.\" -*- nroff -*- .\" Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .\" .\" Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, .\" are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright .\" notice and this notice are preserved. . .PH "'this'is'a header'" .PF "'this'is'a footer'" .OH "'odd'%'page'" .EH "'even'%'page'" .OF "'odd'%'page'" .EF "'even'%'page'" 10th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th a AAA .B AAAS Aarhus Aaron .R AAU ABA Ababa aback abacus abalone abandon abase .H 1 "hej hopp" abash abate abater abbas abbe abbey abbot Abbott abbreviate abc abdicate abdomen abet abetted abetting abeyance abeyant .H 2 "hej hopp" abhorred abhorrent abide Abidjan Abigail abject ablate ablaze able ablution Abner abnormal .H 2 "hej hopp" Abo aboard abode abolish .HU "hej hopp" .B1 abolition abominable abominate\*(Rf aboriginal .RS AAA ABORIGINE ABORNING ABORT ABOUND ABOUT ABOVE ABOVEBOARD ABOVEGROUND .RF abovementioned abrade Abraham\*(Rf Abram\*(Rf Abramson\*(Rf abrasion\*(Rf abrasive\*(Rf abreact\*(Rf .B2 abreast\*(Rf .RS BBB ABRIDGE ABRIDGMENT ABROAD .RF abrogate abrupt abscess\*(Rf abscissa\*(Rf abscissae\*(Rf absence\*(Rf absent absentee absenteeism absentia .H 3 "hej hopp" absentminded absinthe absolute absolution absolve absorb absorbent absorption absorptive abstain abstention abstinent\*(Rf abstract abstracter abstractor .RS nisse CCC ABSTRUSE ABSURD ABUILDING ABUNDANT ABUSABLE ABUSE ABUSIVE ABUT ABUTTED ABUTTING ABYSMAL ABYSS ABYSSINIA AC ACADEME ACADEMIA ACADEMIC ACADEMICIAN ACADEMY ACADIA ACANTHUS ACAPULCO ACCEDE ACCELERATE ACCELEROMETER ACCENT ACCENTUAL ACCENTUATE ACCEPT ACCEPTANT .RF acceptor access accessible accession Ref \*[nisse] accessory .H 4 "hej hopp" accident accidental accipiter acclaim acclamation acclimate accolade accommodate accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish\*(Rf accord accordant .RS DDD ACCORDION ACCOST ACCOUNT ACCOUNTANT ACCRA ACCREDIT ACCREDITATE ACCREDITATION ACCRETION ACCRUAL ACCRUE .RF acculturate accumulate accuracy accurate accusation accusative accusatory accuse accustom ace acerbic acerbity acetate acetic acetone acetylene ache achieve Achilles aching achromatic acid acidic acidulous .H 5 "hej hopp" Ackerman Ackley acknowledge acknowledgeable ACM acme acolyte acorn acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquiesce acquiescent acquire acquisition acquisitive acquit acquittal acquitting acre acreage acrid acrimonious acrimony acrobacy acrobat acrobatic acronym acropolis across acrylate acrylic ACS act Actaeon actinic actinide actinium actinolite actinometer activate activation activism Acton actor actress Acts actual actuarial actuate .H 6 "hej hopp" acuity acumen acute acyclic ad Ada adage adagio Adair Adam adamant Adams Adamson adapt adaptation adaptive add added addend addenda addendum addict Addis Addison addition additional additive addle address addressee Addressograph adduce Adelaide Adele Adelia Aden adenine adenoma adenosine adept adequacy adequate adhere adherent adhesion adhesive adiabatic adieu adipic Adirondack .H 7 "hej hopp" adjacent adject adjectival adjective adjoin adjoint adjourn adjudge adjudicate adjunct adjust adjutant Adkins Adler administer administrable administrate administratrix admiral admiralty admiration admire admissible admission admit admittance admitted admitting admix admixture admonish admonition ado adobe adolescent Adolph Adolphus Adonis adopt adoption adoptive adore adorn adposition adrenal adrenaline Adrian Adriatic Adrienne adrift adroit adsorb adsorbate adsorption adsorptive adulate adult adulterate adulterous adultery adulthood advance advantage advantageous advent adventitious adventure adventurous adverb adverbial adversary adverse advert advertise advice advisable advise advisee advisor advisory advocacy advocate Aegean aegis Aeneas Aeneid aeolian Aeolus aerate aerial Aerobacter aerobic aerodynamic aerogene aeronautic aerosol aerospace Aeschylus aesthete aesthetic 10th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th a AAA AAAS Aarhus Aaron AAU ABA Ababa aback abacus abalone abandon abase .H 1 "hej hopp" abash abate abater abbas abbe abbey abbot Abbott abbreviate abc abdicate abdomen abdominal abduct Abe abed Abel Abelian Abelson Aberdeen Abernathy aberrant aberrate abet abetted abetting abeyance abeyant .H 2 "hej hopp" abhorred abhorrent abide Abidjan Abigail abject ablate ablaze able ablution Abner abnormal Abo aboard abode abolish abolition abominable abominate aboriginal aborigine aborning abort abound about above aboveboard aboveground abovementioned abrade Abraham Abram Abramson abrasion abrasive abreact abreast abridge abridgment abroad abrogate abrupt abscess abscissa abscissae absence absent absentee absenteeism absentia .H 3 "hej hopp" absentminded absinthe absolute absolution absolve absorb absorbent absorption absorptive abstain abstention abstinent abstract abstracter abstractor abstruse absurd abuilding abundant abusable abuse abusive abut abutted abutting abysmal abyss Abyssinia AC academe academia academic academician academy Acadia acanthus Acapulco accede accelerate accelerometer accent accentual accentuate accept acceptant acceptor access accessible accession accessory .H 4 "hej hopp" accident accidental accipiter acclaim acclamation acclimate accolade accommodate accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish accord accordant accordion accost account accountant Accra accredit accreditate accreditation accretion accrual accrue acculturate accumulate accuracy accurate accusation accusative accusatory accuse accustom ace acerbic acerbity acetate acetic acetone acetylene ache achieve Achilles aching achromatic acid acidic acidulous .H 5 "hej hopp" Ackerman Ackley acknowledge acknowledgeable ACM acme acolyte acorn acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquiesce acquiescent acquire acquisition acquisitive acquit acquittal acquitting acre acreage acrid acrimonious acrimony acrobacy acrobat acrobatic acronym acropolis across acrylate acrylic ACS act Actaeon actinic actinide actinium actinolite actinometer activate activation activism Acton actor actress Acts actual actuarial actuate .H 6 "hej hopp" acuity acumen acute acyclic ad Ada adage adagio Adair Adam adamant Adams Adamson adapt adaptation adaptive add added addend addenda addendum addict Addis Addison addition additional additive addle address addressee Addressograph adduce Adelaide Adele Adelia Aden adenine adenoma adenosine adept adequacy adequate adhere adherent adhesion adhesive adiabatic adieu adipic Adirondack .H 7 "hej hopp" adjacent adject adjectival adjective adjoin adjoint adjourn adjudge adjudicate adjunct adjust adjutant Adkins Adler administer administrable administrate administratrix admiral admiralty admiration admire admissible admission admit admittance admitted admitting admix admixture admonish admonition ado adobe adolescent Adolph Adolphus Adonis adopt adoption adoptive adore adorn adposition adrenal adrenaline Adrian Adriatic Adrienne adrift adroit adsorb adsorbate adsorption adsorptive adulate adult adulterate adulterous adultery adulthood advance advantage advantageous advent adventitious adverse advert advertise advice advisable advise advisee advisor advisory advocacy advocate Aegean aegis Aeneas Aeneid aeolian Aeolus aerate aerial Aerobacter aerobic aerodynamic aerogene aeronautic aerosol aerospace Aeschylus aesthete aesthetic .H 1 "hej hopp" acuity acumen acute acyclic ad Ada adage adagio Adair Adam adamant Adams Adamson adapt adaptation adaptive add added addend addenda addendum addict Addis Addison addition additional additive addle address addressee Addressograph adduce Adelaide Adele Adelia Aden adenine adenoma adenosine adept adequacy adequate adhere adherent adhesion adhesive adiabatic adieu adipic Adirondack .H 2 "hej hopp" adjacent adject adjectival adjective adjoin adjoint adjourn adjudge adjudicate .H 2 "hej hopp" adjunct adjust adjutant Adkins Adler administer administrable administrate administratrix admiral admiralty admiration admire admissible admission admit admittance admitted admitting admix admixture admonish admonition ado adobe adolescent Adolph Adolphus Adonis adopt adoption adoptive adore adorn adposition adrenal adrenaline Adrian Adriatic Adrienne adrift adroit adsorb adsorbate adsorption adsorptive adulate adult adulterate adulterous adultery adulthood advance advantage advantageous advent adventitious adverse advert advertise advice advisable advise advisee advisor advisory advocacy advocate Aegean aegis Aeneas Aeneid aeolian Aeolus aerate aerial Aerobacter aerobic aerodynamic aerogene aeronautic aerosol aerospace Aeschylus aesthete aesthetic .RP 0 1 .TC