ms exposes many aspects of document layout to user control via
requests. To use them, you must understand how to define
registers and strings.
reg value ¶Set register reg to value. If reg doesn’t exist, GNU
creates it.
name contents ¶Set string name to contents.
A list of document control registers and strings follows. For any
parameter whose default is unsatisfactory, define its register or string
before calling any ms macro other than RP
¶Defines the page offset (i.e., the left margin).
Effective: next page.
Default: Varies by output device and paper format; 1i is used for typesetters using U.S. letter paper, and zero for terminals. See Paper Format.
¶Defines the line length (i.e., the width of the body text).
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: Varies by output device and paper format; 6.5i is used for typesetters using U.S. letter paper (see Paper Format) and 65n on terminals.
¶Defines the title line length (i.e., the header and footer width). This
is usually the same as LL
, but need not be.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: Varies by output device and paper format; 6.5i is used for typesetters using U.S. letter paper (see Paper Format) and 65n on terminals.
¶Defines the header margin height at the top of the page.
Effective: next page.
Default: 1i.
¶Defines the footer margin height at the bottom of the page.
Effective: next page.
Default: 1i.
¶Defines the type size of the body text.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 10p.
¶Defines the vertical spacing (type size plus leading).
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 12p.
¶Defines the automatic hyphenation mode used with the hy
Setting HY
to 0 is equivalent to using the nh
request. This is a Tenth Edition Research Unix extension.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 6.
¶Defines the indentation amount used by the PP
, IP
overridden by an optional argument), XP
, and RS
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 5n.
¶Defines the space between paragraphs.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 0.3v (1v on low-resolution devices).
¶Defines the indentation amount used on both sides of a paragraph set
with the QP
or between the QS
and QE
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 5n.
¶Defines the minimum number of initial lines of any paragraph that must
be kept together to avoid isolated lines at the bottom of a page. If a
new paragraph is started close to the bottom of a page, and there is
insufficient space to accommodate PORPHANS
lines before an
automatic page break, then a page break is forced before the start of
the paragraph. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 1.
¶Defines an increment in type size to be applied to a heading at a
lesser depth than that specified in GROWPS
. The value of
should be specified in points with the p scaling
unit and may include a fractional component; for example, ‘.nr PSINCR 1.5p’ sets a type size increment of 1.5p. This is a GNU
Effective: next heading.
Default: 1p.
¶Defines the heading depth above which the type size increment set by
becomes effective. For each heading depth less than the
value of GROWPS
, the type size is increased by PSINCR
Setting GROWPS
to any value less than 2 disables the
incremental heading size feature. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next heading.
Default: 0.
¶Defines the minimum number of lines of an immediately succeeding
paragraph that should be kept together with any heading introduced by
the NH
or SH
macros. If a heading is placed close to the
bottom of a page, and there is insufficient space to accommodate both
the heading and at least HORPHANS
lines of the following
paragraph, before an automatic page break, then the page break is forced
before the heading. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next paragraph.
Default: 1.
¶Defines the footnote indentation. This is a Berkeley extension.
Effective: next footnote.
Default: 2n.
¶Defines the format of automatically numbered footnotes,
and those for which the FS
request is given a marker argument, at
the bottom of a column or page. This is a Berkeley extension.
Set an automatic number8 as a
superscript (on typesetter devices) or surrounded by square brackets (on
terminals). The footnote paragraph is indented as with PP
there is an FS
argument or an automatic number, and as with
otherwise. This is the default.
As 0
, but set the marker as regular text and follow an
automatic number with a period.
As 1
, but without indentation (like LP
As 1
, but set the footnote paragraph with the marker hanging
(like IP
Effective: next footnote.
Default: 0.
¶Defines the footnote type size.
Effective: next footnote.
Default: \n[PS] - 2p
¶Defines the footnote vertical spacing.
Effective: next footnote.
Default: \n[FPS] + 2p
¶Defines the footnote paragraph spacing. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next footnote.
Default: \n[PD] / 2
¶Defines the ratio of the footnote line length to the current line length. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next footnote in single-column arrangements, next page otherwise.
Default: 11/12
¶Sets the display distance—the vertical spacing before and after a
display, a tbl
table, an eqn
equation, or a pic
image. This is a Berkeley extension.
Effective: next display boundary.
Default: 0.5v (1v on low-resolution devices).
¶Sets the default amount by which to indent a display started with
and ID
without arguments, to ‘.DS I’ without
an indentation argument, and to equations set with ‘.EQ I’.
This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next indented display.
Default: 0.5i.
¶Defines the default minimum width between columns in a multi-column document. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next page.
Default: 2n.
¶Defines the width of the field in which page numbers are set in a table of contents entry; the right margin thus moves inboard by this amount. This is a GNU extension.
Effective: next PX
Default: \w'000'