// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "eqn.h" #include "pbox.h" class sqrt_box : public pointer_box { public: sqrt_box(box *); int compute_metrics(int style); void output(); void debug_print(); void check_tabs(int); }; box *make_sqrt_box(box *pp) { return new sqrt_box(pp); } sqrt_box::sqrt_box(box *pp) : pointer_box(pp) { } #define SQRT_CHAR "\\[sqrt]" #define RADICAL_EXTENSION_CHAR "\\[sqrtex]" #define SQRT_CHAIN "\\[sqrt\\\\n[" INDEX_REG "]]" #define BAR_CHAIN "\\[sqrtex\\\\n[" INDEX_REG "]]" int sqrt_box::compute_metrics(int style) { // 11 int r = p->compute_metrics(cramped_style(style)); printf(".nr " TEMP_REG " \\n[" HEIGHT_FORMAT "]+\\n[" DEPTH_FORMAT "]+%dM+(%dM/4)\n", p->uid, p->uid, default_rule_thickness, (style > SCRIPT_STYLE ? x_height : default_rule_thickness)); printf(".nr " SIZE_FORMAT " \\n[.ps]\n", uid); printf(".ds " SQRT_STRING_FORMAT " " SQRT_CHAR "\n", uid); printf(".ds " BAR_STRING " " RADICAL_EXTENSION_CHAR "\n"); printf(".nr " SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT " 0\\w" DELIMITER_CHAR SQRT_CHAR DELIMITER_CHAR "\n", uid); printf(".if \\n[rst]-\\n[rsb]-%dM<\\n[" TEMP_REG "] \\{", default_rule_thickness); printf(".nr " INDEX_REG " 0\n" ".de " TEMP_MACRO "\n" ".ie c" SQRT_CHAIN " \\{" ".ds " SQRT_STRING_FORMAT " " SQRT_CHAIN "\n" ".ie c" BAR_CHAIN " .ds " BAR_STRING " " BAR_CHAIN "\n" ".el .ds " BAR_STRING " " RADICAL_EXTENSION_CHAR "\n" ".nr " SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT " 0\\w" DELIMITER_CHAR SQRT_CHAIN DELIMITER_CHAR "\n" ".if \\\\n[rst]-\\\\n[rsb]-%dM<\\n[" TEMP_REG "] \\{" ".nr " INDEX_REG " +1\n" "." TEMP_MACRO "\n" ".\\}\\}\n" ".el .nr " INDEX_REG " 0-1\n" "..\n" "." TEMP_MACRO "\n", uid, uid, default_rule_thickness); printf(".if \\n[" INDEX_REG "]<0 \\{"); // Determine the maximum point size printf(".ps 1000\n"); printf(".nr " MAX_SIZE_REG " \\n[.ps]\n"); printf(".ps \\n[" SIZE_FORMAT "]u\n", uid); // We define a macro that will increase the current point size // until we get a radical sign that's tall enough or we reach // the maximum point size. printf(".de " TEMP_MACRO "\n" ".nr " SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT " 0\\w" DELIMITER_CHAR "\\*[" SQRT_STRING_FORMAT "]" DELIMITER_CHAR "\n" ".if \\\\n[rst]" "&(\\\\n[rst]-\\\\n[rsb]-%dM<\\n[" TEMP_REG "])" "&(\\\\n[.ps]<\\n[" MAX_SIZE_REG "]) \\{" ".ps +1\n" "." TEMP_MACRO "\n" ".\\}\n" "..\n" "." TEMP_MACRO "\n", uid, uid, default_rule_thickness); printf(".\\}\\}\n"); printf(".nr " SMALL_SIZE_FORMAT " \\n[.ps]\n", uid); // set TEMP_REG to the amount by which the radical sign is too big printf(".nr " TEMP_REG " \\n[rst]-\\n[rsb]-%dM-\\n[" TEMP_REG "]\n", default_rule_thickness); // If TEMP_REG is negative, the bottom of the radical sign should // be -TEMP_REG above the bottom of p. If it's positive, the bottom // of the radical sign should be TEMP_REG/2 below the bottom of p. // This calculates the amount by which the baseline of the radical // should be raised. printf(".nr " SUP_RAISE_FORMAT " (-\\n[" TEMP_REG "]>?(-\\n[" TEMP_REG "]/2))" "-\\n[rsb]-\\n[" DEPTH_FORMAT "]\n", uid, p->uid); printf(".nr " HEIGHT_FORMAT " \\n[" HEIGHT_FORMAT "]" ">?(\\n[" SUP_RAISE_FORMAT "]+\\n[rst])\n", uid, p->uid, uid); printf(".nr " DEPTH_FORMAT " \\n[" DEPTH_FORMAT "]" ">?(-\\n[" SUP_RAISE_FORMAT "]-\\n[rsb])\n", uid, p->uid, uid); // Do this last, so we don't lose height and depth information on // the radical sign. // Remember that the width of the bar might be greater than the width of p. printf(".nr " TEMP_REG " " "\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]" ">?\\w" DELIMITER_CHAR "\\*[" BAR_STRING "]" DELIMITER_CHAR "\n", p->uid); printf(".as " SQRT_STRING_FORMAT " " "\\l'\\n[" TEMP_REG "]u\\&\\*[" BAR_STRING "]'\n", uid); printf(".nr " WIDTH_FORMAT " \\n[" TEMP_REG "]" "+\\n[" SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT "]\n", uid, uid); if (r) printf(".nr " MARK_REG " +\\n[" SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT "]\n", uid); // the top of the bar might be higher than the top of the radical sign printf(".nr " HEIGHT_FORMAT " \\n[" HEIGHT_FORMAT "]" ">?(\\n[" SUP_RAISE_FORMAT "]+\\n[rst])\n", uid, p->uid, uid); // put a bit of extra space above the bar printf(".nr " HEIGHT_FORMAT " +%dM\n", uid, default_rule_thickness); printf(".ps \\n[" SIZE_FORMAT "]u\n", uid); return r; } void sqrt_box::output() { if (output_format == troff) { printf("\\Z" DELIMITER_CHAR); printf("\\s[\\n[" SMALL_SIZE_FORMAT "]u]", uid); printf("\\v'-\\n[" SUP_RAISE_FORMAT "]u'", uid); printf("\\*[" SQRT_STRING_FORMAT "]", uid); printf("\\s[\\n[" SIZE_FORMAT "]u]", uid); printf(DELIMITER_CHAR); printf("\\Z" DELIMITER_CHAR); printf("\\h'\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]u-\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]u" "+\\n[" SQRT_WIDTH_FORMAT "]u/2u'", uid, p->uid, uid); p->output(); printf(DELIMITER_CHAR); printf("\\h'\\n[" WIDTH_FORMAT "]u'", uid); } else if (output_format == mathml) { printf(""); p->output(); printf(""); } } void sqrt_box::debug_print() { fprintf(stderr, "sqrt { "); p->debug_print(); fprintf(stderr, " }"); } void sqrt_box::check_tabs(int level) { p->check_tabs(level + 1); }