// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "go_asm.h" #include "go_tls.h" #include "textflag.h" #include "time_windows.h" // Offsets into Thread Environment Block (pointer in FS) #define TEB_TlsSlots 0xE10 #define TEB_ArbitraryPtr 0x14 // void runtime·asmstdcall(void *c); TEXT runtime·asmstdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL fn+0(FP), BX // SetLastError(0). MOVL $0, 0x34(FS) // Copy args to the stack. MOVL SP, BP MOVL libcall_n(BX), CX // words MOVL CX, AX SALL $2, AX SUBL AX, SP // room for args MOVL SP, DI MOVL libcall_args(BX), SI CLD REP; MOVSL // Call stdcall or cdecl function. // DI SI BP BX are preserved, SP is not CALL libcall_fn(BX) MOVL BP, SP // Return result. MOVL fn+0(FP), BX MOVL AX, libcall_r1(BX) MOVL DX, libcall_r2(BX) // GetLastError(). MOVL 0x34(FS), AX MOVL AX, libcall_err(BX) RET // faster get/set last error TEXT runtime·getlasterror(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL 0x34(FS), AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET TEXT runtime·sigFetchGSafe(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 get_tls(AX) CMPL AX, $0 JE 2(PC) MOVL g(AX), AX MOVL AX, ret+0(FP) RET // Called by Windows as a Vectored Exception Handler (VEH). // AX is pointer to struct containing // exception record and context pointers. // CX is the kind of sigtramp function. // Return value of sigtrampgo is stored in AX. TEXT sigtramp<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 SUBL $40, SP // save callee-saved registers MOVL BX, 28(SP) MOVL BP, 16(SP) MOVL SI, 20(SP) MOVL DI, 24(SP) MOVL AX, 0(SP) MOVL CX, 4(SP) CALL runtime·sigtrampgo(SB) MOVL 8(SP), AX // restore callee-saved registers MOVL 24(SP), DI MOVL 20(SP), SI MOVL 16(SP), BP MOVL 28(SP), BX ADDL $40, SP // RET 4 (return and pop 4 bytes parameters) BYTE $0xC2; WORD $4 RET // unreached; make assembler happy // Trampoline to resume execution from exception handler. // This is part of the control flow guard workaround. // It switches stacks and jumps to the continuation address. // DX and CX are set above at the end of sigtrampgo // in the context that starts executing at sigresume. TEXT runtime·sigresume(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL DX, SP JMP CX TEXT runtime·exceptiontramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL argframe+0(FP), AX MOVL $const_callbackVEH, CX JMP sigtramp<>(SB) TEXT runtime·firstcontinuetramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 // is never called INT $3 TEXT runtime·lastcontinuetramp(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 MOVL argframe+0(FP), AX MOVL $const_callbackLastVCH, CX JMP sigtramp<>(SB) TEXT runtime·callbackasm1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL 0(SP), AX // will use to find our callback context // remove return address from stack, we are not returning to callbackasm, but to its caller. ADDL $4, SP // address to callback parameters into CX LEAL 4(SP), CX // save registers as required for windows callback PUSHL DI PUSHL SI PUSHL BP PUSHL BX // Go ABI requires DF flag to be cleared. CLD // determine index into runtime·cbs table SUBL $runtime·callbackasm(SB), AX MOVL $0, DX MOVL $5, BX // divide by 5 because each call instruction in runtime·callbacks is 5 bytes long DIVL BX SUBL $1, AX // subtract 1 because return PC is to the next slot // Create a struct callbackArgs on our stack. SUBL $(12+callbackArgs__size), SP MOVL AX, (12+callbackArgs_index)(SP) // callback index MOVL CX, (12+callbackArgs_args)(SP) // address of args vector MOVL $0, (12+callbackArgs_result)(SP) // result LEAL 12(SP), AX // AX = &callbackArgs{...} // Call cgocallback, which will call callbackWrap(frame). MOVL $0, 8(SP) // context MOVL AX, 4(SP) // frame (address of callbackArgs) LEAL ·callbackWrap(SB), AX MOVL AX, 0(SP) // PC of function to call CALL runtime·cgocallback(SB) // Get callback result. MOVL (12+callbackArgs_result)(SP), AX // Get popRet. MOVL (12+callbackArgs_retPop)(SP), CX // Can't use a callee-save register ADDL $(12+callbackArgs__size), SP // restore registers as required for windows callback POPL BX POPL BP POPL SI POPL DI // remove callback parameters before return (as per Windows spec) POPL DX ADDL CX, SP PUSHL DX CLD RET // void tstart(M *newm); TEXT tstart<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$8-4 MOVL newm+0(FP), CX // m MOVL m_g0(CX), DX // g // Layout new m scheduler stack on os stack. MOVL SP, AX MOVL AX, (g_stack+stack_hi)(DX) SUBL $(64*1024), AX // initial stack size (adjusted later) MOVL AX, (g_stack+stack_lo)(DX) ADDL $const_stackGuard, AX MOVL AX, g_stackguard0(DX) MOVL AX, g_stackguard1(DX) // Set up tls. LEAL m_tls(CX), DI MOVL CX, g_m(DX) MOVL DX, g(DI) MOVL DI, 4(SP) CALL runtime·setldt(SB) // clobbers CX and DX // Someday the convention will be D is always cleared. CLD CALL runtime·stackcheck(SB) // clobbers AX,CX CALL runtime·mstart(SB) RET // uint32 tstart_stdcall(M *newm); TEXT runtime·tstart_stdcall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL newm+0(FP), BX PUSHL BX CALL tstart<>(SB) POPL BX // Adjust stack for stdcall to return properly. MOVL (SP), AX // save return address ADDL $4, SP // remove single parameter MOVL AX, (SP) // restore return address XORL AX, AX // return 0 == success RET // setldt(int slot, int base, int size) TEXT runtime·setldt(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-12 MOVL base+4(FP), DX MOVL runtime·tls_g(SB), CX MOVL DX, 0(CX)(FS) RET // Runs on OS stack. // duration (in -100ns units) is in dt+0(FP). // g may be nil. TEXT runtime·usleep2(SB),NOSPLIT,$20-4 MOVL dt+0(FP), BX MOVL $-1, hi-4(SP) MOVL BX, lo-8(SP) LEAL lo-8(SP), BX MOVL BX, ptime-12(SP) MOVL $0, alertable-16(SP) MOVL $-1, handle-20(SP) MOVL SP, BP MOVL runtime·_NtWaitForSingleObject(SB), AX CALL AX MOVL BP, SP RET // Runs on OS stack. TEXT runtime·switchtothread(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 MOVL SP, BP MOVL runtime·_SwitchToThread(SB), AX CALL AX MOVL BP, SP RET TEXT runtime·nanotime1(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-8 CMPB runtime·useQPCTime(SB), $0 JNE useQPC loop: MOVL (_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi1), AX MOVL (_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_lo), CX MOVL (_INTERRUPT_TIME+time_hi2), DI CMPL AX, DI JNE loop // wintime = DI:CX, multiply by 100 MOVL $100, AX MULL CX IMULL $100, DI ADDL DI, DX // wintime*100 = DX:AX MOVL AX, ret_lo+0(FP) MOVL DX, ret_hi+4(FP) RET useQPC: JMP runtime·nanotimeQPC(SB) RET // This is called from rt0_go, which runs on the system stack // using the initial stack allocated by the OS. TEXT runtime·wintls(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 // Allocate a TLS slot to hold g across calls to external code MOVL SP, BP MOVL runtime·_TlsAlloc(SB), AX CALL AX MOVL BP, SP MOVL AX, CX // TLS index // Assert that slot is less than 64 so we can use _TEB->TlsSlots CMPL CX, $64 JB ok // Fallback to the TEB arbitrary pointer. // TODO: don't use the arbitrary pointer (see go.dev/issue/59824) MOVL $TEB_ArbitraryPtr, CX JMP settls ok: // Convert the TLS index at CX into // an offset from TEB_TlsSlots. SHLL $2, CX // Save offset from TLS into tls_g. ADDL $TEB_TlsSlots, CX settls: MOVL CX, runtime·tls_g(SB) RET