path: root/test/rangegen.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/rangegen.go b/test/rangegen.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8231c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rangegen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// runoutput -goexperiment rangefunc
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Torture test for range-over-func.
+// cmd/internal/testdir runs this like
+// go run rangegen.go >x.go
+// go run x.go
+// but a longer version can be run using
+// go run rangegen.go long
+// In that second form, rangegen takes care of compiling
+// and running the code it generates, in batches.
+// That form takes 10-20 minutes to run.
+package main
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "math/bits"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "strings"
+const verbose = false
+func main() {
+ long := len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "long"
+ log.SetFlags(0)
+ log.SetPrefix("rangegen: ")
+ if !long && bits.UintSize == 32 {
+ // Skip this test on 32-bit platforms, where it seems to
+ // cause timeouts and build problems.
+ skip()
+ return
+ }
+ b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ tests := ""
+ flush := func(force bool) {
+ if !long || (strings.Count(tests, "\n") < 1000 && !force) {
+ return
+ }
+ p(b, mainCode, tests)
+ err := os.WriteFile("tmp.go", b.Bytes(), 0666)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ out, err := exec.Command("go", "run", "tmp.go").CombinedOutput()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("go run tmp.go: %v\n%s", err, out)
+ }
+ print(".")
+ if force {
+ print("\nPASS\n")
+ }
+ b.Reset()
+ tests = ""
+ p(b, "package main\n\n")
+ p(b, "const verbose = %v\n\n", verbose)
+ }
+ p(b, "package main\n\n")
+ p(b, "const verbose = %v\n\n", verbose)
+ max := 2
+ if !long {
+ max = 5
+ }
+ for i := 1; i <= max; i++ {
+ maxDouble := -1
+ if long {
+ maxDouble = i
+ }
+ for double := -1; double <= maxDouble; double++ {
+ code := gen(new(bytes.Buffer), "", "", "", i, double, func(c int) bool { return true })
+ for j := 0; j < code; j++ {
+ hi := j + 1
+ if long {
+ hi = code
+ }
+ for k := j; k < hi && k < code; k++ {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d_%d_%d", i, double+1, j, k)
+ code0 := gen(b, "testFunc"+s, "", "yield2", i, double, func(c int) bool { return c == j || c == k })
+ code1 := gen(b, "testSlice"+s, "_, ", "slice2", i, double, func(c int) bool { return c == j || c == k })
+ if code0 != code1 {
+ panic("bad generator")
+ }
+ tests += "test" + s + "()\n"
+ p(b, testCode, "test"+s, []int{j, k}, "testFunc"+s, "testSlice"+s)
+ flush(false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 1; i <= max; i++ {
+ maxDouble := -1
+ if long {
+ maxDouble = i
+ }
+ for double := -1; double <= maxDouble; double++ {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", i, double+1)
+ code := gen(b, "testFunc"+s, "", "yield2", i, double, func(c int) bool { return true })
+ code1 := gen(b, "testSlice"+s, "_, ", "slice2", i, double, func(c int) bool { return true })
+ if code != code1 {
+ panic("bad generator")
+ }
+ tests += "test" + s + "()\n"
+ var all []int
+ for j := 0; j < code; j++ {
+ all = append(all, j)
+ }
+ p(b, testCode, "test"+s, all, "testFunc"+s, "testSlice"+s)
+ flush(false)
+ }
+ }
+ if long {
+ flush(true)
+ os.Remove("tmp.go")
+ return
+ }
+ p(b, mainCode, tests)
+ os.Stdout.Write(b.Bytes())
+func p(b *bytes.Buffer, format string, args ...any) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b, format, args...)
+func gen(b *bytes.Buffer, name, prefix, rangeExpr string, depth, double int, allowed func(int) bool) int {
+ p(b, "func %s(o *output, code int) int {\n", name)
+ p(b, " dfr := 0; _ = dfr\n")
+ code := genLoop(b, 0, prefix, rangeExpr, depth, double, 0, "", allowed)
+ p(b, " return 0\n")
+ p(b, "}\n\n")
+ return code
+func genLoop(b *bytes.Buffer, d int, prefix, rangeExpr string, depth, double, code int, labelSuffix string, allowed func(int) bool) int {
+ limit := 1
+ if d == double {
+ limit = 2
+ }
+ for rep := 0; rep < limit; rep++ {
+ if rep == 1 {
+ labelSuffix = "R"
+ }
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", d, labelSuffix)
+ p(b, " o.log(`top%s`)\n", s)
+ p(b, " l%sa := 0\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%sa; L%sa: o.log(`L%sa`)\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " if l%sa++; l%sa >= 2 { o.log(`loop L%sa`); return -1 }\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " l%sfor := 0\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%sfor; L%sfor: for f := 0; f < 1; f++ { o.log(`L%sfor`)\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " if l%sfor++; l%sfor >= 2 { o.log(`loop L%sfor`); return -1 }\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " l%ssw := 0\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%ssw; L%ssw: switch { default: o.log(`L%ssw`)\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " if l%ssw++; l%ssw >= 2 { o.log(`loop L%ssw`); return -1 }\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " l%ssel := 0\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%ssel; L%ssel: select { default: o.log(`L%ssel`)\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " if l%ssel++; l%ssel >= 2 { o.log(`loop L%ssel`); return -1 }\n", s, s, s)
+ p(b, " l%s := 0\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%s; L%s: for %s i%s := range %s {\n", s, s, prefix, s, rangeExpr)
+ p(b, " o.log1(`L%s top`, i%s)\n", s, s)
+ p(b, " if l%s++; l%s >= 4 { o.log(`loop L%s`); return -1 }\n", s, s, s)
+ printTests := func() {
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { continue }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " switch { case code == %v: continue }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { return %[1]v }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { select { default: break } }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { switch { default: break } }\n", code)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { dfr++; defer o.log1(`defer %d`, dfr) }\n", code, code)
+ }
+ for i := d; i > 0; i-- {
+ suffix := labelSuffix
+ if i < double {
+ suffix = ""
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break L%d%s }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { select { default: break L%d%s } }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break L%d%s }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break L%d%ssw }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break L%d%ssel }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { break L%d%sfor }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { continue L%d%sfor }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { goto L%d%sa }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { goto L%d%s }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ if code++; allowed(code) {
+ p(b, " if code == %v { goto L%d%sb }\n", code, i, suffix)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printTests()
+ if d < depth {
+ if rep == 1 {
+ double = d // signal to children to use the rep=1 labels
+ }
+ code = genLoop(b, d+1, prefix, rangeExpr, depth, double, code, labelSuffix, allowed)
+ printTests()
+ }
+ p(b, " o.log(`L%s bot`)\n", s)
+ p(b, " }\n")
+ p(b, " o.log(`L%ssel bot`)\n", s)
+ p(b, " }\n")
+ p(b, " o.log(`L%ssw bot`)\n", s)
+ p(b, " }\n")
+ p(b, " o.log(`L%sfor bot`)\n", s)
+ p(b, " }\n")
+ p(b, " o.log(`done%s`)\n", s)
+ p(b, "goto L%sb; L%sb: o.log(`L%sb`)\n", s, s, s)
+ }
+ return code
+var testCode = `
+func %s() {
+ all := %#v
+ for i := 0; i < len(all); i++ {
+ c := all[i]
+ outFunc := run(%s, c)
+ outSlice := run(%s, c)
+ if !outFunc.eq(outSlice) {
+ println("mismatch", "%[3]s", "%[4]s", c)
+ println()
+ println("func:")
+ outFunc.print()
+ println()
+ println("slice:")
+ outSlice.print()
+ panic("mismatch")
+ }
+ }
+ if verbose {
+ println("did", "%[3]s", "%[4]s", len(all))
+ }
+var mainCode = `
+func main() {
+ if verbose {
+ println("main")
+ }
+ %s
+func yield2(yield func(int)bool) { _ = yield(1) && yield(2) }
+var slice2 = []int{1,2}
+type output struct {
+ ret int
+ trace []any
+func (o *output) log(x any) {
+ o.trace = append(o.trace, x)
+func (o *output) log1(x, y any) {
+ o.trace = append(o.trace, x, y)
+func (o *output) eq(p *output) bool{
+ if o.ret != p.ret || len(o.trace) != len(p.trace) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i ,x := range o.trace {
+ if x != p.trace[i] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func (o *output) print() {
+ println("ret", o.ret, "trace-len", len(o.trace))
+ for i := 0; i < len(o.trace); i++ {
+ print("#", i, " ")
+ switch x := o.trace[i].(type) {
+ case int:
+ print(x)
+ case string:
+ print(x)
+ default:
+ print(x)
+ }
+ print("\n")
+ }
+func run(f func(*output, int)int, i int) *output {
+ o := &output{}
+ o.ret = f(o, i)
+ return o
+func skip() {
+ const code = `
+package main
+func main() {
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", code)