.\" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .\" .\" Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, .\" are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright .\" notice and this notice are preserved. . .COVER .ND 911123 .TL "charge" "filing" This is a test granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson .AU "Nisse Svensson" "DGY" "BF" "Computer Center" "5488" "5-2115" "nisse@vira.sture.elm" .AF "MT GRANDSTAND GRANITE GRANITIC" .AS 1 10 grant grantee grantor granular granulate granule Granville grape grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater grebe Grecian .AE .COVEND Greece greed greedy Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward greenware Greenwich greenwood Greer greet Greg gregarious Gregg Gregory gremlin grenade Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyhound greylag grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson grandstand granite granitic granny granola grant grantee grantor granular granulate granule Granville grape grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater grebe Grecian Greece greed greedy Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward greenware