+# alias
diff --git a/debian/rules.source b/debian/rules.source
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11b595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.source
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+SOURCE_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+patchdir = $(SOURCE_DIR)/patches
+include $(SOURCE_DIR)/debian/rules.defs
+include $(SOURCE_DIR)/debian/rules.patch
+include $(SOURCE_DIR)/debian/rules.unpack
+patch-source: $(patch_stamp)
+ rm -rf $(stampdir)
+ rm -rf $(gcc_srcdir) $(gdc_srcdir)
+ rm -rf bin
+ rm -rf $(srcdir)
diff --git a/debian/rules.unpack b/debian/rules.unpack
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f0221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules.unpack
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# rules to unpack the source tarballs in $(srcdir); if the source dir already
+# exists, the rule exits with an error to prevent deletion of modified
+# source files. It has to be deleted manually.
+tarballs = $(gcc_tarball)
+ifneq (,$(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx) $(with_offload_gcn)))
+ tarballs += $(newlib_tarball)
+ifeq ($(with_binutils),yes)
+ tarballs += $(binutils_dsc)
+unpack_stamps = $(foreach i,$(tarballs),$(unpack_stamp)-$(i))
+unpack: stamp-dir $(unpack_stamp) debian-chmod
+$(unpack_stamp): $(unpack_stamps)
+$(unpack_stamp): $(foreach p,$(debian_tarballs),unpacked-$(p))
+ echo -e "\nBuilt from Debian source package $(PKGSOURCE)-$(SOURCE_VERSION)" \
+ > pxxx
+ echo -e "Integrated upstream packages in this version:\n" >> pxxx
+ for i in $(tarballs); do echo " $$i" >> pxxx; done
+ mv -f pxxx $@
+ @chmod 755 debian/dh_*
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+gfdl_texinfo_files = \
+ gcc/doc/analyzer.texi \
+ gcc/doc/avr-mmcu.texi \
+ gcc/doc/bugreport.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cfg.texi \
+ gcc/doc/collect2.texi \
+ gcc/doc/compat.texi \
+ gcc/doc/configfiles.texi \
+ gcc/doc/configterms.texi \
+ gcc/doc/contrib.texi \
+ gcc/doc/contribute.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cpp.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cppdiropts.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cppenv.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cppinternals.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cppopts.texi \
+ gcc/doc/cppwarnopts.texi \
+ gcc/doc/extend.texi \
+ gcc/doc/fragments.texi \
+ gcc/doc/frontends.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gccint.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gcov.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gcov-dump.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gcov-tool.texi \
+ gcc/doc/generic.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gimple.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gnu.texi \
+ gcc/doc/gty.texi \
+ gcc/doc/headerdirs.texi \
+ gcc/doc/hostconfig.texi \
+ gcc/doc/implement-c.texi \
+ gcc/doc/implement-cxx.texi \
+ gcc/doc/install-old.texi \
+ gcc/doc/install.texi \
+ gcc/doc/interface.texi \
+ gcc/doc/invoke.texi \
+ gcc/doc/languages.texi \
+ gcc/doc/libgcc.texi \
+ gcc/doc/loop.texi \
+ gcc/doc/lto.texi \
+ gcc/doc/makefile.texi \
+ gcc/doc/match-and-simplify.texi \
+ gcc/doc/md.texi \
+ gcc/doc/objc.texi \
+ gcc/doc/optinfo.texi \
+ gcc/doc/options.texi \
+ gcc/doc/passes.texi \
+ gcc/doc/plugins.texi \
+ gcc/doc/poly-int.texi \
+ gcc/doc/portability.texi \
+ gcc/doc/rtl.texi \
+ gcc/doc/service.texi \
+ gcc/doc/sourcebuild.texi \
+ gcc/doc/standards.texi \
+ gcc/doc/ \
+ gcc/doc/tm.texi \
+ gcc/doc/tree-ssa.texi \
+ gcc/doc/trouble.texi \
+ gcc/doc/ux.texi \
+ gcc/doc/include/gcc-common.texi \
+ gcc/doc/include/funding.texi \
+ gcc/fortran/gfc-internals.texi \
+ gcc/fortran/invoke.texi \
+ gcc/fortran/intrinsic.texi \
+gfdl_toplevel_texinfo_files = \
+ gcc/doc/gcc.texi \
+ gcc/doc/lto-dump.texi \
+ gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi \
+ gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi \
+ gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi \
+ gcc/fortran/gfortran.texi \
+ gcc/go/gccgo.texi \
+ libgomp/libgomp.texi \
+ libquadmath/libquadmath.texi \
+gfdl_manpages = \
+ gcc/doc/cpp.1 \
+ gcc/doc/g++.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gc-analyze.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gcc.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gccgo.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gcov.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gcov-dump.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gcov-tool.1 \
+ gcc/doc/gfortran.1 \
+ gcc/lto/lto-dump.1 \
+ gcc/doc/fsf-funding.7 \
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$(unpack_stamp)-$(gcc_tarball): $(gcc_tarpath)
+ @echo "Build environment: derivative=$(derivative), release=$(distrelease)"
+ : # unpack gcc tarball
+ mkdir -p $(stampdir)
+ if [ -d $(srcdir) ]; then \
+ echo >&2 "Source directory $(srcdir) exists. Delete by hand"; \
+ false; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf $(gcc_srcdir)
+ tar -x -f $(gcc_tarpath)
+ mv $(gcc_srcdir) $(srcdir)
+ ln -sf libsanitizer $(srcdir)/libasan
+ifeq (0,1)
+ cd $(srcdir) && tar cfj ../gcc-4.1.1-doc.tar.bz2 \
+ $(gfdl_texinfo_files) \
+ $(gfdl_toplevel_texinfo_files) \
+ $(gfdl_manpages)
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/*.1
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/fsf-funding.7
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/*.info
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/fortran/*.info
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/libgomp/*.info
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/libquadmath/*.info
+ for i in $(gfdl_texinfo_files); do \
+ if [ -f $(srcdir)/$$i ]; then \
+ cp $(SOURCE_DIR)debian/dummy.texi $(srcdir)/$$i; \
+ else \
+ cp $(SOURCE_DIR)debian/dummy.texi $(srcdir)/$$i; \
+ echo >&2 "$$i does not exist, fix debian/rules.unpack"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ ( \
+ echo '@include gcc-vers.texi'; \
+ echo '@macro versionsubtitle'; \
+ echo '@subtitle For @sc{gcc} version @value{version-GCC}'; \
+ echo '@vskip 0pt plus 1filll'; \
+ echo '@end macro'; \
+ ) > $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/include/gcc-common.texi
+ for i in $(gfdl_toplevel_texinfo_files); do \
+ n=$$(basename $$i .texi); \
+ if [ -f $(srcdir)/$$i ]; then \
+ sed "s/@name@/$$n/g" $(SOURCE_DIR)debian/gcc-dummy.texi \
+ > $(srcdir)/$$i; \
+ else \
+ sed "s/@name@/$$n/g" $(SOURCE_DIR)debian/gcc-dummy.texi \
+ > $(srcdir)/$$i; \
+ echo >&2 "$$i does not exist, fix debian/rules.unpack"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ for i in $(gfdl_manpages); do \
+ touch $(srcdir)/$$i; \
+ done
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/INSTALL/*.html
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm
+ endif
+ echo "$(gcc_tarball) unpacked." > $@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ifneq (,$(newlib_tarball))
+$(unpack_stamp)-$(newlib_tarball): $(newlib_tarpath) $(unpack_stamp)-$(gcc_tarball)
+ : # unpack newlib-nvptx tarball
+ mkdir -p $(stampdir)
+ : # rm -rf $(newlib_srcdir)
+ tar -x -f $(newlib_tarpath)
+ echo "$(newlib_tarball) unpacked." > $@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ifneq (,$(binutils_dsc))
+$(unpack_stamp)-$(binutils_dsc): $(binutils_tarpath) $(unpack_stamp)-$(gcc_tarball)
+ : # unpack binutils package
+ mkdir -p $(stampdir)
+ : # rm -rf $(binutils_srcdir)
+ dpkg-source -x $(binutils_dsc)
+ : # symlink binutilds toplevel dirs into the gcc tree
+ for d in $(binutils_srcdir)/*; do \
+ [ -d $$d ] || continue; \
+ b=$$(basename $$d); \
+ if [ ! -e $(srcdir)/$$b ]; then \
+ ln -s ../$(binutils_srcdir)/$$b $(srcdir)/$$b; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ echo "$(binutils_dsc) unpacked." > $@
diff --git a/debian/rules2 b/debian/rules2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eeeab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules2
@@ -0,0 +1,3061 @@
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include debian/rules.defs
+include debian/rules.parameters
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ -include $(binutils_srcdir)/debian/rules.defs
+dh_compat2 := $(shell dpkg --compare-versions "$$(dpkg-query -f '$${Version}' -W debhelper)" lt 9.20150811ubuntu2 \
+ && echo DH_COMPAT=2)
+# some tools
+SHELL = /bin/bash -e # brace expansion in rules file
+IR = install -m 644 # Install regular file
+IP = install -m 755 # Install program
+IS = install -m 755 # Install script
+DWZ = dwz
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie stretch trusty xenial))
+ DWZ = : dwz
+# dwz: debian/gccgo-11/usr/lib/gcc/mips64el-linux-gnuabi64/11/go1: Found two copies of .debug_line_str section
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),mips64el))
+ DWZ = : dwz
+# kernel-specific ulimit hack
+ifeq ($(findstring linux,$(DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM)),linux)
+ ULIMIT_M = if [ -e /proc/meminfo ]; then \
+ m=`awk '/^((Mem|Swap)Free|Cached)/{m+=$$2}END{print int(m*.9)}' \
+ /proc/meminfo`; \
+ else \
+ m=`vmstat --free --swap-free --kilobytes|awk '{m+=$$2}END{print int(m*.9)}'`; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "Limiting memory for test runs to $${m}kB"; \
+ if ulimit -m $$m; then \
+ echo " limited to `ulimit -m`kB"; \
+ else \
+ echo " failed"; \
+ fi
+ ULIMIT_M = true
+#time_command = /usr/bin/time -v
+ifeq ($(usage_stats),yes)
+ time_command += $(CURDIR)/debian/ $(NJOBS) --base-memory -m 2.0 -o usage-$(shell echo $@ | sed 's/.*0[1-9]-//;s/-stamp//').svg
+ifeq ($(locale_data),generate)
+SET_PATH = PATH=$(CURDIR)/bin:/usr/$(libdir)/gcc/bin:$$PATH
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring sparc64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ SET_PATH = PATH=/usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/bin:$(CURDIR)/bin:/usr/$(libdir)/gcc/bin:$$PATH
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(findstring ppc64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ SET_PATH = PATH=/usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/bin:$(CURDIR)/bin:/usr/$(libdir)/gcc/bin:$$PATH
+ endif
+# the recipient for the test summaries. Send with: debian/rules mail-summary
+# build not yet prepared to take variables from the environment
+define unsetenv
+ unexport $(1)
+ $(1) =
+$(foreach v, CPPFLAGS CFLAGS CXXFLAGS DFLAGS FFLAGS FCFLAGS LDFLAGS OBJCFLAGS OBJCXXFLAGS, $(if $(filter environment,$(origin $(v))),$(eval $(call unsetenv, $(v)))))
+CC = $(notdir $(firstword $(wildcard \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-13 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-12 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-11 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-10 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-9 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc-8 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc)))
+CXX = $(notdir $(firstword $(wildcard \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-13 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-12 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-11 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-10 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-9 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++-8 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-g++)))
+GDC = $(notdir $(firstword $(wildcard \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc-13 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc-12 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc-11 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc-10 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc-9 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gdc)))
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ GNAT = $(notdir $(firstword $(wildcard \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-13 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-12 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-11 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-10 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-9 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat-8 \
+ /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gnat /usr/bin/gnatgcc)))
+ ifeq ($(GNAT),gnatgcc)
+ CC := $(shell readlink /usr/bin/gnatgcc)
+ else ifneq (,$(GNAT))
+ CC = $(subst gnat,gcc,$(GNAT))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), trusty))
+ CC = gcc-4.8
+ else ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/bin/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)-gcc))
+ else
+ CC = gcc
+ endif
+ CXX = $(subst gcc,g++,$(CC))
+ GDC = $(subst gcc,gdc,$(CC))
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type),cross-build-native cross-build-cross))
+ CC_FOR_TARGET = $(builddir)/gcc/xgcc -B$(builddir)/gcc/
+ifneq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), arm armel mips mipsel))
+ STAGE1_CFLAGS = -g -O2
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_ssp_default),yes)
+ ifeq (,$(BOOT_CFLAGS))
+ BOOT_CFLAGS = -g -O2
+ endif
+ LIBCFLAGS = -g -O2
+ LIBCXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -fno-implicit-templates
+ # Only use -fno-stack-protector when known to the stage1 compiler.
+ cc-fno-stack-protector := $(shell if $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fno-stack-protector \
+ -S -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; \
+ then echo "-fno-stack-protector"; fi;)
+ $(var) += $(cc-fno-stack-protector)))
+# FIXME: passing LDFLAGS for native doesn't do anything
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-cross cross-build-cross))
+ CFLAGS = -g -O2
+ LDFLAGS = -Wl,-z,relro
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),alpha)
+ LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-relax
+ endif
+ BOOT_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-z,relro
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),alpha)
+ BOOT_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-relax
+ endif
+LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -Wl,-z,relro
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),alpha)
+ LDFLAGS := $(filter-out -Wl$(COMMA)--no-relax, $(LDFLAGS)) -Wl,--no-relax
+ifneq (,$(findstring static,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ LDFLAGS += -static
+ifneq ($(findstring gccdebug, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),)
+ CFLAGS = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+ CXXFLAGS = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+ CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+ CXXFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+ CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -O0 -g3 -fno-inline
+# set CFLAGS/LDFLAGS for the configure step only, maybe be modifed for some target
+# all other flags are passed to the make step.
+pass_vars = $(foreach v,$(1),$(if $($(v)),$(v)="$($(v))"))
+docdir = usr/share/doc
+# no prefix for regular builds, would disable searching for as / ld
+binutils_prefix =
+ifneq (,$(with_build_sysroot))
+ binutils_prefix = $(with_build_sysroot)/usr/bin
+CONFARGS = -v \
+ --with-pkgversion='$(distribution)$(if $(with_ibm_branch),/IBM)___$(DEB_VERSION)' \
+ --with-bugurl='file:///usr/share/doc/$(PKGSOURCE)/README.Bugs'
+ --enable-languages=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(enabled_languages)) \
+ --prefix=/$(PF) \
+ --with-gcc-major-version-only \
+ifneq (,$(with_build_sysroot))
+ --with-as=$(binutils_prefix)/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-as \
+ --with-ld=$(binutils_prefix)/$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)-ld
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --program-suffix=-$(BASE_VERSION)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type),build-native cross-build-native))
+ CONFARGS += --program-prefix=$(cmd_prefix)
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_STAGE),stage1 stage2))
+ --disable-decimal-float \
+ --disable-libatomic \
+ --disable-libgomp \
+ --disable-libssp \
+ --disable-libquadmath \
+ --disable-libsanitizer \
+ --disable-threads \
+ --disable-bootstrap \
+ --libexecdir=/$(libexecdir) \
+ --libdir=/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir) \
+ $(if $(with_build_sysroot),--with-build-sysroot=$(with_build_sysroot)) \
+ $(if $(findstring build-cross, $(build_type)), \
+ $(if $(with_sysroot),--with-sysroot=$(with_sysroot))) \
+ --enable-linker-build-id
+ ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ --enable-multiarch
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE),stage1)
+ --disable-shared \
+ --with-newlib \
+ --without-headers
+ else
+ # stage2
+ --enable-shared
+ endif
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-linker-build-id \
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ --libexecdir=/$(libexecdir) \
+ --without-included-gettext \
+ --enable-threads=posix \
+ --libdir=/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)
+ifneq ($(with_cpp),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-cpp
+ifeq ($(with_nls),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-nls
+ CONFARGS += --disable-nls
+ifeq ($(with_bootstrap),off)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-bootstrap
+else ifneq ($(with_bootstrap),)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-bootstrap
+ifneq ($(with_sysroot),)
+ CONFARGS += --with-sysroot=$(with_sysroot)
+ifneq ($(with_build_sysroot),)
+ CONFARGS += --with-build-sysroot=$(with_build_sysroot)
+ifeq ($(force_gnu_locales),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-clocale=gnu
+ifeq ($(with_cxx)-$(with_cxx_debug),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-libstdcxx-debug
+CONFARGS += --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes
+CONFARGS += --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=$(libstdcxx_abi)
+ifeq ($(libstdcxx_abi),gcc4-compatible)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libstdcxx-dual-abi
+CONFARGS += --enable-libstdcxx-backtrace
+ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), hurd-amd64 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-gnu-unique-object
+ifneq ($(with_ssp),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libssp
+ifneq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libgomp
+ifneq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libitm
+ifneq ($(with_atomic),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libatomic
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),$(vtv_archs)))
+ ifeq ($(with_vtv),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-vtable-verify
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --disable-vtable-verify
+ endif
+ifneq ($(with_asan),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libsanitizer
+ifneq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libquadmath --disable-libquadmath-support
+ifeq ($(with_plugins),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-plugin
+#ifeq ($(with_gold),yes)
+# CONFARGS += --enable-gold --enable-ld=default
+#CONFARGS += --with-plugin-ld
+# enable pie-by-default on pie_archs
+ifeq ($(with_pie),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-default-pie
+endif # !DEB_STAGE
+CONFARGS += --with-system-zlib
+ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-libphobos-checking=release
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --without-target-system-zlib
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --with-target-system-zlib=auto
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), $(druntime_only_archs)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-libphobos-druntime-only=yes
+ else ifneq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libphobos
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_objc)-$(with_objc_gc),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-objc-gc=auto
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE), i486-linux-gnu i586-linux-gnu i686-linux-gnu))
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE), x86_64-linux-gnu x86_64-linux-gnux32 x86_64-gnu x86_64-kfreebsd-gnu s390x-linux-gnu sparc64-linux-gnu))
+ ifneq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE), powerpc-linux-gnu powerpc-linux-gnuspe))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-secureplt
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-softfloat --with-cpu=default32
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-softfloat \
+ --enable-targets=powerpc-linux,powerpc64-linux
+ endif
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring powerpc64le-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-secureplt
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie trusty))
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=power7 --with-tune=power8
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), xenial bionic focal hirsute impish))
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=power8
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=power9
+ endif
+ endif
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=powerpcle-linux
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ifneq (,$(findstring powerpc64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-secureplt
+ ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-softfloat --enable-targets=powerpc64-linux,powerpc-linux
+ endif
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu-32=power7 --with-cpu-64=power7
+ endif
+# FIXME: only needed for isl-0.13 for now
+#CONFARGS += --disable-isl-version-check
+ifneq (,$(findstring cross-build-,$(build_type)))
+ # FIXME: requires isl headers for the target
+ #CONFARGS += --without-isl
+ # FIXME: build currently fails build the precompiled headers
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libstdcxx-pch
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-multiarch
+ifneq (,$(findstring alpha,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=ev56
+ifneq (,$(findstring aarch64,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ # requires binutils 2.25.90 or newer
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise trusty))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-fix-cortex-a53-843419
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring softfloat,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-float=soft
+ifneq (,$(findstring arc-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ifneq (,$(findstring arm-vfp,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-fpu=vfp
+ifneq (,$(findstring arm, $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-multilib
+ endif
+ CONFARGS += --disable-sjlj-exceptions
+ ifneq (,$(filter %armhf,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)))
+ ifeq ($(distribution),Raspbian)
+ with_arm_arch = armv6+fp
+ else
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch buster bullseye xenial bionic focal hirsute))
+ with_arm_fpu = vfpv3-d16
+ with_arm_arch = armv7-a
+ else
+ with_arm_fpu =
+ with_arm_arch = armv7-a+fp
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ # armel
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie stretch))
+ with_arm_arch = armv4t
+ else
+ with_arm_arch = armv5te
+ endif
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), precise))
+ with_arm_arch = armv7-a+fp
+ else
+ with_arm_arch = armv5t # starting with quantal
+ CONFARGS += --with-specs='%{mfloat-abi=hard:-march=armv7-a___-mcpu=generic-armv7-a___-mfloat-abi=hard}'
+ endif
+ endif
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=$(with_arm_arch)
+ ifneq (,$(with_arm_fpu))
+ CONFARGS += --with-fpu=$(with_arm_fpu)
+ endif
+ CONFARGS += --with-float=$(float_abi)
+ ifeq ($(with_arm_thumb),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --with-mode=thumb
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),m68k))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-werror
+# FIXME: correct fix-warnings.dpatch
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-werror
+else ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-werror
+ifneq (,$(findstring sparc-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu-32=ultrasparc
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=ultrasparc
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring sparc64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu-32=ultrasparc
+ ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring ia64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifneq ($(with_internal_libunwind),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --with-system-libunwind
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring sh4-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-cpu=sh4 --with-multilib-list=m4,m4-nofpu
+ifneq (,$(findstring m68k-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ifneq (,$(findstring riscv64-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=rv64gc --with-abi=lp64d
+ifneq (,$(findstring s390x-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),xenial bionic focal))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=zEC12
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jammy kinetic))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=z13 --with-tune=z15
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=z13 --with-tune=z16
+ endif
+ else # Debian
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=z196
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),stretch buster bullseye bookworm xenial bionic focal jammy lunar mantic))
+ CONFARGS += --enable-s390-excess-float-precision
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --disable-s390-excess-float-precision
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_OS),linux)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), alpha powerpc ppc64 ppc64el s390 s390x sparc sparc64))
+ CONFARGS += --with-long-double-128
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Ubuntu))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 i386 x32))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),precise xenial bionic))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-cet
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --enable-cet
+ endif
+ endif
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Debian))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 x32))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie stretch buster bullseye))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-cet
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --enable-cet
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64))
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(derivative),Ubuntu))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=i686
+ else # Debian
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease), jessie))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=i586
+ else
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=i686
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),amd64)
+ CONFARGS += --with-abi=m64
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),x32)
+ CONFARGS += --with-abi=mx32
+ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 i386))
+ CONFARGS += --with-multilib-list=m32,m64$(if $(filter yes,$(biarchx32)),$(COMMA)mx32)
+ else ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),x32)
+ CONFARGS += --with-multilib-list=mx32,m64,m32
+ endif
+ CONFARGS += --enable-multilib
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), hurd-i386))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch=i686
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), hurd-amd64))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 i386 hurd-amd64 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64))
+ CONFARGS += --with-tune=generic
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ CONFARGS += --with-lxc1-sxc1=no
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch64),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsel-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ CONFARGS += --with-madd4=no
+ CONFARGS += --with-lxc1-sxc1=no
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch64),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ endif
+ endif
+#FIXME: howto for mipsn32?
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips64el-linux-gnuabin32,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-madd4=no
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips64-linux-gnuabin32,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips64el-linux-gnuabi64,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ CONFARGS += --with-madd4=no
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips64-linux-gnuabi64,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r2
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r2 --with-fp-32=xx
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa32r6-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch64),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa32r6el-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch64),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ endif
+ endif
+#FIXME: howto for mipsn32?
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabin32,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabin32,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa64r6el-linux-gnuabi64,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mipsisa64r6-linux-gnuabi64,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --with-mips-plt
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-64=mips64r6 --with-tune-64=mips64r6
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ CONFARGS += --with-arch-32=mips32r6 --with-tune-32=mips32r6
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifeq (,$(filter yes,$(biarch32) $(biarchn32) $(biarch64)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-multilib
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring s390-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ ifeq ($(multilib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --enable-targets=all
+ endif
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring hppa-linux,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libstdcxx-pch
+ifneq (,$(offload_targets))
+ ifneq (,$(filter nvptx-none, $(offload_targets)))
+ offload_opt = nvptx-none=$(CURDIR)/$(d)-nvptx/$(PF)
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets)))
+ offload_opt += $(gcn_target_name)=$(CURDIR)/$(d)-gcn/$(PF)
+ endif
+ --enable-offload-targets=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(offload_opt))) \
+ --enable-offload-defaulted
+ ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ CONFARGS += --without-cuda-driver
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring gdc, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ CONFARGS += --disable-libquadmath
+ifeq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ ifeq ($(findstring --disable-werror, $(CONFARGS)),)
+ CONFARGS += --disable-werror
+ endif
+ enable_checking = yes
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 arm64 mips64el ppc64 ppc64el s390x))
+ enable_checking = yes,extra,rtl
+ endif
+ enable_checking = yes
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), amd64 arm64 mips64el ppc64 ppc64el s390x))
+ enable_checking = yes,extra,rtl
+ endif
+ enable_checking = release
+CONFARGS += --enable-checking=$(enable_checking)
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --target=$(TARGET_ALIAS)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ --program-prefix=$(TARGET_ALIAS)- \
+ --includedir=/$(PFL)/include
+ifeq ($(with_bootstrap),off)
+ bootstrap_target =
+else ifeq ($(with_bootstrap),profiled)
+ bootstrap_target = profiledbootstrap
+ bootstrap_target = profiledbootstrap-lean
+else ifeq ($(with_bootstrap),)
+ ifneq (, $(filter $(PKGSOURCE),gcc-$(BASE_VERSION) gnat-$(BASE_VERSION) gcc-snapshot))
+ bootstrap_target = bootstrap
+ endif
+ ifneq (,$(DEB_STAGE))
+ bootstrap_target = bootstrap
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_lto_build),yes)
+ --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto-lean \
+ --enable-link-serialization=$(CPUS_LTOLINK)
+# this is the default, set in /usr/share/dejagnu/remote.exp
+# by a local dejagnu patch.
+# Increase the timeout for one testrun on slow architectures
+ifeq ($(derivative),Debian)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),armel armhf arm64))
+ else ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),hppa m68k riscv64 sparc))
+ else ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),x86_64 i386 i486 i586 i686))
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_GNU_SYSTEM),gnu)
+ endif
+else ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), armel armhf arm64))
+ else ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), riscv64))
+ else ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),x86_64 i386 i486 i586 i686 power))
+ endif
+ifneq ($(trunk_build),yes)
+ifeq ($(with_ssp),yes)
+ # the buildds are just slow ... don't check the non-default
+ ifneq (,$(findstring $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),hppa m68k mips sh4))
+ else ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),armel))
+ else
+ ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += $(if $(filter yes,$(with_ssp_default)),-fno-stack-protector,-fstack-protector)
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(derivative),Ubuntu)
+ ifneq (,$(findstring arm, $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU)))
+ ifeq ($(with_arm_thumb),yes)
+ #DEJAGNU_RUNS += -marm
+ else
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += -mthumb
+ endif
+ endif
+# no b-d on g++-multilib, this is run by the built compiler
+abi_run_check = $(strip $(if $(wildcard build/runcheck$(1).out), \
+ $(shell cat build/runcheck$(1).out), \
+ $(shell CC="$(builddir)/gcc/xg++ -B$(builddir)/gcc/ -static-libgcc $(1)" bash debian/
+ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += $(call abi_run_check,$(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),mips64 mips64el mipsn32 mipsn32el),-mabi=32,-m32))
+ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += $(call abi_run_check,$(if $(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH_CPU),mips mipsel),-mabi=64,-m64))
+ifeq ($(biarchn32),yes)
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += $(call abi_run_check,-mabi=n32)
+ifeq ($(biarchx32),yes)
+ DEJAGNU_RUNS += $(call abi_run_check,-mx32)
+# gdc is not multilib'd
+ifneq (,$(findstring gdc, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+# neither is gnat
+ifneq (,$(findstring gnat, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ifneq (,$(strip $(value DEJAGNU_RUNS)))
+ RUNTESTFLAGS = RUNTESTFLAGS="--target_board=unix\{,$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(DEJAGNU_RUNS)))\}"
+# PF is the installation prefix for the package without the leading slash.
+# It's "usr" for gcc releases.
+ifneq (,$(PF))
+ # use value set in the environment
+else ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ PF = usr/lib/gcc-snapshot
+else ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ PF = usr/lib/gcc-toolchain-$(BASE_VERSION)
+ PF = usr
+# PFL is the installation prefix with DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE attached for cross builds
+PFL = $(PF)
+# RPF is the base prefix or installation prefix with DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE attached for cross builds
+# DEP17: move to /usr in trixie and noble
+ifneq (,$(filter $(distrelease),jessie stretch buster bullseye bookworm precise trusty xenial bionic focal groovy hirsute impish jammy kinetic lunar mantic))
+ RPF =
+ RPF = $(PF)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ifneq ($(DEB_STAGE),rtlibs)
+ifeq ($(with_multiarch_lib),yes)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ libdir = lib
+ else
+ libdir = lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)
+ endif
+ libdir = lib
+configured_libdir = lib
+hppa64libexecdir= $(PF)/libexec
+# /usr/libexec doesn't follow the FHS
+ifeq ($(single_package),yes)
+ libdir = lib
+ libexecdir = $(PF)/libexec
+ versiondir = $(BASE_VERSION)
+ libexecdir = $(PF)/$(configured_libdir)
+ libexecdir = $(PF)/libexec
+ versiondir = $(BASE_VERSION)
+buildlibdir = $(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)
+# install cross compilers in /usr/lib/gcc-cross, native ones in /usr/lib/gcc
+gcc_subdir_name = gcc
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ gcc_subdir_name = gcc-cross
+ endif
+gcc_lib_dir = $(PF)/$(configured_libdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/$(versiondir)
+gcc_lexec_dir = $(libexecdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/$(versiondir)
+lib32loc = lib32
+ifneq (,$(findstring mips,$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)))
+lib32loc = libo32
+lib32 = $(PF)/$(lib32loc)
+lib64 = lib64
+libn32 = lib32
+libx32 = libx32
+p_l= $(1)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_d= $(1)-dbg$(cross_lib_arch)
+d_l= debian/$(p_l)
+d_d= debian/$(p_d)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ usr_lib = $(PFL)/lib
+ usr_lib = $(PFL)/$(libdir)
+usr_lib32 = $(PFL)/$(lib32loc)
+usr_libn32 = $(PFL)/lib32
+usr_libx32 = $(PFL)/libx32
+usr_lib64 = $(PFL)/lib64
+# FIXME: Move to the new location for native builds too
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ usr_libhf = $(PFL)/libhf
+ usr_libsf = $(PFL)/libsf
+ usr_libhf = $(PFL)/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
+ usr_libsf = $(PFL)/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(DEB_CROSS),rtlibs-yes)
+ libdir = lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)
+ usr_lib = $(PF)/lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)
+gcc_lib_dir32 = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarch32subdir)
+gcc_lib_dirn32 = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchn32subdir)
+gcc_lib_dirx32 = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchx32subdir)
+gcc_lib_dir64 = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarch64subdir)
+gcc_lib_dirhf = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchhfsubdir)
+gcc_lib_dirsf = $(gcc_lib_dir)/$(biarchsfsubdir)
+libgcc_dir = $(RPF)/$(libdir)
+# yes, really; lib32gcc_s ends up in usr
+libgcc_dir32 = $(PFL)/$(lib32loc)
+libgcc_dirn32 = $(RPF)/lib32
+# libx32gcc_s also ends up in usr
+libgcc_dirx32 = $(PFL)/libx32
+libgcc_dir64 = $(RPF)/lib64
+# FIXME: Move to the new location for native builds too
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ libgcc_dirhf = $(RPF)/libhf
+ libgcc_dirsf = $(RPF)/libsf
+ libgcc_dirhf = $(RPF)/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
+ libgcc_dirsf = $(RPF)/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi
+# install_gcc_lib(lib,soname,flavour,package)
+define install_gcc_lib
+ mv $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.a debian/$(4)/$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/
+ rm -f $(d)/$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1)*.{la,so}
+ dh_link -p$(4) \
+ /$(usr_lib$(3))/$(1).so.$(2) /$(gcc_lib_dir$(3))/$(1).so
+# do_strip_lib_dbg(pkg,pkg_dbg,version,excludes)
+define do_strip_lib_dbg
+ dh_strip -p$(strip $(1)) $(4) \
+ $(if $(with_dbg),--dbg-package=$(strip $(2)),--dbgsym-migration='$(strip $(2)) (<< $(strip $(3)))')
+checkdirs = $(builddir)
+ifeq ($(with_separate_go),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gccgo-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ checkdirs = $(buildlibdir)/libgo
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_separate_gnat),yes)
+ ifeq ($(PKGSOURCE),gnat-$(BASE_VERSION))
+ checkdirs = $(builddir)/gcc
+ endif
+# FIXME: MULTIARCH_DIRNAME needed for g++-multiarch-incdir.diff
+default: build
+configure: $(configure_dependencies)
+ touch $(configure_dummy_stamp)
+ dh_testdir
+ : # give information about the build process
+ @echo "------------------------ Build process variables ------------------------"
+ @echo "Memory on this machine:"
+ @egrep '^(Mem|Swap)' /proc/meminfo || true
+ @echo "Number of parallel processes used for the build: $(USE_CPUS)"
+ @echo "Package source: $(PKGSOURCE)"
+ @echo "GCC version: $(GCC_VERSION)"
+ @echo "Base Debian version: $(BASE_VERSION)"
+ @echo -e "Configured with: $(subst ___, ,$(foreach i,$(CONFARGS),$(i)\n\t))"
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ @echo "Building cross compiler for $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)"
+ @echo "Using shell $(SHELL)"
+ @echo "Architecture: $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) (GNU: $(TARGET_ALIAS))"
+ @echo "CFLAGS: $(CFLAGS)"
+ @echo "LDFLAGS: $(LDFLAGS)"
+ @echo "Install prefix: /$(PF)"
+ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch64),yes-yes)
+ @echo "Will build the triarch compilers (o32/n32/64, defaulting to o32)"
+else ifeq ($(biarchn32)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ @echo "Will build the triarch compilers (o32/n32/64, defaulting to 64)"
+else ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarch32),yes-yes)
+ @echo "Will build the triarch compilers (x32/64/32, defaulting to x32)"
+else ifeq ($(biarch64)-$(biarchx32),yes-yes)
+ @echo "Will build the triarch compilers (32/64/x32, defaulting to 32bit)"
+else ifeq ($(biarch32)-$(biarchx32),yes-yes)
+ @echo "Will build the triarch compilers (64/32/x32, defaulting to 64bit)"
+ ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the biarch compilers (32/64, defaulting to 32bit)"
+ else
+ ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the biarch compilers (64/32, defaulting to 64bit)"
+ else
+ @echo "Will not build the biarch compilers"
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_cxx),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the C++ compiler"
+ @echo "Will not build the C++ compiler: $(with_cxx)"
+ifeq ($(with_objc),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the ObjC compiler."
+ ifeq ($(with_objc_gc),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the extra ObjC runtime for garbage collection."
+ else
+ @echo "Will not build the extra ObjC runtime for garbage collection."
+ endif
+ @echo "Will not build the ObjC compiler: $(with_objc)"
+ifeq ($(with_objcxx),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the Obj-C++ compiler"
+ @echo "Will not build the Obj-C++ compiler: $(with_objcxx)"
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the Fortran 95 compiler."
+ @echo "Will not build the Fortran 95 compiler: $(with_fortran)"
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the Ada compiler."
+ ifeq ($(with_libgnat),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the shared Ada libraries."
+ else
+ @echo "Will not build the shared Ada libraries."
+ endif
+ @echo "Will not build the Ada compiler: $(with_ada)"
+ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the Go compiler."
+ @echo "Will not build the Go compiler: $(with_go)"
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the D compiler"
+ ifeq ($(with_phobos),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the phobos D runtime library."
+ else
+ @echo "Will not build the phobos D runtime library: $(with_phobos)"
+ endif
+ @echo "Will not build the D compiler: $(with_d)"
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ @echo "Will build the Modula-2 compiler."
+ @echo "Will not build the Modula-2 compiler: $(with_m2)"
+ifneq (,$(offload_targets))
+ @echo "Will build with offload compilers: $(offload_targets)."
+ @echo "Will build without offload compilers: $(with_offload_nvptx) / $(with_offload_gcn)"
+ifeq ($(with_ssp),yes)
+ @echo "Will build with SSP support."
+ @echo "Will build without SSP support: $(with_ssp)"
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ @echo "Will run the testsuite."
+ @echo "Will not run the testsuite: $(with_check)"
+ifeq ($(with_nls),yes)
+ @echo "Will enable national language support."
+ @echo "Will disable national language support: $(with_nls)"
+ @echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ @echo ""
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ @if echo "spawn true" | /usr/bin/expect -f - >/dev/null; then \
+ : ; \
+ else \
+ echo "expect is failing on your system with the above error, which means the GCC"; \
+ echo "testsuite will fail. Please resolve the above issues and retry the build."; \
+ echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ rm -f $(configure_stamp) $(build_stamp)
+ cat debian/README.Debian $(patch_stamp) > debian/README.Debian.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ rm -rf $(builddir)
+ mkdir $(builddir)
+ifneq (,$(filter musl-%,$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)))
+ # We have to unconditionally link -lssp_nonshared on musl (see
+ # musl-ssp.diff). While gcc provides it, it comes a little late in the
+ # build for bootstrapping so we provide an empty one.
+ mkdir $(builddir)/gcc
+ ar rcs $(builddir)/gcc/libssp_nonshared.a
+ : # some tools like gettext are built with a newer libstdc++
+ mkdir -p bin
+ for i in msgfmt; do \
+ install -m755 debian/ bin/$$i; \
+ done
+ : # configure
+ cd $(builddir) \
+ && $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(call pass_vars, CC CXX GDC $(flags_to_pass) \
+ ../src/configure $(subst ___, ,$(CONFARGS))
+ : # multilib builds without b-d on gcc-multilib (used in FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)
+ if [ -d /usr/include/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/asm ]; then \
+ mkdir -p $(builddir)/sys-include; \
+ ln -sf /usr/include/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/asm $(builddir)/sys-include/asm; \
+ fi
+ touch $(configure_stamp)
+build: $(sort $(build_arch_dependencies) $(build_indep_dependencies))
+build-arch: $(build_arch_dependencies)
+build-indep: $(build_indep_dependencies)
+ touch $(build_dummy_stamp)
+ifeq ($(locale_data)-$(with_cxx),generate-yes)
+ : # build locales needed by libstdc++ testsuite
+ rm -rf locales
+ mkdir locales
+ -USE_CPUS=$(USE_CPUS) sh debian/locale-gen
+ touch $(build_locale_stamp)
+ifeq ($(distribution)-$(DEB_HOST_ARCH),Ubuntu-armhf)
+$(build_stamp): $(configure_stamp) $(build_locale_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -f bootstrap-protocol*
+ @echo TTTTT $$(date -R)
+ifeq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ : # build native compiler
+ set +e; \
+ set -o pipefail; \
+ try=0; \
+ while [ $$try -lt $(MAX_BUILD_TRIES) ]; do \
+ try=$$(expr $$try + 1); \
+ echo "=========== BUILD ($$try) =========="; \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir) $(bootstrap_target) \
+ $(call pass_vars, CC $(flags_to_pass) \
+ 2>&1 | tee bootstrap-protocol$$try \
+ ; \
+ status=$$?; \
+ echo $$status > status; \
+ echo === TIME $@ ===; \
+ if [ $$status -eq 0 ] || [ $$try -eq $(MAX_BUILD_TRIES) ]; then \
+ exit $$status; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+else ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type),build-cross cross-build-native cross-build-cross))
+ : # build cross compiler for $(TARGET_ALIAS)
+ ( \
+ set +e; \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir) \
+ $(call pass_vars, BOOT_CFLAGS BOOT_LDFLAGS \
+ ; \
+ echo $$? > status; \
+ echo === TIME $@ ===; \
+ ) 2>&1 | tee bootstrap-protocol
+ @echo TTTTT $$(date -R)
+ s=`cat status`; rm -f status; \
+ if [ $$s -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMP$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMPS" ]; then \
+ for log in $$(find $(builddir) -name config.log); do \
+ case "$$log" in */build/build-*|*/stage1-*|*/prev-*) continue; esac; \
+ echo LOGFILE START $$log; \
+ cat $$log; \
+ echo LOGFILE END $$log; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ test $$s -eq 0
+ for h in $$(find $(builddir) -name omp.h); do \
+ echo "=================== OMP_H HEADER $$h ====================== "; \
+ cat $$h; \
+ done
+ if [ -f $(srcdir)/contrib/warn_summary ]; then \
+ rm -f bootstrap-summary; \
+ /bin/sh $(srcdir)/contrib/warn_summary $$(ls bootstrap-protocol* | head -1) \
+ > bootstrap-summary; \
+ fi
+ touch $(build_stamp)
+ @echo === END $@ ===
+ifneq ($(build_type),build-native)
+ BUILT_CC = $(CC)
+ BUILT_CC = $(builddir)/gcc/xgcc -B$(builddir)/gcc/
+ BUILT_CXX = $(builddir)/gcc/xg++ -B$(builddir)/gcc/ \
+ -B$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libatomic/.libs \
+ -B$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \
+ -B$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs \
+ -I$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/include \
+ -I$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/include/$(TARGET_ALIAS) \
+ -I$(srcdir)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ \
+ -L$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libatomic/.libs \
+ -L$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \
+ -L$(builddir)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs
+ $(filter-out --enable-languages=% \
+ --enable-libstdcxx-debug %bootstrap,\
+ $(CONFARGS)) \
+ --enable-languages=c++,jit \
+ --enable-host-shared \
+ --disable-bootstrap
+# are other libs also safe to disable?
+ --disable-libada \
+ --disable-libgfortran \
+ --disable-libgm2 \
+ --disable-libgo \
+ --disable-libphobos \
+ --disable-libquadmath \
+$(configure_jit_stamp): $(build_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -f $(configure_jit_stamp) $(build_jit_stamp)
+ rm -rf $(builddir_jit)
+ mkdir $(builddir_jit)
+ : # configure jit
+ cd $(builddir_jit) && \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ CC="$(BUILT_CC)" \
+ CXX="$(BUILT_CXX)" \
+ ../src/configure $(subst ___, ,$(CONFARGS_JIT))
+ touch $(configure_jit_stamp)
+$(build_jit_stamp): $(configure_jit_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ ( \
+ set +e; \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir_jit) \
+ $(call pass_vars, BOOT_CFLAGS BOOT_LDFLAGS \
+ ; \
+ echo $$? > status; \
+ echo === TIME $@ ===; \
+ ) 2>&1 | tee jit-protocol
+ s=`cat status`; rm -f status; \
+ if [ $$s -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMP$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMPS" ]; then \
+ for log in $$(find $(builddir_jit) -name config.log); do \
+ case "$$log" in */build/build-*|*/stage1-*|*/prev-*) continue; esac; \
+ echo LOGFILE START $$log; \
+ cat $$log; \
+ echo LOGFILE END $$log; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ test $$s -eq 0
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ # FIXME: #782444
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64))
+ -DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) gcc-ice=nodump,norepro' \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir_jit)/gcc check-jit \
+ mkdir -p $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit
+ cp -p $(builddir_jit)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.{log,sum} \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/.
+ endif
+ : # do the install in the build target, to save disk space
+ rm -rf $(d)-jit
+ mkdir -p $(d)-jit/$(PF)
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir_jit) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d)-jit \
+ install
+ find $(d)-jit ! -type d
+ mkdir -p $(d)-jit/$(usr_lib)
+ mkdir -p $(d)-jit/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include
+ mv $(d)-jit/$(PF)/include/libgccjit*.h \
+ $(d)-jit/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include/.
+ifneq ($(PF)/lib,$(usr_lib))
+ mv $(d)-jit/$(PF)/lib/* \
+ $(d)-jit/$(usr_lib)/.
+ cd $(d)-jit && tar cvfJ ../../installed-jit.tar.xz \
+ $(gcc_lib_dir)/include/libgccjit*.h \
+ $(usr_lib)/* \
+ $(PF)/share/info/libgccjit*
+ rm -rf $(d)-jit
+ifeq ($(save_disk_space),yes)
+ rm -rf $(builddir_jit)
+ touch $(build_jit_stamp)
+ @echo === END $@ ===
+ --prefix=/$(PF) \
+ --libexecdir=/$(libexecdir) \
+ --with-gcc-major-version-only \
+ --disable-bootstrap \
+ --disable-sjlj-exceptions \
+ --enable-newlib-io-long-long \
+ --target=nvptx-none \
+ --enable-as-accelerator-for=$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,lto \
+ --enable-checking=release \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --without-isl
+# --with-build-time-tools=/$(PF)/nvptx-none/bin
+CONFARGS_NVPTX += --program-prefix=nvptx-none-
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ CONFARGS_NVPTX += --program-suffix=-$(BASE_VERSION)
+# FIXME: must not be run in parallel with jit and hppa64 builds ...
+$(configure_nvptx_stamp): $(build_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_hppa64)), $(build_hppa64_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -f $(configure_nvptx_stamp) $(build_nvptx_stamp)
+ rm -rf src-nvptx $(builddir_nvptx)
+ cp -al src src-nvptx
+ rm -rf src-nvptx/newlib
+ cp -a $(newlib_srcdir)/newlib src-nvptx/newlib
+ mkdir $(builddir_nvptx)
+ : # configure nvptx offload
+ cd $(builddir_nvptx) && \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ CC="$(BUILT_CC)" \
+ CXX="$(BUILT_CXX)" \
+ ../src-nvptx/configure $(subst ___, ,$(CONFARGS_NVPTX))
+ touch $(configure_nvptx_stamp)
+$(build_nvptx_stamp): $(configure_nvptx_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_hppa64)), $(build_hppa64_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ ln -sf ../$(newlib_srcdir)/newlib $(srcdir)/newlib
+ ( \
+ set +e; \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir_nvptx) \
+ $(call pass_vars, BOOT_CFLAGS BOOT_LDFLAGS \
+ ; \
+ echo $$? > status; \
+ echo === TIME $@ ===; \
+ ) 2>&1 | tee nvptx-protocol
+ s=`cat status`; rm -f status; \
+ if [ $$s -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMP$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMPS" ]; then \
+ for log in $$(find $(builddir_nvptx) -name config.log); do \
+ case "$$log" in */build/build-*|*/stage1-*|*/prev-*) continue; esac; \
+ echo LOGFILE START $$log; \
+ cat $$log; \
+ echo LOGFILE END $$log; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ test $$s -eq 0
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/newlib
+ touch $(build_nvptx_stamp)
+ @echo === END $@ ===
+ --prefix=/$(PF) \
+ --libexecdir=/$(libexecdir) \
+ --with-gcc-major-version-only \
+ --disable-bootstrap \
+ --disable-sjlj-exceptions \
+ --enable-newlib-io-long-long \
+ --target=$(gcn_target_name) \
+ --enable-as-accelerator-for=$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --enable-languages=c,fortran,lto \
+ --enable-checking=release \
+ --disable-libstdcxx-pch \
+ --disable-libquadmath-support \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --without-isl \
+ --without-gnu-as \
+ --without-gnu-ld \
+ --with-build-time-tools=$(CURDIR)/bin-gcn
+# --without-headers \
+CONFARGS_GCN += --program-prefix=$(gcn_target_name)-
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ CONFARGS_GCN += --program-suffix=-$(BASE_VERSION)
+# FIXME: must not be run in parallel with jit and hppa64 builds ...
+$(configure_gcn_stamp): $(build_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_hppa64)), $(build_hppa64_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx)), $(build_nvptx_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -rf bin-gcn
+ifeq ($(gcn_tools_llvm_version),tools)
+ ln -s /usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin bin-gcn
+ mkdir bin-gcn
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar bin-gcn/ar
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc bin-gcn/as
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld bin-gcn/ld
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm bin-gcn/nm
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib bin-gcn/ranlib
+ ls -l /
+ ls -l /usr
+ -ls -l usr/$(gcn_target_name)
+ -ls -l usr/$(gcn_target_name)/bin
+ ls -l bin-gcn
+ ls -lL bin-gcn
+ bin-gcn/as --version
+ bin-gcn/ld --version
+ rm -f $(configure_gcn_stamp) $(build_gcn_stamp)
+ rm -rf src-gcn $(builddir_gcn)
+ cp -al src src-gcn
+ rm -rf src-gcn/newlib
+ cp -a $(newlib_srcdir)/newlib src-gcn/newlib
+ mkdir $(builddir_gcn)
+ : # configure gcn offload
+ cd $(builddir_gcn) && \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ CC="$(BUILT_CC)" \
+ CXX="$(BUILT_CXX)" \
+ ../src-gcn/configure $(subst ___, ,$(CONFARGS_GCN))
+ touch $(configure_gcn_stamp)
+$(build_gcn_stamp): $(configure_gcn_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_hppa64)), $(build_hppa64_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_offload_nvptx)), $(build_nvptx_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ ln -sf ../$(newlib_srcdir)/newlib $(srcdir)/newlib
+ ( \
+ set +e; \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir_gcn) \
+ $(call pass_vars, BOOT_CFLAGS BOOT_LDFLAGS \
+ ; \
+ echo $$? > status; \
+ echo === TIME $@ ===; \
+ ) 2>&1 | tee amdgcn-protocol
+ s=`cat status`; rm -f status; \
+ if [ $$s -ne 0 ] && [ -z "$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMP$$NO_CONFIG_LOG_DUMPS" ]; then \
+ for log in $$(find $(builddir_gcn) -name config.log); do \
+ case "$$log" in */build/build-*|*/stage1-*|*/prev-*) continue; esac; \
+ echo LOGFILE START $$log; \
+ cat $$log; \
+ echo LOGFILE END $$log; \
+ done; \
+ fi; \
+ test $$s -eq 0
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/newlib
+ touch $(build_gcn_stamp)
+ @echo === END $@ ===
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ hppa64_configure_flags += --program-suffix=-$(BASE_VERSION)
+$(configure_hppa64_stamp): $(build_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -f $(configure_hppa64_stamp) $(build_hppa64_stamp)
+ rm -rf $(builddir_hppa64)
+ mkdir $(builddir_hppa64)
+ : # configure hppa64
+ cd $(builddir_hppa64) && \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ CC="$(BUILT_CC)" \
+ CXX="$(BUILT_CXX)" \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ ../src/configure \
+ --enable-languages=c \
+ --prefix=/$(PF) \
+ --libexecdir=/$(hppa64libexecdir) \
+ --with-gcc-major-version-only \
+ --disable-shared \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --disable-threads \
+ --disable-libatomic \
+ --disable-libgomp \
+ --disable-libitm \
+ --disable-libssp \
+ --disable-libquadmath \
+ --enable-plugin \
+ --with-system-zlib \
+ --with-as=/usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-as \
+ --with-ld=/usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-ld \
+ --includedir=/usr/hppa64-linux-gnu/include \
+ --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) \
+ --target=hppa64-linux-gnu
+ touch $(configure_hppa64_stamp)
+$(build_hppa64_stamp): $(configure_hppa64_stamp) \
+ $(if $(filter yes, $(with_jit)), $(build_jit_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ if [ -f $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h ]; then \
+ if [ ! -f $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h.saved ]; then \
+ mv $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h.saved; \
+ fi; \
+ echo '/* Empty distro-defaults for hppa64 cross build */' \
+ > $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h; \
+ fi
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(builddir_hppa64) \
+ $(call pass_vars, \
+ if [ -f $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h.saved ]; then \
+ mv -f $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h.saved $(srcdir)/gcc/distro-defaults.h; \
+ fi
+ : # do the install in the build target, to save disk space
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)
+ mkdir -p $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir_hppa64) \
+ $(call pass_vars, CC $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d_hppa64) \
+ install
+ : # remove files not needed
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/info $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/share/info
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/man $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/share/man
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(BASE_VERSION)/plugin
+ rm -f $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/libiberty.a
+ rm -f $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/libcc1.*
+ rm -f $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/bin/*{gcov,gcov-dump,gcov-tool,gccbug,gcc,lto-dump}
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/hppa64-linux-gnu
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(BASE_VERSION)/install-tools
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(BASE_VERSION)/g++-mapper-server
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(BASE_VERSION)/include-fixed
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ for i in cpp gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib; do \
+ mv -f $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-$$i \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-$$i$(pkg_ver); \
+ done
+ mkdir -p $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/share/man/man1
+ for i in gcc-ar gcc-nm gcc-ranlib; do \
+ ln -sf $$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/hppa64-linux-gnu-$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz; \
+ done
+ifneq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ for i in cpp gcc; do \
+ ln -sf $$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/hppa64-linux-gnu-$$i$(pkg_ver).1.gz; \
+ done
+ : # remove '*.la' and '*.lai' files, not shipped in any package.
+ find $(d_hppa64) -name '*.la' -o -name '*.lai' | xargs -r rm -f
+ : # remove rpath settings from binaries and shared libs
+ for i in $$(chrpath -k $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/bin/* $(d_hppa64)/$(PFL)/lib*/lib*.so.* \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/* \
+ $(if $(filter $(with_multiarch_lib),yes), \
+ $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/lib*.so.*) \
+ 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '/R(UN)?PATH=/ {print $$1}'); \
+ do \
+ [ -h $$i ] && continue; \
+ chrpath --delete $$i; \
+ echo "removed RPATH/RUNPATH: $$i"; \
+ done
+ : # fix permissions of
+ chmod 644 $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)/libexec/gcc/hppa64-linux-gnu/$(BASE_VERSION)/
+ cd $(d_hppa64) && tar cvfJ ../../installed-hppa64.tar.xz usr
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)
+ifeq ($(save_disk_space),yes)
+ rm -rf $(builddir_hppa64)
+ touch $(build_hppa64_stamp)
+ @echo === END $@ ===
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/gccint.texi \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/gcc.texi \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/cpp.texi \
+ $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/cppinternals.texi
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/gcc/fortran/gfortran.texi
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
+ifeq ($(with_gomp),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/libgomp/libgomp.texi
+ifeq ($(with_itm),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/libitm/libitm.texi
+ifeq ($(with_qmath),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/libquadmath/libquadmath.texi
+ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/gcc/go/gccgo.texi
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/gcc/d/gdc.texi
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ MANUALS += $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/gm2.texi
+html-docs: $(build_html_stamp)
+#$(build_html_stamp): $(stampdir)/05-build-html-split
+$(build_html_stamp): $(stampdir)/05-build-html-nosplit
+html-makeinfo-split: $(stampdir)/05-build-html-split
+$(stampdir)/05-build-html-split: $(build_stamp)
+ mkdir -p html
+ rm -f html/*.html
+ cd $(builddir)/gcc; \
+ echo -n $(MANUALS) | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) -I{} \
+ sh -c 'outname=`basename {} .texi`.html; \
+ outname=`basename {} .texi`; \
+ echo "generating $$outname ..."; \
+ makeinfo --html --number-sections \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/include -I `dirname {}` \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/p/doc \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/p/doc/generated \
+ -I $(builddir)/gcc \
+ -I $(builddir)/gcc/m2 \
+ -I $(buildlibdir)/libquadmath \
+ -o $${outname} \
+ {}'
+ touch $@
+html-makeinfo-nosplit: $(stampdir)/05-build-html-nosplit
+$(stampdir)/05-build-html-nosplit: $(build_stamp)
+ mkdir -p html
+ rm -f html/*.html
+ cd $(builddir)/gcc; \
+ echo -n $(MANUALS) | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) -I{} \
+ sh -c 'outname=`basename {} .texi`.html; \
+ echo "generating $$outname ..."; \
+ makeinfo --html --number-sections --no-split \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/doc/include -I `dirname {}` \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/p/doc \
+ -I $(srcdir)/gcc/p/doc/generated \
+ -I $(builddir)/gcc \
+ -I $(builddir)/gcc/m2 \
+ -I $(buildlibdir)/libquadmath \
+ -o $(CURDIR)/html/$${outname} \
+ {}'
+ touch $@
+# start the script only on architectures known to have slow autobuilders ...
+logwatch_archs := alpha arm m68k mips mipsel mips64el riscv64 sparc
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU), $(findstring $(DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU),$(logwatch_archs)))
+ start_logwatch = yes
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM),gnu)
+ start_logwatch = yes
+check: $(check_stamp)
+$(check_stamp): $(filter $(build_stamp) $(build_jit_stamp) $(build_hppa64_stamp) $(build_nvptx_stamp) $(build_gcn_stamp), $(build_dependencies)) \
+ $(if $(filter nvptx-none, $(offload_targets)), $(install_nvptx_stamp)) \
+ $(if $(filter $(gcn_target_name), $(offload_targets)), $(install_gcn_stamp))
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ rm -f test-protocol
+ rm -f $(builddir)/runcheck*
+ -chmod 755 $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary
+ : # needed for the plugin tests to succeed
+ ln -sf gcc $(builddir)/prev-gcc
+ ln -sf $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE) $(builddir)/prev-$(DEB_TARGET_GNU_TYPE)
+ifneq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_cxx),yes)
+ ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), armel armhf mipsel mips64el))
+ : # libstdc++6 built from newer gcc-X source, run testsuite against the installed lib
+ : # jit test results should not end up in the libstdc++-test-summary report
+ if [ -f $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.sum ]; then \
+ mv $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.log $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.LOG; \
+ mv $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.sum $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.SUM; \
+ fi
+ sed 's/-L[^ "]*//g' $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/scripts/testsuite_flags \
+ > $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/scripts/testsuite_flags.installed
+ -$(ULIMIT_M); \
+ set +e; \
+ for d in $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite; do \
+ echo "Running testsuite in $$d ..."; \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ DEB_GCC_NO_O3=1 \
+ $(MAKE) -k -C $$d $(NJOBS_TESTS) check $(RUNTESTFLAGS); \
+ done 2>&1 | tee test-protocol2
+ cd $(builddir); \
+ $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary -m "$(S_EMAIL)" > ../raw-test-summary
+ -( \
+ sed -n '/^Mail/s/.*"\([^"][^"]*\)".*/\1/p' raw-test-summary; \
+ awk '/^cat/, /^EOF/' raw-test-summary | grep -v EOF; \
+ ) > libstdc++-test-summary
+ echo 'BEGIN installed libstdc++-v3 test-summary'
+ cat libstdc++-test-summary
+ echo 'END installed libstdc++-v3 test-summary'
+ find $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite -name '*.log' -o -name '*.sum' \
+ | xargs -r rm -f
+ if [ -f $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.SUM ]; then \
+ mv $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.LOG $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.log; \
+ mv $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.SUM $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/jit/jit.sum; \
+ fi
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(start_logwatch),yes)
+ : # start logwatch script for regular output during test runs
+ chmod +x debian/
+ -debian/ -t 900 -p $(builddir)/ \
+ -m '\ntestsuite still running ...\n' \
+ test-protocol \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/gcc/gcc.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/g++/g++.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/gfortran/gfortran.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/objc/objc.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/obj-c++/obj-c++.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/gnat/gnat.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/acats.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/gfortran/gfortran.log \
+ $(builddir)/gcc/p/test/test_log \
+ $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++.log \
+ $(buildlibdir)/libgomp/testsuite/libgomp.log \
+ $(buildlibdir)/libffi/testsuite/libffi.log \
+ &
+ : # FIXME:
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/libphobos/testsuite/libphobos.gc/forkgc2.d
+ -$(ULIMIT_M); \
+ set +e; \
+ for d in $(checkdirs); do \
+ echo "Running testsuite in $$d ..."; \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) gcc-ice=nodump,norepro' \
+ DEB_GCC_NO_O3=1 \
+ $(time_command) $(MAKE) -k -C $$d $(NJOBS_TESTS) check $(RUNTESTFLAGS); \
+ done 2>&1 | tee test-protocol
+ -ps aux | fgrep logwatch | fgrep -v fgrep
+ -if [ -f $(builddir)/ ]; then \
+ kill -1 `cat $(builddir)/`; \
+ sleep 1; \
+ kill -9 `cat $(builddir)/`; \
+ rm -f $(builddir)/; \
+ fi
+ -ps aux | fgrep logwatch | fgrep -v fgrep
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ -if [ -f $(builddir)/ ]; then \
+ kill -1 `cat $(builddir)/`; \
+ sleep 1; \
+ kill -9 `cat $(builddir)/`; \
+ rm -f $(builddir)/; \
+ fi
+ if [ -x $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary ]; then \
+ rm -f test-summary; \
+ ( \
+ cd $(builddir); \
+ echo '' > ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ if [ -f $(builddir)/gcc/.bad_compare ]; then \
+ echo 'Bootstrap comparison failure:' >> ts-include; \
+ cat $(builddir)/gcc/.bad_compare >> ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "Build Dependencies:" >> ts-include; \
+ dpkg -l g++-* binutils* `echo '$(LIBC_DEP)' | awk '{print $$1}'` \
+ libgmp*-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libisl-dev \
+ | fgrep -v '<none>' >> ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ cat ../$(patch_stamp) >> ts-include; \
+ $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary \
+ -i ts-include -m "$(S_EMAIL)" \
+ ) > raw-test-summary; \
+ if [ -n "$(testsuite_tarball)" ]; then \
+ echo "Test suite used: $(testsuite_srcdir)" > test-summary; \
+ echo " Do not interpret the results on its own" >> test-summary; \
+ echo " but compare them with the results from" >> test-summary; \
+ echo " the gcc-snapshot package." >> test-summary; \
+ fi; \
+ sed -n '/^Mail/s/.*"\([^"][^"]*\)".*/\1/p' raw-test-summary \
+ >> test-summary; \
+ awk '/^cat/, /^EOF/' raw-test-summary | grep -v EOF >> test-summary; \
+ if [ -f bootstrap-summary -a "$(bootstrap_target)" != profiledbootstrap ]; then \
+ echo '' >> test-summary; \
+ cat bootstrap-summary >> test-summary; \
+ fi; \
+ echo 'BEGIN test-summary'; \
+ cat test-summary; \
+ echo 'END test-summary'; \
+ fi
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ : # the D test failures for the non-default multilibs are known, ignore them
+ egrep -v '^(FAIL|UNRESOLVED): (runnable|fail_c|comp)' test-summary > test-summary.tmp
+ mv -f test-summary.tmp test-summary
+ : # prepare the inclusion of the test results
+ rm -rf $(d_tst)
+ mkdir -p $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test
+ for i in test-summary testsuite-comparision; do \
+ [ -f $$i ] || continue; \
+ cp -p $$i $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/$$i; \
+ done
+# more than one libgo.sum, avoid it
+ cp -p $$(find $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite -maxdepth 2 \( -name '*.sum' -o -name '*.log' \)) \
+ $$(find $(buildlibdir)/*/testsuite -maxdepth 1 \( -name '*.sum' -o -name '*.log' \) ! -name 'libgo.*') \
+ $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/
+ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ cp -p $(buildlibdir)/libgo/libgo.sum \
+ $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/
+ifeq (0,1)
+ cd $(builddir); \
+ for i in $(CURDIR)/$(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/*.sum; do \
+ b=$$(basename $$i); \
+ if [ -f /usr/share/doc/$(p_xbase)/test/$$b.gz ]; then \
+ zcat /usr/share/doc/$(p_xbase)/test/$$b.gz > /tmp/$$b; \
+ if sh $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary /tmp/$$b $$i; then \
+ echo "$$b: OK"; \
+ else \
+ echo "$$b: FAILURES"; \
+ fi; \
+ rm -f /tmp/$$b; \
+ else \
+ echo "Test summary for $$b is not available"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ifneq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+ if [ -f libstdc++-test-summary ]; then \
+ cp libstdc++-test-summary \
+ $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/libstdc++-installed-test-summary; \
+ fi
+ if [ -f $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++-installed.LOG ]; then \
+ cp $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++-installed.LOG \
+ $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/libstdc++-installed.log; \
+ cp $(buildlibdir)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/libstdc++-installed.SUM \
+ $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/libstdc++-installed.sum; \
+ fi
+ if which xz 2>&1 >/dev/null; then \
+ echo -n $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/test/* \
+ | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) xz -9v; \
+ fi
+ -cp usage-*.svg $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/.
+ -if which xz 2>&1 >/dev/null; then \
+ echo -n $(d_tst)/$(docdir)/$(p_xbase)/*.svg \
+ | xargs -d ' ' -L 1 -P $(USE_CPUS) xz -9v; \
+ fi
+ cd $(d_tst) && tar cvf ../../installed-testlogs.tar usr
+ rm -rf $(d_tst)
+ifeq ($(save_disk_space),yes)
+ rm -rf $(builddir)/gcc/testsuite/*
+ rm -f usage-*.svg
+ touch $(check_stamp)
+$(check_inst_stamp): $(check_stamp)
+ rm -f test-inst-protocol
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ifeq ($(start_logwatch),yes)
+ : # start logwatch script for regular output during test runs
+ chmod +x debian/
+ -debian/ -t 900 -p $(builddir)/ \
+ -m '\ntestsuite (3.3) still running ...\n' \
+ test-inst-protocol \
+ check-inst/{gcc,g++,g77,objc}.log \
+ &
+ rm -rf check-inst
+ mkdir check-inst
+ echo "Running testsuite ..."
+ -$(ULIMIT_M) ; \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) gcc-ice=nodump,norepro' \
+ cd check-inst && $(srcdir)/contrib/test_installed \
+ --with-gcc=gcc-$(CC) --with-g++=$(CXX) --with-g77=$(subst gcc,gfortran,$(CC)) \
+ 2>&1 | tee test-inst-protocol
+ -ps aux | fgrep logwatch | fgrep -v fgrep
+ if [ -f $(builddir)/ ]; then \
+ kill -1 `cat $(builddir)/`; \
+ else \
+ true; \
+ fi
+ -ps aux | fgrep logwatch | fgrep -v fgrep
+ -chmod 755 $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary
+ if [ -x $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary ]; then \
+ rm -f test-inst-summary; \
+ ( \
+ cd check-inst; \
+ echo '' > ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ echo "Build Dependencies:" >> ts-include; \
+ dpkg -l g++-* binutils* `echo '$(LIBC_DEP)' | awk '{print $$1}'` \
+ libgmp*-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libisl*-dev \
+ | fgrep -v '<none>' >> ts-include; \
+ echo '' >> ts-include; \
+ echo 'Results for the installed GCC-3.3 compilers' >> ts-include; \
+ $(srcdir)/contrib/test_summary \
+ -i ts-include -m "$(S_EMAIL)" \
+ ) > raw-test-inst-summary; \
+ sed -n '/^Mail/s/.*"\([^"][^"]*\)".*/\1/p' raw-test-inst-summary \
+ >> test-inst-summary; \
+ awk '/^cat/, /^EOF/' raw-test-inst-summary \
+ | grep -v EOF >> test-inst-summary; \
+ echo 'BEGIN test-installed-summary'; \
+ cat test-inst-summary; \
+ echo 'END test-installed-summary'; \
+ fi
+ chmod 755 debian/reduce-test-diff.awk
+ if diff -u test-inst-summary test-summary \
+ | debian/reduce-test-diff.awk > diff-summary; \
+ then \
+ mv -f diff-summary testsuite-comparision; \
+ else \
+ ( \
+ echo "WARNING: New failures in gcc-3.4 compared to gcc-3.3"; \
+ echo ''; \
+ cat diff-summary; \
+ ) > testsuite-comparision; \
+ rm -f diff-summary; \
+ fi
+ touch $(check_inst_stamp)
+clean: debian/control
+ dh_testdir
+ rm -f pxxx status
+ rm -f *-summary *-protocol testsuite-comparision summary-diff
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/gcc/po/*.gmo
+ rm -rf src-nvptx src-gcn
+ rm -f debian/lib{gcc,objc,stdc++}{-v3,[0-9]}*.{{pre,post}{inst,rm},shlibs}
+ fs=`echo debian/*BV* debian/*CXX* debian/*LC* debian/*MF* | sort -u`; \
+ for f in $$fs; do \
+ [ -f $$f ] || continue; \
+ f2=$$(echo $$f \
+ | sed 's/BV/$(BASE_VERSION)/;s/CXX/$(CXX_SONAME)/;s/LC/$(GCC_SONAME)/;s/-CRB/$(cross_bin_arch)/;s/\.in$$//'); \
+ rm -f $$f2; \
+ done
+ rm -f debian/lib*gcc-s1.symbols
+ rm -f debian/lib*{atomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME),gfortran$(FORTRAN_SONAME),gomp$(GOMP_SONAME),itm$(ITM_SONAME),quadmath$(QUADMATH_SONAME),stdc++$(CXX_SONAME)}.symbols
+ find debian -maxdepth 1 -name '*-cross.symbols' -type l | xargs -r rm -f
+ rm -f debian/gcc-{XX,ar,nm,ranlib}-$(BASE_VERSION).1
+ rm -f debian/shlibs.local debian/shlibs.common* debian/substvars.local
+ rm -f debian/*.debhelper
+ -[ -d debian/bugs ] && $(MAKE) -C debian/bugs clean
+ rm -f debian/README.libstdc++-baseline debian/README.Bugs debian/README.Debian.$(DEB_TARGET_ARCH)
+ rm -f debian/arch_binaries* debian/indep_binaries*
+ rm -rf bin bin-gcn locales share
+ rm -rf check-inst
+ rm -f usage-*.svg
+ rm -f installed-*.tar*
+ dh_clean
+ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-cross cross-build-cross))
+ $(cross_clean) dh_clean
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# some abbrevations for the package names and directories;
+# p_XXX is the package name, d_XXX is the package directory
+# these macros are only used in the binary-* targets.
+ifeq ($(versioned_packages),yes)
+ pkg_ver := -$(BASE_VERSION)
+# if native or rtlibs build
+ifeq ($(if $(filter yes,$(DEB_CROSS)),$(if $(filter rtlibs,$(DEB_STAGE)),native,cross),native),native)
+ p_base = gcc$(pkg_ver)-base
+ p_lbase = $(p_base)
+ p_xbase = gcc$(pkg_ver)-base
+ p_gcc = gcc$(pkg_ver)
+ p_cpp = cpp$(pkg_ver)
+ p_cppd = cpp$(pkg_ver)-doc
+ p_cxx = g++$(pkg_ver)
+ p_doc = gcc$(pkg_ver)-doc
+ # only triggered if DEB_CROSS set
+ p_base = gcc$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)-base
+ p_lbase = gcc$(pkg_ver)-cross-base$(GCC_PORTS_BUILD)
+ p_xbase = gcc$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)-base
+ p_cpp = cpp$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+ p_gcc = gcc$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+ p_cxx = g++$(pkg_ver)$(cross_bin_arch)
+p_hppa64 = gcc$(pkg_ver)-hppa64-linux-gnu
+# needed for shlibs.common* generation
+ifeq (,$(p_lgcc))
+ p_lgcc = libgcc-s$(GCC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+ifeq (,$(p_lib))
+ p_lib = libstdc++$(CXX_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)
+p_tst = gcc$(pkg_ver)-test-results
+d = debian/tmp
+d_base = debian/$(p_base)
+d_xbase = debian/$(p_xbase)
+d_gcc = debian/$(p_gcc)
+d_cpp = debian/$(p_cpp)
+d_cppd = debian/$(p_cppd)
+d_cxx = debian/$(p_cxx)
+d_doc = debian/$(p_doc)
+d_lgcc = debian/$(p_lgcc)
+d_hppa64= debian/$(p_hppa64)
+d_tst = debian/$(p_tst)
+common_substvars = \
+ $(shell awk "{printf \"'-V%s' \", \$$0}" debian/substvars.local)
+ifeq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ lib_binaries := indep_binaries
+ lib_binaries := arch_binaries
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-snapshot, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ include debian/rules.d/
+else ifneq (,$(findstring gcc-toolchain, $(PKGSOURCE)))
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
+ifeq ($(with_source),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifneq ($(BACKPORT),true)
+ifeq ($(with_gccbase),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifneq ($(with_base_only),yes)
+# always include to get some definitions
+include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libqmath),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libgmath),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libgomp),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libitm),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libatomic),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libbacktrace),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libssp),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_objcxx),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_objc),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_go),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_cxxdev),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_cxx),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libasan),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_liblsan),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libtsan),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libubsan),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libhwasan),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libvtv),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_f77),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_d),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_rs),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libcc1),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_offload_nvptx),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_offload_gcn),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_libnof),yes)
+ ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),powerpc)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ endif
+ifeq ($(with_softfloat),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+# gcc must be moved/built after g77 and g++
+ifeq ($(with_cdev),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ include debian/rules.d/
+endif # with_base_only
+endif # BACKPORT
+endif # ($(single_package),yes)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+install: $(install_dependencies)
+$(install_dummy_stamp): $(build_dummy_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ touch $(install_dummy_stamp)
+$(install_snap_stamp): $(build_dependencies)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_prep
+ : # Install directories
+ rm -rf $(d)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ : # install files prepared in the hppa64 build target
+ cd $(d) && tar xvf ../../installed-hppa64.tar.xz
+ : # Install everything
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d) \
+ infodir=/$(PF)/share/info \
+ mandir=/$(PF)/share/man \
+ install
+ ls -l $(d)/$(PF)/bin
+ for i in ar nm ranlib; do \
+ cp debian/gcc-$$i-$(BASE_VERSION).1 \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-$$i.1; \
+ done
+ if [ ! -x $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc ]; then \
+ mv $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc-13* $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc; \
+ else \
+ rm -f $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc-13*; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include-fixed
+ifneq ($(configured_libdir),$(libdir))
+ for i in ada debug go pkgconfig '*.so' '*.so.*' '*.a' '*.la' '*.py' '*.spec'; do \
+ mv $(d)/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)/$$i \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/. || true; \
+ done
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ : # install files prepared in the jit build target
+ cd $(d) && tar xvf ../../installed-jit.tar.xz
+ -ls -l $(d)/usr
+ if [ -d $(d)/usr/man/man1 ]; then \
+ mv $(d)/usr/man/man1/* $(d)/usr/share/man/man1/; \
+ fi
+ chmod 755 debian/dh_*
+ touch $(install_snap_stamp)
+$(install_tc_stamp): $(build_dependencies)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_prep
+ : # Install directories
+ rm -rf $(d)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)
+ifeq ($(with_hppa64),yes)
+ : # install files prepared in the hppa64 build target
+ cd $(d) && tar xvf ../../installed-hppa64.tar.xz
+ : # Install everything
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d) \
+ infodir=/$(PF)/share/info \
+ mandir=/$(PF)/share/man \
+ install
+ ls -l $(d)/$(PF)/bin
+ for i in ar nm ranlib; do \
+ cp debian/gcc-$$i-$(BASE_VERSION).1 \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-$$i.1; \
+ done
+ if [ ! -x $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc ]; then \
+ mv $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc-13* $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc; \
+ else \
+ rm -f $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$(TARGET_ALIAS)-gcc-13*; \
+ fi
+ rm -rf $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include-fixed
+ifneq ($(configured_libdir),$(libdir))
+ for i in ada debug go pkgconfig '*.so' '*.so.*' '*.a' '*.la' '*.py' '*.spec'; do \
+ mv $(d)/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)/$$i \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/. || true; \
+ done
+ifeq ($(with_jit),yes)
+ : # install files prepared in the jit build target
+ cd $(d) && tar xvf ../../installed-jit.tar.xz
+ -ls -l $(d)/usr
+ if [ -d $(d)/usr/man/man1 ]; then \
+ mv $(d)/usr/man/man1/* $(d)/usr/share/man/man1/; \
+ fi
+ chmod 755 debian/dh_*
+ touch $(install_tc_stamp)
+$(install_stamp): $(build_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_prep $(if $(filter yes,$(with_hppa64)),-N$(p_hppa64))
+ if [ -f $(binary_stamp)-hppa64 ]; then \
+ mv $(binary_stamp)-hppa64 saved-stamp-hppa64; \
+ fi
+ rm -f $(binary_stamp)*
+ if [ -f saved-stamp-hppa64 ]; then \
+ mv saved-stamp-hppa64 $(binary_stamp)-hppa64; \
+ fi
+ : # Install directories
+ rm -rf $(d)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(libdir) $(d)/$(PF) $(d)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/debug
+ifeq ($(biarch32),yes)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/$(lib32loc)/debug
+ifeq ($(biarch64),yes)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/lib64/debug
+ifeq ($(biarchn32),yes)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/$(libn32)/debug
+ifeq ($(biarchx32),yes)
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/libx32/debug
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_GNU_CPU),x86_64 sparc64 s390x powerpc64))
+ifneq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),x32)
+ : # link lib to lib64 and $(PF)/lib to $(PF)/lib64
+ : # (this works when CONFARGS contains '--disable-multilib')
+ ln -s $(configured_libdir) $(d)/lib64
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)
+ ln -s $(configured_libdir) $(d)/$(PF)/lib64
+ifeq ($(DEB_TARGET_ARCH),x32)
+ : # link lib to libx32 and $(PF)/lib to $(PF)/libx32
+ ln -s $(configured_libdir) $(d)/libx32
+ mkdir -p $(d)/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)
+ ln -s $(configured_libdir) $(d)/$(PF)/libx32
+ : # Install everything
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ $(SET_SHELL) \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d) \
+ infodir=/$(PF)/share/info \
+ mandir=/$(PF)/share/man \
+ install
+ @echo III: =============== upstream install $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) ===============
+ find $(d) ! -type d
+ @echo III: =============== end upstream install $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) ===============
+ifeq ($(with_m2),yes)
+ ifneq (,$(filter $(build_type), build-cross cross-build-cross))
+ : # FIXME: libm2 libs are installed wrong for libgm2
+ for i in $(d)/$(PF)/lib/libm2*; do \
+ test -e $$i || continue; \
+ echo mv $$i $(d)/$(PFL)/lib/. ; \
+ mv $$i $(d)/$(PFL)/lib/. ; \
+ done
+ endif
+ rm -rf $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/include-fixed
+ifeq ($(DEB_STAGE)-$(DEB_CROSS),rtlibs-yes)
+ @echo configured_libdir=$(configured_libdir) / libdir=$(libdir) / usr_lib=$(usr_lib)
+ ls $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/lib
+ set -x; \
+ if [ -d $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/lib ]; then \
+ cp -a $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/lib/* $(d)/$(PF)/lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/.; \
+ fi
+ for d in $$(cd $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS); echo lib?*); do \
+ [ -d $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/$$d ] || continue; \
+ cp -a $(d)/$(PF)/$(TARGET_ALIAS)/$$d/* $(d)/$(PF)/$$d/.; \
+ done
+ ifneq ($(configured_libdir),$(libdir))
+ for i in ada debug go pkgconfig '*.so' '*.so.*' '*.a' '*.la' '*.o' '*.py' '*.spec'; do \
+ mv $(d)/$(PF)/$(configured_libdir)/$$i \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/$(libdir)/. || true; \
+ done
+ endif
+ifneq (,$(cmd_prefix))
+ for i in $(d)/$(PF)/share/info/$(cmd_prefix)*; do \
+ [ -f "$$i" ] || continue; \
+ mv $$i $$(echo $$i | sed 's/$(cmd_prefix)//'); \
+ done
+ifeq ($(with_libcxxdbg),yes)
+ : # FIXME: the libstdc++ file is installed with a wrong name
+ for i in $$(find $(d)/$(PF) -name; do \
+ [ -f $$i ] || continue; \
+ d=$$(dirname $$i); \
+ b=$$(basename $$i); \
+ t=$$(cd $$d; echo*.*.*); \
+ mv $$i $$d/$$t; \
+ done
+ : # fix permissions of
+ chmod 644 $(d)/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/
+ : # remove rpath settings from binaries and shared libs
+ for i in $$(chrpath -k $(d)/$(PF)/bin/* $(d)/$(PFL)/lib*/lib*.so.* \
+ $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/plugin/* \
+ $(if $(filter $(with_multiarch_lib),yes), \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)/lib*.so.*) \
+ 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '/R(UN)?PATH=/ {print $$1}'); \
+ do \
+ case "$$i" in ecj1|*gij-*|*libjawt*|*libjvm*) continue; esac; \
+ [ -h $$i ] && continue; \
+ chrpath --delete $$i; \
+ echo "removed RPATH/RUNPATH: $$i"; \
+ done
+ : # remove '*.la' and '*.lai' files, not shipped in any package.
+ find $(d) -name '*.la' -o -name '*.lai' | xargs -r rm -f
+ifeq ($(GFDL_INVARIANT_FREE),yes)
+ for i in gcc gcov; do \
+ I=`echo $$i | tr a-z A-Z`; \
+ sed -e "s/@NAME@/$$I$(pkg_ver)/g" -e "s/@name@/$$i$(pkg_ver)/g" \
+ debian/dummy-man.1 > $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i.1; \
+ done
+ ifeq ($(with_fortran),yes)
+ for i in g77; do \
+ I=`echo $$i | tr a-z A-Z`; \
+ sed -e "s/@NAME@/$$I$(pkg_ver)/g" -e "s/@name@/$$i$(pkg_ver)/g" \
+ debian/dummy-man.1 > $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i.1; \
+ done
+ endif
+ifneq ($(with_libgnat),yes)
+ rm -f $(d)/$(gcc_lib_dir)/adalib/lib*.so*
+# ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+# : # rename files (versioned ada binaries)
+# for i in ; do \
+# mv $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$$i $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$$i-$(GNAT_VERSION); \
+# mv $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i.1 \
+# $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$$i-$(GNAT_VERSION).1; \
+# done
+# for i in $(GNAT_TOOLS); do \
+# mv $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$$i $(d)/$(PF)/bin/$$i-$(GNAT_VERSION); \
+# done
+# endif
+ for i in ar nm ranlib; do \
+ cp debian/gcc-$$i-$(BASE_VERSION).1 \
+ $(d)/$(PF)/share/man/man1/$(cmd_prefix)gcc-$$i$(pkg_ver).1; \
+ done
+ chmod 755 debian/dh_*
+ifneq ($(with_common_libs),yes)
+# for native builds, the default ml libs are always available; no need for a placeholder
+# apparently this changed with newer dpkg versions (1.18.7?) ...
+ echo 'libgcc_s $(GCC_SONAME) $(p_lgcc)' > debian/shlibs.common
+ echo 'libstdc++ $(CXX_SONAME) $(p_lib)' >> debian/shlibs.common
+ echo 'libquadmath $(QUADMATH_SONAME) libquadmath$(QUADMATH_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)' >> debian/shlibs.common
+ echo 'libatomic $(ATOMIC_SONAME) libatomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)' >> debian/shlibs.common
+ $(foreach ml,32 64 n32 x32 hf sf, \
+ echo 'libgcc_s $(GCC_SONAME) $(subst lib,lib$(ml),$(p_lgcc))' > debian/shlibs.common$(ml); \
+ echo 'libstdc++ $(CXX_SONAME) $(subst lib,lib$(ml),$(p_lib))' >> debian/shlibs.common$(ml); \
+ echo 'libquadmath $(QUADMATH_SONAME) lib$(ml)quadmath$(QUADMATH_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)' >> debian/shlibs.common$(ml); \
+ echo 'libatomic $(ATOMIC_SONAME) lib$(ml)atomic$(ATOMIC_SONAME)$(cross_lib_arch)' >> debian/shlibs.common$(ml); \
+ )
+ @echo III: =============== fixed install $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) ===============
+ find $(d) ! -type d -print
+ @echo III: =============== end fixed install $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH) ===============
+ touch $(install_stamp)
+$(install_jit_stamp): $(build_jit_stamp) $(install_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ : # install files prepared in the jit build target
+ cd $(d) && tar xvf ../../installed-jit.tar.xz
+ @echo XXXXX `date -R`
+ touch $(install_jit_stamp)
+$(install_nvptx_stamp): $(build_nvptx_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ ln -sf ../$(newlib_srcdir)/newlib $(srcdir)/newlib
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx
+ mkdir -p $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir_nvptx) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d)-nvptx \
+ install
+ find $(d)-nvptx
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(libexecdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/nvptx-none/$(versiondir)/install-tools
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(libexecdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/{install-tools,plugin,cc1,cc1plus,f951}
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/share/{info,man/man7,locale}
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-{gcov,gfortran,g++,cpp}.1
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/nvptx-none/$(versiondir)/{install-tools,plugin}
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/{install-tools,plugin,include-fixed}
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/libc[cp]1*
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib{32,64,n32,x32}
+ mv -f $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/nvptx-none/lib/*.{a,spec} \
+ $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/
+ mv -f $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/nvptx-none/lib/mgomp/*.{a,spec} \
+ $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/mgomp/
+ mv -f $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/nvptx-none/$(versiondir)/*.a \
+ $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/
+ mv -f $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/nvptx-none/$(versiondir)/mgomp/*.a \
+ $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/nvptx-none/mgomp/
+ find $(d)-nvptx -name \*.la | xargs rm -f
+ rm -rf $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/nvptx-none/include
+ -find $(d)-nvptx -type d -empty -delete
+ : # a complete compiler installation needed for running the tests
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ln -sf lib $(d)-nvptx/$(PF)/libexec
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ar $(d)-nvptx/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ar
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/nvptx-none-as $(d)-nvptx/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/as
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ld $(d)-nvptx/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ld
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/nvptx-none-ranlib $(d)-nvptx/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/nvptx-none/ranlib
+ find $(d)-nvptx
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/newlib
+ @echo XXXXX `date -R`
+ touch $(install_nvptx_stamp)
+$(install_gcn_stamp): $(build_gcn_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ ln -sf ../$(newlib_srcdir)/newlib $(srcdir)/newlib
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn
+ mkdir -p $(d)-gcn/$(PF)
+ $(SET_PATH) \
+ biarch_multidir_names=none \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(builddir_gcn) \
+ $(call pass_vars, $(flags_to_pass)) \
+ DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/$(d)-gcn \
+ install
+ find $(d)-gcn
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(libexecdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/install-tools
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(libexecdir)/$(gcc_subdir_name)/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/{install-tools,plugin,cc1,cc1plus,f951}
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/share/{info,man/man7,locale}
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/bin/*-{gcov*,lto-dump}-$(versiondir)
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/share/man/man1/*-{cpp,gcov*,gfortran,g++,lto-dump}-$(versiondir).1
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/{install-tools,plugin}
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/{install-tools,plugin,include-fixed}
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/libc[cp]1*
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib{32,64,n32,x32}
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/$(gcn_target_name)/lib/*.{a,spec} \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/$(gcn_target_name)/lib/gfx900/*.{a,spec} \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/gfx900/.
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/$(gcn_target_name)/lib/gfx906/*.{a,spec} \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/gfx906/.
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/*.a \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/gfx900/*.a \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/gfx900/.
+ mv -f $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(gcn_target_name)/$(versiondir)/gfx906/*.a \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/gfx906/.
+ find $(d)-gcn -name \*.la | xargs rm -f
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/$(gcn_target_name)/include
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/include
+ rm -rf $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/lib/gcc/$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)/$(versiondir)/gfx900
+ : # a complete compiler installation needed for running the tests
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ln -sf lib $(d)-gcn/$(PF)/libexec
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ar \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ar
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-mc \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/as
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/lld \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ld
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-nm \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/nm
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-$(gcn_tools_llvm_version)/bin/llvm-ranlib \
+ $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/ranlib
+ : # fix permissions of
+ chmod 644 $(d)-gcn/$(gcc_lexec_dir)/accel/$(gcn_target_name)/
+ -find $(d)-gcn -type d -empty -delete
+ find $(d)-gcn
+ rm -f $(srcdir)/newlib
+ @echo XXXXX `date -R`
+ touch $(install_gcn_stamp)
+$(install_hppa64_stamp): $(build_hppa64_stamp)
+ @echo === START $@ ===
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -rf $(d_hppa64)
+ mkdir -p $(d_hppa64)/$(PF)
+ : # install files prepared in the hppa64 build target
+ cd $(d_hppa64) && tar xvf ../../installed-hppa64.tar.xz
+ touch $(install_hppa64_stamp)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+debian/arch_binaries.all: $(foreach i,$(arch_binaries),$(binary_stamp)-$(i))
+ cd debian; xargs -r du -s < arch_binaries | sort -nr | awk '{print $$2}' \
+ > arch_binaries.tmp
+ mv debian/arch_binaries.tmp debian/arch_binaries
+ sed -i 's/ /\n/g' debian/arch_binaries.epoch || touch debian/arch_binaries.epoch
+ cat debian/arch_binaries debian/arch_binaries.epoch > debian/arch_binaries.all
+# see #879054 for the "test ! -s" tests, needed for the rtlibs stage
+binary-arch: $(foreach i,$(arch_binaries),$(binary_stamp)-$(i)) debian/arch_binaries.all
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries.all || \
+ dh_compress $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.all`),-p$(p)) \
+ -X.log.xz -X.sum.xz -X.c -X.txt -X.tag -XREADME.Bugs
+ifeq ($(i586_symlinks),yes)
+ cd debian; \
+ test ! -s arch_binaries || \
+ for x in $$(find `cat arch_binaries` -type l -name 'i686-*'); do \
+ link=$$(echo $$x | sed 's/i686-/i586-/'); \
+ tgt=$$(basename $$x); \
+ echo "Adding symlink: $$link -> $$tgt"; \
+ rm -f $$link; cp -a $$x $$link; \
+ done
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries.all || \
+ dh_fixperms $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ifeq ($(with_ada),yes)
+ find $$(ls -d $(d_gnat) $(d_gnatsjlj) $(d_snap) 2>/dev/null) \
+ -name '*.ali' | xargs -r chmod 444
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries || \
+ dh_gencontrol $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries`),-p$(p)) \
+ -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars) $(shell debian/ada/libgnat_alihash)
+ @set -e; \
+ pkgs='$(strip $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.epoch`),-p$(p)))'; \
+ if [ -n "$$pkgs" ]; then \
+ echo dh_gencontrol $$pkgs -- -v$(DEB_EVERSION) $(common_substvars); \
+ dh_gencontrol $$pkgs -- -v$(DEB_EVERSION) $(common_substvars); \
+ fi
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ ifeq ($(with_libcompatgcc),yes)
+ cp -p debian/.debhelper/generated/$(p_lgcc)/triggers \
+ debian/.debhelper/generated/$(subst gcc-s,gcc,$(p_lgcc))/.
+ endif
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries.all || \
+ dh_installdeb $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries.all || \
+ dh_md5sums $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ test ! -s debian/arch_binaries.all || \
+ dh_builddeb $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/arch_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ifeq ($(with_check),yes)
+ @echo Done
+# : # Send Email about sucessfull build.
+# # cat raw-test-summary | sh; echo "Sent mail to $(S_EMAIL)"
+ifneq ($(single_package),yes)
+ : # remove empty directories, when all components are in place
+ -find $(d) -type d -empty -delete
+ @echo "Listing installed files not included in any package:"
+ -find $(d) ! -type d
+ -du -s -BM .
+ -du -s -BM ..
+ @echo XXXXX `date -R`
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+debian/indep_binaries.all: $(foreach i,$(indep_binaries),$(binary_stamp)-$(i))
+ cd debian; xargs -r du -s < indep_binaries | sort -nr | awk '{print $$2}' \
+ > indep_binaries.tmp
+ mv debian/indep_binaries.tmp debian/indep_binaries
+ sed -i 's/ /\n/g' debian/indep_binaries.epoch || touch debian/indep_binaries.epoch
+ cat debian/indep_binaries debian/indep_binaries.epoch > debian/indep_binaries.all
+binary-indep: $(foreach i,$(indep_binaries),$(binary_stamp)-$(i)) debian/indep_binaries.all
+ find debian -name _formulas.log -delete -print
+ dh_compress $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.all`),-p$(p)) \
+ -X.log.xz -X.sum.xz -X.c -X.txt -X.tag -XREADME.Bugs
+ dh_fixperms $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ : # the export should be harmless for the binary indep packages of a native build
+ export DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET); \
+ dh_gencontrol $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries`),-p$(p)) \
+ -- -v$(DEB_VERSION) $(common_substvars)
+ @set -e; \
+ export DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(TARGET); \
+ pkgs='$(strip $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.epoch`),-p$(p)))'; \
+ if [ -n "$$pkgs" ]; then \
+ echo dh_gencontrol $$pkgs -- -v$(DEB_EVERSION) $(common_substvars); \
+ dh_gencontrol $$pkgs -- -v$(DEB_EVERSION) $(common_substvars); \
+ fi
+ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_TARGET_ARCH), mips mipsel mips64 mips64el mipsn32 mipsn32el))
+ for p in `cat debian/indep_binaries debian/indep_binaries.epoch`; do \
+ p=$${p#-p*}; \
+ case "$$p" in \
+ lib64*) echo mangle $$p; sed -i -r '/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/libn?32[^,]+(, *|$$)//g;/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/$(p_lgcc)/$(p_l64gcc)/;/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/ *, *$$//' debian/$$p/DEBIAN/control;; \
+ libn32*) echo mangle $$p; sed -i -r '/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/lib64[^,]+(, *|$$)//g;/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/$(p_lgcc)/$(p_ln32gcc)/;/^(Dep|Rec|Sug)/s/ *, *$$//' debian/$$p/DEBIAN/control;; \
+ esac; \
+ done
+ dh_installdeb $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ dh_md5sums $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ dh_builddeb $(foreach p,$(shell echo `cat debian/indep_binaries.all`),-p$(p))
+ @echo XXXXX `date -R`
+source diff:
+ @echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build build-indep build-arch clean binary-indep binary-arch binary
+.PRECIOUS: $(stampdir)/%-stamp debian/indep_binaries.all debian/arch_binaries.all