.\" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .\" .\" Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, .\" are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright .\" notice and this notice are preserved. . .de foo a=\\$1, b=\\$2 .br .. .INITI N ind-data .H 1 "halve" .IND granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother .IND grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson grandstand granite granitic granny granola grant grantee grantor granular .IND granulate granule Granville grape .H 2 "grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew" grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic .H 1 "halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah" graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity .IND grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater .H 1 "Han Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful" grebe Grecian Greece greed greedy .IND Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg .H 1 " granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur" Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward .H 1 "handgun" greenware Greenwich greenwood Greer greet Greg gregarious Gregg Gregory .IND gremlin grenade Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyhound greylag grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim .IND grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle grizzly groan groat grocer grocery groggy .IND groin grommet groom groove grope grosbeak gross .H 1 "handicapped handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman" Grosset Grossman Grosvenor grotesque Groton ground groundsel groundskeep groundwork group groupoid grout grove grovel Grover grow growl grown grownup .IND growth grub grubby grudge gruesome gruff grumble Grumman grunt gryphon g's GSA GU Guam guanidine guanine guano guarantee guaranteeing guarantor guaranty guard guardhouse .IND Guardia guardian Guatemala .IND gubernatorial Guelph Guenther guerdon guernsey guerrilla guess guesswork guest guffaw Guggenheim Guiana guidance guide guidebook guideline guidepost guiding guignol guild .H 1 "handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle" guildhall guile Guilford guillemot guillotine guilt .IND guilty guinea guise guitar gules gulf .H 1 "handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout" gull Gullah gullet gullible gully gulp gum gumbo gumdrop gummy gumption gumshoe gun Gunderson .IND gunfight gunfire gunflint gunk gunky gunman .IND gunmen gunnery gunny gunplay gunpowder gunshot gunsling Gunther gurgle Gurkha guru Gus gush gusset gust Gustafson Gustav Gustave Gustavus gusto gusty gut .H 1 "handset" Gutenberg Guthrie gutsy guttural .IND guy Guyana guzzle Gwen Gwyn gym gymnasium gymnast gymnastic gymnosperm gyp gypsite gypsum gypsy gyrate gyrfalcon gyro .IND gyrocompass gyroscope h ha Haag Haas habeas haberdashery Haberman .IND Habib habit habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate hacienda hack hackberry Hackett hackle hackmatack .H 1 "handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving handwrite handwritten" hackney hackneyed hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley hadn't Hadrian hadron hafnium .IND Hagen Hager haggard haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa haiku hail hailstone hailstorm Haines hair .IND haircut hairdo hairpin hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale Haley half halfback .IND halfhearted halfway halibut halide .H 1 "handy handyman handymen Haney Hanford hang hangable hangar" Halifax halite hall hallelujah Halley hallmark hallow Halloween hallucinate hallway halma halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah halve Halverson ham .IND Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire .IND Hampton hamster Han .H 1 "hangman hangmen hangout hangover hank Hankel Hanley" Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful handgun handhold handicap handicapped .IND handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout handset handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving .H 1 "Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans" handwrite handwritten handy handyman handymen Haney .IND Hanford hang hangable hangar hangman hangmen hangout hangover .IND hank Hankel Hanley Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans Hansel Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap .H 1 "Hansel" haphazard .IND haploid haploidy haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin harbinger Harcourt hard hardbake hardboard hardboiled hardcopy harden hardhat Hardin .H 1 "Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap haphazard haploid haploidy" Harding hardscrabble hardtack hardtop hardware hardwood .IND hardworking hardy hare harelip harem .IND hark Harlan Harlem Harley harm harmful Harmon harmonic harmonica harmonious .H 1 "haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin" harmony harness Harold harp harpoon harpsichord Harpy Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris .IND Harrisburg Harrison harrow harry harsh harshen hart Hartford Hartley Hartman Harvard harvest harvestman Harvey hash hashish hasn't hasp hassle hast haste hasten Hastings hasty hat hatch .IND hatchet hatchway .IND hate hateful hater Hatfield hath Hathaway hatred Hatteras Hattie Hattiesburg Haugen haughty haul haulage haunch haunt Hausdorff Havana have haven haven't Havilland havoc haw .IND Hawaii Hawaiian hawk Hawkins Hawley hawthorn .H 2 "hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire Hampton hamster" Hawthorne hay Hayden Haydn Hayes hayfield Haynes Hays haystack Hayward hayward hazard hazardous haze hazel hazelnut hazy he head .IND headache .IND headboard headdress headland headlight headline headmaster headphone headquarter headquarters headroom headset headsman headsmen headstand headstone headstrong headwall headwater headway headwind heady heal Healey health healthful healthy .IND Healy heap hear heard hearken hearsay hearse Hearst heart heartbeat heartbreak hearten heartfelt hearth hearty heat heater heath heathen heathenish Heathkit heave .IND heaven heavenward heavy heavyweight .IND Hebe hebephrenic Hebraic Hebrew Hecate hecatomb heck heckle Heckman hectic hector Hecuba he'd hedge hedgehog hedonism hedonist heed heel heft hefty Hegelian hegemony Heidelberg heigh height .IND heighten Heine Heinrich Heinz heir heiress Heisenberg held Helen Helena Helene Helga helical helicopter heliocentric heliotrope helium helix he'll .IND hell hellbender hellebore Hellenic hellfire hellgrammite hellish .IND hello helm helmet .H 1 "Halverson ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead" Helmholtz helmsman helmsmen Helmut help helpful helpmate Helsinki Helvetica hem hematite Hemingway hemisphere hemispheric hemlock hemoglobin hemolytic hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemosiderin hemp Hempstead hen .IND henbane hence henceforth henchman henchmen Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendrickson henequen Henley henpeck Henri Henrietta henry hepatica .IND hepatitis Hepburn heptane her Hera Heraclitus herald herb Herbert Herculean .IND Hercules herd herdsman here hereabout hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinabove hereinafter hereinbelow hereof heresy heretic hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto herewith heritable heritage Herkimer Herman .IND Hermann hermeneutic Hermes hermetic Hermite hermitian Hermosa Hernandez hero Herodotus heroes heroic heroin .IND heroine heroism heron herpes herpetology Herr herringbone Herschel herself Hershel Hershey hertz Hertzog .IND hesitant hesitate hesitater Hesperus Hess Hesse Hessian Hester heterocyclic heterodyne heterogamous heterogeneity heterogeneous heterosexual heterostructure heterozygous Hetman Hettie Hetty Heublein heuristic Heusen Heuser hew Hewett Hewitt .IND Hewlett hewn hex hexachloride hexadecimal hexafluoride hexagon hexagonal hexameter hexane .IND hey heyday hi Hiatt hiatus Hiawatha hibachi Hibbard hibernate Hibernia hick Hickey Hickman hickory Hicks hid .IND hidalgo hidden hide hideaway hideous hideout hierarchal hierarchic hierarchy hieratic hieroglyphic Hieronymus hifalutin Higgins high highball highboy highest highfalutin highhanded highland highlight highroad hightail highway highwayman .IND highwaymen hijack hijinks hike hilarious hilarity Hilbert .IND Hildebrand hill hillbilly Hillcrest Hillel hillman hillmen hillock hillside hilltop hilly hilt Hilton hilum him Himalaya himself hind hindmost .IND hindrance hindsight Hindu Hinduism Hines hinge Hinman hint hinterland hip hippo Hippocrates Hippocratic hippodrome hippopotamus hippy hipster Hiram hire hireling Hiroshi Hiroshima Hirsch hirsute his Hispanic .IND hiss histamine histidine histochemic .IND histochemistry histogram histology historian historic historiography history histrionic hit Hitachi hitch Hitchcock .H 1 "harbinger" hither hitherto Hitler hive ho hoagie Hoagland hoagy hoar hoard .IND hoarfrost hoarse hob Hobart Hobbes hobble Hobbs hobby hobbyhorse hobgoblin hobo Hoboken hoc hock hockey hocus hodge hodgepodge Hodges Hodgkin hoe Hoff Hoffman hog hogan hogging .IND hoi .IND Hokan Holbrook Holcomb hold holden holdout holdover holdup hole holeable holiday Holland Hollandaise holler Hollerith Hollingsworth Hollister hollow Holloway hollowware holly hollyhock Hollywood Holm Holman .IND Holmdel Holmes holmium holocaust Holocene hologram holography Holst Holstein holster holt Holyoke .IND holystone .INDP inject injudicious Injun injunct injunction injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inlaid inland inlay inlet Inman inmate inn innards innate inner innermost innkeeper innocent innocuous innovate innuendo innumerable inoculate inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic input inputting inquest inquire inquiry inquisition inquisitive inquisitor inroad insane insatiable inscribe inscription inscrutable insect insecticide insecure inseminate insensible insensitive inseparable insert inset inshore inside insidious insight insightful insignia insignificant insincere insinuate insipid insist insistent insofar insolent insoluble insolvable insolvent insomnia insomniac insouciant inspect inspector inspiration inspire instable install installation instalment instance instant instantaneous instantiate .INITI H ind-data2 .H 1 "halve" .IND granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother .IND grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson grandstand granite granitic granny granola grant grantee grantor granular .IND granulate granule Granville grape .H 2 "grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew" grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic .H 1 "halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah" graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity .IND grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater .H 1 "Han Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful" grebe Grecian Greece greed greedy .IND Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg .H 1 " granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur" Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward .H 1 "handgun" greenware Greenwich greenwood Greer greet Greg gregarious Gregg Gregory .IND gremlin grenade Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyhound greylag grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim .IND grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle grizzly groan groat grocer grocery groggy .IND groin grommet groom groove grope grosbeak gross .H 1 "handicapped handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman" Grosset Grossman Grosvenor grotesque Groton ground groundsel groundskeep groundwork group groupoid grout grove grovel Grover grow growl grown grownup .IND growth grub grubby grudge gruesome gruff grumble Grumman grunt gryphon g's GSA GU Guam guanidine guanine guano guarantee guaranteeing guarantor guaranty guard guardhouse .IND Guardia guardian Guatemala .IND gubernatorial Guelph Guenther guerdon guernsey guerrilla guess guesswork guest guffaw Guggenheim Guiana guidance guide guidebook guideline guidepost guiding guignol guild .H 1 "handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle" guildhall guile Guilford guillemot guillotine guilt .IND guilty guinea guise guitar gules gulf .H 1 "handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout" gull Gullah gullet gullible gully gulp gum gumbo gumdrop gummy gumption gumshoe gun Gunderson .IND gunfight gunfire gunflint gunk gunky gunman .IND gunmen gunnery gunny gunplay gunpowder gunshot gunsling Gunther gurgle Gurkha guru Gus gush gusset gust Gustafson Gustav Gustave Gustavus gusto gusty gut .H 1 "handset" Gutenberg Guthrie gutsy guttural .IND guy Guyana guzzle Gwen Gwyn gym gymnasium gymnast gymnastic gymnosperm gyp gypsite gypsum gypsy gyrate gyrfalcon gyro .IND gyrocompass gyroscope h ha Haag Haas habeas haberdashery Haberman .IND Habib habit habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate hacienda hack hackberry Hackett hackle hackmatack .H 1 "handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving handwrite handwritten" hackney hackneyed hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley hadn't Hadrian hadron hafnium .IND Hagen Hager haggard haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa haiku hail hailstone hailstorm Haines hair .IND haircut hairdo hairpin hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale Haley half halfback .IND halfhearted halfway halibut halide .H 1 "handy handyman handymen Haney Hanford hang hangable hangar" Halifax halite hall hallelujah Halley hallmark hallow Halloween hallucinate hallway halma halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah halve Halverson ham .IND Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire .IND Hampton hamster Han .H 1 "hangman hangmen hangout hangover hank Hankel Hanley" Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful handgun handhold handicap handicapped .IND handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout handset handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving .H 1 "Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans" handwrite handwritten handy handyman handymen Haney .IND Hanford hang hangable hangar hangman hangmen hangout hangover .IND hank Hankel Hanley Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans Hansel Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap .H 1 "Hansel" haphazard .IND haploid haploidy haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin harbinger Harcourt hard hardbake hardboard hardboiled hardcopy harden hardhat Hardin .H 1 "Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap haphazard haploid haploidy" Harding hardscrabble hardtack hardtop hardware hardwood .IND hardworking hardy hare harelip harem .IND hark Harlan Harlem Harley harm harmful Harmon harmonic harmonica harmonious .H 1 "haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin" harmony harness Harold harp harpoon harpsichord Harpy Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris .IND Harrisburg Harrison harrow harry harsh harshen hart Hartford Hartley Hartman Harvard harvest harvestman Harvey hash hashish hasn't hasp hassle hast haste hasten Hastings hasty hat hatch .IND hatchet hatchway .IND hate hateful hater Hatfield hath Hathaway hatred Hatteras Hattie Hattiesburg Haugen haughty haul haulage haunch haunt Hausdorff Havana have haven haven't Havilland havoc haw .IND Hawaii Hawaiian hawk Hawkins Hawley hawthorn .H 2 "hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire Hampton hamster" Hawthorne hay Hayden Haydn Hayes hayfield Haynes Hays haystack Hayward hayward hazard hazardous haze hazel hazelnut hazy he head .IND headache .IND headboard headdress headland headlight headline headmaster headphone headquarter headquarters headroom headset headsman headsmen headstand headstone headstrong headwall headwater headway headwind heady heal Healey health healthful healthy .IND Healy heap hear heard hearken hearsay hearse Hearst heart heartbeat heartbreak hearten heartfelt hearth hearty heat heater heath heathen heathenish Heathkit heave .IND heaven heavenward heavy heavyweight .IND Hebe hebephrenic Hebraic Hebrew Hecate hecatomb heck heckle Heckman hectic hector Hecuba he'd hedge hedgehog hedonism hedonist heed heel heft hefty Hegelian hegemony Heidelberg heigh height .IND heighten Heine Heinrich Heinz heir heiress Heisenberg held Helen Helena Helene Helga helical helicopter heliocentric heliotrope helium helix he'll .IND hell hellbender hellebore Hellenic hellfire hellgrammite hellish .IND hello helm helmet .H 1 "Halverson ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead" Helmholtz helmsman helmsmen Helmut help helpful helpmate Helsinki Helvetica hem hematite Hemingway hemisphere hemispheric hemlock hemoglobin hemolytic hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemosiderin hemp Hempstead hen .IND henbane hence henceforth henchman henchmen Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendrickson henequen Henley henpeck Henri Henrietta henry hepatica .IND hepatitis Hepburn heptane her Hera Heraclitus herald herb Herbert Herculean .IND Hercules herd herdsman here hereabout hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinabove hereinafter hereinbelow hereof heresy heretic hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto herewith heritable heritage Herkimer Herman .IND Hermann hermeneutic Hermes hermetic Hermite hermitian Hermosa Hernandez hero Herodotus heroes heroic heroin .IND heroine heroism heron herpes herpetology Herr herringbone Herschel herself Hershel Hershey hertz Hertzog .IND hesitant hesitate hesitater Hesperus Hess Hesse Hessian Hester heterocyclic heterodyne heterogamous heterogeneity heterogeneous heterosexual heterostructure heterozygous Hetman Hettie Hetty Heublein heuristic Heusen Heuser hew Hewett Hewitt .IND Hewlett hewn hex hexachloride hexadecimal hexafluoride hexagon hexagonal hexameter hexane .IND hey heyday hi Hiatt hiatus Hiawatha hibachi Hibbard hibernate Hibernia hick Hickey Hickman hickory Hicks hid .IND hidalgo hidden hide hideaway hideous hideout hierarchal hierarchic hierarchy hieratic hieroglyphic Hieronymus hifalutin Higgins high highball highboy highest highfalutin highhanded highland highlight highroad hightail highway highwayman .IND highwaymen hijack hijinks hike hilarious hilarity Hilbert .IND Hildebrand hill hillbilly Hillcrest Hillel hillman hillmen hillock hillside hilltop hilly hilt Hilton hilum him Himalaya himself hind hindmost .IND hindrance hindsight Hindu Hinduism Hines hinge Hinman hint hinterland hip hippo Hippocrates Hippocratic hippodrome hippopotamus hippy hipster Hiram hire hireling Hiroshi Hiroshima Hirsch hirsute his Hispanic .IND hiss histamine histidine histochemic .IND histochemistry histogram histology historian historic historiography history histrionic hit Hitachi hitch Hitchcock .H 1 "harbinger" hither hitherto Hitler hive ho hoagie Hoagland hoagy hoar hoard .IND hoarfrost hoarse hob Hobart Hobbes hobble Hobbs hobby hobbyhorse hobgoblin hobo Hoboken hoc hock hockey hocus hodge hodgepodge Hodges Hodgkin hoe Hoff Hoffman hog hogan hogging .IND hoi .IND Hokan Holbrook Holcomb hold holden holdout holdover holdup hole holeable holiday Holland Hollandaise holler Hollerith Hollingsworth Hollister hollow Holloway hollowware holly hollyhock Hollywood Holm Holman .IND Holmdel Holmes holmium holocaust Holocene hologram holography Holst Holstein holster holt Holyoke .IND holystone .INDP inject injudicious Injun injunct injunction injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inlaid inland inlay inlet Inman inmate inn innards innate inner innermost innkeeper innocent innocuous innovate innuendo innumerable inoculate inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic input inputting inquest inquire inquiry inquisition .INITI B ind-data3 .H 1 "halve" .IND granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother .IND grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson grandstand granite granitic granny granola grant grantee grantor granular .IND granulate granule Granville grape .H 2 "grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew" grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic .H 1 "halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah" graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity .IND grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater .H 1 "Han Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful" grebe Grecian Greece greed greedy .IND Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg .H 1 " granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur" Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward .H 1 "handgun" greenware Greenwich greenwood Greer greet Greg gregarious Gregg Gregory .IND gremlin grenade Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyhound greylag grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim .IND grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle grizzly groan groat grocer grocery groggy .IND groin grommet groom groove grope grosbeak gross .H 1 "handicapped handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman" Grosset Grossman Grosvenor grotesque Groton ground groundsel groundskeep groundwork group groupoid grout grove grovel Grover grow growl grown grownup .IND growth grub grubby grudge gruesome gruff grumble Grumman grunt gryphon g's GSA GU Guam guanidine guanine guano guarantee guaranteeing guarantor guaranty guard guardhouse .IND Guardia guardian Guatemala .IND gubernatorial Guelph Guenther guerdon guernsey guerrilla guess guesswork guest guffaw Guggenheim Guiana guidance guide guidebook guideline guidepost guiding guignol guild .H 1 "handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle" guildhall guile Guilford guillemot guillotine guilt .IND guilty guinea guise guitar gules gulf .H 1 "handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout" gull Gullah gullet gullible gully gulp gum gumbo gumdrop gummy gumption gumshoe gun Gunderson .IND gunfight gunfire gunflint gunk gunky gunman .IND gunmen gunnery gunny gunplay gunpowder gunshot gunsling Gunther gurgle Gurkha guru Gus gush gusset gust Gustafson Gustav Gustave Gustavus gusto gusty gut .H 1 "handset" Gutenberg Guthrie gutsy guttural .IND guy Guyana guzzle Gwen Gwyn gym gymnasium gymnast gymnastic gymnosperm gyp gypsite gypsum gypsy gyrate gyrfalcon gyro .IND gyrocompass gyroscope h ha Haag Haas habeas haberdashery Haberman .IND Habib habit habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate hacienda hack hackberry Hackett hackle hackmatack .H 1 "handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving handwrite handwritten" hackney hackneyed hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley hadn't Hadrian hadron hafnium .IND Hagen Hager haggard haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa haiku hail hailstone hailstorm Haines hair .IND haircut hairdo hairpin hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale Haley half halfback .IND halfhearted halfway halibut halide .H 1 "handy handyman handymen Haney Hanford hang hangable hangar" Halifax halite hall hallelujah Halley hallmark hallow Halloween hallucinate hallway halma halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah halve Halverson ham .IND Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire .IND Hampton hamster Han .H 1 "hangman hangmen hangout hangover hank Hankel Hanley" Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful handgun handhold handicap handicapped .IND handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout handset handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving .H 1 "Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans" handwrite handwritten handy handyman handymen Haney .IND Hanford hang hangable hangar hangman hangmen hangout hangover .IND hank Hankel Hanley Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans Hansel Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap .H 1 "Hansel" haphazard .IND haploid haploidy haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin harbinger Harcourt hard hardbake hardboard hardboiled hardcopy harden hardhat Hardin .H 1 "Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap haphazard haploid haploidy" Harding hardscrabble hardtack hardtop hardware hardwood .IND hardworking hardy hare harelip harem .IND hark Harlan Harlem Harley harm harmful Harmon harmonic harmonica harmonious .H 1 "haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin" harmony harness Harold harp harpoon harpsichord Harpy Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris .IND Harrisburg Harrison harrow harry harsh harshen hart Hartford Hartley Hartman Harvard harvest harvestman Harvey hash hashish hasn't hasp hassle hast haste hasten Hastings hasty hat hatch .IND hatchet hatchway .IND hate hateful hater Hatfield hath Hathaway hatred Hatteras Hattie Hattiesburg Haugen haughty haul haulage haunch haunt Hausdorff Havana have haven haven't Havilland havoc haw .IND Hawaii Hawaiian hawk Hawkins Hawley hawthorn .H 2 "hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire Hampton hamster" Hawthorne hay Hayden Haydn Hayes hayfield Haynes Hays haystack Hayward hayward hazard hazardous haze hazel hazelnut hazy he head .IND headache .IND headboard headdress headland headlight headline headmaster headphone headquarter headquarters headroom headset headsman headsmen headstand headstone headstrong headwall headwater headway headwind heady heal Healey health healthful healthy .IND Healy heap hear heard hearken hearsay hearse Hearst heart heartbeat heartbreak hearten heartfelt hearth hearty heat heater heath heathen heathenish Heathkit heave .IND heaven heavenward heavy heavyweight .IND Hebe hebephrenic Hebraic Hebrew Hecate hecatomb heck heckle Heckman hectic hector Hecuba he'd hedge hedgehog hedonism hedonist heed heel heft hefty Hegelian hegemony Heidelberg heigh height .IND heighten Heine Heinrich Heinz heir heiress Heisenberg held Helen Helena Helene Helga helical helicopter heliocentric heliotrope helium helix he'll .IND hell hellbender hellebore Hellenic hellfire hellgrammite hellish .IND hello helm helmet .H 1 "Halverson ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead" Helmholtz helmsman helmsmen Helmut help helpful helpmate Helsinki Helvetica hem hematite Hemingway hemisphere hemispheric hemlock hemoglobin hemolytic hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemosiderin hemp Hempstead hen .IND henbane hence henceforth henchman henchmen Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendrickson henequen Henley henpeck Henri Henrietta henry hepatica .IND hepatitis Hepburn heptane her Hera Heraclitus herald herb Herbert Herculean .IND Hercules herd herdsman here hereabout hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinabove hereinafter hereinbelow hereof heresy heretic hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto herewith heritable heritage Herkimer Herman .IND Hermann hermeneutic Hermes hermetic Hermite hermitian Hermosa Hernandez hero Herodotus heroes heroic heroin .IND heroine heroism heron herpes herpetology Herr herringbone Herschel herself Hershel Hershey hertz Hertzog .IND hesitant hesitate hesitater Hesperus Hess Hesse Hessian Hester heterocyclic heterodyne heterogamous heterogeneity heterogeneous heterosexual heterostructure heterozygous Hetman Hettie Hetty Heublein heuristic Heusen Heuser hew Hewett Hewitt .IND Hewlett hewn hex hexachloride hexadecimal hexafluoride hexagon hexagonal hexameter hexane .IND hey heyday hi Hiatt hiatus Hiawatha hibachi Hibbard hibernate Hibernia hick Hickey Hickman hickory Hicks hid .IND hidalgo hidden hide hideaway hideous hideout hierarchal hierarchic hierarchy hieratic hieroglyphic Hieronymus hifalutin Higgins high highball highboy highest highfalutin highhanded highland highlight highroad hightail highway highwayman .IND highwaymen hijack hijinks hike hilarious hilarity Hilbert .IND Hildebrand hill hillbilly Hillcrest Hillel hillman hillmen hillock hillside hilltop hilly hilt Hilton hilum him Himalaya himself hind hindmost .IND hindrance hindsight Hindu Hinduism Hines hinge Hinman hint hinterland hip hippo Hippocrates Hippocratic hippodrome hippopotamus hippy hipster Hiram hire hireling Hiroshi Hiroshima Hirsch hirsute his Hispanic .IND hiss histamine histidine histochemic .IND histochemistry histogram histology historian historic historiography history histrionic hit Hitachi hitch Hitchcock .H 1 "harbinger" hither hitherto Hitler hive ho hoagie Hoagland hoagy hoar hoard .IND hoarfrost hoarse hob Hobart Hobbes hobble Hobbs hobby hobbyhorse hobgoblin hobo Hoboken hoc hock hockey hocus hodge hodgepodge Hodges Hodgkin hoe Hoff Hoffman hog hogan hogging .IND hoi .IND Hokan Holbrook Holcomb hold holden holdout holdover holdup hole holeable holiday Holland Hollandaise holler Hollerith Hollingsworth Hollister hollow Holloway hollowware holly hollyhock Hollywood Holm Holman .IND Holmdel Holmes holmium holocaust Holocene hologram holography Holst Holstein holster holt Holyoke .IND holystone .INDP inject injudicious Injun injunct injunction injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inlaid inland inlay inlet Inman inmate inn innards innate inner innermost innkeeper innocent innocuous innovate innuendo innumerable inoculate inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic input inputting inquest inquire inquiry inquisition .INITI B ind-data4 foo .H 1 "halve" .IND granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother .IND grandnephew grandniece grandpa grandparent grandson grandstand granite granitic granny granola grant grantee grantor granular .IND granulate granule Granville grape .H 2 "grandfather grandiloquent grandiose grandma grandmother grandnephew" grapefruit grapevine graph grapheme graphic .H 1 "halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah" graphite grapple grasp grass grassland grassy grata grate grateful grater gratify gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuity .IND grave gravel graven Graves gravestone graveyard gravid gravitate gravy gray graybeard grayish Grayson graywacke graze grease greasy great greatcoat greater .H 1 "Han Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful" grebe Grecian Greece greed greedy .IND Greek green Greenbelt Greenberg .H 1 " granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grandeur" Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greenery Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenish Greenland Greensboro greensward .H 1 "handgun" greenware Greenwich greenwood Greer greet Greg gregarious Gregg Gregory .IND gremlin grenade Grendel Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyhound greylag grid griddle gridiron grief grievance grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim .IND grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle grizzly groan groat grocer grocery groggy .IND groin grommet groom groove grope grosbeak gross .H 1 "handicapped handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman" Grosset Grossman Grosvenor grotesque Groton ground groundsel groundskeep groundwork group groupoid grout grove grovel Grover grow growl grown grownup .IND growth grub grubby grudge gruesome gruff grumble Grumman grunt gryphon g's GSA GU Guam guanidine guanine guano guarantee guaranteeing guarantor guaranty guard guardhouse .IND Guardia guardian Guatemala .IND gubernatorial Guelph Guenther guerdon guernsey guerrilla guess guesswork guest guffaw Guggenheim Guiana guidance guide guidebook guideline guidepost guiding guignol guild .H 1 "handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle" guildhall guile Guilford guillemot guillotine guilt .IND guilty guinea guise guitar gules gulf .H 1 "handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout" gull Gullah gullet gullible gully gulp gum gumbo gumdrop gummy gumption gumshoe gun Gunderson .IND gunfight gunfire gunflint gunk gunky gunman .IND gunmen gunnery gunny gunplay gunpowder gunshot gunsling Gunther gurgle Gurkha guru Gus gush gusset gust Gustafson Gustav Gustave Gustavus gusto gusty gut .H 1 "handset" Gutenberg Guthrie gutsy guttural .IND guy Guyana guzzle Gwen Gwyn gym gymnasium gymnast gymnastic gymnosperm gyp gypsite gypsum gypsy gyrate gyrfalcon gyro .IND gyrocompass gyroscope h ha Haag Haas habeas haberdashery Haberman .IND Habib habit habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate hacienda hack hackberry Hackett hackle hackmatack .H 1 "handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving handwrite handwritten" hackney hackneyed hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley hadn't Hadrian hadron hafnium .IND Hagen Hager haggard haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa haiku hail hailstone hailstorm Haines hair .IND haircut hairdo hairpin hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale Haley half halfback .IND halfhearted halfway halibut halide .H 1 "handy handyman handymen Haney Hanford hang hangable hangar" Halifax halite hall hallelujah Halley hallmark hallow Halloween hallucinate hallway halma halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah halve Halverson ham .IND Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire .IND Hampton hamster Han .H 1 "hangman hangmen hangout hangover hank Hankel Hanley" Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff Handel handful handgun handhold handicap handicapped .IND handicapper handicapping handicraft handicraftsman handicraftsmen handiwork handkerchief handle handleable handlebar handline handmade handmaiden handout handset handshake handsome handspike handstand handwaving .H 1 "Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans" handwrite handwritten handy handyman handymen Haney .IND Hanford hang hangable hangar hangman hangmen hangout hangover .IND hank Hankel Hanley Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hans Hansel Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap .H 1 "Hansel" haphazard .IND haploid haploidy haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin harbinger Harcourt hard hardbake hardboard hardboiled hardcopy harden hardhat Hardin .H 1 "Hansen hansom Hanson Hanukkah hap haphazard haploid haploidy" Harding hardscrabble hardtack hardtop hardware hardwood .IND hardworking hardy hare harelip harem .IND hark Harlan Harlem Harley harm harmful Harmon harmonic harmonica harmonious .H 1 "haplology happen happenstance happy Hapsburg harangue harass Harbin" harmony harness Harold harp harpoon harpsichord Harpy Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris .IND Harrisburg Harrison harrow harry harsh harshen hart Hartford Hartley Hartman Harvard harvest harvestman Harvey hash hashish hasn't hasp hassle hast haste hasten Hastings hasty hat hatch .IND hatchet hatchway .IND hate hateful hater Hatfield hath Hathaway hatred Hatteras Hattie Hattiesburg Haugen haughty haul haulage haunch haunt Hausdorff Havana have haven haven't Havilland havoc haw .IND Hawaii Hawaiian hawk Hawkins Hawley hawthorn .H 2 "hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire Hampton hamster" Hawthorne hay Hayden Haydn Hayes hayfield Haynes Hays haystack Hayward hayward hazard hazardous haze hazel hazelnut hazy he head .IND headache .IND headboard headdress headland headlight headline headmaster headphone headquarter headquarters headroom headset headsman headsmen headstand headstone headstrong headwall headwater headway headwind heady heal Healey health healthful healthy .IND Healy heap hear heard hearken hearsay hearse Hearst heart heartbeat heartbreak hearten heartfelt hearth hearty heat heater heath heathen heathenish Heathkit heave .IND heaven heavenward heavy heavyweight .IND Hebe hebephrenic Hebraic Hebrew Hecate hecatomb heck heckle Heckman hectic hector Hecuba he'd hedge hedgehog hedonism hedonist heed heel heft hefty Hegelian hegemony Heidelberg heigh height .IND heighten Heine Heinrich Heinz heir heiress Heisenberg held Helen Helena Helene Helga helical helicopter heliocentric heliotrope helium helix he'll .IND hell hellbender hellebore Hellenic hellfire hellgrammite hellish .IND hello helm helmet .H 1 "Halverson ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead" Helmholtz helmsman helmsmen Helmut help helpful helpmate Helsinki Helvetica hem hematite Hemingway hemisphere hemispheric hemlock hemoglobin hemolytic hemorrhage hemorrhoid hemosiderin hemp Hempstead hen .IND henbane hence henceforth henchman henchmen Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendrickson henequen Henley henpeck Henri Henrietta henry hepatica .IND hepatitis Hepburn heptane her Hera Heraclitus herald herb Herbert Herculean .IND Hercules herd herdsman here hereabout hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinabove hereinafter hereinbelow hereof heresy heretic hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto herewith heritable heritage Herkimer Herman .IND Hermann hermeneutic Hermes hermetic Hermite hermitian Hermosa Hernandez hero Herodotus heroes heroic heroin .IND heroine heroism heron herpes herpetology Herr herringbone Herschel herself Hershel Hershey hertz Hertzog .IND hesitant hesitate hesitater Hesperus Hess Hesse Hessian Hester heterocyclic heterodyne heterogamous heterogeneity heterogeneous heterosexual heterostructure heterozygous Hetman Hettie Hetty Heublein heuristic Heusen Heuser hew Hewett Hewitt .IND Hewlett hewn hex hexachloride hexadecimal hexafluoride hexagon hexagonal hexameter hexane .IND hey heyday hi Hiatt hiatus Hiawatha hibachi Hibbard hibernate Hibernia hick Hickey Hickman hickory Hicks hid .IND hidalgo hidden hide hideaway hideous hideout hierarchal hierarchic hierarchy hieratic hieroglyphic Hieronymus hifalutin Higgins high highball highboy highest highfalutin highhanded highland highlight highroad hightail highway highwayman .IND highwaymen hijack hijinks hike hilarious hilarity Hilbert .IND Hildebrand hill hillbilly Hillcrest Hillel hillman hillmen hillock hillside hilltop hilly hilt Hilton hilum him Himalaya himself hind hindmost .IND hindrance hindsight Hindu Hinduism Hines hinge Hinman hint hinterland hip hippo Hippocrates Hippocratic hippodrome hippopotamus hippy hipster Hiram hire hireling Hiroshi Hiroshima Hirsch hirsute his Hispanic .IND hiss histamine histidine histochemic .IND histochemistry histogram histology historian historic historiography history histrionic hit Hitachi hitch Hitchcock .H 1 "harbinger" hither hitherto Hitler hive ho hoagie Hoagland hoagy hoar hoard .IND hoarfrost hoarse hob Hobart Hobbes hobble Hobbs hobby hobbyhorse hobgoblin hobo Hoboken hoc hock hockey hocus hodge hodgepodge Hodges Hodgkin hoe Hoff Hoffman hog hogan hogging .IND hoi .IND Hokan Holbrook Holcomb hold holden holdout holdover holdup hole holeable holiday Holland Hollandaise holler Hollerith Hollingsworth Hollister hollow Holloway hollowware holly hollyhock Hollywood Holm Holman .IND Holmdel Holmes holmium holocaust Holocene hologram holography Holst Holstein holster holt Holyoke .IND holystone .INDP inject injudicious Injun injunct injunction injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inlaid inland inlay inlet Inman inmate inn innards innate inner innermost innkeeper innocent innocuous innovate innuendo innumerable inoculate inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic input inputting inquest inquire inquiry inquisition