#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Environment variables that control run.bash: # # GO_TEST_SHARDS: number of "dist test" test shards that the # $GOROOT/test directory will be sliced up into for parallel # execution. Defaults to 1, unless GO_BUILDER_NAME is also specified, # in which case it defaults to 10. # # GO_BUILDER_NAME: the name of the Go builder that's running the tests. # Some tests are conditionally enabled or disabled based on the builder # name or the builder name being non-empty. # # GO_TEST_SHORT: if set to a non-empty, false-ish string, run tests in "-short=false" mode. # This environment variable is an internal implementation detail between the # Go build system (x/build) and cmd/dist for the purpose of longtest builders, # and will be removed if it stops being needed. See go.dev/issue/12508. # # GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE: a non-negative integer factor to scale test timeout by. # Defaults to 1, or as a special case for the purpose of the Go build system (x/build), # defaults to 2 when GOARCH is arm, and to 4 when GOARCH is mips, mipsle, mips64, or mips64le. set -e if [ ! -f ../bin/go ]; then echo 'run.bash must be run from $GOROOT/src after installing cmd/go' 1>&2 exit 1 fi export GOENV=off eval $(../bin/go tool dist env) export GOROOT # The api test requires GOROOT to be set, so set it to match ../bin/go. unset CDPATH # in case user has it set export GOHOSTOS export CC # no core files, please ulimit -c 0 # Raise soft limits to hard limits for NetBSD/OpenBSD. # We need at least 256 files and ~300 MB of bss. # On OS X ulimit -S -n rejects 'unlimited'. # # Note that ulimit -S -n may fail if ulimit -H -n is set higher than a # non-root process is allowed to set the high limit. # This is a system misconfiguration and should be fixed on the # broken system, not "fixed" by ignoring the failure here. # See longer discussion on golang.org/issue/7381. [ "$(ulimit -H -n)" = "unlimited" ] || ulimit -S -n $(ulimit -H -n) [ "$(ulimit -H -d)" = "unlimited" ] || ulimit -S -d $(ulimit -H -d) # Thread count limit on NetBSD 7. if ulimit -T &> /dev/null; then [ "$(ulimit -H -T)" = "unlimited" ] || ulimit -S -T $(ulimit -H -T) fi export GOPATH=/nonexist-gopath exec ../bin/go tool dist test -rebuild "$@"