export GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org APPARMORTAG := $(shell hack/apparmor_tag.sh) STORAGETAGS := exclude_graphdriver_devicemapper $(shell ./btrfs_tag.sh) $(shell ./btrfs_installed_tag.sh) $(shell ./hack/libsubid_tag.sh) SECURITYTAGS ?= seccomp $(APPARMORTAG) TAGS ?= $(SECURITYTAGS) $(STORAGETAGS) $(shell ./hack/systemd_tag.sh) BUILDTAGS += $(TAGS) PREFIX := /usr/local BINDIR := $(PREFIX)/bin BASHINSTALLDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions BUILDFLAGS := -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" BUILDAH := buildah GO := go GO_LDFLAGS := $(shell if $(GO) version|grep -q gccgo; then echo "-gccgoflags"; else echo "-ldflags"; fi) GO_GCFLAGS := $(shell if $(GO) version|grep -q gccgo; then echo "-gccgoflags"; else echo "-gcflags"; fi) # test for go module support ifeq ($(shell $(GO) help mod >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo true), true) export GO_BUILD=GO111MODULE=on $(GO) build -mod=vendor export GO_TEST=GO111MODULE=on $(GO) test -mod=vendor else export GO_BUILD=$(GO) build export GO_TEST=$(GO) test endif RACEFLAGS := $(shell $(GO_TEST) -race ./pkg/dummy > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo -race) COMMIT_NO ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) GIT_COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),${COMMIT_NO}-dirty,${COMMIT_NO}) SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ?= $(if $(shell date +%s),$(shell date +%s),$(error "date failed")) STATIC_STORAGETAGS = "containers_image_openpgp $(STORAGE_TAGS)" # we get GNU make 3.x in MacOS build envs, which wants # to be escaped in # strings, while the 4.x we have on Linux doesn't. this is the documented # workaround COMMENT := \# CNI_COMMIT := $(shell sed -n 's;^$(COMMENT) github.com/containernetworking/cni \([^ \n]*\).*$$;\1;p' vendor/modules.txt) RUNC_COMMIT := $(shell sed -n 's;^$(COMMENT) github.com/opencontainers/runc \([^ \n]*\).*$$;\1;p' vendor/modules.txt) LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT := release-2.3 EXTRA_LDFLAGS ?= BUILDAH_LDFLAGS := $(GO_LDFLAGS) '-X main.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) -X main.buildInfo=$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH) -X main.cniVersion=$(CNI_COMMIT) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)' SOURCES=*.go imagebuildah/*.go bind/*.go chroot/*.go copier/*.go define/*.go docker/*.go internal/config/*.go internal/mkcw/*.go internal/mkcw/types/*.go internal/parse/*.go internal/source/*.go internal/util/*.go manifests/*.go pkg/chrootuser/*.go pkg/cli/*.go pkg/completion/*.go pkg/formats/*.go pkg/overlay/*.go pkg/parse/*.go pkg/rusage/*.go pkg/sshagent/*.go pkg/umask/*.go pkg/util/*.go util/*.go LINTFLAGS ?= ifeq ($(BUILDDEBUG), 1) override GOGCFLAGS += -N -l endif # make all BUILDDEBUG=1 # Note: Uses the -N -l go compiler options to disable compiler optimizations # and inlining. Using these build options allows you to subsequently # use source debugging tools like delve. all: bin/buildah bin/imgtype bin/copy bin/tutorial docs # Update nix/nixpkgs.json its latest stable commit .PHONY: nixpkgs nixpkgs: @nix run \ -f channel:nixos-20.09 nix-prefetch-git \ -c nix-prefetch-git \ --no-deepClone \ https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs refs/heads/nixos-20.09 > nix/nixpkgs.json # Build statically linked binary .PHONY: static static: @nix build -f nix/ mkdir -p ./bin cp -rfp ./result/bin/* ./bin/ bin/buildah: $(SOURCES) cmd/buildah/*.go internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint.gz $(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDAH_LDFLAGS) $(GO_GCFLAGS) "$(GOGCFLAGS)" -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) ./cmd/buildah ifneq ($(shell as --version | grep x86_64),) internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint: internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint.s $(AS) -o $(patsubst %.s,%.o,$^) $^ $(LD) -o $@ $(patsubst %.s,%.o,$^) strip $@ else .PHONY: internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint endif internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint.gz: internal/mkcw/embed/entrypoint $(RM) $@ gzip -k $^ .PHONY: buildah buildah: bin/buildah ALL_CROSS_TARGETS := $(addprefix bin/buildah.,$(subst /,.,$(shell $(GO) tool dist list))) LINUX_CROSS_TARGETS := $(filter bin/buildah.linux.%,$(ALL_CROSS_TARGETS)) DARWIN_CROSS_TARGETS := $(filter bin/buildah.darwin.%,$(ALL_CROSS_TARGETS)) WINDOWS_CROSS_TARGETS := $(addsuffix .exe,$(filter bin/buildah.windows.%,$(ALL_CROSS_TARGETS))) FREEBSD_CROSS_TARGETS := $(filter bin/buildah.freebsd.%,$(ALL_CROSS_TARGETS)) .PHONY: cross cross: $(LINUX_CROSS_TARGETS) $(DARWIN_CROSS_TARGETS) $(WINDOWS_CROSS_TARGETS) $(FREEBSD_CROSS_TARGETS) bin/buildah.%: mkdir -p ./bin GOOS=$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$@)) GOARCH=$(word 3,$(subst ., ,$@)) $(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDAH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ -tags "containers_image_openpgp" ./cmd/buildah bin/imgtype: $(SOURCES) tests/imgtype/imgtype.go $(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDAH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) ./tests/imgtype/imgtype.go bin/copy: $(SOURCES) tests/copy/copy.go $(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDAH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) ./tests/copy/copy.go bin/tutorial: $(SOURCES) tests/tutorial/tutorial.go $(GO_BUILD) $(BUILDAH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) ./tests/tutorial/tutorial.go .PHONY: clean clean: $(RM) -r bin tests/testreport/testreport $(MAKE) -C docs clean .PHONY: docs docs: install.tools ## build the docs on the host $(MAKE) -C docs # For vendoring to work right, the checkout directory must be such that our top # level is at $GOPATH/src/github.com/containers/buildah. .PHONY: gopath gopath: test $(shell pwd) = $(shell cd ../../../../src/github.com/containers/buildah ; pwd) codespell: codespell -S Makefile,buildah.spec.rpkg,AUTHORS,bin,vendor,.git,go.mod,go.sum,CHANGELOG.md,changelog.txt,seccomp.json,.cirrus.yml,"*.xz,*.gz,*.tar,*.tgz,*ico,*.png,*.1,*.5,*.orig,*.rej" -L passt,bu,uint,iff,od,erro -w .PHONY: validate validate: install.tools ./tests/validate/whitespace.sh ./hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages ./tests/validate/pr-should-include-tests .PHONY: install.tools install.tools: $(MAKE) -C tests/tools .PHONY: runc runc: gopath rm -rf ../../opencontainers/runc git clone https://github.com/opencontainers/runc ../../opencontainers/runc cd ../../opencontainers/runc && git checkout $(RUNC_COMMIT) && $(GO) build -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" ln -sf ../../opencontainers/runc/runc .PHONY: install.libseccomp.sudo install.libseccomp.sudo: gopath rm -rf ../../seccomp/libseccomp git clone https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp ../../seccomp/libseccomp cd ../../seccomp/libseccomp && git checkout $(LIBSECCOMP_COMMIT) && ./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make all && sudo make install .PHONY: install.cni.sudo install.cni.sudo: gopath rm -rf ../../containernetworking/plugins git clone https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins ../../containernetworking/plugins cd ../../containernetworking/plugins && ./build_linux.sh && sudo install -D -v -m755 -t /opt/cni/bin/ bin/* .PHONY: install install: install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR) install -m 755 bin/buildah $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)/buildah $(MAKE) -C docs install .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)/buildah rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/buildah*.1 rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(BASHINSTALLDIR)/buildah .PHONY: install.completions install.completions: install -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)/$(BASHINSTALLDIR) install -m 644 contrib/completions/bash/buildah $(DESTDIR)/$(BASHINSTALLDIR)/buildah .PHONY: install.runc install.runc: install -m 755 ../../opencontainers/runc/runc $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)/ .PHONY: test-conformance test-conformance: $(GO_TEST) -v -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" -cover -timeout 60m ./tests/conformance .PHONY: test-integration test-integration: install.tools ./tests/tools/build/ginkgo $(BUILDFLAGS) -v tests/e2e/. cd tests; ./test_runner.sh tests/testreport/testreport: tests/testreport/testreport.go $(GO_BUILD) $(GO_LDFLAGS) "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" -o tests/testreport/testreport ./tests/testreport/testreport.go .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: tests/testreport/testreport $(GO_TEST) -v -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" -cover $(RACEFLAGS) $(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v vendor | grep -v tests | grep -v cmd | grep -v chroot | grep -v copier) -timeout 45m $(GO_TEST) -v -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" $(RACEFLAGS) ./chroot ./copier -timeout 60m tmp=$(shell mktemp -d) ; \ mkdir -p $$tmp/root $$tmp/runroot; \ $(GO_TEST) -v -tags "$(STORAGETAGS) $(SECURITYTAGS)" -cover $(RACEFLAGS) ./cmd/buildah -args --root $$tmp/root --runroot $$tmp/runroot --storage-driver vfs --signature-policy $(shell pwd)/tests/policy.json --registries-conf $(shell pwd)/tests/registries.conf vendor-in-container: podman run --privileged --rm --env HOME=/root -v `pwd`:/src -w /src docker.io/library/golang:1.20 make vendor .PHONY: vendor vendor: GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod tidy GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod vendor GO111MODULE=on $(GO) mod verify .PHONY: lint lint: install.tools ./tests/tools/build/golangci-lint run $(LINTFLAGS) # CAUTION: This is not a replacement for RPMs provided by your distro. # Only intended to build and test the latest unreleased changes. .PHONY: rpm rpm: rpkg local