// Based on cmd/internal/obj/ppc64/a.out.go. // // Copyright © 1994-1999 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. // Portions Copyright © 1995-1997 C H Forsyth (forsyth@terzarima.net) // Portions Copyright © 1997-1999 Vita Nuova Limited // Portions Copyright © 2000-2008 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited (www.vitanuova.com) // Portions Copyright © 2004,2006 Bruce Ellis // Portions Copyright © 2005-2007 C H Forsyth (forsyth@terzarima.net) // Revisions Copyright © 2000-2008 Lucent Technologies Inc. and others // Portions Copyright © 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. package s390x import "cmd/internal/obj" //go:generate go run ../stringer.go -i $GOFILE -o anames.go -p s390x const ( NSNAME = 8 NSYM = 50 NREG = 16 // number of general purpose registers NFREG = 16 // number of floating point registers ) const ( // General purpose registers (GPRs). REG_R0 = obj.RBaseS390X + iota REG_R1 REG_R2 REG_R3 REG_R4 REG_R5 REG_R6 REG_R7 REG_R8 REG_R9 REG_R10 REG_R11 REG_R12 REG_R13 REG_R14 REG_R15 // Floating point registers (FPRs). REG_F0 REG_F1 REG_F2 REG_F3 REG_F4 REG_F5 REG_F6 REG_F7 REG_F8 REG_F9 REG_F10 REG_F11 REG_F12 REG_F13 REG_F14 REG_F15 // Vector registers (VRs) - only available when the vector // facility is installed. // V0-V15 are aliases for F0-F15. // We keep them in a separate space to make printing etc. easier // If the code generator ever emits vector instructions it will // need to take into account the aliasing. REG_V0 REG_V1 REG_V2 REG_V3 REG_V4 REG_V5 REG_V6 REG_V7 REG_V8 REG_V9 REG_V10 REG_V11 REG_V12 REG_V13 REG_V14 REG_V15 REG_V16 REG_V17 REG_V18 REG_V19 REG_V20 REG_V21 REG_V22 REG_V23 REG_V24 REG_V25 REG_V26 REG_V27 REG_V28 REG_V29 REG_V30 REG_V31 // Access registers (ARs). // The thread pointer is typically stored in the register pair // AR0 and AR1. REG_AR0 REG_AR1 REG_AR2 REG_AR3 REG_AR4 REG_AR5 REG_AR6 REG_AR7 REG_AR8 REG_AR9 REG_AR10 REG_AR11 REG_AR12 REG_AR13 REG_AR14 REG_AR15 REG_RESERVED // end of allocated registers REGARG = -1 // -1 disables passing the first argument in register REGRT1 = REG_R3 // used during zeroing of the stack - not reserved REGRT2 = REG_R4 // used during zeroing of the stack - not reserved REGTMP = REG_R10 // scratch register used in the assembler and linker REGTMP2 = REG_R11 // scratch register used in the assembler and linker REGCTXT = REG_R12 // context for closures REGG = REG_R13 // G REG_LR = REG_R14 // link register REGSP = REG_R15 // stack pointer ) // LINUX for zSeries ELF Application Binary Interface Supplement // https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/ELF/zSeries/lzsabi0_zSeries/x1472.html var S390XDWARFRegisters = map[int16]int16{} func init() { // f assigns dwarfregisters[from:to by step] = (base):((to-from)/step+base) f := func(from, step, to, base int16) { for r := int16(from); r <= to; r += step { S390XDWARFRegisters[r] = (r-from)/step + base } } f(REG_R0, 1, REG_R15, 0) f(REG_F0, 2, REG_F6, 16) f(REG_F1, 2, REG_F7, 20) f(REG_F8, 2, REG_F14, 24) f(REG_F9, 2, REG_F15, 28) f(REG_V0, 2, REG_V6, 16) // V0:15 aliased to F0:15 f(REG_V1, 2, REG_V7, 20) // TODO what about V16:31? f(REG_V8, 2, REG_V14, 24) f(REG_V9, 2, REG_V15, 28) f(REG_AR0, 1, REG_AR15, 48) } const ( BIG = 32768 - 8 DISP12 = 4096 DISP16 = 65536 DISP20 = 1048576 ) const ( // mark flags LEAF = 1 << iota BRANCH USETMP // generated code of this Prog uses REGTMP ) const ( // comments from func aclass in asmz.go C_NONE = iota C_REG // general-purpose register (64-bit) C_FREG // floating-point register (64-bit) C_VREG // vector register (128-bit) C_AREG // access register (32-bit) C_ZCON // constant == 0 C_SCON // 0 <= constant <= 0x7fff (positive int16) C_UCON // constant & 0xffff == 0 (int16 or uint16) C_ADDCON // 0 > constant >= -0x8000 (negative int16) C_ANDCON // constant <= 0xffff C_LCON // constant (int32 or uint32) C_DCON // constant (int64 or uint64) C_SACON // computed address, 16-bit displacement, possibly SP-relative C_LACON // computed address, 32-bit displacement, possibly SP-relative C_DACON // computed address, 64-bit displacement? C_SBRA // short branch C_LBRA // long branch C_SAUTO // short auto C_LAUTO // long auto C_ZOREG // heap address, register-based, displacement == 0 C_SOREG // heap address, register-based, int16 displacement C_LOREG // heap address, register-based, int32 displacement C_TLS_LE // TLS - local exec model (for executables) C_TLS_IE // TLS - initial exec model (for shared libraries loaded at program startup) C_GOK // general address C_ADDR // relocation for extern or static symbols (loads and stores) C_SYMADDR // relocation for extern or static symbols (address taking) C_GOTADDR // GOT slot for a symbol in -dynlink mode C_TEXTSIZE // text size C_ANY C_NCLASS // must be the last ) const ( // integer arithmetic AADD = obj.ABaseS390X + obj.A_ARCHSPECIFIC + iota AADDC AADDE AADDW ADIVW ADIVWU ADIVD ADIVDU AMODW AMODWU AMODD AMODDU AMULLW AMULLD AMULHD AMULHDU AMLGR ASUB ASUBC ASUBV ASUBE ASUBW ANEG ANEGW // integer moves AMOVWBR AMOVB AMOVBZ AMOVH AMOVHBR AMOVHZ AMOVW AMOVWZ AMOVD AMOVDBR // conditional moves AMOVDEQ AMOVDGE AMOVDGT AMOVDLE AMOVDLT AMOVDNE ALOCR ALOCGR // find leftmost one AFLOGR // population count APOPCNT // integer bitwise AAND AANDW AOR AORW AXOR AXORW ASLW ASLD ASRW ASRAW ASRD ASRAD ARLL ARLLG ARNSBG ARXSBG AROSBG ARNSBGT ARXSBGT AROSBGT ARISBG ARISBGN ARISBGZ ARISBGNZ ARISBHG ARISBLG ARISBHGZ ARISBLGZ // floating point AFABS AFADD AFADDS AFCMPO AFCMPU ACEBR AFDIV AFDIVS AFMADD AFMADDS AFMOVD AFMOVS AFMSUB AFMSUBS AFMUL AFMULS AFNABS AFNEG AFNEGS ALEDBR ALDEBR ALPDFR ALNDFR AFSUB AFSUBS AFSQRT AFSQRTS AFIEBR AFIDBR ACPSDR ALTEBR ALTDBR ATCEB ATCDB // move from GPR to FPR and vice versa ALDGR ALGDR // convert from int32/int64 to float/float64 ACEFBRA ACDFBRA ACEGBRA ACDGBRA // convert from float/float64 to int32/int64 ACFEBRA ACFDBRA ACGEBRA ACGDBRA // convert from uint32/uint64 to float/float64 ACELFBR ACDLFBR ACELGBR ACDLGBR // convert from float/float64 to uint32/uint64 ACLFEBR ACLFDBR ACLGEBR ACLGDBR // compare ACMP ACMPU ACMPW ACMPWU // test under mask ATMHH ATMHL ATMLH ATMLL // insert program mask AIPM // set program mask ASPM // compare and swap ACS ACSG // serialize ASYNC // branch ABC ABCL ABRC ABEQ ABGE ABGT ABLE ABLT ABLEU ABLTU ABNE ABVC ABVS ASYSCALL // branch on count ABRCT ABRCTG // compare and branch ACRJ ACGRJ ACLRJ ACLGRJ ACIJ ACGIJ ACLIJ ACLGIJ ACMPBEQ ACMPBGE ACMPBGT ACMPBLE ACMPBLT ACMPBNE ACMPUBEQ ACMPUBGE ACMPUBGT ACMPUBLE ACMPUBLT ACMPUBNE // storage-and-storage AMVC AMVCIN ACLC AXC AOC ANC // load AEXRL ALARL ALA ALAY // interlocked load and op ALAA ALAAG ALAAL ALAALG ALAN ALANG ALAX ALAXG ALAO ALAOG // load/store multiple ALMY ALMG ASTMY ASTMG // store clock ASTCK ASTCKC ASTCKE ASTCKF // macros ACLEAR // vector AVA AVAB AVAH AVAF AVAG AVAQ AVACC AVACCB AVACCH AVACCF AVACCG AVACCQ AVAC AVACQ AVACCC AVACCCQ AVN AVNC AVAVG AVAVGB AVAVGH AVAVGF AVAVGG AVAVGL AVAVGLB AVAVGLH AVAVGLF AVAVGLG AVCKSM AVCEQ AVCEQB AVCEQH AVCEQF AVCEQG AVCEQBS AVCEQHS AVCEQFS AVCEQGS AVCH AVCHB AVCHH AVCHF AVCHG AVCHBS AVCHHS AVCHFS AVCHGS AVCHL AVCHLB AVCHLH AVCHLF AVCHLG AVCHLBS AVCHLHS AVCHLFS AVCHLGS AVCLZ AVCLZB AVCLZH AVCLZF AVCLZG AVCTZ AVCTZB AVCTZH AVCTZF AVCTZG AVEC AVECB AVECH AVECF AVECG AVECL AVECLB AVECLH AVECLF AVECLG AVERIM AVERIMB AVERIMH AVERIMF AVERIMG AVERLL AVERLLB AVERLLH AVERLLF AVERLLG AVERLLV AVERLLVB AVERLLVH AVERLLVF AVERLLVG AVESLV AVESLVB AVESLVH AVESLVF AVESLVG AVESL AVESLB AVESLH AVESLF AVESLG AVESRA AVESRAB AVESRAH AVESRAF AVESRAG AVESRAV AVESRAVB AVESRAVH AVESRAVF AVESRAVG AVESRL AVESRLB AVESRLH AVESRLF AVESRLG AVESRLV AVESRLVB AVESRLVH AVESRLVF AVESRLVG AVX AVFAE AVFAEB AVFAEH AVFAEF AVFAEBS AVFAEHS AVFAEFS AVFAEZB AVFAEZH AVFAEZF AVFAEZBS AVFAEZHS AVFAEZFS AVFEE AVFEEB AVFEEH AVFEEF AVFEEBS AVFEEHS AVFEEFS AVFEEZB AVFEEZH AVFEEZF AVFEEZBS AVFEEZHS AVFEEZFS AVFENE AVFENEB AVFENEH AVFENEF AVFENEBS AVFENEHS AVFENEFS AVFENEZB AVFENEZH AVFENEZF AVFENEZBS AVFENEZHS AVFENEZFS AVFA AVFADB AWFADB AWFK AWFKDB AVFCE AVFCEDB AVFCEDBS AWFCEDB AWFCEDBS AVFCH AVFCHDB AVFCHDBS AWFCHDB AWFCHDBS AVFCHE AVFCHEDB AVFCHEDBS AWFCHEDB AWFCHEDBS AWFC AWFCDB AVCDG AVCDGB AWCDGB AVCDLG AVCDLGB AWCDLGB AVCGD AVCGDB AWCGDB AVCLGD AVCLGDB AWCLGDB AVFD AVFDDB AWFDDB AVLDE AVLDEB AWLDEB AVLED AVLEDB AWLEDB AVFM AVFMDB AWFMDB AVFMA AVFMADB AWFMADB AVFMS AVFMSDB AWFMSDB AVFPSO AVFPSODB AWFPSODB AVFLCDB AWFLCDB AVFLNDB AWFLNDB AVFLPDB AWFLPDB AVFSQ AVFSQDB AWFSQDB AVFS AVFSDB AWFSDB AVFTCI AVFTCIDB AWFTCIDB AVGFM AVGFMB AVGFMH AVGFMF AVGFMG AVGFMA AVGFMAB AVGFMAH AVGFMAF AVGFMAG AVGEF AVGEG AVGBM AVZERO AVONE AVGM AVGMB AVGMH AVGMF AVGMG AVISTR AVISTRB AVISTRH AVISTRF AVISTRBS AVISTRHS AVISTRFS AVL AVLR AVLREP AVLREPB AVLREPH AVLREPF AVLREPG AVLC AVLCB AVLCH AVLCF AVLCG AVLEH AVLEF AVLEG AVLEB AVLEIH AVLEIF AVLEIG AVLEIB AVFI AVFIDB AWFIDB AVLGV AVLGVB AVLGVH AVLGVF AVLGVG AVLLEZ AVLLEZB AVLLEZH AVLLEZF AVLLEZG AVLM AVLP AVLPB AVLPH AVLPF AVLPG AVLBB AVLVG AVLVGB AVLVGH AVLVGF AVLVGG AVLVGP AVLL AVMX AVMXB AVMXH AVMXF AVMXG AVMXL AVMXLB AVMXLH AVMXLF AVMXLG AVMRH AVMRHB AVMRHH AVMRHF AVMRHG AVMRL AVMRLB AVMRLH AVMRLF AVMRLG AVMN AVMNB AVMNH AVMNF AVMNG AVMNL AVMNLB AVMNLH AVMNLF AVMNLG AVMAE AVMAEB AVMAEH AVMAEF AVMAH AVMAHB AVMAHH AVMAHF AVMALE AVMALEB AVMALEH AVMALEF AVMALH AVMALHB AVMALHH AVMALHF AVMALO AVMALOB AVMALOH AVMALOF AVMAL AVMALB AVMALHW AVMALF AVMAO AVMAOB AVMAOH AVMAOF AVME AVMEB AVMEH AVMEF AVMH AVMHB AVMHH AVMHF AVMLE AVMLEB AVMLEH AVMLEF AVMLH AVMLHB AVMLHH AVMLHF AVMLO AVMLOB AVMLOH AVMLOF AVML AVMLB AVMLHW AVMLF AVMO AVMOB AVMOH AVMOF AVNO AVNOT AVO AVPK AVPKH AVPKF AVPKG AVPKLS AVPKLSH AVPKLSF AVPKLSG AVPKLSHS AVPKLSFS AVPKLSGS AVPKS AVPKSH AVPKSF AVPKSG AVPKSHS AVPKSFS AVPKSGS AVPERM AVPDI AVPOPCT AVREP AVREPB AVREPH AVREPF AVREPG AVREPI AVREPIB AVREPIH AVREPIF AVREPIG AVSCEF AVSCEG AVSEL AVSL AVSLB AVSLDB AVSRA AVSRAB AVSRL AVSRLB AVSEG AVSEGB AVSEGH AVSEGF AVST AVSTEH AVSTEF AVSTEG AVSTEB AVSTM AVSTL AVSTRC AVSTRCB AVSTRCH AVSTRCF AVSTRCBS AVSTRCHS AVSTRCFS AVSTRCZB AVSTRCZH AVSTRCZF AVSTRCZBS AVSTRCZHS AVSTRCZFS AVS AVSB AVSH AVSF AVSG AVSQ AVSCBI AVSCBIB AVSCBIH AVSCBIF AVSCBIG AVSCBIQ AVSBCBI AVSBCBIQ AVSBI AVSBIQ AVSUMG AVSUMGH AVSUMGF AVSUMQ AVSUMQF AVSUMQG AVSUM AVSUMB AVSUMH AVTM AVUPH AVUPHB AVUPHH AVUPHF AVUPLH AVUPLHB AVUPLHH AVUPLHF AVUPLL AVUPLLB AVUPLLH AVUPLLF AVUPL AVUPLB AVUPLHW AVUPLF AVMSLG AVMSLEG AVMSLOG AVMSLEOG ANOPH // NOP // binary ABYTE AWORD ADWORD // Breakpoint ABRRK // end marker ALAST // aliases ABR = obj.AJMP ABL = obj.ACALL )