5.13 Character Translations

A translation is a mapping of an input character to an output glyph. The mapping occurs at output time, i.e., the input character gets assigned the metric information of the mapped output character right before input tokens are converted to nodes (see gtroff Internals, for more on this process).

Request: .tr abcd
Request: .trin abcd

Translate character a to glyph b, character c to glyph d, and so on. If there is an odd number of characters in the argument, the last one is translated to a fixed-width space (the same one obtained by the \SP escape sequence).

The trin request is identical to tr, but when you unformat a diversion with asciify it ignores the translation. See Diversions, for details about the asciify request.

Some notes:

  • Special characters (\(xx, \[xxx], \C'xxx', \', \`, \-, \_), glyphs defined with the char request, and numbered glyphs (\N'xxx') can be translated also.
  • The \e escape can be translated also.
  • Characters can be mapped onto the \% and \~ escape sequences (but \% and \~ can’t be mapped onto another glyph).
  • The following characters can’t be translated: space (with one exception, see below), backspace, newline, leader (and \a), tab (and \t).
  • Translations are not considered for finding the soft hyphen character set with the shc request.
  • The pair ‘c\&’ (an arbitrary character c followed by the dummy character) maps this character to “nothing”.
    .tr a\&
    foo bar
        ⇒ foo br

    Even the space character can be mapped to the dummy character.

    .tr aa \&
    foo bar
        ⇒ foobar

    As shown in the example, the space character can’t be the first character/glyph pair as an argument of tr. Additionally, it is not possible to map the space character to any other glyph; requests like ‘.tr aa x undo ‘.tr aa \& instead.

    If justification is active, lines are justified in spite of the ‘empty’ space character (but there is no minimal distance, i.e., the space character, between words).

  • After an output glyph has been constructed (this happens at the moment immediately before the glyph is appended to an output glyph list, either by direct output, in a macro, diversion, or string), it is no longer affected by tr.
  • Translating character to glyphs where one of them or both are undefined is possible also; tr does not check whether the elements of its argument exist.

    See gtroff Internals.

  • Without an argument, the tr request is ignored.
Request: .trnt abcd

trnt is the same as the tr request except that the translations do not apply to text that is transparently throughput into a diversion with \!. See Diversions.

For example,

.tr ab
.di x
\!.tm a

prints ‘b’ to the standard error stream; if trnt is used instead of tr it prints ‘a’.