// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include "libcgo.h" #include "libcgo_unix.h" static void *threadentry(void*); static void (*setg_gcc)(void*); // This will be set in gcc_android.c for android-specific customization. void (*x_cgo_inittls)(void **tlsg, void **tlsbase) __attribute__((common)); void x_cgo_init(G *g, void (*setg)(void*), void **tlsg, void **tlsbase) { pthread_attr_t attr; size_t size; setg_gcc = setg; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &size); g->stacklo = (uintptr)&attr - size + 4096; pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); if (x_cgo_inittls) { x_cgo_inittls(tlsg, tlsbase); } } void _cgo_sys_thread_start(ThreadStart *ts) { pthread_attr_t attr; sigset_t ign, oset; pthread_t p; size_t size; int err; sigfillset(&ign); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &ign, &oset); pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &size); // Leave stacklo=0 and set stackhi=size; mstart will do the rest. ts->g->stackhi = size; err = _cgo_try_pthread_create(&p, &attr, threadentry, ts); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, nil); if (err != 0) { fatalf("pthread_create failed: %s", strerror(err)); } } static void* threadentry(void *v) { ThreadStart ts; ts = *(ThreadStart*)v; free(v); /* * Set specific keys. */ setg_gcc((void*)ts.g); crosscall_386(ts.fn); return nil; }