path: root/src/runtime/mpallocbits.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/runtime/mpallocbits.go')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/mpallocbits.go b/src/runtime/mpallocbits.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f35ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/mpallocbits.go
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package runtime
+import (
+ "runtime/internal/sys"
+// pageBits is a bitmap representing one bit per page in a palloc chunk.
+type pageBits [pallocChunkPages / 64]uint64
+// get returns the value of the i'th bit in the bitmap.
+func (b *pageBits) get(i uint) uint {
+ return uint((b[i/64] >> (i % 64)) & 1)
+// block64 returns the 64-bit aligned block of bits containing the i'th bit.
+func (b *pageBits) block64(i uint) uint64 {
+ return b[i/64]
+// set sets bit i of pageBits.
+func (b *pageBits) set(i uint) {
+ b[i/64] |= 1 << (i % 64)
+// setRange sets bits in the range [i, i+n).
+func (b *pageBits) setRange(i, n uint) {
+ _ = b[i/64]
+ if n == 1 {
+ // Fast path for the n == 1 case.
+ b.set(i)
+ return
+ }
+ // Set bits [i, j].
+ j := i + n - 1
+ if i/64 == j/64 {
+ b[i/64] |= ((uint64(1) << n) - 1) << (i % 64)
+ return
+ }
+ _ = b[j/64]
+ // Set leading bits.
+ b[i/64] |= ^uint64(0) << (i % 64)
+ for k := i/64 + 1; k < j/64; k++ {
+ b[k] = ^uint64(0)
+ }
+ // Set trailing bits.
+ b[j/64] |= (uint64(1) << (j%64 + 1)) - 1
+// setAll sets all the bits of b.
+func (b *pageBits) setAll() {
+ for i := range b {
+ b[i] = ^uint64(0)
+ }
+// setBlock64 sets the 64-bit aligned block of bits containing the i'th bit that
+// are set in v.
+func (b *pageBits) setBlock64(i uint, v uint64) {
+ b[i/64] |= v
+// clear clears bit i of pageBits.
+func (b *pageBits) clear(i uint) {
+ b[i/64] &^= 1 << (i % 64)
+// clearRange clears bits in the range [i, i+n).
+func (b *pageBits) clearRange(i, n uint) {
+ _ = b[i/64]
+ if n == 1 {
+ // Fast path for the n == 1 case.
+ b.clear(i)
+ return
+ }
+ // Clear bits [i, j].
+ j := i + n - 1
+ if i/64 == j/64 {
+ b[i/64] &^= ((uint64(1) << n) - 1) << (i % 64)
+ return
+ }
+ _ = b[j/64]
+ // Clear leading bits.
+ b[i/64] &^= ^uint64(0) << (i % 64)
+ for k := i/64 + 1; k < j/64; k++ {
+ b[k] = 0
+ }
+ // Clear trailing bits.
+ b[j/64] &^= (uint64(1) << (j%64 + 1)) - 1
+// clearAll frees all the bits of b.
+func (b *pageBits) clearAll() {
+ for i := range b {
+ b[i] = 0
+ }
+// clearBlock64 clears the 64-bit aligned block of bits containing the i'th bit that
+// are set in v.
+func (b *pageBits) clearBlock64(i uint, v uint64) {
+ b[i/64] &^= v
+// popcntRange counts the number of set bits in the
+// range [i, i+n).
+func (b *pageBits) popcntRange(i, n uint) (s uint) {
+ if n == 1 {
+ return uint((b[i/64] >> (i % 64)) & 1)
+ }
+ _ = b[i/64]
+ j := i + n - 1
+ if i/64 == j/64 {
+ return uint(sys.OnesCount64((b[i/64] >> (i % 64)) & ((1 << n) - 1)))
+ }
+ _ = b[j/64]
+ s += uint(sys.OnesCount64(b[i/64] >> (i % 64)))
+ for k := i/64 + 1; k < j/64; k++ {
+ s += uint(sys.OnesCount64(b[k]))
+ }
+ s += uint(sys.OnesCount64(b[j/64] & ((1 << (j%64 + 1)) - 1)))
+ return
+// pallocBits is a bitmap that tracks page allocations for at most one
+// palloc chunk.
+// The precise representation is an implementation detail, but for the
+// sake of documentation, 0s are free pages and 1s are allocated pages.
+type pallocBits pageBits
+// summarize returns a packed summary of the bitmap in pallocBits.
+func (b *pallocBits) summarize() pallocSum {
+ var start, max, cur uint
+ const notSetYet = ^uint(0) // sentinel for start value
+ start = notSetYet
+ for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
+ x := b[i]
+ if x == 0 {
+ cur += 64
+ continue
+ }
+ t := uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(x))
+ l := uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(x))
+ // Finish any region spanning the uint64s
+ cur += t
+ if start == notSetYet {
+ start = cur
+ }
+ if cur > max {
+ max = cur
+ }
+ // Final region that might span to next uint64
+ cur = l
+ }
+ if start == notSetYet {
+ // Made it all the way through without finding a single 1 bit.
+ const n = uint(64 * len(b))
+ return packPallocSum(n, n, n)
+ }
+ if cur > max {
+ max = cur
+ }
+ if max >= 64-2 {
+ // There is no way an internal run of zeros could beat max.
+ return packPallocSum(start, max, cur)
+ }
+ // Now look inside each uint64 for runs of zeros.
+ // All uint64s must be nonzero, or we would have aborted above.
+ for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
+ x := b[i]
+ // Look inside this uint64. We have a pattern like
+ // 000000 1xxxxx1 000000
+ // We need to look inside the 1xxxxx1 for any contiguous
+ // region of zeros.
+ // We already know the trailing zeros are no larger than max. Remove them.
+ x >>= sys.TrailingZeros64(x) & 63
+ if x&(x+1) == 0 { // no more zeros (except at the top).
+ continue
+ }
+ // Strategy: shrink all runs of zeros by max. If any runs of zero
+ // remain, then we've identified a larger maximum zero run.
+ p := max // number of zeros we still need to shrink by.
+ k := uint(1) // current minimum length of runs of ones in x.
+ for {
+ // Shrink all runs of zeros by p places (except the top zeros).
+ for p > 0 {
+ if p <= k {
+ // Shift p ones down into the top of each run of zeros.
+ x |= x >> (p & 63)
+ if x&(x+1) == 0 { // no more zeros (except at the top).
+ continue outer
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift k ones down into the top of each run of zeros.
+ x |= x >> (k & 63)
+ if x&(x+1) == 0 { // no more zeros (except at the top).
+ continue outer
+ }
+ p -= k
+ // We've just doubled the minimum length of 1-runs.
+ // This allows us to shift farther in the next iteration.
+ k *= 2
+ }
+ // The length of the lowest-order zero run is an increment to our maximum.
+ j := uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(^x)) // count contiguous trailing ones
+ x >>= j & 63 // remove trailing ones
+ j = uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(x)) // count contiguous trailing zeros
+ x >>= j & 63 // remove zeros
+ max += j // we have a new maximum!
+ if x&(x+1) == 0 { // no more zeros (except at the top).
+ continue outer
+ }
+ p = j // remove j more zeros from each zero run.
+ }
+ }
+ return packPallocSum(start, max, cur)
+// find searches for npages contiguous free pages in pallocBits and returns
+// the index where that run starts, as well as the index of the first free page
+// it found in the search. searchIdx represents the first known free page and
+// where to begin the next search from.
+// If find fails to find any free space, it returns an index of ^uint(0) and
+// the new searchIdx should be ignored.
+// Note that if npages == 1, the two returned values will always be identical.
+func (b *pallocBits) find(npages uintptr, searchIdx uint) (uint, uint) {
+ if npages == 1 {
+ addr := b.find1(searchIdx)
+ return addr, addr
+ } else if npages <= 64 {
+ return b.findSmallN(npages, searchIdx)
+ }
+ return b.findLargeN(npages, searchIdx)
+// find1 is a helper for find which searches for a single free page
+// in the pallocBits and returns the index.
+// See find for an explanation of the searchIdx parameter.
+func (b *pallocBits) find1(searchIdx uint) uint {
+ _ = b[0] // lift nil check out of loop
+ for i := searchIdx / 64; i < uint(len(b)); i++ {
+ x := b[i]
+ if ^x == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ return i*64 + uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(^x))
+ }
+ return ^uint(0)
+// findSmallN is a helper for find which searches for npages contiguous free pages
+// in this pallocBits and returns the index where that run of contiguous pages
+// starts as well as the index of the first free page it finds in its search.
+// See find for an explanation of the searchIdx parameter.
+// Returns a ^uint(0) index on failure and the new searchIdx should be ignored.
+// findSmallN assumes npages <= 64, where any such contiguous run of pages
+// crosses at most one aligned 64-bit boundary in the bits.
+func (b *pallocBits) findSmallN(npages uintptr, searchIdx uint) (uint, uint) {
+ end, newSearchIdx := uint(0), ^uint(0)
+ for i := searchIdx / 64; i < uint(len(b)); i++ {
+ bi := b[i]
+ if ^bi == 0 {
+ end = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ // First see if we can pack our allocation in the trailing
+ // zeros plus the end of the last 64 bits.
+ if newSearchIdx == ^uint(0) {
+ // The new searchIdx is going to be at these 64 bits after any
+ // 1s we file, so count trailing 1s.
+ newSearchIdx = i*64 + uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(^bi))
+ }
+ start := uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(bi))
+ if end+start >= uint(npages) {
+ return i*64 - end, newSearchIdx
+ }
+ // Next, check the interior of the 64-bit chunk.
+ j := findBitRange64(^bi, uint(npages))
+ if j < 64 {
+ return i*64 + j, newSearchIdx
+ }
+ end = uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(bi))
+ }
+ return ^uint(0), newSearchIdx
+// findLargeN is a helper for find which searches for npages contiguous free pages
+// in this pallocBits and returns the index where that run starts, as well as the
+// index of the first free page it found it its search.
+// See alloc for an explanation of the searchIdx parameter.
+// Returns a ^uint(0) index on failure and the new searchIdx should be ignored.
+// findLargeN assumes npages > 64, where any such run of free pages
+// crosses at least one aligned 64-bit boundary in the bits.
+func (b *pallocBits) findLargeN(npages uintptr, searchIdx uint) (uint, uint) {
+ start, size, newSearchIdx := ^uint(0), uint(0), ^uint(0)
+ for i := searchIdx / 64; i < uint(len(b)); i++ {
+ x := b[i]
+ if x == ^uint64(0) {
+ size = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if newSearchIdx == ^uint(0) {
+ // The new searchIdx is going to be at these 64 bits after any
+ // 1s we file, so count trailing 1s.
+ newSearchIdx = i*64 + uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(^x))
+ }
+ if size == 0 {
+ size = uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(x))
+ start = i*64 + 64 - size
+ continue
+ }
+ s := uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(x))
+ if s+size >= uint(npages) {
+ size += s
+ return start, newSearchIdx
+ }
+ if s < 64 {
+ size = uint(sys.LeadingZeros64(x))
+ start = i*64 + 64 - size
+ continue
+ }
+ size += 64
+ }
+ if size < uint(npages) {
+ return ^uint(0), newSearchIdx
+ }
+ return start, newSearchIdx
+// allocRange allocates the range [i, i+n).
+func (b *pallocBits) allocRange(i, n uint) {
+ (*pageBits)(b).setRange(i, n)
+// allocAll allocates all the bits of b.
+func (b *pallocBits) allocAll() {
+ (*pageBits)(b).setAll()
+// free1 frees a single page in the pallocBits at i.
+func (b *pallocBits) free1(i uint) {
+ (*pageBits)(b).clear(i)
+// free frees the range [i, i+n) of pages in the pallocBits.
+func (b *pallocBits) free(i, n uint) {
+ (*pageBits)(b).clearRange(i, n)
+// freeAll frees all the bits of b.
+func (b *pallocBits) freeAll() {
+ (*pageBits)(b).clearAll()
+// pages64 returns a 64-bit bitmap representing a block of 64 pages aligned
+// to 64 pages. The returned block of pages is the one containing the i'th
+// page in this pallocBits. Each bit represents whether the page is in-use.
+func (b *pallocBits) pages64(i uint) uint64 {
+ return (*pageBits)(b).block64(i)
+// allocPages64 allocates a 64-bit block of 64 pages aligned to 64 pages according
+// to the bits set in alloc. The block set is the one containing the i'th page.
+func (b *pallocBits) allocPages64(i uint, alloc uint64) {
+ (*pageBits)(b).setBlock64(i, alloc)
+// findBitRange64 returns the bit index of the first set of
+// n consecutive 1 bits. If no consecutive set of 1 bits of
+// size n may be found in c, then it returns an integer >= 64.
+// n must be > 0.
+func findBitRange64(c uint64, n uint) uint {
+ // This implementation is based on shrinking the length of
+ // runs of contiguous 1 bits. We remove the top n-1 1 bits
+ // from each run of 1s, then look for the first remaining 1 bit.
+ p := n - 1 // number of 1s we want to remove.
+ k := uint(1) // current minimum width of runs of 0 in c.
+ for p > 0 {
+ if p <= k {
+ // Shift p 0s down into the top of each run of 1s.
+ c &= c >> (p & 63)
+ break
+ }
+ // Shift k 0s down into the top of each run of 1s.
+ c &= c >> (k & 63)
+ if c == 0 {
+ return 64
+ }
+ p -= k
+ // We've just doubled the minimum length of 0-runs.
+ // This allows us to shift farther in the next iteration.
+ k *= 2
+ }
+ // Find first remaining 1.
+ // Since we shrunk from the top down, the first 1 is in
+ // its correct original position.
+ return uint(sys.TrailingZeros64(c))
+// pallocData encapsulates pallocBits and a bitmap for
+// whether or not a given page is scavenged in a single
+// structure. It's effectively a pallocBits with
+// additional functionality.
+// Update the comment on (*pageAlloc).chunks should this
+// structure change.
+type pallocData struct {
+ pallocBits
+ scavenged pageBits
+// allocRange sets bits [i, i+n) in the bitmap to 1 and
+// updates the scavenged bits appropriately.
+func (m *pallocData) allocRange(i, n uint) {
+ // Clear the scavenged bits when we alloc the range.
+ m.pallocBits.allocRange(i, n)
+ m.scavenged.clearRange(i, n)
+// allocAll sets every bit in the bitmap to 1 and updates
+// the scavenged bits appropriately.
+func (m *pallocData) allocAll() {
+ // Clear the scavenged bits when we alloc the range.
+ m.pallocBits.allocAll()
+ m.scavenged.clearAll()