path: root/src/utils/tfmtodit/
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1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/utils/tfmtodit/ b/src/utils/tfmtodit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f21753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/tfmtodit/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+.TH tfmtodit @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "groff @VERSION@"
+.SH Name
+tfmtodit \- adapt TeX Font Metrics files for use with
+.I groff
+.I grodvi
+.\" ====================================================================
+.\" Legal Terms
+.\" ====================================================================
+.\" Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+.\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+.\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+.\" preserved on all copies.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
+.\" this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
+.\" the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of
+.\" a permission notice identical to this one.
+.\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+.\" manual into another language, under the above conditions for
+.\" modified versions, except that this permission notice may be
+.\" included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation
+.\" instead of in the original English.
+.\" Save and disable compatibility mode (for, e.g., Solaris 10/11). nr *groff_tfmtodit_1_man_C \n[.cp]
+.cp 0
+.\" Define fallback for groff 1.23's MR macro if the system lacks it. do-fallback 0
+.if !\n(.f .nr do-fallback 1 \" mandoc
+.if \n(.g .if !d MR .nr do-fallback 1 \" older groff
+.if !\n(.g .nr do-fallback 1 \" non-groff *roff
+.if \n[do-fallback] \{\
+. de MR
+. ie \\n(.$=1 \
+. I \%\\$1
+. el \
+. IR \%\\$1 (\\$2)\\$3
+. .
+.rr do-fallback
+.\" ====================================================================
+.\" Definitions
+.\" ====================================================================
+. t .ds tx T\h'-.1667m'\v'.224m'E\v'-.224m'\h'-.125m'X
+.el .ds tx TeX
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SH Synopsis
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SY tfmtodit
+.RB [ \-s ]
+.RB [ \-g\~\c
+.IR gf-file ]
+.RB [ \-k\~\c
+.IR skew-char ]
+.I tfm-file
+.I map-file
+.I font-description
+.SY tfmtodit
+.B \-\-help
+.SY tfmtodit
+.B \-v
+.SY tfmtodit
+.B \-\-version
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SH Description
+.\" ====================================================================
+.I tfmtodit
+creates a font description file for use with
+.MR groff @MAN1EXT@ 's
+.B dvi
+output device.
+.I tfm-file
+is the name of the \*(tx font metric file for the font.
+.I map-file
+.I groff
+ordinary or special character identifiers to glyph indices in the font;
+it should consist of a sequence of lines of the form
+.IR "i c1" \~\&.\|.\|.\&\~ cn
+.I i
+is a position of the glyph in the font in decimal,
+.I c1
+.I cn
+are glyph identifiers in the form used by
+.I groff
+font descriptions.
+If a glyph has no
+.I groff
+names but exists in
+.I tfm-file,
+it is put in the
+.I groff
+font description file as an unnamed glyph.
+Output is written in
+.MR groff_font @MAN5EXT@
+format to
+.I font-description,
+a file named for the intended
+.I groff
+font name.
+If the font is \[lq]special\[rq],
+meaning that
+.I groff
+should search it whenever a glyph is not found in the current font,
+use the
+.B \-s
+option and name
+.I font-description
+in the
+.B fonts
+directive in the output device's
+To do a good job of math typesetting,
+.I groff
+requires font metric information not present in
+.I tfm-file.
+This is because \*(tx has separate math italic fonts,
+.I groff
+uses normal italic fonts for math.
+The additional information required by
+.I groff
+is given by the two arguments to the
+.B math_fit
+macro in the Metafont programs for the Computer Modern fonts.
+In a text font (a font for which
+.B math_fit
+is false),
+Metafont normally ignores these two arguments.
+Metafont can be made to put this information into the GF
+(\[lq]generic font\[rq])
+files it produces by loading the following definition after
+.B cmbase
+when creating
+.IR cm.base .
+def ignore_math_fit(expr left_adjustment,right_adjustment) =
+ special "adjustment";
+ numspecial left_adjustment*16/designsize;
+ numspecial right_adjustment*16/designsize;
+ enddef;
+For the EC font family,
+load the following definition after
+.BR exbase ;
+consider patching
+def ignore_math_fit(expr left_adjustment,right_adjustment) =
+ ori_special "adjustment";
+ ori_numspecial left_adjustment*16/designsize;
+ ori_numspecial right_adjustment*16/designsize;
+ enddef;
+The only difference from the previous example is the \[lq]ori_\[rq]
+prefix to \[lq]special\[rq] and \[lq]numspecial\[rq].
+The GF file created using this modified
+.I cm.base
+should be specified with the
+.B \-g
+which should
+.I not
+be given for a font for which
+.B math_fit
+is true.
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SH Options
+.\" ====================================================================
+.B \-\-help
+displays a usage message,
+.B \-v
+.B \-\-version
+show version information;
+all exit afterward.
+.BI \-g \~gf-file
+Use the
+.I gf-file
+produced by Metafont containing
+.RB \[lq] special \[rq]
+.RB \[lq] numspecial \[rq]
+commands to obtain additional font metric information.
+.BI \-k \~skew-char
+The skew character of this font is at position
+.I skew-char.
+.I skew-char
+should be an integer;
+it may be given in decimal,
+with a leading 0 in octal,
+or with a leading 0x in hexadecimal.
+Any kerns whose second component is
+.I skew-char
+are ignored.
+.B \-s
+Add the
+.B special
+directive to the font description file.
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SH Files
+.\" ====================================================================
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:DESC
+describes the
+.B dvi
+output device.
+.IR @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/ F
+describes the font known
+.RI as\~ F
+on device
+.BR dvi .
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+.I @FONTDIR@/\:\%devdvi/\:\%generate/\:\
+map glyph indices in \*[tx] fonts to
+.I groff
+ordinary and special character identifiers.
+.I \
+is used for
+.I \
+.BR SA ;
+.I \
+.BR SB ;
+.I \
+.I \
+.BR TB ,
+.BR HR ,
+.BR HI ,
+.BR HB ,
+.BR HBI ;
+.I \
+.BR EX ;
+.I \
+.B TI
+.BR TBI ;
+.I \
+.BR CWI ;
+.I \
+.BR MI ;
+.I \
+.BR TR ;
+.I \
+.BR S ;
+.I \
+.BR SC ;
+.I \
+.BR CW .
+.\" ====================================================================
+.SH "See also"
+.\" ====================================================================
+.MR groff @MAN1EXT@ ,
+.MR grodvi @MAN1EXT@ ,
+.MR groff_font @MAN5EXT@
+.\" Clean up.
+.rm tx
+.\" Restore compatibility mode (for, e.g., Solaris 10/11).
+.cp \n[*groff_tfmtodit_1_man_C] rr *groff_tfmtodit_1_man_C
+.\" Local Variables:
+.\" fill-column: 72
+.\" mode: nroff
+.\" End:
+.\" vim: set filetype=groff textwidth=72: