.\" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .\" .\" Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, .\" are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright .\" notice and this notice are preserved. . inject injudicious Injun injunct injunction injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inlaid inland inlay inlet Inman inmate inn innards innate inner innermost innkeeper innocent innocuous innovate innuendo innumerable inoculate inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic input inputting inquest inquire inquiry inquisition inquisitive inquisitor inroad insane insatiable inscribe inscription inscrutable insect insecticide insecure inseminate insensible insensitive inseparable insert inset inshore inside insidious insight insightful insignia insignificant insincere insinuate insipid insist insistent insofar insolent insoluble insolvable insolvent insomnia insomniac insouciant inspect inspector inspiration inspire instable install installation instalment instance instant instantaneous instantiate instead instep instigate instill instillation instinct instinctual institute institution instruct instructor instrument instrumentation insubordinate insubstantial insufferable insufficient insular insulate insulin insult insuperable insupportable insuppressible insurance insure insurgent insurmountable insurrect insurrection intact intake intangible integer integrable .MULB 4c 1 5c 1 4c 1 3c Grenoble Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grieve grievous griffin Griffith grill grille grilled grillwork grim grimace Grimaldi grime Grimes Grimm grin grind grindstone grip gripe grippe grisly grist gristmill Griswold grit gritty grizzle grizzly groan groat grocer grocery groggy groin grommet groom groove grope grosbeak gross .MULN h ha Haag Haas habeas haberdashery Haberman Habib habit habitant habitat habitation habitual habituate hacienda hack hackberry Hackett hackle hackmatack hackney hackneyed hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley hadn't Hadrian hadron hafnium Hagen Hager haggard haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa haiku hail hailstone hailstorm Haines hair haircut hairdo hairpin hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale Haley half halfback halfhearted halfway halibut halide Halifax halite hall hallelujah Halley hallmark hallow Halloween hallucinate hallway halma halo halocarbon halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halvah halve Halverson ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger Hamilton hamlet Hamlin hammerhead hammock Hammond hamper Hampshire Hampton hamster Han Hancock hand handbag handbook handclasp handcuff .MULN coliform coliseum collaborate collage collagen collapse collapsible collar collarbone collard collate collateral colleague collect collectible collector college collegial collegian collegiate collet collide collie Collier collimate collinear Collins collision collocation colloidal Colloq colloquia colloquial colloquium colloquy command commandant commandeer commando commemorate commend commendation commendatory commensurable commensurate comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commingle commiserate commissariat commissary commission commit committable committal committed committee committeeman committeemen committeewoman committeewomen committing commodious commodity commodore common commonality .MULN locoweed lunch luncheon lunchroom lunchtime Lund Lundberg Lundquist lung lunge lupine Lura lurch lure lurid lurk Lusaka luscious lush lust lustful lustrous lusty lutanist lute lutetium Luther Lutheran Lutz lymphocyte lymphoma lynch Lynchburg Lynn lynx Lyon Lyons Lyra lyric lyricism Lysenko lysergic lysine .MULE m ma Mabel Mac macabre macaque MacArthur Macassar Macbeth MacDonald MacDougall mace Macedon Macedonia MacGregor Mach Machiavelli machination machine machinelike machinery machismo macho macintosh mack MacKenzie mackerel Mackey Mackinac Mackinaw mackintosh MacMillan Macon macrame macro macromolecular macromolecule macrophage macroprocessor macroscopic macrostructure mad Madagascar madam Madame madcap madden Maddox made Madeira Madeleine Madeline madhouse Madison madman madmen Madonna Madras Madrid madrigal Madsen madstone Mae Maelstrom maestro Mafia magazine Magdalene magenta Maggie maggot maggoty magi magic magician magisterial magistrate magma magna magnanimity magnanimous magnate magnesia magnesite magnesium magnet magnetic magnetite magneto magnetron magnificent magnify magnitude magnolia magnum Magnuson Magog magpie Magruder Mahayana Mahayanist mahogany Mahoney maid maiden maidenhair maidservant Maier mail mailbox mailman mailmen maim main Maine mainland mainline mainstay mainstream maintain maintenance maitre majestic majesty major make makeshift makeup Malabar maladapt maladaptive maladjust maladroit malady Malagasy malaise malaprop malaria malarial Malawi Malay Malaysia