// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Windows architecture-independent definitions. package runtime const ( _PROT_NONE = 0 _PROT_READ = 1 _PROT_WRITE = 2 _PROT_EXEC = 4 _MAP_ANON = 1 _MAP_PRIVATE = 2 _DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 0x2 _THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST = 0x2 _SIGINT = 0x2 _SIGTERM = 0xF _CTRL_C_EVENT = 0x0 _CTRL_BREAK_EVENT = 0x1 _CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT = 0x2 _CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT = 0x5 _CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT = 0x6 _EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 0xc0000005 _EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR = 0xc0000006 _EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT = 0x80000003 _EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION = 0xc000001d _EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND = 0xc000008d _EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = 0xc000008e _EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT = 0xc000008f _EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW = 0xc0000091 _EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW = 0xc0000093 _EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = 0xc0000094 _EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW = 0xc0000095 _INFINITE = 0xffffffff _WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x102 _EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION = -0x1 _EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH = 0x0 ) type systeminfo struct { anon0 [4]byte dwpagesize uint32 lpminimumapplicationaddress *byte lpmaximumapplicationaddress *byte dwactiveprocessormask uintptr dwnumberofprocessors uint32 dwprocessortype uint32 dwallocationgranularity uint32 wprocessorlevel uint16 wprocessorrevision uint16 } type exceptionpointers struct { record *exceptionrecord context *context } type exceptionrecord struct { exceptioncode uint32 exceptionflags uint32 exceptionrecord *exceptionrecord exceptionaddress uintptr numberparameters uint32 exceptioninformation [15]uintptr } type overlapped struct { internal uintptr internalhigh uintptr anon0 [8]byte hevent *byte } type memoryBasicInformation struct { baseAddress uintptr allocationBase uintptr allocationProtect uint32 regionSize uintptr state uint32 protect uint32 type_ uint32 }