SHELL = /bin/bash GO ?= go GOPATH := $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH) GOBIN := $(shell $(GO) env GOBIN) GO_SRC = $(shell find . -name \*.go) GO_BUILD = $(GO) build NAME = checkpointctl COVERAGE_PATH ?= $(shell pwd)/.coverage all: $(NAME) $(NAME): $(GO_SRC) $(GO_BUILD) -buildmode=pie -o $@ -ldflags "-X$(NAME)" $(NAME).coverage: $(GO_SRC) $(GO) test \ -covermode=count \ -coverpkg=./... \ -mod=vendor \ -tags coverage \ -buildmode=pie -c -o $@ \ -ldflags "-X$(NAME)" clean: rm -f $(NAME) $(NAME).coverage $(COVERAGE_PATH)/* if [ -d $(COVERAGE_PATH) ]; then rmdir $(COVERAGE_PATH); fi golang-lint: golangci-lint run shellcheck: shellcheck test/*bats lint: golang-lint shellcheck test: $(NAME) bats test/*bats coverage: $(NAME).coverage mkdir -p $(COVERAGE_PATH) COVERAGE_PATH=$(COVERAGE_PATH) COVERAGE=1 bats test/*bats codecov: curl -Os chmod +x codecov ./codecov -f '.coverage/*' vendor: go mod tidy go mod vendor go mod verify help: @echo "Usage: make " @echo " * clean - remove artifacts" @echo " * lint - verify the source code (shellcheck/golangci-lint)" @echo " * golang-lint - run golang-lint" @echo " * shellcheck - run shellecheck" @echo " * vendor - update go.mod, go.sum and vendor directory" @echo " * test - run tests" @echo " * help - show help" .PHONY: clean lint golang-lint shellcheck vendor test help