// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build ignore // +build ignore // Addmod adds a module as a txtar archive to the testdata/mod directory. // // Usage: // // go run addmod.go path@version... // // It should only be used for very small modules - we do not want to check // very large files into testdata/mod. // // It is acceptable to edit the archive afterward to remove or shorten files. // See mod/README for more information. // package main import ( "bytes" "flag" "fmt" "internal/txtar" "io/fs" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" ) func usage() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: go run addmod.go path@version...\n") os.Exit(2) } var tmpdir string func fatalf(format string, args ...any) { os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) log.Fatalf(format, args...) } const goCmd = "go" func main() { flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() == 0 { usage() } log.SetPrefix("addmod: ") log.SetFlags(0) var err error tmpdir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "addmod-") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } run := func(command string, args ...string) string { cmd := exec.Command(command, args...) cmd.Dir = tmpdir var stderr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &stderr out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { fatalf("%s %s: %v\n%s", command, strings.Join(args, " "), err, stderr.Bytes()) } return string(out) } gopath := strings.TrimSpace(run("go", "env", "GOPATH")) if gopath == "" { fatalf("cannot find GOPATH") } exitCode := 0 for _, arg := range flag.Args() { if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tmpdir, "go.mod"), []byte("module m\n"), 0666); err != nil { fatalf("%v", err) } run(goCmd, "get", "-d", arg) path := arg if i := strings.Index(path, "@"); i >= 0 { path = path[:i] } out := run(goCmd, "list", "-m", "-f={{.Path}} {{.Version}} {{.Dir}}", path) f := strings.Fields(out) if len(f) != 3 { log.Printf("go list -m %s: unexpected output %q", arg, out) exitCode = 1 continue } path, vers, dir := f[0], f[1], f[2] mod, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(gopath, "pkg/mod/cache/download", path, "@v", vers+".mod")) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s: %v", arg, err) exitCode = 1 continue } info, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(gopath, "pkg/mod/cache/download", path, "@v", vers+".info")) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s: %v", arg, err) exitCode = 1 continue } a := new(txtar.Archive) title := arg if !strings.Contains(arg, "@") { title += "@" + vers } a.Comment = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("module %s\n\n", title)) a.Files = []txtar.File{ {Name: ".mod", Data: mod}, {Name: ".info", Data: info}, } dir = filepath.Clean(dir) err = filepath.WalkDir(dir, func(path string, info fs.DirEntry, err error) error { if !info.Type().IsRegular() { return nil } name := info.Name() if name == "go.mod" || strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") { data, err := os.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return err } a.Files = append(a.Files, txtar.File{Name: strings.TrimPrefix(path, dir+string(filepath.Separator)), Data: data}) } return nil }) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s: %v", arg, err) exitCode = 1 continue } data := txtar.Format(a) target := filepath.Join("mod", strings.ReplaceAll(path, "/", "_")+"_"+vers+".txt") if err := os.WriteFile(target, data, 0666); err != nil { log.Printf("%s: %v", arg, err) exitCode = 1 continue } } os.RemoveAll(tmpdir) os.Exit(exitCode) }