path: root/src/preproc/eqn/text.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/preproc/eqn/text.cpp')
1 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/preproc/eqn/text.cpp b/src/preproc/eqn/text.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272f3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/preproc/eqn/text.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+/* Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Written by James Clark (
+This file is part of groff.
+groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>. */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "eqn.h"
+#include "pbox.h"
+#include "ptable.h"
+struct map {
+ const char *from;
+ const char *to;
+struct map entity_table[] = {
+ // Classic troff special characters
+ {"%", "&shy;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"'", "&acute;"}, // ISOdia
+ {"!=", "&ne;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"**", "&lowast;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"*a", "&alpha;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*A", "A"},
+ {"*b", "&beta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*B", "B"},
+ {"*d", "&delta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*D", "&Delta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*e", "&epsilon;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*E", "E"},
+ {"*f", "&phi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*F", "&Phi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*g", "&gamma;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*G", "&Gamma;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*h", "&theta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*H", "&Theta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*i", "&iota;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*I", "I"},
+ {"*k", "&kappa;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*K", "K;"},
+ {"*l", "&lambda;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*L", "&Lambda;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*m", "&mu;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*M", "M"},
+ {"*n", "&nu;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*N", "N"},
+ {"*o", "o"},
+ {"*O", "O"},
+ {"*p", "&pi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*P", "&Pi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*q", "&psi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*Q", "&PSI;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*r", "&rho;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*R", "R"},
+ {"*s", "&sigma;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*S", "&Sigma;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*t", "&tau;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*T", "&Tau;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*u", "&upsilon;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*U", "&Upsilon;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*w", "&omega;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*W", "&Omega;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*x", "&chi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*X", "&Chi;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*y", "&eta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*Y", "&Eta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*z", "&zeta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"*Z", "&Zeta;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"+-", "&plusmn;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"->", "&rarr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"12", "&frac12;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"14", "&frac14;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"34", "&frac34;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"<-", "&larr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"==", "&equiv;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"Fi", "&ffilig;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"Fl", "&ffllig;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"aa", "&acute;"}, // ISOdia
+ {"ap", "&sim;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"bl", "&phonexb;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"br", "&boxv;"}, // ISObox
+ {"bs", "&phone;"}, // ISOpub (for the Bell logo)
+ {"bu", "&bull;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"bv", "&verbar;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ca", "&cap;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"ci", "&cir;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"co", "&copy;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ct", "&cent;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"cu", "&cup;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"da", "&darr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"de", "&deg;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"dg", "&dagger;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"dd", "&Dagger;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"di", "&divide;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"em", "&mdash;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"eq", "&equals;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"es", "&empty;"}, // ISOamso
+ {"ff", "&fflig;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"fi", "&filig;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"fl", "&fllig;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"fm", "&prime;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"ge", "&ge;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"gr", "&nabla;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"hy", "&hyphen;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ib", "&sube;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"if", "&infin;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"ip", "&supe;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"is", "&int;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"le", "&le;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Some pile characters go here
+ {"mi", "&minus;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"mo", "&isin;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"mu", "&times;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"no", "&not;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"or", "&verbar;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"pl", "&plus;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"pt", "&prop;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"rg", "&trade;"}, // ISOnum
+ // More pile characters go here
+ {"rn", "&macr;"}, // ISOdia
+ {"ru", "&lowbar;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"sb", "&sub;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"sc", "&sect;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"sl", "/"},
+ {"sp", "&sup;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"sq", "&squf;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"sr", "&radic;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"ts", "&sigmav;"}, // ISOgrk3
+ {"ua", "&uarr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ul", "_"},
+ {"~=", "&cong;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Extended specials supported by groff; see groff_char(7).
+ // These are listed in the order they occur on that man page.
+ {"-D", "&ETH;"}, // ISOlat: Icelandic uppercase eth
+ {"Sd", "&eth;"}, // ISOlat1: Icelandic lowercase eth
+ {"TP", "&THORN;"}, // ISOlat1: Icelandic uppercase thorn
+ {"Tp", "&thorn;"}, // ISOlat1: Icelandic lowercase thorn
+ {"ss", "&szlig;"}, // ISOlat1
+ // Ligatures
+ // ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl from old troff go here
+ {"AE", "&AElig;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"ae", "&aelig;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"OE", "&OElig;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"oe", "&oelig;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"IJ", "&ijlig;"}, // ISOlat2: Dutch IJ ligature
+ {"ij", "&IJlig;"}, // ISOlat2: Dutch ij ligature
+ {".i", "&inodot;"}, // ISOlat2,ISOamso
+ {".j", "&jnodot;"}, // ISOamso (undocumented but in 1.19)
+ // Accented characters
+ {"'A", "&Aacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'C", "&Cacute;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"'E", "&Eacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'I", "&Iacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'O", "&Oacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'U", "&Uacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'Y", "&Yacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'a", "&aacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'c", "&cacute;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"'e", "&eacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'i", "&iacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'o", "&oacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'u", "&uacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"'y", "&yacute;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":A", "&Auml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":E", "&Euml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":I", "&Iuml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":O", "&Ouml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":U", "&Uuml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":Y", "&Yuml;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {":a", "&auml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":e", "&euml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":i", "&iuml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":o", "&ouml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":u", "&uuml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {":y", "&yuml;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^A", "&Acirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^E", "&Ecirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^I", "&Icirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^O", "&Ocirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^U", "&Ucirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^a", "&acirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^e", "&ecirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^i", "&icirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^o", "&ocirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"^u", "&ucirc;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`A", "&Agrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`E", "&Egrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`I", "&Igrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`O", "&Ograve;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`U", "&Ugrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`a", "&agrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`e", "&egrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`i", "&igrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`o", "&ograve;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"`u", "&ugrave;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~A", "&Atilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~N", "&Ntilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~O", "&Otilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~a", "&atilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~n", "&ntilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"~o", "&otilde;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"vS", "&Scaron;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"vs", "&scaron;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"vZ", "&Zcaron;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {"vz", "&zcaron;"}, // ISOlat2
+ {",C", "&Ccedil;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {",c", "&ccedil;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"/L", "&Lstrok;"}, // ISOlat2: Polish L with a slash
+ {"/l", "&lstrok;"}, // ISOlat2: Polish l with a slash
+ {"/O", "&Oslash;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"/o", "&oslash;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"oA", "&Aring;"}, // ISOlat1
+ {"oa", "&aring;"}, // ISOlat1
+ // Accents
+ {"a\"","&dblac;"}, // ISOdia: double acute accent (Hungarian umlaut)
+ {"a-", "&macr;"}, // ISOdia: macron or bar accent
+ {"a.", "&dot;"}, // ISOdia: dot above
+ {"a^", "&circ;"}, // ISOdia: circumflex accent
+ {"aa", "&acute;"}, // ISOdia: acute accent
+ {"ga", "&grave;"}, // ISOdia: grave accent
+ {"ab", "&breve;"}, // ISOdia: breve accent
+ {"ac", "&cedil;"}, // ISOdia: cedilla accent
+ {"ad", "&uml;"}, // ISOdia: umlaut or dieresis
+ {"ah", "&caron;"}, // ISOdia: caron (aka hacek accent)
+ {"ao", "&ring;"}, // ISOdia: ring or circle accent
+ {"a~", "&tilde;"}, // ISOdia: tilde accent
+ {"ho", "&ogon;"}, // ISOdia: hook or ogonek accent
+ {"ha", "^"}, // ASCII circumflex, hat, caret
+ {"ti", "~"}, // ASCII tilde, large tilde
+ // Quotes
+ {"Bq", "&lsquor;"}, // ISOpub: low double comma quote
+ {"bq", "&ldquor;"}, // ISOpub: low single comma quote
+ {"lq", "&ldquo;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"rq", "&rdquo;"}, // ISOpub
+ {"oq", "&lsquo;"}, // ISOnum: single open quote
+ {"cq", "&rsquo;"}, // ISOnum: single closing quote (ASCII 39)
+ {"aq", "&zerosp;'"}, // apostrophe quote
+ {"dq", "\""}, // double quote (ASCII 34)
+ {"Fo", "&laquo;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"Fc", "&raquo;"}, // ISOnum
+ //{"fo", "&fo;"},
+ //{"fc", "&fc;"},
+ // Punctuation
+ {"r!", "&iexcl;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"r?", "&iquest;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Old troff \(em goes here
+ {"en", "&ndash;"}, // ISOpub: en dash
+ // Old troff \(hy goes here
+ // Brackets
+ {"lB", "&lsqb;"}, // ISOnum: left (square) bracket
+ {"rB", "&rsqb;"}, // ISOnum: right (square) bracket
+ {"lC", "&lcub;"}, // ISOnum: left (curly) brace
+ {"rC", "&rcub;"}, // ISOnum: right (curly) brace
+ {"la", "&lang;"}, // ISOtech: left angle bracket
+ {"ra", "&rang;"}, // ISOtech: right angle bracket
+ // Old troff \(bv goes here
+ // Bracket-pile characters could go here.
+ // Arrows
+ // Old troff \(<- and \(-> go here
+ {"<>", "&harr;"}, // ISOamsa
+ {"da", "&darr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ua", "&uarr;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"lA", "&lArr;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"rA", "&rArr;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"hA", "&iff;"}, // ISOtech: horizontal double-headed arrow
+ {"dA", "&dArr;"}, // ISOamsa
+ {"uA", "&uArr;"}, // ISOamsa
+ {"vA", "&vArr;"}, // ISOamsa: vertical double-headed double arrow
+ //{"an", "&an;"},
+ // Lines
+ {"-h", "&planck;"}, // ISOamso: h-bar (Planck's constant)
+ // Old troff \(or goes here
+ {"ba", "&verbar;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Old troff \(br, \{u, \(ul, \(bv go here
+ {"bb", "&brvbar;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"sl", "/"},
+ {"rs", "&bsol;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Text markers
+ // Old troff \(ci, \(bu, \(dd, \(dg go here
+ {"lz", "&loz;"}, // ISOpub
+ // Old troff sq goes here
+ {"ps", "&para;"}, // ISOnum: paragraph or pilcrow sign
+ {"sc", "&sect;"}, // ISOnum (in old troff)
+ // Old troff \(lh, \{h go here
+ {"at", "&commat;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"sh", "&num;"}, // ISOnum
+ //{"CR", "&CR;"},
+ {"OK", "&check;"}, // ISOpub
+ // Legalize
+ // Old troff \(co, \{g go here
+ {"tm", "&trade;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Currency symbols
+ {"Do", "&dollar;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"ct", "&cent;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"eu", "&euro;"},
+ {"Eu", "&euro;"},
+ {"Ye", "&yen;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"Po", "&pound;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"Cs", "&curren;"}, // ISOnum: currency sign
+ {"Fn", "&fnof"}, // ISOtech
+ // Units
+ // Old troff de goes here
+ {"%0", "&permil;"}, // ISOtech: per thousand, per mille sign
+ // Old troff \(fm goes here
+ {"sd", "&Prime;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"mc", "&micro;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"Of", "&ordf;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"Om", "&ordm;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Logical symbols
+ {"AN", "&and;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"OR", "&or;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Old troff \(no goes here
+ {"te", "&exist;"}, // ISOtech: there exists, existential quantifier
+ {"fa", "&forall;"}, // ISOtech: for all, universal quantifier
+ {"st", "&bepsi"}, // ISOamsr: such that
+ {"3d", "&there4;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"tf", "&there4;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Mathematical symbols
+ // Old troff "12", "14", "34" goes here
+ {"S1", "&sup1;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"S2", "&sup2;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"S3", "&sup3;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Old troff \(pl", \-, \(+- go here
+ {"t+-", "&plusmn;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"-+", "&mnplus;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"pc", "&middot;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"md", "&middot;"}, // ISOnum
+ // Old troff \(mu goes here
+ {"tmu", "&times;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"c*", "&otimes;"}, // ISOamsb: multiply sign in a circle
+ {"c+", "&oplus;"}, // ISOamsb: plus sign in a circle
+ // Old troff \(di goes here
+ {"tdi", "&divide;"}, // ISOnum
+ {"f/", "&horbar;"}, // ISOnum: horizintal bar for fractions
+ // Old troff \(** goes here
+ {"<=", "&le;"}, // ISOtech
+ {">=", "&ge;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"<<", "&Lt;"}, // ISOamsr
+ {">>", "&Gt;"}, // ISOamsr
+ {"!=", "&ne;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Old troff \(eq and \(== go here
+ {"=~", "&cong;"}, // ISOamsr
+ // Old troff \(ap goes here
+ {"~~", "&ap;"}, // ISOtech
+ // This appears to be an error in the groff table.
+ // It clashes with the Bell Labs use of ~= for a congruence sign
+ // {"~=", "&ap;"}, // ISOamsr
+ // Old troff \(pt, \(es, \(mo go here
+ {"nm", "&notin;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"nb", "&nsub;"}, // ISOamsr
+ {"nc", "&nsup;"}, // ISOamsn
+ {"ne", "&nequiv;"}, // ISOamsn
+ // Old troff \(sb, \(sp, \(ib, \(ip, \(ca, \(cu go here
+ {"/_", "&ang;"}, // ISOamso
+ {"pp", "&perp;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Old troff \(is goes here
+ {"sum", "&sum;"}, // ISOamsb
+ {"product", "&prod;"}, // ISOamsb
+ {"gr", "&nabla;"}, // ISOtech
+ // Old troff \(sr. \{n, \(if go here
+ {"Ah", "&aleph;"}, // ISOtech
+ {"Im", "&image;"}, // ISOamso: Fraktur I, imaginary
+ {"Re", "&real;"}, // ISOamso: Fraktur R, real
+ {"wp", "&weierp;"}, // ISOamso
+ {"pd", "&part;"}, // ISOtech: partial differentiation sign
+ // Their table duplicates the Greek letters here.
+ // We list only the variant forms here, mapping them into
+ // the ISO Greek 4 variants (which may or may not be correct :-()
+ {"+f", "&b.phiv;"}, // ISOgrk4: variant phi
+ {"+h", "&b.thetas;"}, // ISOgrk4: variant theta
+ {"+p", "&;"}, // ISOgrk4: variant pi, looking like omega
+ // Card symbols
+ {"CL", "&clubs;"}, // ISOpub: club suit
+ {"SP", "&spades;"}, // ISOpub: spade suit
+ {"HE", "&hearts;"}, // ISOpub: heart suit
+ {"DI", "&diams;"}, // ISOpub: diamond suit
+const char *special_to_entity(const char *sp)
+ struct map *mp;
+ for (mp = entity_table;
+ mp < entity_table + sizeof(entity_table)/sizeof(entity_table[0]);
+ mp++) {
+ if (strcmp(mp->from, sp) == 0)
+ return mp->to;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+class char_box : public simple_box {
+ unsigned char c;
+ char next_is_italic;
+ char prev_is_italic;
+ char_box(unsigned char);
+ void debug_print();
+ void output();
+ int is_char();
+ int left_is_italic();
+ int right_is_italic();
+ void hint(unsigned);
+ void handle_char_type(int, int);
+class special_char_box : public simple_box {
+ char *s;
+ special_char_box(const char *);
+ ~special_char_box();
+ void output();
+ void debug_print();
+ int is_char();
+ void handle_char_type(int, int);
+enum spacing_type {
+ s_ordinary,
+ s_operator,
+ s_binary,
+ s_relation,
+ s_opening,
+ s_closing,
+ s_punctuation,
+ s_inner,
+ s_suppress
+const char *spacing_type_table[] = {
+ "ordinary",
+ "operator",
+ "binary",
+ "relation",
+ "opening",
+ "closing",
+ "punctuation",
+ "inner",
+ "suppress",
+ 0,
+const int DIGIT_TYPE = 0;
+const int LETTER_TYPE = 1;
+const char *font_type_table[] = {
+ "digit",
+ "letter",
+ 0,
+struct char_info {
+ int spacing_type;
+ int font_type;
+ char_info();
+: spacing_type(ORDINARY_TYPE), font_type(DIGIT_TYPE)
+static char_info char_table[256];
+PTABLE(char_info) special_char_table;
+static int get_special_char_spacing_type(const char *ch)
+ char_info *p = special_char_table.lookup(ch);
+ return p ? p->spacing_type : ORDINARY_TYPE;
+static int get_special_char_font_type(const char *ch)
+ char_info *p = special_char_table.lookup(ch);
+ return p ? p->font_type : DIGIT_TYPE;
+static void set_special_char_type(const char *ch, int st, int ft)
+ char_info *p = special_char_table.lookup(ch);
+ if (!p) {
+ p = new char_info[1];
+ special_char_table.define(ch, p);
+ }
+ if (st >= 0)
+ p->spacing_type = st;
+ if (ft >= 0)
+ p->font_type = ft;
+void init_char_table()
+ set_special_char_type("pl", s_binary, -1);
+ set_special_char_type("mi", s_binary, -1);
+ set_special_char_type("eq", s_relation, -1);
+ set_special_char_type("<=", s_relation, -1);
+ set_special_char_type(">=", s_relation, -1);
+ char_table['}'].spacing_type = s_closing;
+ char_table[')'].spacing_type = s_closing;
+ char_table[']'].spacing_type = s_closing;
+ char_table['{'].spacing_type = s_opening;
+ char_table['('].spacing_type = s_opening;
+ char_table['['].spacing_type = s_opening;
+ char_table[','].spacing_type = s_punctuation;
+ char_table[';'].spacing_type = s_punctuation;
+ char_table[':'].spacing_type = s_punctuation;
+ char_table['.'].spacing_type = s_punctuation;
+ char_table['>'].spacing_type = s_relation;
+ char_table['<'].spacing_type = s_relation;
+ char_table['*'].spacing_type = s_binary;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+ if (csalpha(i))
+ char_table[i].font_type = LETTER_TYPE;
+static int lookup_spacing_type(const char *type)
+ for (int i = 0; spacing_type_table[i] != 0; i++)
+ if (strcmp(spacing_type_table[i], type) == 0)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+static int lookup_font_type(const char *type)
+ for (int i = 0; font_type_table[i] != 0; i++)
+ if (strcmp(font_type_table[i], type) == 0)
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+void box::set_spacing_type(char *type)
+ int t = lookup_spacing_type(type);
+ if (t < 0)
+ error("unrecognised type '%1'", type);
+ else
+ spacing_type = t;
+ free(type);
+char_box::char_box(unsigned char cc)
+: c(cc), next_is_italic(0), prev_is_italic(0)
+ spacing_type = char_table[c].spacing_type;
+void char_box::hint(unsigned flags)
+ if (flags & HINT_PREV_IS_ITALIC)
+ prev_is_italic = 1;
+ if (flags & HINT_NEXT_IS_ITALIC)
+ next_is_italic = 1;
+void char_box::output()
+ if (output_format == troff) {
+ int font_type = char_table[c].font_type;
+ if (font_type != LETTER_TYPE)
+ printf("\\f[%s]", current_roman_font);
+ if (!prev_is_italic)
+ fputs("\\,", stdout);
+ if (c == '\\')
+ fputs("\\e", stdout);
+ else
+ putchar(c);
+ if (!next_is_italic)
+ fputs("\\/", stdout);
+ else
+ fputs("\\&", stdout); // suppress ligaturing and kerning
+ if (font_type != LETTER_TYPE)
+ fputs("\\fP", stdout);
+ }
+ else if (output_format == mathml) {
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ printf("<mn>");
+ else if (char_table[c].spacing_type)
+ printf("<mo>");
+ else
+ printf("<mi>");
+ if (c == '<')
+ printf("&lt;");
+ else if (c == '>')
+ printf("&gt;");
+ else if (c == '&')
+ printf("&amp;");
+ else
+ putchar(c);
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ printf("</mn>");
+ else if (char_table[c].spacing_type)
+ printf("</mo>");
+ else
+ printf("</mi>");
+ }
+int char_box::left_is_italic()
+ int font_type = char_table[c].font_type;
+ return font_type == LETTER_TYPE;
+int char_box::right_is_italic()
+ int font_type = char_table[c].font_type;
+ return font_type == LETTER_TYPE;
+int char_box::is_char()
+ return 1;
+void char_box::debug_print()
+ if (c == '\\') {
+ putc('\\', stderr);
+ putc('\\', stderr);
+ }
+ else
+ putc(c, stderr);
+special_char_box::special_char_box(const char *t)
+ s = strsave(t);
+ spacing_type = get_special_char_spacing_type(s);
+ free(s);
+void special_char_box::output()
+ if (output_format == troff) {
+ int font_type = get_special_char_font_type(s);
+ if (font_type != LETTER_TYPE)
+ printf("\\f[%s]", current_roman_font);
+ printf("\\,\\[%s]\\/", s);
+ if (font_type != LETTER_TYPE)
+ printf("\\fP");
+ }
+ else if (output_format == mathml) {
+ const char *entity = special_to_entity(s);
+ if (entity != NULL)
+ printf("<mo>%s</mo>", entity);
+ else
+ printf("<merror>unknown eqn/troff special char %s</merror>", s);
+ }
+int special_char_box::is_char()
+ return 1;
+void special_char_box::debug_print()
+ fprintf(stderr, "\\[%s]", s);
+void char_box::handle_char_type(int st, int ft)
+ if (st >= 0)
+ char_table[c].spacing_type = st;
+ if (ft >= 0)
+ char_table[c].font_type = ft;
+void special_char_box::handle_char_type(int st, int ft)
+ set_special_char_type(s, st, ft);
+void set_char_type(const char *type, char *ch)
+ assert(ch != 0);
+ int st = lookup_spacing_type(type);
+ int ft = lookup_font_type(type);
+ if (st < 0 && ft < 0) {
+ error("bad character type '%1'", type);
+ delete[] ch;
+ return;
+ }
+ box *b = split_text(ch);
+ b->handle_char_type(st, ft);
+ delete b;
+/* We give primes special treatment so that in "x' sub 2", the "2"
+will be tucked under the prime */
+class prime_box : public pointer_box {
+ box *pb;
+ prime_box(box *);
+ ~prime_box();
+ int compute_metrics(int style);
+ void output();
+ void compute_subscript_kern();
+ void debug_print();
+ void handle_char_type(int, int);
+box *make_prime_box(box *pp)
+ return new prime_box(pp);
+prime_box::prime_box(box *pp) : pointer_box(pp)
+ pb = new special_char_box("fm");
+ delete pb;
+int prime_box::compute_metrics(int style)
+ int res = p->compute_metrics(style);
+ pb->compute_metrics(style);
+ printf(".nr " WIDTH_FORMAT " 0\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]"
+ "+\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]\n",
+ uid, p->uid, pb->uid);
+ printf(".nr " HEIGHT_FORMAT " \\n[" HEIGHT_FORMAT "]"
+ ">?\\n[" HEIGHT_FORMAT "]\n",
+ uid, p->uid, pb->uid);
+ printf(".nr " DEPTH_FORMAT " \\n[" DEPTH_FORMAT "]"
+ ">?\\n[" DEPTH_FORMAT "]\n",
+ uid, p->uid, pb->uid);
+ return res;
+void prime_box::compute_subscript_kern()
+ p->compute_subscript_kern();
+ printf(".nr " SUB_KERN_FORMAT " 0\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]"
+ "+\\n[" SUB_KERN_FORMAT "]>?0\n",
+ uid, pb->uid, p->uid);
+void prime_box::output()
+ p->output();
+ pb->output();
+void prime_box::handle_char_type(int st, int ft)
+ p->handle_char_type(st, ft);
+ pb->handle_char_type(st, ft);
+void prime_box::debug_print()
+ p->debug_print();
+ putc('\'', stderr);
+box *split_text(char *text)
+ list_box *lb = 0;
+ box *fb = 0;
+ char *s = text;
+ while (*s != '\0') {
+ char c = *s++;
+ box *b = 0;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '+':
+ b = new special_char_box("pl");
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ b = new special_char_box("mi");
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ b = new special_char_box("eq");
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ b = new special_char_box("fm");
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ if (*s == '=') {
+ b = new special_char_box("<=");
+ s++;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto normal_char;
+ case '>':
+ if (*s == '=') {
+ b = new special_char_box(">=");
+ s++;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto normal_char;
+ case '\\':
+ if (*s == '\0') {
+ lex_error("bad escape");
+ break;
+ }
+ c = *s++;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '(':
+ {
+ char buf[3];
+ if (*s != '\0') {
+ buf[0] = *s++;
+ if (*s != '\0') {
+ buf[1] = *s++;
+ buf[2] = '\0';
+ b = new special_char_box(buf);
+ }
+ else {
+ lex_error("bad escape");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ lex_error("bad escape");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ {
+ char *ch = s;
+ while (*s != ']' && *s != '\0')
+ s++;
+ if (*s == '\0')
+ lex_error("bad escape");
+ else {
+ *s++ = '\0';
+ b = new special_char_box(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'k':
+ case 'n':
+ case '*':
+ {
+ char *escape_start = s - 2;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '(':
+ if (*++s != '\0')
+ ++s;
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ for (++s; *s != '\0' && *s != ']'; s++)
+ ;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*s == '\0')
+ lex_error("bad escape");
+ else {
+ ++s;
+ char *buf = new char[s - escape_start + 1];
+ memcpy(buf, escape_start, s - escape_start);
+ buf[s - escape_start] = '\0';
+ b = new quoted_text_box(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ case '_':
+ {
+ char buf[2];
+ buf[0] = c;
+ buf[1] = '\0';
+ b = new special_char_box(buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '`':
+ b = new special_char_box("ga");
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ b = new special_char_box("aa");
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ case '\\':
+ b = new char_box('\\');
+ break;
+ case '^':
+ case '|':
+ case '0':
+ {
+ char buf[3];
+ buf[0] = '\\';
+ buf[1] = c;
+ buf[2] = '\0';
+ b = new quoted_text_box(strsave(buf));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ lex_error("unquoted escape");
+ b = new quoted_text_box(strsave(s - 2));
+ s = strchr(s, '\0');
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ normal_char:
+ b = new char_box(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ while (*s == '\'') {
+ if (b == 0)
+ b = new quoted_text_box(0);
+ b = new prime_box(b);
+ s++;
+ }
+ if (b != 0) {
+ if (lb != 0)
+ lb->append(b);
+ else if (fb != 0) {
+ lb = new list_box(fb);
+ lb->append(b);
+ }
+ else
+ fb = b;
+ }
+ }
+ free(text);
+ if (lb != 0)
+ return lb;
+ else if (fb != 0)
+ return fb;
+ else
+ return new quoted_text_box(0);