From 43a123c1ae6613b3efeed291fa552ecd909d3acf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 21:23:18 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 1.20.14. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- doc/go_mem.html | 965 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 965 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/go_mem.html (limited to 'doc/go_mem.html') diff --git a/doc/go_mem.html b/doc/go_mem.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..661e1e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/go_mem.html @@ -0,0 +1,965 @@ + + + + +


+ +

+The Go memory model specifies the conditions under which +reads of a variable in one goroutine can be guaranteed to +observe values produced by writes to the same variable in a different goroutine. +

+ + +


+ +

+Programs that modify data being simultaneously accessed by multiple goroutines +must serialize such access. +

+ +

+To serialize access, protect the data with channel operations or other synchronization primitives +such as those in the sync +and sync/atomic packages. +

+ +

+If you must read the rest of this document to understand the behavior of your program, +you are being too clever. +

+ +

+Don't be clever. +

+ +

Informal Overview

+ +

+Go approaches its memory model in much the same way as the rest of the language, +aiming to keep the semantics simple, understandable, and useful. +This section gives a general overview of the approach and should suffice for most programmers. +The memory model is specified more formally in the next section. +

+ +

+A data race is defined as +a write to a memory location happening concurrently with another read or write to that same location, +unless all the accesses involved are atomic data accesses as provided by the sync/atomic package. +As noted already, programmers are strongly encouraged to use appropriate synchronization +to avoid data races. +In the absence of data races, Go programs behave as if all the goroutines +were multiplexed onto a single processor. +This property is sometimes referred to as DRF-SC: data-race-free programs +execute in a sequentially consistent manner. +

+ +

+While programmers should write Go programs without data races, +there are limitations to what a Go implementation can do in response to a data race. +An implementation may always react to a data race by reporting the race and terminating the program. +Otherwise, each read of a single-word-sized or sub-word-sized memory location +must observe a value actually written to that location (perhaps by a concurrent executing goroutine) +and not yet overwritten. +These implementation constraints make Go more like Java or JavaScript, +in that most races have a limited number of outcomes, +and less like C and C++, where the meaning of any program with a race +is entirely undefined, and the compiler may do anything at all. +Go's approach aims to make errant programs more reliable and easier to debug, +while still insisting that races are errors and that tools can diagnose and report them. +

+ +

Memory Model

+ +

+The following formal definition of Go's memory model closely follows +the approach presented by Hans-J. Boehm and Sarita V. Adve in +“Foundations of the C++ Concurrency Memory Model”, +published in PLDI 2008. +The definition of data-race-free programs and the guarantee of sequential consistency +for race-free programs are equivalent to the ones in that work. +

+ +

+The memory model describes the requirements on program executions, +which are made up of goroutine executions, +which in turn are made up of memory operations. +

+ +

+A memory operation is modeled by four details: +

+ +

+Some memory operations are read-like, including read, atomic read, mutex lock, and channel receive. +Other memory operations are write-like, including write, atomic write, mutex unlock, channel send, and channel close. +Some, such as atomic compare-and-swap, are both read-like and write-like. +

+ +

+A goroutine execution is modeled as a set of memory operations executed by a single goroutine. +

+ +

+Requirement 1: +The memory operations in each goroutine must correspond to a correct sequential execution of that goroutine, +given the values read from and written to memory. +That execution must be consistent with the sequenced before relation, +defined as the partial order requirements set out by the Go language specification +for Go's control flow constructs as well as the order of evaluation for expressions. +

+ +

+A Go program execution is modeled as a set of goroutine executions, +together with a mapping W that specifies the write-like operation that each read-like operation reads from. +(Multiple executions of the same program can have different program executions.) +

+ +

+Requirement 2: +For a given program execution, the mapping W, when limited to synchronizing operations, +must be explainable by some implicit total order of the synchronizing operations +that is consistent with sequencing and the values read and written by those operations. +

+ +

+The synchronized before relation is a partial order on synchronizing memory operations, +derived from W. +If a synchronizing read-like memory operation r +observes a synchronizing write-like memory operation w +(that is, if W(r) = w), +then w is synchronized before r. +Informally, the synchronized before relation is a subset of the implied total order +mentioned in the previous paragraph, +limited to the information that W directly observes. +

+ +

+The happens before relation is defined as the transitive closure of the +union of the sequenced before and synchronized before relations. +

+ +

+Requirement 3: +For an ordinary (non-synchronizing) data read r on a memory location x, +W(r) must be a write w that is visible to r, +where visible means that both of the following hold: + +

  1. w happens before r. +
  2. w does not happen before any other write w' (to x) that happens before r. +
+ +

+A read-write data race on memory location x +consists of a read-like memory operation r on x +and a write-like memory operation w on x, +at least one of which is non-synchronizing, +which are unordered by happens before +(that is, neither r happens before w +nor w happens before r). +

+ +

+A write-write data race on memory location x +consists of two write-like memory operations w and w' on x, +at least one of which is non-synchronizing, +which are unordered by happens before. +

+ +

+Note that if there are no read-write or write-write data races on memory location x, +then any read r on x has only one possible W(r): +the single w that immediately precedes it in the happens before order. +

+ +

+More generally, it can be shown that any Go program that is data-race-free, +meaning it has no program executions with read-write or write-write data races, +can only have outcomes explained by some sequentially consistent interleaving +of the goroutine executions. +(The proof is the same as Section 7 of Boehm and Adve's paper cited above.) +This property is called DRF-SC. +

+ +

+The intent of the formal definition is to match +the DRF-SC guarantee provided to race-free programs +by other languages, including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Rust, and Swift. +

+ +

+Certain Go language operations such as goroutine creation and memory allocation +act as synchronization operations. +The effect of these operations on the synchronized-before partial order +is documented in the “Synchronization” section below. +Individual packages are responsible for providing similar documentation +for their own operations. +

+ +

Implementation Restrictions for Programs Containing Data Races

+ +

+The preceding section gave a formal definition of data-race-free program execution. +This section informally describes the semantics that implementations must provide +for programs that do contain races. +

+ +

+First, any implementation can, upon detecting a data race, +report the race and halt execution of the program. +Implementations using ThreadSanitizer +(accessed with “go build -race”) +do exactly this. +

+ +

+Otherwise, a read r of a memory location x +that is not larger than a machine word must observe +some write w such that r does not happen before w +and there is no write w' such that w happens before w' +and w' happens before r. +That is, each read must observe a value written by a preceding or concurrent write. +

+ +

+Additionally, observation of acausal and “out of thin air” writes is disallowed. +

+ +

+Reads of memory locations larger than a single machine word +are encouraged but not required to meet the same semantics +as word-sized memory locations, +observing a single allowed write w. +For performance reasons, +implementations may instead treat larger operations +as a set of individual machine-word-sized operations +in an unspecified order. +This means that races on multiword data structures +can lead to inconsistent values not corresponding to a single write. +When the values depend on the consistency +of internal (pointer, length) or (pointer, type) pairs, +as can be the case for interface values, maps, +slices, and strings in most Go implementations, +such races can in turn lead to arbitrary memory corruption. +

+ +

+Examples of incorrect synchronization are given in the +“Incorrect synchronization” section below. +

+ +

+Examples of the limitations on implementations are given in the +“Incorrect compilation” section below. +

+ +


+ +


+ +

+Program initialization runs in a single goroutine, +but that goroutine may create other goroutines, +which run concurrently. +

+ +

+If a package p imports package q, the completion of +q's init functions happens before the start of any of p's. +

+ +

+The completion of all init functions is synchronized before +the start of the function main.main. +

+ +

Goroutine creation

+ +

+The go statement that starts a new goroutine +is synchronized before the start of the goroutine's execution. +

+ +

+For example, in this program: +

+ +
+var a string
+func f() {
+	print(a)
+func hello() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	go f()
+ +

+calling hello will print "hello, world" +at some point in the future (perhaps after hello has returned). +

+ +

Goroutine destruction

+ +

+The exit of a goroutine is not guaranteed to be synchronized before +any event in the program. +For example, in this program: +

+ +
+var a string
+func hello() {
+	go func() { a = "hello" }()
+	print(a)
+ +

+the assignment to a is not followed by +any synchronization event, so it is not guaranteed to be +observed by any other goroutine. +In fact, an aggressive compiler might delete the entire go statement. +

+ +

+If the effects of a goroutine must be observed by another goroutine, +use a synchronization mechanism such as a lock or channel +communication to establish a relative ordering. +

+ +

Channel communication

+ +

+Channel communication is the main method of synchronization +between goroutines. Each send on a particular channel +is matched to a corresponding receive from that channel, +usually in a different goroutine. +

+ +

+A send on a channel is synchronized before the completion of the +corresponding receive from that channel. +

+ +

+This program: +

+ +
+var c = make(chan int, 10)
+var a string
+func f() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	c <- 0
+func main() {
+	go f()
+	<-c
+	print(a)
+ +

+is guaranteed to print "hello, world". The write to a +is sequenced before the send on c, which is synchronized before +the corresponding receive on c completes, which is sequenced before +the print. +

+ +

+The closing of a channel is synchronized before a receive that returns a zero value +because the channel is closed. +

+ +

+In the previous example, replacing +c <- 0 with close(c) +yields a program with the same guaranteed behavior. +

+ +

+A receive from an unbuffered channel is synchronized before the completion of +the corresponding send on that channel. +

+ +

+This program (as above, but with the send and receive statements swapped and +using an unbuffered channel): +

+ +
+var c = make(chan int)
+var a string
+func f() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	<-c
+func main() {
+	go f()
+	c <- 0
+	print(a)
+ +

+is also guaranteed to print "hello, world". The write to a +is sequenced before the receive on c, which is synchronized before +the corresponding send on c completes, which is sequenced +before the print. +

+ +

+If the channel were buffered (e.g., c = make(chan int, 1)) +then the program would not be guaranteed to print +"hello, world". (It might print the empty string, +crash, or do something else.) +

+ +

+The kth receive on a channel with capacity C is synchronized before the completion of the k+Cth send from that channel completes. +

+ +

+This rule generalizes the previous rule to buffered channels. +It allows a counting semaphore to be modeled by a buffered channel: +the number of items in the channel corresponds to the number of active uses, +the capacity of the channel corresponds to the maximum number of simultaneous uses, +sending an item acquires the semaphore, and receiving an item releases +the semaphore. +This is a common idiom for limiting concurrency. +

+ +

+This program starts a goroutine for every entry in the work list, but the +goroutines coordinate using the limit channel to ensure +that at most three are running work functions at a time. +

+ +
+var limit = make(chan int, 3)
+func main() {
+	for _, w := range work {
+		go func(w func()) {
+			limit <- 1
+			w()
+			<-limit
+		}(w)
+	}
+	select{}
+ +


+ +

+The sync package implements two lock data types, +sync.Mutex and sync.RWMutex. +

+ +

+For any sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex variable l and n < m, +call n of l.Unlock() is synchronized before call m of l.Lock() returns. +

+ +

+This program: +

+ +
+var l sync.Mutex
+var a string
+func f() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	l.Unlock()
+func main() {
+	l.Lock()
+	go f()
+	l.Lock()
+	print(a)
+ +

+is guaranteed to print "hello, world". +The first call to l.Unlock() (in f) is synchronized +before the second call to l.Lock() (in main) returns, +which is sequenced before the print. +

+ +

+For any call to l.RLock on a sync.RWMutex variable l, +there is an n such that the nth call to l.Unlock +is synchronized before the return from l.RLock, +and the matching call to l.RUnlock is synchronized before the return from call n+1 to l.Lock. +

+ +

+A successful call to l.TryLock (or l.TryRLock) +is equivalent to a call to l.Lock (or l.RLock). +An unsuccessful call has no synchronizing effect at all. +As far as the memory model is concerned, +l.TryLock (or l.TryRLock) +may be considered to be able to return false +even when the mutex l is unlocked. +

+ +


+ +

+The sync package provides a safe mechanism for +initialization in the presence of multiple goroutines +through the use of the Once type. +Multiple threads can execute once.Do(f) for a particular f, +but only one will run f(), and the other calls block +until f() has returned. +

+ +

+The completion of a single call of f() from once.Do(f) +is synchronized before the return of any call of once.Do(f). +

+ +

+In this program: +

+ +
+var a string
+var once sync.Once
+func setup() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+func doprint() {
+	once.Do(setup)
+	print(a)
+func twoprint() {
+	go doprint()
+	go doprint()
+ +

+calling twoprint will call setup exactly +once. +The setup function will complete before either call +of print. +The result will be that "hello, world" will be printed +twice. +

+ +

Atomic Values

+ +

+The APIs in the sync/atomic +package are collectively “atomic operations” +that can be used to synchronize the execution of different goroutines. +If the effect of an atomic operation A is observed by atomic operation B, +then A is synchronized before B. +All the atomic operations executed in a program behave as though executed +in some sequentially consistent order. +

+ +

+The preceding definition has the same semantics as C++’s sequentially consistent atomics +and Java’s volatile variables. +

+ +


+ +

+The runtime package provides +a SetFinalizer function that adds a finalizer to be called when +a particular object is no longer reachable by the program. +A call to SetFinalizer(x, f) is synchronized before the finalization call f(x). +

+ +

Additional Mechanisms

+ +

+The sync package provides additional synchronization abstractions, +including condition variables, +lock-free maps, +allocation pools, +and +wait groups. +The documentation for each of these specifies the guarantees it +makes concerning synchronization. +

+ +

+Other packages that provide synchronization abstractions +should document the guarantees they make too. +

+ + +

Incorrect synchronization

+ +

+Programs with races are incorrect and +can exhibit non-sequentially consistent executions. +In particular, note that a read r may observe the value written by any write w +that executes concurrently with r. +Even if this occurs, it does not imply that reads happening after r +will observe writes that happened before w. +

+ +

+In this program: +

+ +
+var a, b int
+func f() {
+	a = 1
+	b = 2
+func g() {
+	print(b)
+	print(a)
+func main() {
+	go f()
+	g()
+ +

+it can happen that g prints 2 and then 0. +

+ +

+This fact invalidates a few common idioms. +

+ +

+Double-checked locking is an attempt to avoid the overhead of synchronization. +For example, the twoprint program might be +incorrectly written as: +

+ +
+var a string
+var done bool
+func setup() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	done = true
+func doprint() {
+	if !done {
+		once.Do(setup)
+	}
+	print(a)
+func twoprint() {
+	go doprint()
+	go doprint()
+ +

+but there is no guarantee that, in doprint, observing the write to done +implies observing the write to a. This +version can (incorrectly) print an empty string +instead of "hello, world". +

+ +

+Another incorrect idiom is busy waiting for a value, as in: +

+ +
+var a string
+var done bool
+func setup() {
+	a = "hello, world"
+	done = true
+func main() {
+	go setup()
+	for !done {
+	}
+	print(a)
+ +

+As before, there is no guarantee that, in main, +observing the write to done +implies observing the write to a, so this program could +print an empty string too. +Worse, there is no guarantee that the write to done will ever +be observed by main, since there are no synchronization +events between the two threads. The loop in main is not +guaranteed to finish. +

+ +

+There are subtler variants on this theme, such as this program. +

+ +
+type T struct {
+	msg string
+var g *T
+func setup() {
+	t := new(T)
+	t.msg = "hello, world"
+	g = t
+func main() {
+	go setup()
+	for g == nil {
+	}
+	print(g.msg)
+ +

+Even if main observes g != nil and exits its loop, +there is no guarantee that it will observe the initialized +value for g.msg. +

+ +

+In all these examples, the solution is the same: +use explicit synchronization. +

+ +

Incorrect compilation

+ +

+The Go memory model restricts compiler optimizations as much as it does Go programs. +Some compiler optimizations that would be valid in single-threaded programs are not valid in all Go programs. +In particular, a compiler must not introduce writes that do not exist in the original program, +it must not allow a single read to observe multiple values, +and it must not allow a single write to write multiple values. +

+ +

+All the following examples assume that `*p` and `*q` refer to +memory locations accessible to multiple goroutines. +

+ +

+Not introducing data races into race-free programs means not moving +writes out of conditional statements in which they appear. +For example, a compiler must not invert the conditional in this program: +

+ +
+*p = 1
+if cond {
+	*p = 2
+ +

+That is, the compiler must not rewrite the program into this one: +

+ +
+*p = 2
+if !cond {
+	*p = 1
+ +

+If cond is false and another goroutine is reading *p, +then in the original program, the other goroutine can only observe any prior value of *p and 1. +In the rewritten program, the other goroutine can observe 2, which was previously impossible. +

+ +

+Not introducing data races also means not assuming that loops terminate. +For example, a compiler must in general not move the accesses to *p or *q +ahead of the loop in this program: +

+ +
+n := 0
+for e := list; e != nil; e = {
+	n++
+i := *p
+*q = 1
+ +

+If list pointed to a cyclic list, +then the original program would never access *p or *q, +but the rewritten program would. +(Moving `*p` ahead would be safe if the compiler can prove `*p` will not panic; +moving `*q` ahead would also require the compiler proving that no other +goroutine can access `*q`.) +

+ +

+Not introducing data races also means not assuming that called functions +always return or are free of synchronization operations. +For example, a compiler must not move the accesses to *p or *q +ahead of the function call in this program +(at least not without direct knowledge of the precise behavior of f): +

+ +
+i := *p
+*q = 1
+ +

+If the call never returned, then once again the original program +would never access *p or *q, but the rewritten program would. +And if the call contained synchronizing operations, then the original program +could establish happens before edges preceding the accesses +to *p and *q, but the rewritten program would not. +

+ +

+Not allowing a single read to observe multiple values means +not reloading local variables from shared memory. +For example, a compiler must not discard i and reload it +a second time from *p in this program: +

+ +
+i := *p
+if i < 0 || i >= len(funcs) {
+	panic("invalid function index")
+... complex code ...
+// compiler must NOT reload i = *p here
+ +

+If the complex code needs many registers, a compiler for single-threaded programs +could discard i without saving a copy and then reload +i = *p just before +funcs[i](). +A Go compiler must not, because the value of *p may have changed. +(Instead, the compiler could spill i to the stack.) +

+ +

+Not allowing a single write to write multiple values also means not using +the memory where a local variable will be written as temporary storage before the write. +For example, a compiler must not use *p as temporary storage in this program: +

+ +
+*p = i + *p/2
+ +

+That is, it must not rewrite the program into this one: +

+ +
+*p /= 2
+*p += i
+ +

+If i and *p start equal to 2, +the original code does *p = 3, +so a racing thread can read only 2 or 3 from *p. +The rewritten code does *p = 1 and then *p = 3, +allowing a racing thread to read 1 as well. +

+ +

+Note that all these optimizations are permitted in C/C++ compilers: +a Go compiler sharing a back end with a C/C++ compiler must take care +to disable optimizations that are invalid for Go. +

+ +

+Note that the prohibition on introducing data races +does not apply if the compiler can prove that the races +do not affect correct execution on the target platform. +For example, on essentially all CPUs, it is valid to rewrite +

+ +
+n := 0
+for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
+	n += *shared
+ +into: + +
+n := 0
+local := *shared
+for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
+	n += local
+ +

+provided it can be proved that *shared will not fault on access, +because the potential added read will not affect any existing concurrent reads or writes. +On the other hand, the rewrite would not be valid in a source-to-source translator. +

+ +


+ +

+Go programmers writing data-race-free programs can rely on +sequentially consistent execution of those programs, +just as in essentially all other modern programming languages. +

+ +

+When it comes to programs with races, +both programmers and compilers should remember the advice: +don't be clever. +

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