.\" Set a blank page header; our letter is a single page and does not .\" require the default numbering. .PH ''' .\" Set point size to 14. .S 14 .\" Set paragraph type to "indented". .nr Pt 1 .\" Put the date in a right-aligned display. .DS R 30 May 2021 .DE .\" Start display (left-aligned). .DS Mr. Ty Coon President of Vice, Intellectual Property and Licensing Very Big Corporation of America Silly Valley, CA 94043 .\" End display. .DE Dear Mr. Coon, . . .\" Start new paragraph. .P I would like to request that your wholly-owned subsidiary, Yoyodyne, Inc., disclaim all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by Juliet Hacker prior to her employment with Yoyodyne. . . .P Our colleagues at the Software Freedom Conservancy have determined and informed us that Ms.\& Hacker's employment agreement is a contract of adhesion. . . .P Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. . . .\" Put the closing and signature in a right-aligned display as well. .DS R Sincerely yours, .\" Leave three "vees" (3 text line heights) of room for signature. .SP 3v . . Tracy T.\& Jordan .DE .\" vim: set noexpandtab textwidth=72: