// +build !gcflags_noopt // errorcheck -0 -m // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package foo import "bytes" // In order to get desired results, we need a combination of // both escape analysis and inlining. func bufferNotEscape() string { // b itself does not escape, only its buf field will be // copied during String() call, but object "handle" itself // can be stack-allocated. var b bytes.Buffer b.WriteString("123") b.Write([]byte{'4'}) // ERROR "\[\]byte{...} does not escape$" return b.String() // ERROR "inlining call to bytes.\(\*Buffer\).String$" "string\(bytes.b.buf\[bytes.b.off:\]\) escapes to heap$" } func bufferNoEscape2(xs []string) int { // ERROR "xs does not escape$" b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 64)) // ERROR "&bytes.Buffer{...} does not escape$" "make\(\[\]byte, 0, 64\) does not escape$" "inlining call to bytes.NewBuffer$" for _, x := range xs { b.WriteString(x) } return b.Len() // ERROR "inlining call to bytes.\(\*Buffer\).Len$" } func bufferNoEscape3(xs []string) string { // ERROR "xs does not escape$" b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 64)) // ERROR "&bytes.Buffer{...} does not escape$" "make\(\[\]byte, 0, 64\) does not escape$" "inlining call to bytes.NewBuffer$" for _, x := range xs { b.WriteString(x) b.WriteByte(',') } return b.String() // ERROR "inlining call to bytes.\(\*Buffer\).String$" "string\(bytes.b.buf\[bytes.b.off:\]\) escapes to heap$" } func bufferNoEscape4() []byte { var b bytes.Buffer b.Grow(64) // ERROR "bufferNoEscape4 ignoring self-assignment in bytes.b.buf = bytes.b.buf\[:bytes.m\]$" "inlining call to bytes.\(\*Buffer\).Grow$" `".+" escapes to heap` useBuffer(&b) return b.Bytes() // ERROR "inlining call to bytes.\(\*Buffer\).Bytes$" } func bufferNoEscape5() { // ERROR "can inline bufferNoEscape5$" b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 128)) // ERROR "&bytes.Buffer{...} does not escape$" "make\(\[\]byte, 0, 128\) does not escape$" "inlining call to bytes.NewBuffer$" useBuffer(b) } //go:noinline func useBuffer(b *bytes.Buffer) { // ERROR "b does not escape$" b.WriteString("1234") }