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Graphics, floats, and preprocessor support

Inserting images and graphics

In order to include images in mom documents, the images must be in either PDF (.pdf) or EPS (.eps) format. Each format requires its own macro, but both take the same arguments, and in the same order.

Please note that there are differences in the way the files containing PDF and EPS images must be processed, hence documents may not contain a mix.

Image conversion and file processing

When your image files are not in PDF or EPS format—jpgs, for example—you must convert them before including them in a mom document. Any utility for converting images may used. The ImageMagick suite of programmes, present on most GNU/Linux systems, contains convert, which is simple and effective.


Assuming a jpg image, conversion to PDF is done like this:
convert <image>.jpg <image>.pdf Any image type supported by convert may be converted this way.

Mom files containing PDF images must be processed using groff’s pdf driver. Use of pdfmom is strongly recommended, which natively invokes the pdf driver.
pdfmom > doc.pdf


Assuming a jpg image, conversion to EPS is done like this:
convert <image>.jpg <image>.eps Any image type supported by convert may be converted this way. There have been reports of trouble with PostScript level 2 images, so don’t save your images in this format.

Mom files containing EPS images must be processed using groff’s postscript driver. Use of pdfmom, which can be told to use the postscript driver, is strongly recommended.
pdfmom -Tps > doc.pdf


Macro: PDF_IMAGE \
[ -L | -C | -R | -I <indent> ] \
<pdf image file> <width> <height> [ SCALE <factor> ] \
[ ADJUST +|-<vertical adjustment> ] [ NO_SHIM ] [ NO_FLEX ] \
[ FRAME ] \
[ CAPTION "<caption>" ] [ SHORT_CAPTION "<short caption>" ] \
[ LABEL "<label>" ] [ TARGET "<name>" ]

•  <indent>, <width>, <height> and <vertical adjustment> require a unit of measure

Note: Mom files with embedded PDF images must be processed with pdfmom > doc.pdf. Arguments may be broken into several lines using the “line-continued” backslash (\), as shown above.

Unlike PSPIC, which it resembles, PDF_IMAGE requires that the pdf image’s dimensions (the bounding box, see below) be supplied each time it’s called.

The first optional argument tells mom how to align the image horizontally, with -L, -C, and -R standing for left, centre and right respectively. If you need more precise placement, the -I argument allows you to give an indent from the left margin. Thus, to indent a PDF image 6 picas from the left margin
.PDF_IMAGE -I 6P <remaining arguments> If you omit the first argument, the image will be centred.

<pdf image> must be in PDF format, with a .pdf extension. If it is not, mom will abort with a message. See here for instructions on converting image formats to PDF.

<width> and <height> are the dimensions of the image’s bounding box. The most reliable way of getting the bounding box is with the utility, pdfinfo:
pdfinfo <image.pdf> | grep "Page *size" This will spit out a line that looks like this:
Page size: width x height pts pts means points, therefore the unit of measure appended to <width> and <height> must be p.

The remaining arguments are optional and may be entered in any order, although it’s best to put CAPTION, SHORT_CAPTION, and LABEL last.


SCALE allows you to scale the image by <factor>. The factor is a percentage of the image’s original dimensions, thus SCALE 50 scales the image to 50 percent of its original size. No percent sign or unit of measure should be appended.


ADJUST lets you raise (-) or lower (+) the image within the space allotted for it by the amount you specify. This is useful for achieving good optical centering between surrounding blocks of type. A unit of measure is required.

Tip: You may sometimes find that a PDF_IMAGE at the bottom of a page doesn’t sit flush on the bottom margin, however attempts to lower it by adding space beforehand result in it being deferred to the next page.

The solution is to introduce negative space before the image so that it displays on the page, then lower it to the bottom margin with PDF_IMAGE’s ADJUST argument.


NO_SHIM instructs mom not to apply shimming after an image, which she will do automatically when shimming is enabled, which it is by default. Shimming ensures that running text after the image falls properly on the page’s baseline grid, but can result in slightly unequal spacing above and below (correctable with the ADJUST argument). NO_SHIM is useful when you have several images on the page and there are visible differences in the spacing beneath them as a result of shimming. To ensure a flush bottom margin, the last image on the page should be shimmed, i.e. should not be given the NO_SHIM argument.


NO_FLEX instructs mom not to apply flex-spacing after an image, which she will do automatically when flex-spacing is enabled. NO_FLEX is useful when you have several images on the page and you want to distribute excess vertical whitespace on the page amongst other flex-spacing points on the page. If there are no others, the final image should be flex-spaced, i.e. not given the NO_FLEX argument.


FRAME instructs mom to put a frame around the image. Parameters for the frame are set with PDF_IMAGE_FRAME.


CAPTION allows you to give the image a caption. By default, the caption appears above the image, but may be attached to the label that appears beneath the image. See CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL in Captions and labels. The text of the caption must be surrounded by double-quotes.


SHORT_CAPTION allows you to trim long captions for inclusion in the List of Figures. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is what will appear in the List.


LABEL, if given, appears beneath the image. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is how the image is labelled in both the document proper and the List of Figures. Mom provides an auto-labelling facility for images (see AUTOLABEL), which, if enabled, overrides the LABEL argument.


TARGET followed by a unique name surrounded by double-quotes creates a PDF target for the image so that it may be linked to from other places in the file (with PDF_LINK; see Producing PDFs with groff and mom).

Please note: The following functionality is available only with groff 1.22.4 or later.

When autolabelling is enabled and the document is processed with pdfmom, the target name can be used to generate the target’s label number in running text if it is entered as a groff string, i.e. of the form \*[name]. For example, if you create a target named “foo” for a pdf image whose autolabel number would be 3, entering
See .PDF_LINK foo "Figure \*[foo]" anywhere in running text would result in a pdf link that reads “Figure 3”. If chapter numbers are being prefixed to labels, the same string in, say, chapter 5 would produce the pdf link “Figure 5.3”.

Note: Version 2.0-c change
Mom now treats all pdf images identically to floats, which is to say that if an image doesn’t fit on the output page, she will defer it to the top of the next page while continuing to process running text. ADJUST is ignored whenever an image is the first to be deferred, except when moving from column to column on the same page, when the image may need to be optically adjusted. Subsequent images that do not fit, if any, are output in order immediately after the first.

Prior to 2.0-c, it was recommended that images be wrapped inside FLOAT, but this is now no longer required, and should, in fact, be avoided.


Macro: PDF_IMAGE_FRAME <inset amount> <rule weight> <color>

• <inset amount> requires a unit of measure; conversely, <rule weight> must not have a unit of measure appended

PDF_IMAGE_FRAME establishes the parameters for subsequent invocations of PDF_IMAGE when the FRAME argument is given. Arguments must appear in order, and any you wish left at the current value should be entered as two adjacent double-quotes. So, for example,
.PDF_IMAGE_FRAME "" "" blue leaves the inset value and rule weight at their current value and changes the frame colour to blue.

Frames are drawn outside the image at its requested dimensions inclusive of scaling. Colours must be pre-initialized with XCOLOR or NEWCOLOR.

The default inset is 6 points, the default rule weight is .5 (points), and the default colour is black.


Macro: PSPIC [ -L | -R | -I <n> ] <file> [ width [ height ] ]

PSPIC is not actually part of mom, but rather a macro included with every groff installation. man groff_tmac contains the documentation for PSPIC, but I’ll repeat it here with a few modifications for clarity.

From groff_tmac

<file> is the name of the file containing the image; width and height give the desired width and height of the image as you wish it to appear within the document. The width and height arguments may have units of measure attached; the default unit of measure is i. PSPIC will scale the graphic uniformly in the x and y directions so that it is no more than width wide and height high. By default, the graphic will be horizontally centred. The -L and -R options cause the graphic to be left-aligned and right-aligned, respectively. The -I option causes the graphic to be indented by <n>; the default unit of measure is m (ems).

It is not necessary to pass PSPIC the <width> and <height> arguments unless you are scaling the image, in which case you will most likely need the original dimensions of the EPS image’s bounding box. These can be found with
gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bbox <image file>.pdf 2>&1 \ | grep "%%BoundingBox" | cut -d " " -f4,5 The two digits returned are in points, therefore the unit of measure p must be appended to them.

Because PSPIC lacks the ADJUST option offered by PDF_IMAGE a certain amount of manual tweaking of the vertical placement of the image will probably be required, typically by using the ALD and RLD macros. Wrapping the image in a float and using FLOAT’s ADJUST option can also be used to correct optical centering.

Additionally, non-floated EPS images will almost certainly disrupt the baseline placement of running text. In order to get mom back on track after inserting a non-floated .PSPIC image, insert the SHIM or FLEX macro afterwards, depending on the vertical whitespace management strategy in effect, so that the bottom margin of running text falls where it should.

Remember that mom files with embedded EPS images must be processed with
pdfmom -Tps > doc.pdf

Please note: PSPIC does not support autolabelling, labels, captions, or inclusion in the List of Figures. If you wish this functionality, convert your images to pdf and use PDF_IMAGE instead, then process the file with pdfmom (without the -Tps option).

Introduction to floats

Non-textual insertions in a document (tables, for example) sometimes do not fit on the output page of a PDF or PostScript document at the place they’re inserted in the input file. It’s necessary, therefore, to defer them to the next page while carrying on with running text.

Whenever you need this functionality, mom provides the FLOAT macro.

Floats are usually used for images and graphics, but can contain anything you like, including text. Whatever’s in the float will be kept together as a block, output immediately if there’s room, or deferred to the top of the next output page when there isn’t; running text continues to the bottom of the previous page without interruption.

In the case of a float that doesn’t fit being followed by one that does, both are deferred and output one after the other. Note that this represents a change from versions 2.1-b_1 and earlier where the second float was output in position and the first was deferred.

A key distinction between a float and a QUOTE or BLOCKQUOTE is that while a float keeps everything together and defers output if necessary, quotes and blockquotes are output immediately, and may start on one page and finish on the next.

Floats always begin in no-fill mode. Text entered immediately after FLOAT will be set line-for-line unless a JUSTIFY or QUAD L|R|C precedes it. Alternatively, any macro that sets a quad direction may be used, e.g. PP.

Floats always deposit a break before they begin, which means the line beforehand will not be filled. Floats, therefore, cannot be inserted in the middle of a paragraph without studying the output file and determining where to break or spread the line before the float. Furthermore, if you want a float between paragraphs, the float should come before .PP, like this:

Floats begin on the baseline immediately below the running text preceding them. No additional whitespace surrounds them, above or below. Running text below a float is, however, shimmed or flex-spaced, depending on the vertical whitespace management strategy in effect. This behaviour can be disabled for individual floats with NO_SHIM or NO_FLEX.

If you’d like more space around a float, you must add it manually, for example with ALD or SPACE.


Macro: FLOAT <arguments> | <anything>
[ ADJUST +|-<amount> ] \
[ FORCE ] \
[ SPAN ] \
[ INDENT <value> ] \
[ CENTER ] \
[ RIGHT ] \
[ NO_SHIM] \
[ NO_FLEX ] \
[ TARGET "<name>" ]

Note: FLOAT is intended for use with the document processing macros only.

Note: As a general rule, avoid consecutive floats that have no intervening running text. Rather, wrap all the material into a single float.

Note: Deferred floats are output with the left indent that was in effect when they were input. If you do not want this behaviour, disable the indent prior to inputting the float and re-enable it afterward.

Note: Mom treats pic pre-processor directives and pdf images as floats so it is not necessary to wrap them inside FLOAT unless additional material is included in what is floated.

To begin a float, simply invoke .FLOAT and follow it with whatever you want the float to contain. When you’re done, invoke .FLOAT OFF (or OFF, QUIT, END, X, etc).


The optional ADJUST argument tells mom to raise (+) or lower (-) the float within the space allotted to it by the specified amount. <amount> must have a unit of measure appended. ADJUST gives you precise control over the vertical centering of floats, allowing you to compensate for unequal spacing that may result from the automatic shimming or flex-spacing floats.

ADJUST is ignored for the first float deferred to a following page but respected for subsequent deferred floats output immediately afterwards.


The FORCE argument instructs mom to output the float exactly where it occurs in the input file. With FORCE, mom immediately breaks to a new page to output the float if it does not fit on the current page. While this is somewhat contrary to the notion of floats (i.e. that running text should continue to fill the page), there are circumstances where it may be desirable.

If you need to force a page break after completion of a float that has been deferred to a subsequent page, insert \!.bp immediately before terminating the float.


The SPAN argument tells mom that a float, if deferred, may carry onto multiple pages. Please note that SPAN may not be used for floats containing a boxed table; mom will abort with a warning should this occur. Unboxed tables, on the other hand, are acceptable within floats that are given the SPAN argument.


INDENT allows you to indent a float from the left margin by a specified value. The value must have a (unit of measure appended to it.


CENTER instructs mom to center a float if it is not already centered by default.


RIGHT instructs mom to place a float at the right of the page; the longest line in the float will be flush with the page’s right margin.


NO_SHIM instructs mom not to apply shimming after a float, which she will do automatically when shimming is enabled, which it is by default. Shimming ensures that running text after the float falls properly on the page’s baseline grid, but can result in slightly unequal spacing above and below (correctable with the ADJUST argument). NO_SHIM is useful when you have several floats on the page and there are visible differences in the spacing beneath them as a result of shimming. To ensure a flush bottom margin, the last float on the page should be shimmed, i.e. should not be given the NO_SHIM argument.


NO_FLEX instructs mom not to apply flex-spacing after a float, which she will do automatically when flex-spacing is enabled. NO_FLEX is useful when you have several floats on the page and you want to distribute excess vertical whitespace on the page amongst other flex-spacing points on the page. If there are no others, the final float should be flex-spaced, i.e. not given the NO_FLEX argument.


TARGET followed by a unique name surrounded by double-quotes creates a PDF target for the float so that it may be linked to from other places in the file (with PDF_LINK; see Producing PDFs with groff and mom).

Floats cannot be autolabelled, so unlike pdf images and pre-processor material, the target name cannot be used as a string to generate the target’s label number in running text. Label numbers for floats must be entered explicitly running text, however they may be entered symbolically in the argument to LABEL. See Reserved variables for labels.

Note: Floats use no-fill mode, with each input line beginning at the left margin. If this is not what you want, you must specify the preferred horizontal alignment within the float (e.g. CENTER or RIGHT).

Furthermore, if you want text filled, you must specify .QUAD L|R|C or .JUSTIFY—again, within the float.

Labelling and captioning floats

Labelling and captioning of tables (tbl), equations (eq), diagrams (pic) and pdf images (PDF_IMAGE) are handled by the macros that initiate them, regardless of whether they’re wrapped inside a float. However, since a float may contain any valid input, it is sometimes necessary to add a label and/or caption to the float itself.

Important: Always use the native labelling/captioning facilities for preprocessor output and pdf images rather than labelling the containing float, if any.

The macros to label and caption floats are LABEL and CAPTION. If a label or caption is to appear above the float, the appropriate macro is entered immediately after FLOAT. If a label or caption is to appear beneath the float, the appropriate macro is entered immediately before ending the float with FLOAT OFF.

If a label and caption are to be joined, the LABEL macro is used to enter both by passing the CAPTION argument to LABEL.

It is impossible for mom to know the contents of a float, so floats cannot be autolabelled. Each label must be entered explicitly. Mom does, however, provide a way to enter both chapter numbers and incrementing label numbers symbolically, easing the burden of keeping the numbering scheme intact as labelled floats are added to or subtracted from a document.

Tip: QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE may also be labelled and captioned using LABEL and CAPTION.


If a float has a caption at the top, the caption is whitespaced 1/4 linespace from running text and the float itself begins an additional 1/4 linespace below the caption. If the float has no corresponding label at the bottom, the float observes the bottom-spacing rules for all floats, namely that no extra space is added other than shimming or flex-spacing, depending on the vertical whitespace management in effect.

If a float has a label at the bottom but no caption at the top, the float begins exactly where started, i.e. with no extra whitespace between running text and the float. The label (and attached caption, if any) are whitespaced 1/4 linespace below the float, with an additional 1/4 linespace underneath plus shimming or flex-spacing.

Labelled/captioned quotes and blockquotes inside floats treat the labels/captions as part of the quote so the spacing above and below the whole float block is what you’d expect from quotes normally, while the spacing between the label/caption and the quote is 1/4 linespace.


Macro: LABEL "<label>" [ CAPTION "<caption>" ] [ SHORT_CAPTION ] \

The placement of a float’s label depends on where you put it inside the float.

If you want a label at the top, put LABEL immediately underneath FLOAT and follow it with the text of the label surrounded by double-quotes:
.FLOAT .LABEL "Fig. 1" If you want a label at the bottom, put LABEL immediately before ending the float:
.FLOAT <contents of float> .LABEL "Fig. 1" .FLOAT OFF

Reserved variables for labels

Mom reserves strings you may use when entering label text after the LABEL argument. \*[chapter] holds the current chapter or major section number. \*[fig-label], \*[tbl-label], and \*[eqn-label] increment the label number of the appropriate label type by one, and are initially set to zero after each invocation of START when the DOCTYPE is CHAPTER. Thus, in every chapter requiring numbered float labels, you can enter
.LABEL "Fig. \*[chapter].\*[fig-label]. TO_LIST FIGURES which, assuming the third autolabelled float of Chapter 2, will produce Fig. 2.3.

If your DOCTYPE is DEFAULT or NAMED, you must reset \*[<type>-label] after each COLLATE by entering
.AUTOLABEL_<list type> before .START.

If autolabelling is enabled, e.g. .AUTOLABEL_IMAGES (List of Figures) or .AUTOLABEL_PIC (also List of Figures), the prefix is stripped from the label when it appears in the List. Thus, if you have invoked .AUTOLABEL_PIC,
.LABEL "Fig. 1.1." CAPTION "Caption for label \ TO_LIST FIGURES or
.LABEL "Fig. \*[chapter].\*[label]." \ CAPTION "Caption for label \ TO_LIST FIGURES will appear in the List of Figures as “1.1.  Caption for label”.


If you’d like a caption attached to the label, pass LABEL the optional argument CAPTION followed by the text of the caption as a single string surrounded by double-quotes:
.FLOAT <contents of float> .LABEL "Fig. 1" CAPTION "Caption for Fig. 1" .FLOAT OFF Note that the CAPTION macro by itself permits entering several strings, each output on a line by itself, whereas the CAPTION argument to LABEL accepts only a single string.


If your caption runs long and you’re including the float in a “List of ...”, (see TO_LIST, below) SHORT_CAPTION tells mom how you’d like the caption to appear in the List.


The optional argument TO_LIST tells mom to add the float’s label and attached caption, if present, to the specified list, which may be one of FIGURES, TABLES, or EQUATIONS.

If, for some reason, you want only the caption appended to the List, give \& as the first argument to LABEL, followed by CAPTION “caption”:
.LABEL \& \ CAPTION "caption"

Tip: TO_LIST can be used to handle situations where labelled floats need to go to a uniquely named “List of ...”.

Suppose, for example, your document contains figures (e.g. pic output or pdf-images) and tables, and you need a “List of Examples” for floats labelled “Example n.n”. By changing the default title string for LIST_OF_EQUATIONS to “List of Examples”, you may include the float in your List of Examples with


Macro: CAPTION "<caption>" \
[ "<additional line>" [ "<additional line>"... ] ] \

The placement of a float’s caption depends on where you put it inside the float.

If you want a caption at the top, put CAPTION immediately underneath FLOAT and follow it with the text of the caption surrounded by double-quotes:
.FLOAT .CAPTION "Caption at top of float" CAPTION can take multiple string arguments, allowing for captions that run to several lines. There is a caveat: the strings are not automatically broken into individual lines. You must provide strings that include literal breaks or spaces:
.FLOAT .CAPTION "Caption" ".BR" "at top" ".BR" "of float" or, easier to read:
.FLOAT .CAPTION "Caption" \ ".BR" \ "at top" \ ".BR" \ "of float" If you want a caption at the bottom, put CAPTION immediately before ending the float:
.FLOAT <contents of float> .CAPTION "Caption at bottom of float" .FLOAT OFF

Note: If you want a caption attached to a label, do not use CAPTION by itself. Rather, invoke .LABEL with the CAPTION argument.

Preprocessor support

Mom offers full support for the eqn (equations), pic (diagrams), grap (graphs), tbl (tables) and refer (bibliographies/citations) preprocessors, including captions, labelling, autolabelling, and inclusion in the Lists of Equations, Figures, and Tables.

Other than refer, which is discussed at length in the Bibliographies and references section, it is beyond the scope of this documentation to cover full preprocessor usage. Consult the manpages eqn(1), pic(1), grap(1) and tbl(1) for instructions.

Version 2.0-c changes
Preprocessor support has been revised and expanded as of version 2.0-c. Please read the following sections thoroughly and update any documents created with versions prior to 2.0-c as necessary.

tbl support

Mom documents can include tables generated with the groff preprocessor tbl. If you are unfamiliar with tbl, I recommend downloading a copy of Tbl - A Program to Format Tables, which, in addition to providing a thorough introduction, contains some fine examples. If you use tbl, you must pass groff or pdfmom the -t flag when you process the file.

Tables formatted with tbl begin with the macro .TS (Table Start) and end with .TE (Table End). Depending on where you want your tables output in a document, you may need to wrap your tbl code inside a float, or pass the H argument to .TS.

If you put tbl code inside a float, the table will be output immediately if it fits on the page, or deferred to the top of the next page if it doesn’t. If you prefer a table to begin where you say and span over to the next page, or if you know for certain a boxed table will run to multiple pages, simply pass the H argument to .TS, along with a corresponding TH and do not wrap the table inside a float.

Note: If you create a boxed table that will span several pages, do not wrap the table inside a float. Boxed, multipage tables and FLOAT should be considered mutually exclusive. This restriction is imposed by the tbl preprocessor itself, not groff or mom. Unboxed tables that span several pages, however, are acceptable within FLOAT.

tbl placement in mom docs

If you use .TS without the H argument (and therefore no .TH), tables that fit on the page are output in position. If there is not enough room to output the table, tbl will abort with message instructing you to use .TS H/.TH. Given that .TS without H may sometimes fail, it is advisable to begin all tbl blocks with .TS H.

If you give .TS the H argument (with a corresponding .TH), tables will be output in position and span as many pages as necessary to complete output. A table header will be printed at the top of each page’s table output. In the event that there is not enough room to print the table header and at least one row of table data near the bottom of a page, mom will break to a new page before beginning table output, leaving a gap in running text.

Boxed tables inside floats are output in position if they fit on the page. If not, they are deferred to the top of the next page without a break in running text. Boxed tables within floats may not, however, span multiple pages; mom will abort with a message should a boxed table in a float run longer than the page.

Unboxed tables inside floats may span multiple pages provided the SPAN argument has been given to FLOAT.

Note: The vertical spacing around unfloated tables may appear slightly unequal, especially if there are several tables on the page. This is a result of the shimming or flex-spacing that mom applies automatically after each table, depending on which vertical whitespace management is in effect. You may disable shimming or flex-spacing with NO_SHIM or NO_FLEX, or by passing the NO_SHIM or NO_FLEX argument to .TS. In either case, you will still likely want to adjust the spacing around with table with the ADJUST argument to .TS. Tables inside floats should be adjusted with the ADJUST argument to FLOAT, not the ADJUST argument to .TS.

.TS / .TH / .TE

Macro: TS
  [ H ]
  [ BOXED ]
  [ CENTER ]
  [ NEEDS ]
  [ ADJUST +|-<vertical adjustment>]
(unit of measure required)
  [ NO_SHIM ]
  [ NO_FLEX ]
  [ CAPTION "<caption>" ]
  [ SHORT_CAPTION "<short caption>" ]
  [ LABEL "<label>" ]
  [ TARGET "<name>" ]

Macro: TH (optional, only if .TS H)
Macro: TE [ SOURCE "<text of table source>" ]

Tables to be formatted with tbl begin with the macro .TS and end with .TE. Global tbl options (“flags”), formatting, and data (per tbl(1)) come between the two macros.
.TS <tbl options, formatting, and data> .TE Tables may be wrapped inside a float, in which case, the entire table will be output on the current page if it fits, or deferred to the next page if it doesn’t.
.FLOAT .TS <tbl options, formatting, and data> .TE .FLOAT OFF

The .TS macro

Note: Version 2.0-c change
2.0-c introduces revisions to the handling of labels and/or captions, which, along with NO_SHIM, must now be given as arguments to .TS rather than .TE, as was the case formerly. Please read this section carefully if you have documents containing tables as they may need to be updated.

IMPORTANT: All arguments to TS must appear on the same line as .TS. Do not attempt to break them up with the “line-continued” backslash. You may want to set your text editor to “wrap” mode in order to see all your arguments. This annoyance stems from the preprocessor mechanism itself, not groff or mom.

The TS macro must be invoked before entering a tbl block. You may give as many or as few of its arguments as required, in any order, although it is advisable to put CAPTION, SHORT_CAPTION, and/or LABEL last.


With the H argument, a table will span as many pages as necessary, with or without a running header. The placement of the corresponding .TH, which is required whenever the H argument is given, determines what, if anything, goes in the header. Compare the following: .TS H .TS H c s s c s s c s s c s s c c c c c c n n n. n n n. Percent Increase .TH 2002-2012 Percent Increase .TH 2002-2012 <tbl data> <tbl data> .TE .TE The first example will create a table that spans multiple pages if necessary, with a running header (“Percent Increase / 2002-2012”) for that table appearing at the top of each page until the table ends. The second example, equally, may run to several pages, but without the running header. See TH for an explanation of .TH placement.

Tip: Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of using .TS H all the time, since there are no circumstances under which it fails, whereas .TS without H will fail on tables that exceed the page length.


If a table is to be boxed (i.e., tbl is given the flags 'box' or 'allbox') you must pass the argument BOXED to .TS, as in this example:
.TS BOXED allbox; c s s c c c n n n. <tbl data> .TE


If a table is to be centered on the page, (i.e., tbl is given the 'center' flag), you must pass the argument CENTER to .TS, as in this example, which creates a (possibly) multipage boxed table, centered on the page, with a running header. .TS H BOXED CENTER allbox center; c s s c s s c c c n n n. Percent Increase 2002-2012 .TH <tbl data> .TE


If a table is not inside a float and you pass .TS the H argument (which you should; see the tip here), mom begins output immediately where the table occurs in the input file if there is enough room on the output page for the table header plus at least one row of table data. If there isn’t enough room, mom breaks to a new page before beginning the table, leaving a gap in running text at the bottom of the previous page. If, for aesthetic reasons, you would prefer that mom require more than one row of table data beneath the header near the bottom of a page, you may increase the number with the NEEDS argument, followed by the desired number of rows.


ADJUST lets you raise (-) or lower (+) the table within the space allotted for it by the amount you specify. This is useful for achieving good optical centering between surrounding blocks of type. A unit of measure is required.


NO_SHIM instructs mom not to apply shimming after a table, which she will do automatically when shimming is enabled, which it is by default. Shimming ensures that running text after the table falls properly on the page’s baseline grid, but can result in slightly unequal spacing above and below (correctable with the ADJUST argument). NO_SHIM is useful when you have several tables on the page and there are visible differences in the spacing beneath them as a result of shimming. To ensure a flush bottom margin, the last table on the page should be shimmed, i.e. should not be given the NO_SHIM argument.


NO_FLEX instructs mom not to apply flex-spacing after a table, which she will do automatically when flex-spacing is enabled. NO_FLEX is useful when you have several tables on the page and you want to distribute excess vertical whitespace on the page amongst other flex-spacing points on the page. If there are no others, the final table should be flex-spaced, i.e. not given the NO_FLEX argument.


CAPTION allows you to give the table a caption. By default, the caption appears above the table, but may be attached to the label that appears beneath the table. See CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL in Captions and labels. The text of the caption must be surrounded by double-quotes.

Please note that if your table has a caption, you must invoke TS with the H flag, which also entails the use of TH.


SHORT_CAPTION allows you to trim long captions for inclusion in the List of Tables. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is what will appear in the List.


LABEL, if given, appears beneath the table. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is how the table is labelled in both the document proper and the List of Tables. Mom provides an auto-labelling facility for tables (see AUTOLABEL), which, if enabled, overrides the LABEL argument.


TARGET followed by a unique name surrounded by double-quotes creates a PDF target for the table so that it may be linked to from other places in the file (with PDF_LINK; see Producing PDFs with groff and mom).

Please note: The following functionality is available only with groff 1.22.4 or later.

When autolabelling is enabled and the document is processed with pdfmom, the target name can be used to generate the target’s label number in running text if it is entered as a groff string, i.e. of the form \*[name]. For example, if you create a target called “foo” for a table whose autolabel number would be 3, entering
See .PDF_LINK foo "Table \*[foo]" anywhere in running text would result in a pdf link that reads “Table 3”. If chapter numbers are being prefixed to labels, the same string in, say, chapter 5 would produce the pdf link “Table 5.3”.

The .TH macro

The TH macro (Table Header), which is required when you begin a table with .TS H, allows you to determine what goes in a table’s running header if it spans multiple pages. Placing .TH under the first row of tbl data makes the first row the header. If placed under the second row, the first and second rows form the header, and so on.

As there are sometimes reasons to run .TS H when you don’t, in fact, want a running header (e.g. when your table has a caption), you can suppress it by placing .TH immediately underneath your tbl formatting specifications, the last line of which always ends with a period (see tbl(1)).

See the H argument to .TS for examples demonstrating .TH placement.

The .TE macro

tbl blocks must be terminated with .TE, which, as of version 2.0-c, takes a single, optional argument, SOURCE. (Formerly, TE took a label/caption argument along with arguments controlling placement.) The argument is followed by the text of the table’s source, surrounded by double-quotes. The SOURCE argument may only be used if MLA (Modern Language Association) style is enabled.

pic support

Mom documents can include diagrams generated with the groff preprocessor pic. If you are unfamiliar with pic, I recommend downloading a copy of Making Pictures with GNU PIC which provides a thorough introduction and contains many examples. If you use pic, you must pass groff or pdfmom the -p flag when you process the file.

Diagrams created with pic begin with the macro .PS (Pic Start) and end with .PE (Pic End). Everything between them is interpreted by the preprocessor as pic instructions. Please note: Making Pictures with GNU PIC says that .PF can also be used to terminate a pic diagram, but this is not supported by mom.

Pic diagrams are always centered. Note that this represents a change from version 2.0-b of mom, where centering diagrams required passing -mpic to groff or pdfmom on the command line.

In addition, mom treats pic diagrams identically to floats, which is to say that if a diagram doesn’t fit on the output page, she will defer it to the top of the next page while continuing to process running text. ADJUST is ignored whenever a diagram is deferred, except when moving from column to column on the same page, when the diagram may need to be optically adjusted. Subsequent diagrams that do not fit, if any, are output in order immediately after the first.

Lastly, if your diagrams contain text, you may set all the type parameters for the text (family, font, size, leading) separately from the pic block with the macro PIC_TEXT_STYLE. If you need to change the type parameters within the block on-the-fly, you must use pic’s native facilities for doing so.

.PS / .PE

Macro: PS
Arguments: [ <width> <height> ]
  [ LEFT ]

  [ ADJUST +|-<vertical adjustment>]
(unit of measure required)
  [ NO_SHIM ]
  [ NO_FLEX ]
  [ CAPTION "<caption>" ]
  [ SHORT_CAPTION "<short caption>" ]
  [ LABEL "<label>" ]
  [ TARGET "<name>" ]

Macro: PE (no arguments; ends the pic block)

IMPORTANT: All arguments to PS must appear on the same line as .PS. Do not attempt to break them up with the “line-continued” backslash. You may want to set your text editor to “wrap” mode in order to see all your arguments. This annoyance stems from the preprocessor mechanism itself, not groff or mom.

'width' and 'height'

The width and height arguments to .PS are idiosyncratic owing to the preprocessor itself. Both are optional and both expect a value in inches, so neither argument should have a (unit of measure appended.

If the width argument is supplied, the diagram, but not any text it contains, is scaled to the given width. If a literal width argument of 0 (zero) is given and a height argument is supplied, the diagram, but not any text it contains, will be scaled to the requested height. In the case of two non-zero arguments being given, only the height scaling is applied.


By default, pic diagrams are centred on the page. If you would prefer them to be flush left, pass PS the LEFT argument.


ADJUST lets you raise (-) or lower (+) a diagram within the space allotted for it by the amount you specify. This is useful for achieving good optical centering between surrounding blocks of type. A unit of measure is required.


NO_SHIM instructs mom not to apply shimming after a pic diagram, which she will do automatically when shimming is enabled, which it is by default. Shimming ensures that running text after the diagram falls properly on the page’s baseline grid, but can result in slightly unequal spacing above and below (correctable with the ADJUST argument). NO_SHIM is useful when you have several diagrams on the page and there are visible differences in the spacing beneath them as a result of shimming. To ensure a flush bottom margin, the last diagram on the page should be shimmed, i.e. should not be given the NO_SHIM argument.


NO_FLEX instructs mom not to apply flex-spacing after a pic diagram, which she will do automatically when flex-spacing is enabled. NO_FLEX is useful when you have several diagrams on the page and you want to distribute excess vertical whitespace on the page amongst other flex-spacing points on the page. If there are no others, the final diagram should be flex-spaced, i.e. not given the NO_FLEX argument.


CAPTION allows you to give the diagram a caption. By default, the caption appears above the diagram, but may be attached to the label that appears beneath it. See CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL in Captions and labels. The text of the caption must be surrounded by double-quotes.


SHORT_CAPTION allows you to trim long captions for inclusion in the List of Figures. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is what will appear in the List.


LABEL, if given, appears beneath the diagram. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is how the diagram is labelled in both the document proper and the List of Figures. Mom provides an auto-labelling facility for diagrams (see AUTOLABEL), which, if enabled, overrides the LABEL argument.


TARGET followed by a unique name surrounded by double-quotes creates a PDF target for the diagram so that it may be linked to from other places in the file (with PDF_LINK; see Producing PDFs with groff and mom).

Please note: The following functionality is available only with groff 1.22.4 or later.

When autolabelling is enabled and the document is processed with pdfmom, the target name can be used to generate the target’s label number in running text if it is entered as a groff string, i.e. of the form \*[name]. For example, if you create a target called “foo” for a diagram whose autolabel number would be 3, entering
See .PDF_LINK foo "Figure \*[foo]" anywhere in running text would result in a pdf link that reads “Figure 3”. If chapter numbers are being prefixed to labels, the same string in, say, chapter 5 would produce the pdf link “Figure 5.3”.


  [ FAMILY ] "<family>" \
  [ FONT ] "<font>" \
  [ SIZE ] "+|-<size>" \
  [ AUTOLEAD ] "<value>"

Diagrams drawn with pic may contain text, and groff inline escapes may be used to alter the text parameters. A problem that arises from so doing is that, in many cases, it clutters up the pic code unnecessarily.

PIC_TEXT_STYLE lets you establish the type parameters for text inside a pic block all at once in cases where so doing improves the readability of your mom source files.

The arguments to PIC_TEXT_STYLE behave identically to the arguments to other control macros, explained here. They may be given in any order, and you may use as many or as few as you like.

Note: Text within pic diagrams does not scale when you provide a scaling argument to .PS. This is a limitation of the preprocessor itself, not groff or mom.

grap support

Grap is a pic preprocessor for creating graphs. Grap usage is covered in the grap(1) manpage. Its mom implementation is the same as for pic except that instead of enclosing directives between .PS / .PE, they are enclosed between .G1/.G2. If you use grap, you must pass groff or pdfmom the -G flag when you process the file.

.G1 takes all the same arguments as PS with one exception: the argument GRAP must always be given to .G1. So, for example, a skeleton grap block raised 2 points and with a caption would be entered:
.G1 GRAP ADJUST +2p CAPTION "Graph caption" <grap directives> .G2

eqn support

Support for eqn is provided via extensions to the standard .EQ/.EN macros. eqn usage itself is beyond the scope of this documentation, but is covered in the manpage eqn(1). You can also download a copy of Ted Harding’s A Guide to Typesetting Mathematics Using GNU eqn , which contains useful examples. If you use eqn, you must give groff or pdfmom the -e flag.

.EQ / .EN

Macro: EQ
  [ -L | -C | -I <indent> ]
(unit of measure required)
  [ ADJUST +|-<vertical adjustment>]
(unit of measure required)
  [ NO_SHIM ]
  [ NO_FLEX ]
  [ CAPTION "<caption>" ]
  [ LABEL "<label>" ]
  [ SHIFT_LABEL +|-<vertical adjustment> ]
  [ SHORT_CAPTION "<short caption>" ]
  [ TARGET "<name>" ]
  [ CONTINUED | CONT | ... ]

Note: Version 2.0-c change
2.0-c introduces revisions to EQ, including the addition of a dash (-) to the positioning arguments (-L, -C, and -I) and the removal of a default value for -I. Other changes include passing all options to .EQ (including the label) such that .EN takes only a single, optional argument saying whether the equation is to be continued at the next invocation of .EQ. Please read this section carefully if you have documents containing equations as they may need to be updated.

IMPORTANT: All arguments to EQ must appear on the same line as .EQ. Do not attempt to break them up with the “line-continued” backslash. You may want to set your text editor to “wrap” mode in order to see all your arguments. This annoyance stems from the preprocessor mechanism itself, not groff or mom.

The .EQ macro

Equations to be set with eqn begin with .EQ, followed by eqn code. Equations are centered by default, but may be set flush left or indented from the left margin if -L or -I are passed as arguments to .EQ.


ADJUST lets you raise (-) or lower (+) an equation within the space allotted for it by the amount you specify. This is useful for achieving good optical centering between surrounding blocks of type. A unit of measure is required.


NO_SHIM instructs mom not to apply shimming after an equation, which she will do automatically when shimming is enabled, which it is by default. Shimming ensures that running text after the equation falls properly on the page’s baseline grid, but can result in slightly unequal spacing above and below (correctable with the ADJUST argument). NO_SHIM is useful when you have several equations on the page and there are visible differences in the spacing beneath them as a result of shimming. To ensure a flush bottom margin, the last equation on the page should be shimmed, i.e. should not be given the NO_SHIM argument.


NO_FLEX instructs mom not to apply flex-spacing after an equation, which she will do automatically when flex-spacing is enabled. NO_FLEX is useful when you have several equations on the page and you want to distribute excess vertical whitespace on the page amongst other flex-spacing points on the page. If there are no others, the final equation should be flex-spaced, i.e. not given the NO_FLEX argument.


CAPTION allows you to give the equation a caption. Equation captions always appear beneath the equation.


SHORT_CAPTION allows you to trim long captions for inclusion in the List of Equations. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is what will appear in the List.


LABEL, if given, appears on the same baseline as the last line of the equation, flush with the left or right margin, depending on the equation’s horizontal position. The text you supply, surrounded by double-quotes, is how the equation is labelled in both the document proper and the List of Equations. Mom provides an auto-labelling facility for equations (see AUTOLABEL), which, if enabled, overrides the LABEL argument.


SHIFT_LABEL allows you to raise (-) or lower (+) the equation label. It’s primary use is to center equation labels vertically on the equation rather than flush with the last line. Assuming a three-line equation, .EQ SHIFT_LABEL -1v would raise the label by one line, thus centering it vertically on the equation.


TARGET followed by a unique name surrounded by double-quotes creates a PDF target for the equation so that it may be linked to from other places in the file (with PDF_LINK; see Producing PDFs with groff and mom).

Please note: The following functionality is available only with groff 1.22.4 or later.

When autolabelling is enabled and the document is processed with pdfmom, the target name can be used to generate the target’s label number in running text if it is entered as a groff string, i.e. of the form \*[name]. For example, if you create a target called “foo” for an equation whose autolabel number would be 3, entering
See .PDF_LINK foo "Equation \*[foo]" anywhere in running text would result in a pdf link that reads “Equation 3”. If chapter numbers are being prefixed to labels, the same string in, say, chapter 5 would produce the pdf link “Equation 5.3”.

The .EN macro

A block of eqn code is terminated with .EN.

If an equation needs to span multiple lines, possibly aligned with eqn’s 'mark' and 'lineup' directives, separate invocations of .EQ/.EN are required for each line, and the optional argument, CONTINUED (or CONT, or ... [three dots, an ellipsis]), must be passed to .EN.

If -L or -I is given to the first .EQ of a multi-line equation, they remain in effect until an .EN without the CONTINUED argument is reached.

Mom does not treat equations as floats, therefore it is possible to begin an equation on one page and terminate it on the next. If you wish to keep all lines of an equation together, you must wrap the equation, including all invocations of .EQ/.EN, inside a float.

refer support

refer support is covered in the section Bibliographies and references.

Captions and labels

Mom includes facilities for adding captions and labels to figures, tables, equations, and pdf images, including auto-labelling. If Lists of Figures, Tables, and Equations are desired, captions (if any) and labels (if any) are collected and output in the Lists with the appropriate page number.

The distinction between a caption and a label is that labels are identifiers, e.g. “Fig. 1” or “Table 3”, while captions are descriptive or informative. For most types of writing, it is usual to provide both.

By default, mom sets captions above figures (i.e. pic output and pdf images) and tables. This behaviour may be modified with the macro CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL. Equations always have their captions set underneath. All aspects of the text style for captions may be set with the macro CAPTIONS.

Labels for tables are set underneath the table unless the MLA macro has been invoked, in which case the label and caption appear above the table, per MLA style, and the source for the table, if any, appears underneath. Labels for figures are set underneath. Equation labels, by default, are set on the same baseline as the last line of the equation. Like captions, all aspects of text style for labels may be established with a single macro LABELS. Furthermore, mom can autolabel figures, tables, and equations, with or without a prefixed chapter number.


[ PREFIX "<string>"] [ SUFFIX "<string>"] [ PREFIX_CHAPTER [ <n> ] ]

AUTOLABEL_<type> takes care of labelling <type> by identifying each with a separate, incrementing numeric scheme, which is also collected for output in Lists of Figures, Equations, and Tables.

Autolabelling may be disabled on-the-fly by giving any argument other than PREFIX, SUFFIX, or PREFIX_CHAPTER to the appropriate macro. For example,
.AUTOLABEL_IMAGES NO would disable autolabelling of images.

Prefixes and suffixes

By default, when AUTOLABEL is enabled, the label numbers are prefixed, and, in the case of equations, suffixed, with strings such that they appear for tables as “Table <n>”, for pic diagrams and pdf images as “Fig. <n>”, and for equations as “Eq. (<n>)”.

You can use PREFIX <"string"> to change what comes before the automatic numbering. For example, if you are including musical excerpts in your document, MLA style requires that they be labelled “Ex. <n>”. Since musical excerpts are likely to be scanned images (in pdf format, don’t forget), you have to change the prefix string for pdf images:
.AUTOLABEL_IMAGES \ PREFIX "Ex. " \ SUFFIX "" If you need a suffix after the automatic numbering, use SUFFIX <"string">, like this:
.AUTOLABEL_IMAGES \ PREFIX "(Fig. " \ SUFFIX ")" Note from the above that both arguments, PREFIX and SUFFIX, are required should you want either. Two adjacent double-quotes leaves the string blank.

Note: In automatically formatted “Lists of ...”, label number prefixes are stripped when autolabelling is enabled.

Prefixing chapter numbers

If you would like mom to prefix chapter numbers to the label, pass AUTOLABEL_<type> the argument PREFIX_CHAPTER.

If for some reason you need to specify the chapter number, you may do so by passing the number as an argument to PREFIX_CHAPTER. Subsequent chapters or major sections will increment by one as expected.

Note: For the purposes of labelling, mom treats DOCTYPE DEFAULT as if it were DOCTYPE CHAPTER, hence, with PREFIX_CHAPTER, each collated DEFAULT doctype’s prefixed “chapter” number is incremented and the label number itself reset to “1”. If you do not supply the PREFIX_CHAPTER argument, the label number is not reset automatically. To reset it, invoke .AUTOLABEL_<type> after each COLLATE.


You may sometimes need to set or reset the autolabel number for a particular type of pre-processor or for PDF images. This is likely to occur if you are using FLOAT in conjunction with the TO_LIST argument.

For example, if your document has Figures (PDF images, pic diagrams) and you want your tables to be labelled as Figures as well, you have to wrap the tables inside a float and label the float manually as “Fig. n”, sending it to the List of Figures with TO_LIST FIGURES.

Mom does not autolabel floats or assign them automatically to a list, so she doesn’t know you’ve interrupted the auto-incrementing label numbers. Use SET_AUTOLABEL get her back on track. The number you give as an argument after telling her which kind of label number to set is the one you want to appear next.
.SET_AUTOLABEL FIG 6 means the next autolabelled Figure will be “Fig. 6.”

Captions after labels

Macro: CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL IMG | PIC | TBL | ALL [ <anything> ]

By default, mom sets captions above figures (pic output and pdf images) and tables; labels are always underneath.

.CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL, with one of the required arguments, instructs mom to attach captions directly to the appropriate labels, beginning on the same line. Any argument after the first disables this behaviour, restoring caption placement to mom’s default. For example,
.CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL ALL would enable captions after labels globally, while a subsequent
.CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL IMG OFF would disable captions after labels for pdf images only. OFF can be anything you like (X, NO, etc).

If MLA is enabled, there’s no need to invoke CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL as this is implied.

Note: A separate invocation of .CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL is required for each one of the required first arguments. You cannot, for example, do
.CAPTION_AFTER_LABEL IMG TBL Rather, you must do

MLA-style captioning and labelling

Macro: MLA [ <anything> ]

Modern Language Association style dictates that captions should always go after labels. Furthermore, labels and captions for tables should go above the tables, with the source for the table, if any, underneath.

Invoking .MLA by itself takes care of these details. If you need to disable MLA-style captioning and labelling mid-document, .MLA OFF does the trick. OFF can be anything you like (X, NO, etc).

Style parameters for captions, labels and sources

Style arguments:
  FAMILY <family> \
  FONT <font> \
  SIZE +|-<size> \
  AUTOLEAD <value> \
  COLOR <color> \
  INDENT <indent> \
  ADJUST +|-<vertical adjustment>

Note: Arguments may be broken into several lines using the “line-continued” backslash (\), as shown above.

Additional note: Mom’s default style for labels, captions, and sources is the same as the style used for running text, with two exceptions: labels are set in bold, except for eqn which is roman medium, and the autolead value for all three is “2”, effectively tightening the lead. Furthermore, they are quadded left (except eqn, which is quadded right.)

With the exception of ADJUST and QUAD (which requires a bit of explanation), the style arguments to CAPTIONS, LABELS, and SOURCES (which is only available for tables) behave identically to the arguments to control macros.

The first, required argument after CAPTIONS, LABELS, or SOURCES indicates the preprocessor type for which you are setting the parameters. (For convenience PDF_IMAGE—argument IMG—is here treated as a preprocessor.) FLOATING sets the style for the macros CAPTION and LABEL, which are used to label floats, quotes, and blockquotes.

An argument of ALL sets a unified style for all preprocessors, floats, quotes, and blockquotes. If the ALL argument is given, arguments to subsequent invocations of CAPTIONS, LABELS, or SOURCES overwrite only the explicitly named style parameters.

QUAD — quadding of labels, captions, and sources

• pic, tbl, pdf images

By default, figures (pic output and pdf images) and tables have their captions and labels set quad left. Sources (for tables) are also set quad left. Equations have their labels set quad right, and their captions centered.

Regardless of the quad direction, captions, labels and sources are set on the width of the figure, table, or pdf image unless you pass the optional ON_LL argument to QUAD <direction>, in which case the prevailing document line length is used instead.

• eqn

Equations behave differently. By default, equation labels are set flush right with the page’s right margin regardless of equation positioning, which is, again by default, centered. If the equation is positioned left, the label will appear at the right margin regardless of the direction you give to QUAD. If the equation is indented with the -I <indent> option, a quad direction of LEFT is observed, but may overprint the last line of the equation.

Note that there is no CENTER option for equation labels, and that captions are always quadded over the prevailing document line length.

• quotes and blockquotes

Floating labels attached to QUOTEs are quadded on the prevailing document line length, and require the INDENT argument if you want to align them with the left and/or right edges the quote.

Floating labels attached to BLOCKQUOTEs are always quadded on the indent and line length of the blockquote.

• floats

Floating labels and captions attached to FLOATs are always quadded over the prevailing document line length, and require the INDENT argument if you want to align them with the left and/or right edges of the float’s contents.


The INDENT argument may only be used if the label or caption type is FLOATING, and only applies to FLOATs and QUOTEs, not BLOCKQUOTEs.

It is not possible for mom to know the width of a float before setting a label or caption attached to a float. She therefore sets it on the prevailing document line length. While this isn’t much of an issue when the label or caption quad is CENTER, you may want to adjust the horizontal positioning when the quad is LEFT or RIGHT.

INDENT, with a numeric value to which a unit of measure is appended, allows you to indent a floating label or caption so it lines up with the left edge of a FLOAT or QUOTE. INDENT RIGHT (with a value) allows you to shorten the line length to the appropriate width. If you need both a left and right indent, invoke LABELS or CAPTIONS twice, one instance containing INDENT <indent> and the other INDENT RIGHT <indent>.


The ADJUST argument allows you to add(+) or subtract (-) vertical space between labels and captions and the output to which they are attached. The argument requires a unit of measure. For example, if you find that table labels are a bit too close to the table itself,
.LABELS TBL ADJUST +3p would put three extra points of space between the bottoms of tables and the labels that appear beneath them.

Lists of Figures, Tables, and Equations

Besides a Table of Contents, mom can generate Lists of Figures, Tables, and Equations. Labels and captions are collected and concatenated, and output in lists with the appropriate page number, just like a Table of Contents. Including such lists in a document is as simple as adding whichever you need of
.LIST_OF_FIGURES .LIST_OF_EQUATIONS .LIST_OF_TABLES to the end of your input file.

Also like the Table of Contents, entries in the Lists’ output are clickable PDF links when a document is viewed at the screen.

Placement of Lists

Lists normally appear after the Table of Contents, and continue the page numbering scheme used for it. By default, the Table of Contents begins on roman-numeral page “i”.

If you are using mom’s AUTO_RELOCATE_TOC feature, you have two options for placement of the Lists within the document. If you want the Lists shifted to the top of the document along with the Table of Contents, invoke the Lists macros after .TOC. If you prefer to have the Lists at the end of the document, invoke the Lists macros before .TOC.

Lists shifted with the Table of Contents do not appear in the Table of Contents itself, but do appear as clickable links in the PDF outline typically available in the left panel of most PDF viewers. Lists that are not shifted with the Table of Contents appear in both the Table of Contents itself and the PDF outline.

Macros to generate Lists

  [ TITLE_STRING "<string>" ] [ START_PAGENUM <page number> ]

The first optional argument to the LIST_OF_<type> macros allows you to change the title that appears at the top of the page. This is useful not only for internationalization, or to meet the requirements of various style guides, but is also useful for, say, documents containing musical examples, which, per MLA-style, should be labelled “Example ” or “Ex. ”. When it comes time to output the List of Figures (to which musical examples, usually scanned pdf images, belong),
LIST_OF_FIGURES TITLE_STRING "List of Examples" ensures that the title of the List is correct.

The second optional argument allows you to give a starting page number for a list in cases where mom’s pagination scheme does not provide the List with the starting page number you want.

Formatting and style parameters for Lists

Like the Table of Contents, nearly every aspect of Lists can be designed independently of a document’s overall style. By default, Lists follow the formatting and style parameters of the Table of Contents, both mom’s defaults and any changes you may have made to the Table of Contents.

If you wish to make changes to any aspect of Lists formatting or styling, the macro LISTS_STYLE provides all the tools necessary. It is unlikely that you’ll want the formatting of the various list types to differ one from the other, so LISTS_STYLE applies to all Lists. In the event that you do need to change some aspect of the formatting for different list types, simply invoke LISTS_STYLE immediately prior to each list whose formatting needs to be changed.

Lists style

  FAMILY <family> \
  FONT <font> \
  PT_SIZE <size> \
  LEAD <leading> \
  TITLE_FAMILY <family> \
  TITLE_FONT <font> \
  TITLE_SIZE +|-<size> \
  TOC_HEADER_UNDERSCORE default = none
  TITLE_COLOR <color> \
  PN_FAMILY <family> \
  PN_FONT <font> \
  PN_SIZE +|-<size> \
  EQN_PN_PADDING <placeholders> \
  FIG_PN_PADDING <placeholders> \
  TBL_PN_PADDING <placeholders> \
  PAGENUM_STYLE DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha \

Note: Arguments may be broken into several lines using the “line-continued” backslash (\), as shown above.

FAMILY is the family for the entirety of Lists pages.

FONT is the font for the entirety of Lists pages.

PT_SIZE is the base point size for the entirety of Lists pages.

LEAD is the base leading for the entirety of Lists pages.

TITLE_FAMILY is the family for the Lists titles if you want it different from the family otherwise used for the Lists pages.

TITLE_FONT is the font for the Lists titles if you want it different from the font otherwise used for the Lists pages.

TITLE_SIZE tells mom by how much to increase (+) or decrease (-) the point size of the titles relative to the overall point size of Lists pages.

TITLE_QUAD tells mom how to position the title horizontally.

TITLE_COLOR sets the colour for the titles. The colour must be pre-initialized with NEWCOLOR or XCOLOR.

PN_FAMILY sets the family for entry pagenumbers.

PN_FONT sets the font for entry pagenumbers.

PN_SIZE tells mom by how much to increase (+) or decrease (-) the point size of entry pagenumbers relative to the overall point size of Lists pages.

EQN_PN_PADDING, FIG_PN_PADDING, and TBL_PN_PADDING tells mom how many placeholders to reserve for the entry pagenumbers in their respective Lists. If, for example, a document with both tables and figures runs to over a hundred pages, but there are no tables after page 99,
LISTS_STYLE FIG_PN_PADDING 3 LISTS_STYLE TBL_PN_PADDING 2 would prevent an unneeded, reserved placeholder from putting too much space between the leader and the entry pagenumber in the List of Tables.

The padding in effect, unless you change it, is whatever was set for the Tables of Contents; mom’s default is “3”.

PAGENUM_STYLE tells mom which pagination format to use for the page numbers of the Lists pages themselves. By default, since Lists observe what is in effect for the Table of Contents, the pagination format is “roman”. Please note that the starting page number for any of the Lists is given as an argument to the LISTS_0F_<type> macro.

NO_PAGINATION disables pagination of Lists pages.

Shaded backgrounds and frames (boxes)

Mom lets you add shaded backgrounds and frames to text and other material. For convenience, she calls backgrounds and frames “boxes.” Entire passages may be boxed, or individual document elements like headings, quotes, or pre-processor output. Furthermore, boxes may be nested.

Boxes start on the baseline where the boxed material would have started were it not for the box, subject to minor aesthetic corrections mom takes the liberty of making.

Boxes extend from the current left margin to the current right margin, respecting any active left and/or right indents. There are two exceptions, EPIGRAPH BLOCK and BLOCKQUOTE, which are discussed here.

After a box is started, active left and right indents are cleared. The box’s inset determines the new left and right margins. Indents set inside a box are relative to the inset. When a box is stopped, formerly active left and right indents are restored.

Frames are drawn from the perimeter inward. The inset is relative to the inner edge of the frame.

If a box (including the bottom inset) can complete on a page, it does, even if there is no further room for type. This may, on occasion, result in slight deviations from normal bottom margin alignment.

Boxes span pages whenever the boxed material continues on the next page. Spanning boxes extend fully to the bottom margin of the page on which they begin, leaving a slightly larger inset at the bottom than around the other sides.

When there is not enough room to set at least one line of type inside a box, mom defers starting the box until the next page, leaving a gap.

Boxed material is not shimmed or flexed. If either was active prior to the box, it is restored when the box ends and mom automatically shims or flexes whatever comes next.

NOTE: Shaded backgrounds and frames are not available when your PRINTSTYLE is TYPEWRITE or when COLUMNS are enabled.


Macro: BOX [ <arguments> ] | <anything>
[ SHADED <color> | OUTLINED <colour> ] \
[ INSET <dist> ] \
[ WEIGHT <wt> ] \
[ ADJUST +|-<amount> ] \
[ EQN | PIC | GRAP | IMG ]

Without arguments, BOX begins a shaded grey background. The material inside is inset by one pica. Any other type of box requires at a minimum either SHADED or OUTLINED. In the case of boxes that are to contain pdf images or pre-processor material for eqn, pic, or grap, IMG, EQN, PIC, or GRAP must also be given. Note that tbl does not have this requirement.

BOX is a toggle macro, so any argument other than one in the list completes the box (QUIT, END, X, etc).

Boxes should be started inside toggle macros like QUOTE or FLOAT just after the macro is called, and terminated just before toggling the macro off (unless you wish the box to enclose further material).

Non-toggle macros like HEADING or PP require that the box be started beforehand. Boxed pre-processor material must be fully enclosed by BOX / BOX OFF, as in this recipe for a one-off boxed pic diagram: .BOX .PS <pic commands> .PE .BOX OFF Arguments to BOX are not sticky. Each time you invoke BOX, you must invoke it with arguments unless you want mom’s default grey background. If all or several boxes in a document require the same arguments, create a macro at the top of the input file that calls BOX with the arguments you want, e.g.   .de PINK_BOX   .BOX \     SHADED pink \     OUTLINED darkred \     WEIGHT 1p \     INSET 9p   .. .PINK_BOX may then be used instead of .BOX any time you want a box with those arguments.


SHADED or OUTLINED are required. Both may be given, resulting in a shaded background with a frame, and both require a colour, e.g.   .BOX SHADED blue OUTLINED black The colour may be

Note that without SHADED, the above would simply draw a black frame.


Mom’s default weight for OUTLINED is 1/2 point. If you’d like to change it, give WEIGHT the desired value with a unit of measure appended, typically points, e.g.   .BOX OUTLINED black WEIGHT 1p


Mom’s default inset for boxes is one pica on all sides. If you’d like a larger or smaller inset, give INSET the distance you want with a unit of measure appended, e.g.   .BOX SHADED pink INSET 2m


If you are not happy with the starting position of a box, you can change it by giving ADJUST the distance you want it raised (-) or lowered (+) with a unit of measure appended. For example, to lower a box three points,   .BOX OUTLINED black ADJUST +3p To raise it,   .BOX OUTLINED black ADJUST -3p


The PIC argument must be given to BOX if the box contains any pic diagrams. Likewise, graphs made with grap, equations made with eqn, and pdf images require a corresponding GRAP, EQN, or IMG argument.

If you’re boxing a single diagram, graph, or pdf image, wrap it in a float, like this:   .FLOAT   .BOX PIC <other parameters>   .PS   <pic input>   .PE   .BOX OFF   .FLOAT OFF Notice that in the case of pdf images, pic, and grap, this represents a change from the norm, where the use of FLOAT may be destructive and is discouraged.

Additional notes on BOX usage and behaviour


QUOTE, BLOCKQUOTE, EPIGRAPH, and FLOAT require that boxes be started after they are invoked and stopped just before they are toggled off:   .QUOTE   .BOX <parameters>   Text of quote   .BOX OFF   .QUOTE OFF


If you’re boxing CODE that’s wrapped inside QUOTE, as described here, set the quote indent to “0” with   .QUOTE_STYLE INDENT 0 so that the box’s leftmost inset is respected.

Here’s a recipe for setting boxed code with an 18-point inset:   .QUOTE_STYLE INDENT 0   .QUOTE   .CODE   .BOX INSET 18p   Hello, world.   .BOX OFF   .QUOTE OFF Note that CODE, wrapped inside QUOTE, does not require a corresponding CODE OFF.

Description of boxed BLOCKQUOTES and EPIGRAPH BLOCKS

When you box a BLOCKQUOTE, or an EPIGRAPH with the BLOCK argument, the box is centred on the page and is only as wide as the blockquote or epigraph plus the box’s inset.

QUOTE and EPIGRAPH (without the BLOCK argument), on the other hand, set the box fully to the left and right margins.

Leftover box syndrome

Boxed quotes and blockquotes sometimes exhibit leftover box syndrome, where the page after a fully terminated boxed quote or blockquote begins with an empty bit of box. Equally, you may sometimes see the lower edge of a quote’s or blockquote’s box falling slightly below the page’s bottom margin.

The solution in both situations is to use the ADJUST argument to raise or lower the box’s starting position. Leftover box syndrome is usually fixed by raising the box slightly. When the box runs too deep, lowering it is generally recommended, although this will result in a widowed line at the top of the next page. In either case, some experimentation is necessary.


On a slide with no pauses, boxes behave as they do in printed documents.

When a slide contains pauses, only the material up to the first pause is boxed. As subsequent material is revealed, the box changes location, moving down to surround each new item. This behaviour persists until the box is stopped, making it useful for highlighting material as it is revealed.


You don’t have to worry about boxes encroaching on footnotes. Mom makes sure they don’t.

Page colour

Mom lets you change the page (“paper”) colour from white to anything you like. While this has limited application in printed documents, it can be effective in slide presentations.


Macro: PAGE_COLOR <color> | OFF | off


When you invoke PAGE_COLOR with a color argument, the current and subsequent pages turn the colour you request. If more than one instance of PAGE_COLOR appears before a page break, including PAGE_COLOR OFF, only the last applies.

Note: Unlike other toggle macros, PAGE_COLOR requires the use of OFF or off to terminate it rather than an arbitrary string (OFF, QUIT, END, X, etc).

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