// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package tls import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "internal/testenv" "io" "math" "net" "os" "reflect" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" ) var rsaCertPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB0zCCAX2gAwIBAgIJAI/M7BYjwB+uMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMEUxCzAJBgNV BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwHhcNMTIwOTEyMjE1MjAyWhcNMTUwOTEyMjE1MjAyWjBF MQswCQYDVQQGEwJBVTETMBEGA1UECAwKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UECgwYSW50 ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBANLJ hPHhITqQbPklG3ibCVxwGMRfp/v4XqhfdQHdcVfHap6NQ5Wok/4xIA+ui35/MmNa rtNuC+BdZ1tMuVCPFZcCAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFJvKs8RfJaXTH08W+SGv zQyKn0H8MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFJvKs8RfJaXTH08W+SGvzQyKn0H8MAwGA1UdEwQF MAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADQQBJlffJHybjDGxRMqaRmDhX0+6v02TUKZsW r5QuVbpQhH6u+0UgcW0jp9QwpxoPTLTWGXEWBBBurxFwiCBhkQ+V -----END CERTIFICATE----- ` var rsaKeyPEM = testingKey(`-----BEGIN RSA TESTING KEY----- MIIBOwIBAAJBANLJhPHhITqQbPklG3ibCVxwGMRfp/v4XqhfdQHdcVfHap6NQ5Wo k/4xIA+ui35/MmNartNuC+BdZ1tMuVCPFZcCAwEAAQJAEJ2N+zsR0Xn8/Q6twa4G 6OB1M1WO+k+ztnX/1SvNeWu8D6GImtupLTYgjZcHufykj09jiHmjHx8u8ZZB/o1N MQIhAPW+eyZo7ay3lMz1V01WVjNKK9QSn1MJlb06h/LuYv9FAiEA25WPedKgVyCW SmUwbPw8fnTcpqDWE3yTO3vKcebqMSsCIBF3UmVue8YU3jybC3NxuXq3wNm34R8T xVLHwDXh/6NJAiEAl2oHGGLz64BuAfjKrqwz7qMYr9HCLIe/YsoWq/olzScCIQDi D2lWusoe2/nEqfDVVWGWlyJ7yOmqaVm/iNUN9B2N2g== -----END RSA TESTING KEY----- `) // keyPEM is the same as rsaKeyPEM, but declares itself as just // "PRIVATE KEY", not "RSA PRIVATE KEY". https://golang.org/issue/4477 var keyPEM = testingKey(`-----BEGIN TESTING KEY----- MIIBOwIBAAJBANLJhPHhITqQbPklG3ibCVxwGMRfp/v4XqhfdQHdcVfHap6NQ5Wo k/4xIA+ui35/MmNartNuC+BdZ1tMuVCPFZcCAwEAAQJAEJ2N+zsR0Xn8/Q6twa4G 6OB1M1WO+k+ztnX/1SvNeWu8D6GImtupLTYgjZcHufykj09jiHmjHx8u8ZZB/o1N MQIhAPW+eyZo7ay3lMz1V01WVjNKK9QSn1MJlb06h/LuYv9FAiEA25WPedKgVyCW SmUwbPw8fnTcpqDWE3yTO3vKcebqMSsCIBF3UmVue8YU3jybC3NxuXq3wNm34R8T xVLHwDXh/6NJAiEAl2oHGGLz64BuAfjKrqwz7qMYr9HCLIe/YsoWq/olzScCIQDi D2lWusoe2/nEqfDVVWGWlyJ7yOmqaVm/iNUN9B2N2g== -----END TESTING KEY----- `) var ecdsaCertPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB/jCCAWICCQDscdUxw16XFDAJBgcqhkjOPQQBMEUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkFVMRMw EQYDVQQIEwpTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKExhJbnRlcm5ldCBXaWRnaXRzIFB0 eSBMdGQwHhcNMTIxMTE0MTI0MDQ4WhcNMTUxMTE0MTI0MDQ4WjBFMQswCQYDVQQG EwJBVTETMBEGA1UECBMKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UEChMYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lk Z2l0cyBQdHkgTHRkMIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAjA4GGAAQBY9+my9OoeSUR lDQdV/x8LsOuLilthhiS1Tz4aGDHIPwC1mlvnf7fg5lecYpMCrLLhauAc1UJXcgl 01xoLuzgtAEAgv2P/jgytzRSpUYvgLBt1UA0leLYBy6mQQbrNEuqT3INapKIcUv8 XxYP0xMEUksLPq6Ca+CRSqTtrd/23uTnapkwCQYHKoZIzj0EAQOBigAwgYYCQXJo A7Sl2nLVf+4Iu/tAX/IF4MavARKC4PPHK3zfuGfPR3oCCcsAoz3kAzOeijvd0iXb H5jBImIxPL4WxQNiBTexAkF8D1EtpYuWdlVQ80/h/f4pBcGiXPqX5h2PQSQY7hP1 +jwM1FGS4fREIOvlBYr/SzzQRtwrvrzGYxDEDbsC0ZGRnA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- ` var ecdsaKeyPEM = testingKey(`-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- BgUrgQQAIw== -----END EC PARAMETERS----- -----BEGIN EC TESTING KEY----- MIHcAgEBBEIBrsoKp0oqcv6/JovJJDoDVSGWdirrkgCWxrprGlzB9o0X8fV675X0 NwuBenXFfeZvVcwluO7/Q9wkYoPd/t3jGImgBwYFK4EEACOhgYkDgYYABAFj36bL 06h5JRGUNB1X/Hwuw64uKW2GGJLVPPhoYMcg/ALWaW+d/t+DmV5xikwKssuFq4Bz VQldyCXTXGgu7OC0AQCC/Y/+ODK3NFKlRi+AsG3VQDSV4tgHLqZBBus0S6pPcg1q kohxS/xfFg/TEwRSSws+roJr4JFKpO2t3/be5OdqmQ== -----END EC TESTING KEY----- `) var keyPairTests = []struct { algo string cert string key string }{ {"ECDSA", ecdsaCertPEM, ecdsaKeyPEM}, {"RSA", rsaCertPEM, rsaKeyPEM}, {"RSA-untyped", rsaCertPEM, keyPEM}, // golang.org/issue/4477 } func TestX509KeyPair(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var pem []byte for _, test := range keyPairTests { pem = []byte(test.cert + test.key) if _, err := X509KeyPair(pem, pem); err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to load %s cert followed by %s key: %s", test.algo, test.algo, err) } pem = []byte(test.key + test.cert) if _, err := X509KeyPair(pem, pem); err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to load %s key followed by %s cert: %s", test.algo, test.algo, err) } } } func TestX509KeyPairErrors(t *testing.T) { _, err := X509KeyPair([]byte(rsaKeyPEM), []byte(rsaCertPEM)) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("X509KeyPair didn't return an error when arguments were switched") } if subStr := "been switched"; !strings.Contains(err.Error(), subStr) { t.Fatalf("Expected %q in the error when switching arguments to X509KeyPair, but the error was %q", subStr, err) } _, err = X509KeyPair([]byte(rsaCertPEM), []byte(rsaCertPEM)) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("X509KeyPair didn't return an error when both arguments were certificates") } if subStr := "certificate"; !strings.Contains(err.Error(), subStr) { t.Fatalf("Expected %q in the error when both arguments to X509KeyPair were certificates, but the error was %q", subStr, err) } const nonsensePEM = ` -----BEGIN NONSENSE----- Zm9vZm9vZm9v -----END NONSENSE----- ` _, err = X509KeyPair([]byte(nonsensePEM), []byte(nonsensePEM)) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("X509KeyPair didn't return an error when both arguments were nonsense") } if subStr := "NONSENSE"; !strings.Contains(err.Error(), subStr) { t.Fatalf("Expected %q in the error when both arguments to X509KeyPair were nonsense, but the error was %q", subStr, err) } } func TestX509MixedKeyPair(t *testing.T) { if _, err := X509KeyPair([]byte(rsaCertPEM), []byte(ecdsaKeyPEM)); err == nil { t.Error("Load of RSA certificate succeeded with ECDSA private key") } if _, err := X509KeyPair([]byte(ecdsaCertPEM), []byte(rsaKeyPEM)); err == nil { t.Error("Load of ECDSA certificate succeeded with RSA private key") } } func newLocalListener(t testing.TB) net.Listener { ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { ln, err = net.Listen("tcp6", "[::1]:0") } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return ln } func TestDialTimeout(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping in short mode") } timeout := 100 * time.Microsecond for !t.Failed() { acceptc := make(chan net.Conn) listener := newLocalListener(t) go func() { for { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { close(acceptc) return } acceptc <- conn } }() addr := listener.Addr().String() dialer := &net.Dialer{ Timeout: timeout, } if conn, err := DialWithDialer(dialer, "tcp", addr, nil); err == nil { conn.Close() t.Errorf("DialWithTimeout unexpectedly completed successfully") } else if !isTimeoutError(err) { t.Errorf("resulting error not a timeout: %v\nType %T: %#v", err, err, err) } listener.Close() // We're looking for a timeout during the handshake, so check that the // Listener actually accepted the connection to initiate it. (If the server // takes too long to accept the connection, we might cancel before the // underlying net.Conn is ever dialed — without ever attempting a // handshake.) lconn, ok := <-acceptc if ok { // The Listener accepted a connection, so assume that it was from our // Dial: we triggered the timeout at the point where we wanted it! t.Logf("Listener accepted a connection from %s", lconn.RemoteAddr()) lconn.Close() } // Close any spurious extra connecitions from the listener. (This is // possible if there are, for example, stray Dial calls from other tests.) for extraConn := range acceptc { t.Logf("spurious extra connection from %s", extraConn.RemoteAddr()) extraConn.Close() } if ok { break } t.Logf("with timeout %v, DialWithDialer returned before listener accepted any connections; retrying", timeout) timeout *= 2 } } func TestDeadlineOnWrite(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping in short mode") } ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() srvCh := make(chan *Conn, 1) go func() { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { srvCh <- nil return } srv := Server(sconn, testConfig.Clone()) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { srvCh <- nil return } srvCh <- srv }() clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12 conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() srv := <-srvCh if srv == nil { t.Error(err) } // Make sure the client/server is setup correctly and is able to do a typical Write/Read buf := make([]byte, 6) if _, err := srv.Write([]byte("foobar")); err != nil { t.Errorf("Write err: %v", err) } if n, err := conn.Read(buf); n != 6 || err != nil || string(buf) != "foobar" { t.Errorf("Read = %d, %v, data %q; want 6, nil, foobar", n, err, buf) } // Set a deadline which should cause Write to timeout if err = srv.SetDeadline(time.Now()); err != nil { t.Fatalf("SetDeadline(time.Now()) err: %v", err) } if _, err = srv.Write([]byte("should fail")); err == nil { t.Fatal("Write should have timed out") } // Clear deadline and make sure it still times out if err = srv.SetDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil { t.Fatalf("SetDeadline(time.Time{}) err: %v", err) } if _, err = srv.Write([]byte("This connection is permanently broken")); err == nil { t.Fatal("Write which previously failed should still time out") } // Verify the error if ne := err.(net.Error); ne.Temporary() != false { t.Error("Write timed out but incorrectly classified the error as Temporary") } if !isTimeoutError(err) { t.Error("Write timed out but did not classify the error as a Timeout") } } type readerFunc func([]byte) (int, error) func (f readerFunc) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { return f(b) } // TestDialer tests that tls.Dialer.DialContext can abort in the middle of a handshake. // (The other cases are all handled by the existing dial tests in this package, which // all also flow through the same code shared code paths) func TestDialer(t *testing.T) { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() unblockServer := make(chan struct{}) // close-only defer close(unblockServer) go func() { conn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { return } defer conn.Close() <-unblockServer }() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) d := Dialer{Config: &Config{ Rand: readerFunc(func(b []byte) (n int, err error) { // By the time crypto/tls wants randomness, that means it has a TCP // connection, so we're past the Dialer's dial and now blocked // in a handshake. Cancel our context and see if we get unstuck. // (Our TCP listener above never reads or writes, so the Handshake // would otherwise be stuck forever) cancel() return len(b), nil }), ServerName: "foo", }} _, err := d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", ln.Addr().String()) if err != context.Canceled { t.Errorf("err = %v; want context.Canceled", err) } } func isTimeoutError(err error) bool { if ne, ok := err.(net.Error); ok { return ne.Timeout() } return false } // tests that Conn.Read returns (non-zero, io.EOF) instead of // (non-zero, nil) when a Close (alertCloseNotify) is sitting right // behind the application data in the buffer. func TestConnReadNonzeroAndEOF(t *testing.T) { // This test is racy: it assumes that after a write to a // localhost TCP connection, the peer TCP connection can // immediately read it. Because it's racy, we skip this test // in short mode, and then retry it several times with an // increasing sleep in between our final write (via srv.Close // below) and the following read. if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping in short mode") } var err error for delay := time.Millisecond; delay <= 64*time.Millisecond; delay *= 2 { if err = testConnReadNonzeroAndEOF(t, delay); err == nil { return } } t.Error(err) } func testConnReadNonzeroAndEOF(t *testing.T, delay time.Duration) error { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() srvCh := make(chan *Conn, 1) var serr error go func() { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { serr = err srvCh <- nil return } serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() srv := Server(sconn, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { serr = fmt.Errorf("handshake: %v", err) srvCh <- nil return } srvCh <- srv }() clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() // In TLS 1.3, alerts are encrypted and disguised as application data, so // the opportunistic peek won't work. clientConfig.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12 conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() srv := <-srvCh if srv == nil { return serr } buf := make([]byte, 6) srv.Write([]byte("foobar")) n, err := conn.Read(buf) if n != 6 || err != nil || string(buf) != "foobar" { return fmt.Errorf("Read = %d, %v, data %q; want 6, nil, foobar", n, err, buf) } srv.Write([]byte("abcdef")) srv.Close() time.Sleep(delay) n, err = conn.Read(buf) if n != 6 || string(buf) != "abcdef" { return fmt.Errorf("Read = %d, buf= %q; want 6, abcdef", n, buf) } if err != io.EOF { return fmt.Errorf("Second Read error = %v; want io.EOF", err) } return nil } func TestTLSUniqueMatches(t *testing.T) { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() serverTLSUniques := make(chan []byte) parentDone := make(chan struct{}) childDone := make(chan struct{}) defer close(parentDone) go func() { defer close(childDone) for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { t.Error(err) return } serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() serverConfig.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12 // TLSUnique is not defined in TLS 1.3 srv := Server(sconn, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { t.Error(err) return } select { case <-parentDone: return case serverTLSUniques <- srv.ConnectionState().TLSUnique: } } }() clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.ClientSessionCache = NewLRUClientSessionCache(1) conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var serverTLSUniquesValue []byte select { case <-childDone: return case serverTLSUniquesValue = <-serverTLSUniques: } if !bytes.Equal(conn.ConnectionState().TLSUnique, serverTLSUniquesValue) { t.Error("client and server channel bindings differ") } if serverTLSUniquesValue == nil || bytes.Equal(serverTLSUniquesValue, make([]byte, 12)) { t.Error("tls-unique is empty or zero") } conn.Close() conn, err = Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() if !conn.ConnectionState().DidResume { t.Error("second session did not use resumption") } select { case <-childDone: return case serverTLSUniquesValue = <-serverTLSUniques: } if !bytes.Equal(conn.ConnectionState().TLSUnique, serverTLSUniquesValue) { t.Error("client and server channel bindings differ when session resumption is used") } if serverTLSUniquesValue == nil || bytes.Equal(serverTLSUniquesValue, make([]byte, 12)) { t.Error("resumption tls-unique is empty or zero") } } func TestVerifyHostname(t *testing.T) { testenv.MustHaveExternalNetwork(t) c, err := Dial("tcp", "www.google.com:https", nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := c.VerifyHostname("www.google.com"); err != nil { t.Fatalf("verify www.google.com: %v", err) } if err := c.VerifyHostname("www.yahoo.com"); err == nil { t.Fatalf("verify www.yahoo.com succeeded") } c, err = Dial("tcp", "www.google.com:https", &Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := c.VerifyHostname("www.google.com"); err == nil { t.Fatalf("verify www.google.com succeeded with InsecureSkipVerify=true") } } func TestConnCloseBreakingWrite(t *testing.T) { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() srvCh := make(chan *Conn, 1) var serr error var sconn net.Conn go func() { var err error sconn, err = ln.Accept() if err != nil { serr = err srvCh <- nil return } serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() srv := Server(sconn, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { serr = fmt.Errorf("handshake: %v", err) srvCh <- nil return } srvCh <- srv }() cconn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer cconn.Close() conn := &changeImplConn{ Conn: cconn, } clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() tconn := Client(conn, clientConfig) if err := tconn.Handshake(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } srv := <-srvCh if srv == nil { t.Fatal(serr) } defer sconn.Close() connClosed := make(chan struct{}) conn.closeFunc = func() error { close(connClosed) return nil } inWrite := make(chan bool, 1) var errConnClosed = errors.New("conn closed for test") conn.writeFunc = func(p []byte) (n int, err error) { inWrite <- true <-connClosed return 0, errConnClosed } closeReturned := make(chan bool, 1) go func() { <-inWrite tconn.Close() // test that this doesn't block forever. closeReturned <- true }() _, err = tconn.Write([]byte("foo")) if err != errConnClosed { t.Errorf("Write error = %v; want errConnClosed", err) } <-closeReturned if err := tconn.Close(); err != net.ErrClosed { t.Errorf("Close error = %v; want net.ErrClosed", err) } } func TestConnCloseWrite(t *testing.T) { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() clientDoneChan := make(chan struct{}) serverCloseWrite := func() error { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("accept: %v", err) } defer sconn.Close() serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() srv := Server(sconn, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("handshake: %v", err) } defer srv.Close() data, err := io.ReadAll(srv) if err != nil { return err } if len(data) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Read data = %q; want nothing", data) } if err := srv.CloseWrite(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("server CloseWrite: %v", err) } // Wait for clientCloseWrite to finish, so we know we // tested the CloseWrite before we defer the // sconn.Close above, which would also cause the // client to unblock like CloseWrite. <-clientDoneChan return nil } clientCloseWrite := func() error { defer close(clientDoneChan) clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { return err } if err := conn.Handshake(); err != nil { return err } defer conn.Close() if err := conn.CloseWrite(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("client CloseWrite: %v", err) } if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{0}); err != errShutdown { return fmt.Errorf("CloseWrite error = %v; want errShutdown", err) } data, err := io.ReadAll(conn) if err != nil { return err } if len(data) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Read data = %q; want nothing", data) } return nil } errChan := make(chan error, 2) go func() { errChan <- serverCloseWrite() }() go func() { errChan <- clientCloseWrite() }() for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { select { case err := <-errChan: if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } case <-time.After(10 * time.Second): t.Fatal("deadlock") } } // Also test CloseWrite being called before the handshake is // finished: { ln2 := newLocalListener(t) defer ln2.Close() netConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ln2.Addr().String()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer netConn.Close() conn := Client(netConn, testConfig.Clone()) if err := conn.CloseWrite(); err != errEarlyCloseWrite { t.Errorf("CloseWrite error = %v; want errEarlyCloseWrite", err) } } } func TestWarningAlertFlood(t *testing.T) { ln := newLocalListener(t) defer ln.Close() server := func() error { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("accept: %v", err) } defer sconn.Close() serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() srv := Server(sconn, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("handshake: %v", err) } defer srv.Close() _, err = io.ReadAll(srv) if err == nil { return errors.New("unexpected lack of error from server") } const expected = "too many ignored" if str := err.Error(); !strings.Contains(str, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("expected error containing %q, but saw: %s", expected, str) } return nil } errChan := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errChan <- server() }() clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12 // there are no warning alerts in TLS 1.3 conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() if err := conn.Handshake(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for i := 0; i < maxUselessRecords+1; i++ { conn.sendAlert(alertNoRenegotiation) } if err := <-errChan; err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestCloneFuncFields(t *testing.T) { const expectedCount = 8 called := 0 c1 := Config{ Time: func() time.Time { called |= 1 << 0 return time.Time{} }, GetCertificate: func(*ClientHelloInfo) (*Certificate, error) { called |= 1 << 1 return nil, nil }, GetClientCertificate: func(*CertificateRequestInfo) (*Certificate, error) { called |= 1 << 2 return nil, nil }, GetConfigForClient: func(*ClientHelloInfo) (*Config, error) { called |= 1 << 3 return nil, nil }, VerifyPeerCertificate: func(rawCerts [][]byte, verifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) error { called |= 1 << 4 return nil }, VerifyConnection: func(ConnectionState) error { called |= 1 << 5 return nil }, UnwrapSession: func(identity []byte, cs ConnectionState) (*SessionState, error) { called |= 1 << 6 return nil, nil }, WrapSession: func(cs ConnectionState, ss *SessionState) ([]byte, error) { called |= 1 << 7 return nil, nil }, } c2 := c1.Clone() c2.Time() c2.GetCertificate(nil) c2.GetClientCertificate(nil) c2.GetConfigForClient(nil) c2.VerifyPeerCertificate(nil, nil) c2.VerifyConnection(ConnectionState{}) c2.UnwrapSession(nil, ConnectionState{}) c2.WrapSession(ConnectionState{}, nil) if called != (1< len(p) { allowed = len(p) } if wrote < allowed { n, err := c.Conn.Write(p[wrote:allowed]) wrote += n if err != nil { return wrote, err } } } return len(p), nil } func latency(b *testing.B, version uint16, bps int, dynamicRecordSizingDisabled bool) { ln := newLocalListener(b) defer ln.Close() N := b.N go func() { for i := 0; i < N; i++ { sconn, err := ln.Accept() if err != nil { // panic rather than synchronize to avoid benchmark overhead // (cannot call b.Fatal in goroutine) panic(fmt.Errorf("accept: %v", err)) } serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() serverConfig.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled = dynamicRecordSizingDisabled srv := Server(&slowConn{sconn, bps}, serverConfig) if err := srv.Handshake(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("handshake: %v", err)) } io.Copy(srv, srv) } }() clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.DynamicRecordSizingDisabled = dynamicRecordSizingDisabled clientConfig.MaxVersion = version buf := make([]byte, 16384) peek := make([]byte, 1) for i := 0; i < N; i++ { conn, err := Dial("tcp", ln.Addr().String(), clientConfig) if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } // make sure we're connected and previous connection has stopped if _, err := conn.Write(buf[:1]); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } if _, err := io.ReadFull(conn, peek); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } if _, err := conn.Write(buf); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } if _, err = io.ReadFull(conn, peek); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } conn.Close() } } func BenchmarkLatency(b *testing.B) { for _, mode := range []string{"Max", "Dynamic"} { for _, kbps := range []int{200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000} { name := fmt.Sprintf("%sPacket/%dkbps", mode, kbps) b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) { b.Run("TLSv12", func(b *testing.B) { latency(b, VersionTLS12, kbps*1000, mode == "Max") }) b.Run("TLSv13", func(b *testing.B) { latency(b, VersionTLS13, kbps*1000, mode == "Max") }) }) } } } func TestConnectionStateMarshal(t *testing.T) { cs := &ConnectionState{} _, err := json.Marshal(cs) if err != nil { t.Errorf("json.Marshal failed on ConnectionState: %v", err) } } func TestConnectionState(t *testing.T) { issuer, err := x509.ParseCertificate(testRSACertificateIssuer) if err != nil { panic(err) } rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool() rootCAs.AddCert(issuer) now := func() time.Time { return time.Unix(1476984729, 0) } const alpnProtocol = "golang" const serverName = "example.golang" var scts = [][]byte{[]byte("dummy sct 1"), []byte("dummy sct 2")} var ocsp = []byte("dummy ocsp") for _, v := range []uint16{VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13} { var name string switch v { case VersionTLS12: name = "TLSv12" case VersionTLS13: name = "TLSv13" } t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { config := &Config{ Time: now, Rand: zeroSource{}, Certificates: make([]Certificate, 1), MaxVersion: v, RootCAs: rootCAs, ClientCAs: rootCAs, ClientAuth: RequireAndVerifyClientCert, NextProtos: []string{alpnProtocol}, ServerName: serverName, } config.Certificates[0].Certificate = [][]byte{testRSACertificate} config.Certificates[0].PrivateKey = testRSAPrivateKey config.Certificates[0].SignedCertificateTimestamps = scts config.Certificates[0].OCSPStaple = ocsp ss, cs, err := testHandshake(t, config, config) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Handshake failed: %v", err) } if ss.Version != v || cs.Version != v { t.Errorf("Got versions %x (server) and %x (client), expected %x", ss.Version, cs.Version, v) } if !ss.HandshakeComplete || !cs.HandshakeComplete { t.Errorf("Got HandshakeComplete %v (server) and %v (client), expected true", ss.HandshakeComplete, cs.HandshakeComplete) } if ss.DidResume || cs.DidResume { t.Errorf("Got DidResume %v (server) and %v (client), expected false", ss.DidResume, cs.DidResume) } if ss.CipherSuite == 0 || cs.CipherSuite == 0 { t.Errorf("Got invalid cipher suite: %v (server) and %v (client)", ss.CipherSuite, cs.CipherSuite) } if ss.NegotiatedProtocol != alpnProtocol || cs.NegotiatedProtocol != alpnProtocol { t.Errorf("Got negotiated protocol %q (server) and %q (client), expected %q", ss.NegotiatedProtocol, cs.NegotiatedProtocol, alpnProtocol) } if !cs.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual { t.Errorf("Got false NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual on the client side") } // NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual on the server side is unspecified. if ss.ServerName != serverName { t.Errorf("Got server name %q, expected %q", ss.ServerName, serverName) } if cs.ServerName != serverName { t.Errorf("Got server name on client connection %q, expected %q", cs.ServerName, serverName) } if len(ss.PeerCertificates) != 1 || len(cs.PeerCertificates) != 1 { t.Errorf("Got %d (server) and %d (client) peer certificates, expected %d", len(ss.PeerCertificates), len(cs.PeerCertificates), 1) } if len(ss.VerifiedChains) != 1 || len(cs.VerifiedChains) != 1 { t.Errorf("Got %d (server) and %d (client) verified chains, expected %d", len(ss.VerifiedChains), len(cs.VerifiedChains), 1) } else if len(ss.VerifiedChains[0]) != 2 || len(cs.VerifiedChains[0]) != 2 { t.Errorf("Got %d (server) and %d (client) long verified chain, expected %d", len(ss.VerifiedChains[0]), len(cs.VerifiedChains[0]), 2) } if len(cs.SignedCertificateTimestamps) != 2 { t.Errorf("Got %d SCTs, expected %d", len(cs.SignedCertificateTimestamps), 2) } if !bytes.Equal(cs.OCSPResponse, ocsp) { t.Errorf("Got OCSPs %x, expected %x", cs.OCSPResponse, ocsp) } // Only TLS 1.3 supports OCSP and SCTs on client certs. if v == VersionTLS13 { if len(ss.SignedCertificateTimestamps) != 2 { t.Errorf("Got %d client SCTs, expected %d", len(ss.SignedCertificateTimestamps), 2) } if !bytes.Equal(ss.OCSPResponse, ocsp) { t.Errorf("Got client OCSPs %x, expected %x", ss.OCSPResponse, ocsp) } } if v == VersionTLS13 { if ss.TLSUnique != nil || cs.TLSUnique != nil { t.Errorf("Got TLSUnique %x (server) and %x (client), expected nil in TLS 1.3", ss.TLSUnique, cs.TLSUnique) } } else { if ss.TLSUnique == nil || cs.TLSUnique == nil { t.Errorf("Got TLSUnique %x (server) and %x (client), expected non-nil", ss.TLSUnique, cs.TLSUnique) } } }) } } // Issue 28744: Ensure that we don't modify memory // that Config doesn't own such as Certificates. func TestBuildNameToCertificate_doesntModifyCertificates(t *testing.T) { c0 := Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{testRSACertificate}, PrivateKey: testRSAPrivateKey, } c1 := Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{testSNICertificate}, PrivateKey: testRSAPrivateKey, } config := testConfig.Clone() config.Certificates = []Certificate{c0, c1} config.BuildNameToCertificate() got := config.Certificates want := []Certificate{c0, c1} if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Fatalf("Certificates were mutated by BuildNameToCertificate\nGot: %#v\nWant: %#v\n", got, want) } } func testingKey(s string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "TESTING KEY", "PRIVATE KEY") } func TestClientHelloInfo_SupportsCertificate(t *testing.T) { rsaCert := &Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{testRSACertificate}, PrivateKey: testRSAPrivateKey, } pkcs1Cert := &Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{testRSACertificate}, PrivateKey: testRSAPrivateKey, SupportedSignatureAlgorithms: []SignatureScheme{PKCS1WithSHA1, PKCS1WithSHA256}, } ecdsaCert := &Certificate{ // ECDSA P-256 certificate Certificate: [][]byte{testP256Certificate}, PrivateKey: testP256PrivateKey, } ed25519Cert := &Certificate{ Certificate: [][]byte{testEd25519Certificate}, PrivateKey: testEd25519PrivateKey, } tests := []struct { c *Certificate chi *ClientHelloInfo wantErr string }{ {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ ServerName: "example.golang", SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PSSWithSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13}, }, ""}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PSSWithSHA256, ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13, VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ ServerName: "example.com", SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PSSWithSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13}, }, "not valid for requested server name"}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13}, }, "signature algorithms"}, {pkcs1Cert, &ClientHelloInfo{ SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PSSWithSHA256, ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13}, }, "signature algorithms"}, {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PKCS1WithSHA1}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13, VersionTLS12}, }, "signature algorithms"}, {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PKCS1WithSHA1}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13, VersionTLS12}, config: &Config{ MaxVersion: VersionTLS12, }, }, ""}, // Check that mutual version selection works. {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, // TLS 1.2 does not restrict curves based on the SignatureScheme. {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: nil, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, // TLS 1.2 comes with default signature schemes. {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, "cipher suite"}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, config: &Config{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, }, }, "cipher suite"}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP384}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, "certificate curve"}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{1}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, "doesn't support ECDHE"}, {ecdsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{PSSWithSHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, "signature algorithms"}, {ed25519Cert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, // only relevant for ECDHE support SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{Ed25519}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, {ed25519Cert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, // only relevant for ECDHE support SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{Ed25519}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS10}, }, "doesn't support Ed25519"}, {ed25519Cert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{}, SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SignatureSchemes: []SignatureScheme{Ed25519}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, "doesn't support ECDHE"}, {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA}, SupportedCurves: []CurveID{CurveP256}, // only relevant for ECDHE support SupportedPoints: []uint8{pointFormatUncompressed}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS10}, }, ""}, {rsaCert, &ClientHelloInfo{ CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256}, SupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12}, }, ""}, // static RSA fallback } for i, tt := range tests { err := tt.chi.SupportsCertificate(tt.c) switch { case tt.wantErr == "" && err != nil: t.Errorf("%d: unexpected error: %v", i, err) case tt.wantErr != "" && err == nil: t.Errorf("%d: unexpected success", i) case tt.wantErr != "" && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tt.wantErr): t.Errorf("%d: got error %q, expected %q", i, err, tt.wantErr) } } } func TestCipherSuites(t *testing.T) { var lastID uint16 for _, c := range CipherSuites() { if lastID > c.ID { t.Errorf("CipherSuites are not ordered by ID: got %#04x after %#04x", c.ID, lastID) } else { lastID = c.ID } if c.Insecure { t.Errorf("%#04x: Insecure CipherSuite returned by CipherSuites()", c.ID) } } lastID = 0 for _, c := range InsecureCipherSuites() { if lastID > c.ID { t.Errorf("InsecureCipherSuites are not ordered by ID: got %#04x after %#04x", c.ID, lastID) } else { lastID = c.ID } if !c.Insecure { t.Errorf("%#04x: not Insecure CipherSuite returned by InsecureCipherSuites()", c.ID) } } CipherSuiteByID := func(id uint16) *CipherSuite { for _, c := range CipherSuites() { if c.ID == id { return c } } for _, c := range InsecureCipherSuites() { if c.ID == id { return c } } return nil } for _, c := range cipherSuites { cc := CipherSuiteByID(c.id) if cc == nil { t.Errorf("%#04x: no CipherSuite entry", c.id) continue } if tls12Only := c.flags&suiteTLS12 != 0; tls12Only && len(cc.SupportedVersions) != 1 { t.Errorf("%#04x: suite is TLS 1.2 only, but SupportedVersions is %v", c.id, cc.SupportedVersions) } else if !tls12Only && len(cc.SupportedVersions) != 3 { t.Errorf("%#04x: suite TLS 1.0-1.2, but SupportedVersions is %v", c.id, cc.SupportedVersions) } if got := CipherSuiteName(c.id); got != cc.Name { t.Errorf("%#04x: unexpected CipherSuiteName: got %q, expected %q", c.id, got, cc.Name) } } for _, c := range cipherSuitesTLS13 { cc := CipherSuiteByID(c.id) if cc == nil { t.Errorf("%#04x: no CipherSuite entry", c.id) continue } if cc.Insecure { t.Errorf("%#04x: Insecure %v, expected false", c.id, cc.Insecure) } if len(cc.SupportedVersions) != 1 || cc.SupportedVersions[0] != VersionTLS13 { t.Errorf("%#04x: suite is TLS 1.3 only, but SupportedVersions is %v", c.id, cc.SupportedVersions) } if got := CipherSuiteName(c.id); got != cc.Name { t.Errorf("%#04x: unexpected CipherSuiteName: got %q, expected %q", c.id, got, cc.Name) } } if got := CipherSuiteName(0xabc); got != "0x0ABC" { t.Errorf("unexpected fallback CipherSuiteName: got %q, expected 0x0ABC", got) } if len(cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder) != len(cipherSuites) { t.Errorf("cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder is not the same size as cipherSuites") } if len(cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES) != len(cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder) { t.Errorf("cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES is not the same size as cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder") } // Check that disabled suites are at the end of the preference lists, and // that they are marked insecure. for i, id := range disabledCipherSuites { offset := len(cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder) - len(disabledCipherSuites) if cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder[offset+i] != id { t.Errorf("disabledCipherSuites[%d]: not at the end of cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder", i) } if cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES[offset+i] != id { t.Errorf("disabledCipherSuites[%d]: not at the end of cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES", i) } c := CipherSuiteByID(id) if c == nil { t.Errorf("%#04x: no CipherSuite entry", id) continue } if !c.Insecure { t.Errorf("%#04x: disabled by default but not marked insecure", id) } } for i, prefOrder := range [][]uint16{cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder, cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES} { // Check that insecure and HTTP/2 bad cipher suites are at the end of // the preference lists. var sawInsecure, sawBad bool for _, id := range prefOrder { c := CipherSuiteByID(id) if c == nil { t.Errorf("%#04x: no CipherSuite entry", id) continue } if c.Insecure { sawInsecure = true } else if sawInsecure { t.Errorf("%#04x: secure suite after insecure one(s)", id) } if http2isBadCipher(id) { sawBad = true } else if sawBad { t.Errorf("%#04x: non-bad suite after bad HTTP/2 one(s)", id) } } // Check that the list is sorted according to the documented criteria. isBetter := func(a, b int) bool { aSuite, bSuite := cipherSuiteByID(prefOrder[a]), cipherSuiteByID(prefOrder[b]) aName, bName := CipherSuiteName(prefOrder[a]), CipherSuiteName(prefOrder[b]) // * < RC4 if !strings.Contains(aName, "RC4") && strings.Contains(bName, "RC4") { return true } else if strings.Contains(aName, "RC4") && !strings.Contains(bName, "RC4") { return false } // * < CBC_SHA256 if !strings.Contains(aName, "CBC_SHA256") && strings.Contains(bName, "CBC_SHA256") { return true } else if strings.Contains(aName, "CBC_SHA256") && !strings.Contains(bName, "CBC_SHA256") { return false } // * < 3DES if !strings.Contains(aName, "3DES") && strings.Contains(bName, "3DES") { return true } else if strings.Contains(aName, "3DES") && !strings.Contains(bName, "3DES") { return false } // ECDHE < * if aSuite.flags&suiteECDHE != 0 && bSuite.flags&suiteECDHE == 0 { return true } else if aSuite.flags&suiteECDHE == 0 && bSuite.flags&suiteECDHE != 0 { return false } // AEAD < CBC if aSuite.aead != nil && bSuite.aead == nil { return true } else if aSuite.aead == nil && bSuite.aead != nil { return false } // AES < ChaCha20 if strings.Contains(aName, "AES") && strings.Contains(bName, "CHACHA20") { return i == 0 // true for cipherSuitesPreferenceOrder } else if strings.Contains(aName, "CHACHA20") && strings.Contains(bName, "AES") { return i != 0 // true for cipherSuitesPreferenceOrderNoAES } // AES-128 < AES-256 if strings.Contains(aName, "AES_128") && strings.Contains(bName, "AES_256") { return true } else if strings.Contains(aName, "AES_256") && strings.Contains(bName, "AES_128") { return false } // ECDSA < RSA if aSuite.flags&suiteECSign != 0 && bSuite.flags&suiteECSign == 0 { return true } else if aSuite.flags&suiteECSign == 0 && bSuite.flags&suiteECSign != 0 { return false } t.Fatalf("two ciphersuites are equal by all criteria: %v and %v", aName, bName) panic("unreachable") } if !sort.SliceIsSorted(prefOrder, isBetter) { t.Error("preference order is not sorted according to the rules") } } } func TestVersionName(t *testing.T) { if got, exp := VersionName(VersionTLS13), "TLS 1.3"; got != exp { t.Errorf("unexpected VersionName: got %q, expected %q", got, exp) } if got, exp := VersionName(0x12a), "0x012A"; got != exp { t.Errorf("unexpected fallback VersionName: got %q, expected %q", got, exp) } } // http2isBadCipher is copied from net/http. // TODO: if it ends up exposed somewhere, use that instead. func http2isBadCipher(cipher uint16) bool { switch cipher { case TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256: return true default: return false } } type brokenSigner struct{ crypto.Signer } func (s brokenSigner) Sign(rand io.Reader, digest []byte, opts crypto.SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error) { // Replace opts with opts.HashFunc(), so rsa.PSSOptions are discarded. return s.Signer.Sign(rand, digest, opts.HashFunc()) } // TestPKCS1OnlyCert uses a client certificate with a broken crypto.Signer that // always makes PKCS #1 v1.5 signatures, so can't be used with RSA-PSS. func TestPKCS1OnlyCert(t *testing.T) { clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.Certificates = []Certificate{{ Certificate: [][]byte{testRSACertificate}, PrivateKey: brokenSigner{testRSAPrivateKey}, }} serverConfig := testConfig.Clone() serverConfig.MaxVersion = VersionTLS12 // TLS 1.3 doesn't support PKCS #1 v1.5 serverConfig.ClientAuth = RequireAnyClientCert // If RSA-PSS is selected, the handshake should fail. if _, _, err := testHandshake(t, clientConfig, serverConfig); err == nil { t.Fatal("expected broken certificate to cause connection to fail") } clientConfig.Certificates[0].SupportedSignatureAlgorithms = []SignatureScheme{PKCS1WithSHA1, PKCS1WithSHA256} // But if the certificate restricts supported algorithms, RSA-PSS should not // be selected, and the handshake should succeed. if _, _, err := testHandshake(t, clientConfig, serverConfig); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestVerifyCertificates(t *testing.T) { // See https://go.dev/issue/31641. t.Run("TLSv12", func(t *testing.T) { testVerifyCertificates(t, VersionTLS12) }) t.Run("TLSv13", func(t *testing.T) { testVerifyCertificates(t, VersionTLS13) }) } func testVerifyCertificates(t *testing.T, version uint16) { tests := []struct { name string InsecureSkipVerify bool ClientAuth ClientAuthType ClientCertificates bool }{ { name: "defaults", }, { name: "InsecureSkipVerify", InsecureSkipVerify: true, }, { name: "RequestClientCert with no certs", ClientAuth: RequestClientCert, }, { name: "RequestClientCert with certs", ClientAuth: RequestClientCert, ClientCertificates: true, }, { name: "RequireAnyClientCert", ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert, ClientCertificates: true, }, { name: "VerifyClientCertIfGiven with no certs", ClientAuth: VerifyClientCertIfGiven, }, { name: "VerifyClientCertIfGiven with certs", ClientAuth: VerifyClientCertIfGiven, ClientCertificates: true, }, { name: "RequireAndVerifyClientCert", ClientAuth: RequireAndVerifyClientCert, ClientCertificates: true, }, } issuer, err := x509.ParseCertificate(testRSACertificateIssuer) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool() rootCAs.AddCert(issuer) for _, test := range tests { test := test t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var serverVerifyConnection, clientVerifyConnection bool var serverVerifyPeerCertificates, clientVerifyPeerCertificates bool clientConfig := testConfig.Clone() clientConfig.Time = func() time.Time { return time.Unix(1476984729, 0) } clientConfig.MaxVersion = version clientConfig.MinVersion = version clientConfig.RootCAs = rootCAs clientConfig.ServerName = "example.golang" clientConfig.ClientSessionCache = NewLRUClientSessionCache(1) serverConfig := clientConfig.Clone() serverConfig.ClientCAs = rootCAs clientConfig.VerifyConnection = func(cs ConnectionState) error { clientVerifyConnection = true return nil } clientConfig.VerifyPeerCertificate = func(rawCerts [][]byte, verifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) error { clientVerifyPeerCertificates = true return nil } serverConfig.VerifyConnection = func(cs ConnectionState) error { serverVerifyConnection = true return nil } serverConfig.VerifyPeerCertificate = func(rawCerts [][]byte, verifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) error { serverVerifyPeerCertificates = true return nil } clientConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = test.InsecureSkipVerify serverConfig.ClientAuth = test.ClientAuth if !test.ClientCertificates { clientConfig.Certificates = nil } if _, _, err := testHandshake(t, clientConfig, serverConfig); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } want := serverConfig.ClientAuth != NoClientCert if serverVerifyPeerCertificates != want { t.Errorf("VerifyPeerCertificates on the server: got %v, want %v", serverVerifyPeerCertificates, want) } if !clientVerifyPeerCertificates { t.Errorf("VerifyPeerCertificates not called on the client") } if !serverVerifyConnection { t.Error("VerifyConnection did not get called on the server") } if !clientVerifyConnection { t.Error("VerifyConnection did not get called on the client") } serverVerifyPeerCertificates, clientVerifyPeerCertificates = false, false serverVerifyConnection, clientVerifyConnection = false, false cs, _, err := testHandshake(t, clientConfig, serverConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !cs.DidResume { t.Error("expected resumption") } if serverVerifyPeerCertificates { t.Error("VerifyPeerCertificates got called on the server on resumption") } if clientVerifyPeerCertificates { t.Error("VerifyPeerCertificates got called on the client on resumption") } if !serverVerifyConnection { t.Error("VerifyConnection did not get called on the server on resumption") } if !clientVerifyConnection { t.Error("VerifyConnection did not get called on the client on resumption") } }) } }