env GO111MODULE=on env GOPROXY=direct env GOSUMDB=off [short] skip [!git] skip # secure fetch should report insecure warning cd $WORK/test go mod init stderr 'redirected .* to insecure URL' # insecure fetch should not env GOINSECURE=*.golang.org rm go.mod go mod init ! stderr 'redirected .* to insecure URL' # insecure fetch invalid path should report insecure warning env GOINSECURE=foo.golang.org rm go.mod go mod init stderr 'redirected .* to insecure URL' -- $WORK/test/dependencies.tsv -- vcs-test.golang.org/insecure/go/insecure git 6fecd21f7c0c 2019-09-04T18:39:48Z -- $WORK/test/x.go -- package x // import "m"