// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "pic.h" #include "ptable.h" #include "object.h" void print_object_list(object *); line_type::line_type() : type(solid), thickness(1.0) { } output::output() : args(0), desired_height(0.0), desired_width(0.0) { } output::~output() { delete[] args; } void output::set_desired_width_height(double wid, double ht) { desired_width = wid; desired_height = ht; } void output::set_args(const char *s) { delete[] args; if (s == 0 || *s == '\0') args = 0; else args = strsave(s); } int output::supports_filled_polygons() { return 0; } void output::begin_block(const position &, const position &) { } void output::end_block() { } double output::compute_scale(double sc, const position &ll, const position &ur) { distance dim = ur - ll; if (desired_width != 0.0 || desired_height != 0.0) { sc = 0.0; if (desired_width != 0.0) { if (dim.x == 0.0) error("width specified for picture with zero width"); else sc = dim.x/desired_width; } if (desired_height != 0.0) { if (dim.y == 0.0) error("height specified for picture with zero height"); else { double tem = dim.y/desired_height; if (tem > sc) sc = tem; } } return sc == 0.0 ? 1.0 : sc; } else { if (sc <= 0.0) sc = 1.0; distance sdim = dim/sc; double max_width = 0.0; lookup_variable("maxpswid", &max_width); double max_height = 0.0; lookup_variable("maxpsht", &max_height); if ((max_width > 0.0 && sdim.x > max_width) || (max_height > 0.0 && sdim.y > max_height)) { double xscale = dim.x/max_width; double yscale = dim.y/max_height; return xscale > yscale ? xscale : yscale; } else return sc; } } position::position(const place &pl) { if (pl.obj != 0) { // Use two statements to work around bug in SGI C++. object *tem = pl.obj; *this = tem->origin(); } else { x = pl.x; y = pl.y; } } position::position() : x(0.0), y(0.0) { } position::position(double a, double b) : x(a), y(b) { } int operator==(const position &a, const position &b) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; } int operator!=(const position &a, const position &b) { return a.x != b.x || a.y != b.y; } position &position::operator+=(const position &a) { x += a.x; y += a.y; return *this; } position &position::operator-=(const position &a) { x -= a.x; y -= a.y; return *this; } position &position::operator*=(double a) { x *= a; y *= a; return *this; } position &position::operator/=(double a) { x /= a; y /= a; return *this; } position operator-(const position &a) { return position(-a.x, -a.y); } position operator+(const position &a, const position &b) { return position(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y); } position operator-(const position &a, const position &b) { return position(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y); } position operator/(const position &a, double n) { return position(a.x/n, a.y/n); } position operator*(const position &a, double n) { return position(a.x*n, a.y*n); } // dot product double operator*(const position &a, const position &b) { return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y; } double hypot(const position &a) { return groff_hypot(a.x, a.y); } struct arrow_head_type { double height; double width; int solid; }; void draw_arrow(const position &pos, const distance &dir, const arrow_head_type &aht, const line_type <, char *outline_color_for_fill) { double hyp = hypot(dir); if (hyp == 0.0) { error("cannot draw arrow on object with zero length"); return; } position base = -dir; base *= aht.height/hyp; position n(dir.y, -dir.x); n *= aht.width/(hyp*2.0); line_type slt = lt; slt.type = line_type::solid; if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { position v[3]; v[0] = pos; v[1] = pos + base + n; v[2] = pos + base - n; // fill with outline color out->set_color(outline_color_for_fill, outline_color_for_fill); // make stroke thin to avoid arrow sticking slt.thickness = 0.1; out->polygon(v, 3, slt, 1); } else { // use two line segments to avoid arrow sticking out->line(pos + base - n, &pos, 1, slt); out->line(pos + base + n, &pos, 1, slt); } } object::object() : prev(0), next(0) { } object::~object() { } void object::move_by(const position &) { } void object::print() { } void object::print_text() { } int object::blank() { return 0; } struct bounding_box { int blank; position ll; position ur; bounding_box(); void encompass(const position &); }; bounding_box::bounding_box() : blank(1) { } void bounding_box::encompass(const position &pos) { if (blank) { ll = pos; ur = pos; blank = 0; } else { if (pos.x < ll.x) ll.x = pos.x; if (pos.y < ll.y) ll.y = pos.y; if (pos.x > ur.x) ur.x = pos.x; if (pos.y > ur.y) ur.y = pos.y; } } void object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *) { } position object::origin() { return position(0.0,0.0); } position object::north() { return origin(); } position object::south() { return origin(); } position object::east() { return origin(); } position object::west() { return origin(); } position object::north_east() { return origin(); } position object::north_west() { return origin(); } position object::south_east() { return origin(); } position object::south_west() { return origin(); } position object::start() { return origin(); } position object::end() { return origin(); } position object::center() { return origin(); } double object::width() { return 0.0; } double object::radius() { return 0.0; } double object::height() { return 0.0; } place *object::find_label(const char *) { return 0; } segment::segment(const position &a, int n, segment *p) : is_absolute(n), pos(a), next(p) { } text_item::text_item(char *t, const char *fn, int ln) : next(0), text(t), filename(fn), lineno(ln) { adj.h = CENTER_ADJUST; adj.v = NONE_ADJUST; } text_item::~text_item() { delete[] text; } object_spec::object_spec(object_type t) : type(t) { flags = 0; tbl = 0; segment_list = 0; segment_width = segment_height = 0.0; segment_is_absolute = 0; text = 0; shaded = 0; xslanted = 0; yslanted = 0; outlined = 0; with = 0; dir = RIGHT_DIRECTION; } object_spec::~object_spec() { delete tbl; while (segment_list != 0) { segment *tem = segment_list; segment_list = segment_list->next; delete tem; } object *p = oblist.head; while (p != 0) { object *tem = p; p = p->next; delete tem; } while (text != 0) { text_item *tem = text; text = text->next; delete tem; } delete with; delete[] shaded; delete[] outlined; } class command_object : public object { char *s; const char *filename; int lineno; public: command_object(char *, const char *, int); ~command_object(); object_type type() { return OTHER_OBJECT; } void print(); }; command_object::command_object(char *p, const char *fn, int ln) : s(p), filename(fn), lineno(ln) { } command_object::~command_object() { delete[] s; } void command_object::print() { out->command(s, filename, lineno); } object *make_command_object(char *s, const char *fn, int ln) { return new command_object(s, fn, ln); } class mark_object : public object { public: mark_object(); object_type type(); }; object *make_mark_object() { return new mark_object(); } mark_object::mark_object() { } object_type mark_object::type() { return MARK_OBJECT; } object_list::object_list() : head(0), tail(0) { } void object_list::append(object *obj) { if (tail == 0) { obj->next = obj->prev = 0; head = tail = obj; } else { obj->prev = tail; obj->next = 0; tail->next = obj; tail = obj; } } void object_list::wrap_up_block(object_list *ol) { object *p; for (p = tail; p && p->type() != MARK_OBJECT; p = p->prev) ; assert(p != 0); ol->head = p->next; if (ol->head) { ol->tail = tail; ol->head->prev = 0; } else ol->tail = 0; tail = p->prev; if (tail) tail->next = 0; else head = 0; delete p; } text_piece::text_piece() : text(0), filename(0), lineno(-1) { adj.h = CENTER_ADJUST; adj.v = NONE_ADJUST; } text_piece::~text_piece() { free(text); } class graphic_object : public object { int ntext; text_piece *text; int aligned; protected: line_type lt; char *outline_color; char *color_fill; public: graphic_object(); ~graphic_object(); object_type type() = 0; void print_text(); void add_text(text_item *, int); void set_dotted(double); void set_dashed(double); void set_thickness(double); void set_invisible(); void set_outline_color(char *); char *get_outline_color(); virtual void set_fill(double); virtual void set_xslanted(double); virtual void set_yslanted(double); virtual void set_fill_color(char *); }; graphic_object::graphic_object() : ntext(0), text(0), aligned(0), outline_color(0), color_fill(0) { } void graphic_object::set_dotted(double wid) { lt.type = line_type::dotted; lt.dash_width = wid; } void graphic_object::set_dashed(double wid) { lt.type = line_type::dashed; lt.dash_width = wid; } void graphic_object::set_thickness(double th) { lt.thickness = th; } void graphic_object::set_fill(double) { } void graphic_object::set_xslanted(double) { } void graphic_object::set_yslanted(double) { } void graphic_object::set_fill_color(char *c) { color_fill = strsave(c); } void graphic_object::set_outline_color(char *c) { outline_color = strsave(c); } char *graphic_object::get_outline_color() { return outline_color; } void graphic_object::set_invisible() { lt.type = line_type::invisible; } void graphic_object::add_text(text_item *t, int a) { aligned = a; int len = 0; text_item *p; for (p = t; p; p = p->next) len++; if (len == 0) text = 0; else { text = new text_piece[len]; for (p = t, len = 0; p; p = p->next, len++) { text[len].text = p->text; p->text = 0; text[len].adj = p->adj; text[len].filename = p->filename; text[len].lineno = p->lineno; } } ntext = len; } void graphic_object::print_text() { double angle = 0.0; if (aligned) { position d(end() - start()); if (d.x != 0.0 || d.y != 0.0) angle = atan2(d.y, d.x); } if (text != 0) { out->set_color(color_fill, get_outline_color()); out->text(center(), text, ntext, angle); out->reset_color(); } } graphic_object::~graphic_object() { if (text) delete[] text; } class rectangle_object : public graphic_object { protected: position cent; position dim; public: rectangle_object(const position &); double width() { return dim.x; } double height() { return dim.y; } position origin() { return cent; } position center() { return cent; } position north() { return position(cent.x, cent.y + dim.y/2.0); } position south() { return position(cent.x, cent.y - dim.y/2.0); } position east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/2.0, cent.y); } position west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/2.0, cent.y); } position north_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/2.0, cent.y + dim.y/2.0); } position north_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/2.0, cent.y + dim.y/2.0); } position south_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/2.0, cent.y - dim.y/2.0); } position south_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/2.0, cent.y - dim.y/2.0); } object_type type() = 0; void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *); void move_by(const position &); }; rectangle_object::rectangle_object(const position &d) : dim(d) { } void rectangle_object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *p) { p->encompass(cent - dim/2.0); p->encompass(cent + dim/2.0); } void rectangle_object::move_by(const position &a) { cent += a; } class closed_object : public rectangle_object { public: closed_object(const position &); object_type type() = 0; void set_fill(double); void set_xslanted(double); void set_yslanted(double); void set_fill_color(char *fill); protected: double fill; // < 0 if not filled double xslanted; // !=0 if x is slanted double yslanted; // !=0 if y is slanted char *color_fill; // = 0 if not colored }; closed_object::closed_object(const position &pos) : rectangle_object(pos), fill(-1.0), xslanted(0), yslanted(0), color_fill(0) { } void closed_object::set_fill(double f) { assert(f >= 0.0); fill = f; } /* accept positive and negative values */ void closed_object::set_xslanted(double s) { //assert(s >= 0.0); xslanted = s; } /* accept positive and negative values */ void closed_object::set_yslanted(double s) { //assert(s >= 0.0); yslanted = s; } void closed_object::set_fill_color(char *f) { color_fill = strsave(f); } class box_object : public closed_object { double xrad; double yrad; public: box_object(const position &, double); object_type type() { return BOX_OBJECT; } void print(); position north_east(); position north_west(); position south_east(); position south_west(); }; box_object::box_object(const position &pos, double r) : closed_object(pos), xrad(dim.x > 0 ? r : -r), yrad(dim.y > 0 ? r : -r) { } const double CHOP_FACTOR = 1.0 - 1.0/M_SQRT2; position box_object::north_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/2.0 - CHOP_FACTOR*xrad, cent.y + dim.y/2.0 - CHOP_FACTOR*yrad); } position box_object::north_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/2.0 + CHOP_FACTOR*xrad, cent.y + dim.y/2.0 - CHOP_FACTOR*yrad); } position box_object::south_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/2.0 - CHOP_FACTOR*xrad, cent.y - dim.y/2.0 + CHOP_FACTOR*yrad); } position box_object::south_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/2.0 + CHOP_FACTOR*xrad, cent.y - dim.y/2.0 + CHOP_FACTOR*yrad); } void box_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible && fill < 0.0 && color_fill == 0) return; out->set_color(color_fill, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); if (xrad == 0.0) { distance dim2 = dim/2.0; position vec[4]; /* error("x slanted %1", xslanted); */ /* error("y slanted %1", yslanted); */ vec[0] = cent + position(dim2.x, -(dim2.y - yslanted)); /* lr */ vec[1] = cent + position(dim2.x + xslanted, dim2.y + yslanted); /* ur */ vec[2] = cent + position(-(dim2.x - xslanted), dim2.y); /* ul */ vec[3] = cent + position(-(dim2.x), -dim2.y); /* ll */ out->polygon(vec, 4, lt, fill); } else { distance abs_dim(fabs(dim.x), fabs(dim.y)); out->rounded_box(cent, abs_dim, fabs(xrad), lt, fill, color_fill); } out->reset_color(); } graphic_object *object_spec::make_box(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { static double last_box_height; static double last_box_width; static double last_box_radius; static int have_last_box = 0; if (!(flags & HAS_HEIGHT)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_box) height = last_box_height; else lookup_variable("boxht", &height); } if (!(flags & HAS_WIDTH)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_box) width = last_box_width; else lookup_variable("boxwid", &width); } if (!(flags & HAS_RADIUS)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_box) radius = last_box_radius; else lookup_variable("boxrad", &radius); } last_box_width = width; last_box_height = height; last_box_radius = radius; have_last_box = 1; radius = fabs(radius); if (radius*2.0 > fabs(width)) radius = fabs(width/2.0); if (radius*2.0 > fabs(height)) radius = fabs(height/2.0); box_object *p = new box_object(position(width, height), radius); if (!position_rectangle(p, curpos, dirp)) { delete p; p = 0; } return p; } // return non-zero for success int object_spec::position_rectangle(rectangle_object *p, position *curpos, direction *dirp) { position pos; dir = *dirp; // ignore any direction in attribute list position motion; switch (dir) { case UP_DIRECTION: motion.y = p->height()/2.0; break; case DOWN_DIRECTION: motion.y = -p->height()/2.0; break; case LEFT_DIRECTION: motion.x = -p->width()/2.0; break; case RIGHT_DIRECTION: motion.x = p->width()/2.0; break; default: assert(0); } if (flags & HAS_AT) { pos = at; if (flags & HAS_WITH) { place offset; place here; here.obj = p; if (!with->follow(here, &offset)) return 0; pos -= offset; } } else { pos = *curpos; pos += motion; } p->move_by(pos); pos += motion; *curpos = pos; return 1; } class block_object : public rectangle_object { object_list oblist; PTABLE(place) *tbl; public: block_object(const position &, const object_list &ol, PTABLE(place) *t); ~block_object(); place *find_label(const char *); object_type type(); void move_by(const position &); void print(); }; block_object::block_object(const position &d, const object_list &ol, PTABLE(place) *t) : rectangle_object(d), oblist(ol), tbl(t) { } block_object::~block_object() { delete tbl; object *p = oblist.head; while (p != 0) { object *tem = p; p = p->next; delete tem; } } void block_object::print() { out->begin_block(south_west(), north_east()); print_object_list(oblist.head); out->end_block(); } static void adjust_objectless_places(PTABLE(place) *tbl, const position &a) { // Adjust all the labels that aren't attached to objects. PTABLE_ITERATOR(place) iter(tbl); const char *key; place *pl; while (iter.next(&key, &pl)) if (key && csupper(key[0]) && pl->obj == 0) { pl->x += a.x; pl->y += a.y; } } void block_object::move_by(const position &a) { cent += a; for (object *p = oblist.head; p; p = p->next) p->move_by(a); adjust_objectless_places(tbl, a); } place *block_object::find_label(const char *name) { return tbl->lookup(name); } object_type block_object::type() { return BLOCK_OBJECT; } graphic_object *object_spec::make_block(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { bounding_box bb; for (object *p = oblist.head; p; p = p->next) p->update_bounding_box(&bb); position dim; if (!bb.blank) { position m = -(bb.ll + bb.ur)/2.0; for (object *p = oblist.head; p; p = p->next) p->move_by(m); adjust_objectless_places(tbl, m); dim = bb.ur - bb.ll; } if (flags & HAS_WIDTH) dim.x = width; if (flags & HAS_HEIGHT) dim.y = height; block_object *block = new block_object(dim, oblist, tbl); if (!position_rectangle(block, curpos, dirp)) { delete block; block = 0; } tbl = 0; oblist.head = oblist.tail = 0; return block; } class text_object : public rectangle_object { public: text_object(const position &); object_type type() { return TEXT_OBJECT; } }; text_object::text_object(const position &d) : rectangle_object(d) { } graphic_object *object_spec::make_text(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { if (!(flags & HAS_HEIGHT)) { lookup_variable("textht", &height); int nitems = 0; for (text_item *t = text; t; t = t->next) nitems++; height *= nitems; } if (!(flags & HAS_WIDTH)) lookup_variable("textwid", &width); text_object *p = new text_object(position(width, height)); if (!position_rectangle(p, curpos, dirp)) { delete p; p = 0; } return p; } class ellipse_object : public closed_object { public: ellipse_object(const position &); position north_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/(M_SQRT2*2.0), cent.y + dim.y/(M_SQRT2*2.0)); } position north_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/(M_SQRT2*2.0), cent.y + dim.y/(M_SQRT2*2.0)); } position south_east() { return position(cent.x + dim.x/(M_SQRT2*2.0), cent.y - dim.y/(M_SQRT2*2.0)); } position south_west() { return position(cent.x - dim.x/(M_SQRT2*2.0), cent.y - dim.y/(M_SQRT2*2.0)); } double radius() { return dim.x/2.0; } object_type type() { return ELLIPSE_OBJECT; } void print(); }; ellipse_object::ellipse_object(const position &d) : closed_object(d) { } void ellipse_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible && fill < 0.0 && color_fill == 0) return; out->set_color(color_fill, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); out->ellipse(cent, dim, lt, fill); out->reset_color(); } graphic_object *object_spec::make_ellipse(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { static double last_ellipse_height; static double last_ellipse_width; static int have_last_ellipse = 0; if (!(flags & HAS_HEIGHT)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_ellipse) height = last_ellipse_height; else lookup_variable("ellipseht", &height); } if (!(flags & HAS_WIDTH)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_ellipse) width = last_ellipse_width; else lookup_variable("ellipsewid", &width); } last_ellipse_width = width; last_ellipse_height = height; have_last_ellipse = 1; ellipse_object *p = new ellipse_object(position(width, height)); if (!position_rectangle(p, curpos, dirp)) { delete p; return 0; } return p; } class circle_object : public ellipse_object { public: circle_object(double); object_type type() { return CIRCLE_OBJECT; } void print(); }; circle_object::circle_object(double diam) : ellipse_object(position(diam, diam)) { } void circle_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible && fill < 0.0 && color_fill == 0) return; out->set_color(color_fill, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); out->circle(cent, dim.x/2.0, lt, fill); out->reset_color(); } graphic_object *object_spec::make_circle(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { static double last_circle_radius; static int have_last_circle = 0; if (!(flags & HAS_RADIUS)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_circle) radius = last_circle_radius; else lookup_variable("circlerad", &radius); } last_circle_radius = radius; have_last_circle = 1; circle_object *p = new circle_object(radius*2.0); if (!position_rectangle(p, curpos, dirp)) { delete p; return 0; } return p; } class move_object : public graphic_object { position strt; position en; public: move_object(const position &s, const position &e); position origin() { return en; } object_type type() { return MOVE_OBJECT; } void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *); void move_by(const position &); }; move_object::move_object(const position &s, const position &e) : strt(s), en(e) { } void move_object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *p) { p->encompass(strt); p->encompass(en); } void move_object::move_by(const position &a) { strt += a; en += a; } graphic_object *object_spec::make_move(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { static position last_move; static int have_last_move = 0; *dirp = dir; // No need to look at at since 'at' attribute sets 'from' attribute. position startpos = (flags & HAS_FROM) ? from : *curpos; if (!(flags & HAS_SEGMENT)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && have_last_move) segment_pos = last_move; else { switch (dir) { case UP_DIRECTION: segment_pos.y = segment_height; break; case DOWN_DIRECTION: segment_pos.y = -segment_height; break; case LEFT_DIRECTION: segment_pos.x = -segment_width; break; case RIGHT_DIRECTION: segment_pos.x = segment_width; break; default: assert(0); } } } segment_list = new segment(segment_pos, segment_is_absolute, segment_list); // Reverse the segment_list so that it's in forward order. segment *old = segment_list; segment_list = 0; while (old != 0) { segment *tem = old->next; old->next = segment_list; segment_list = old; old = tem; } // Compute the end position. position endpos = startpos; for (segment *s = segment_list; s; s = s->next) if (s->is_absolute) endpos = s->pos; else endpos += s->pos; have_last_move = 1; last_move = endpos - startpos; move_object *p = new move_object(startpos, endpos); *curpos = endpos; return p; } class linear_object : public graphic_object { protected: char arrow_at_start; char arrow_at_end; arrow_head_type aht; position strt; position en; public: linear_object(const position &s, const position &e); position start() { return strt; } position end() { return en; } void move_by(const position &); void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *) = 0; object_type type() = 0; void add_arrows(int at_start, int at_end, const arrow_head_type &); }; class line_object : public linear_object { protected: position *v; int n; public: line_object(const position &s, const position &e, position *, int); ~line_object(); position origin() { return strt; } position center() { return (strt + en)/2.0; } position north() { return (en.y - strt.y) > 0 ? en : strt; } position south() { return (en.y - strt.y) < 0 ? en : strt; } position east() { return (en.x - strt.x) > 0 ? en : strt; } position west() { return (en.x - strt.x) < 0 ? en : strt; } object_type type() { return LINE_OBJECT; } void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *); void print(); void move_by(const position &); }; class arrow_object : public line_object { public: arrow_object(const position &, const position &, position *, int); object_type type() { return ARROW_OBJECT; } }; class spline_object : public line_object { public: spline_object(const position &, const position &, position *, int); object_type type() { return SPLINE_OBJECT; } void print(); void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *); }; linear_object::linear_object(const position &s, const position &e) : arrow_at_start(0), arrow_at_end(0), strt(s), en(e) { } void linear_object::move_by(const position &a) { strt += a; en += a; } void linear_object::add_arrows(int at_start, int at_end, const arrow_head_type &a) { arrow_at_start = at_start; arrow_at_end = at_end; aht = a; } line_object::line_object(const position &s, const position &e, position *p, int i) : linear_object(s, e), v(p), n(i) { } void line_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible) return; out->set_color(0, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); // shorten line length to avoid arrow sticking. position sp = strt; if (arrow_at_start) { position base = v[0] - strt; double hyp = hypot(base); if (hyp == 0.0) { error("cannot draw arrow on object with zero length"); return; } if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { base *= aht.height / hyp; draw_arrow(strt, strt - v[0], aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); sp = strt + base; } else { base *= fabs(lt.thickness) / hyp / 72 / 4; sp = strt + base; draw_arrow(sp, sp - v[0], aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } } if (arrow_at_end) { position base = v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt); double hyp = hypot(base); if (hyp == 0.0) { error("cannot draw arrow on object with zero length"); return; } if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { base *= aht.height / hyp; draw_arrow(en, v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt), aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); v[n-1] = en - base; } else { base *= fabs(lt.thickness) / hyp / 72 / 4; v[n-1] = en - base; draw_arrow(v[n-1], v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt), aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } } out->line(sp, v, n, lt); out->reset_color(); } void line_object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *p) { p->encompass(strt); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) p->encompass(v[i]); } void line_object::move_by(const position &pos) { linear_object::move_by(pos); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) v[i] += pos; } void spline_object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *p) { p->encompass(strt); p->encompass(en); /* If p1 = q1/2 + q2/2 p2 = q1/6 + q2*5/6 p3 = q2*5/6 + q3/6 p4 = q2/2 + q3/2 [ the points for the Bezier cubic ] and t = .5 then (1-t)^3*p1 + 3*t*(t - 1)^2*p2 + 3*t^2*(1-t)*p3 + t^3*p4 [ the equation for the Bezier cubic ] = .125*q1 + .75*q2 + .125*q3 */ for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) p->encompass((i == 1 ? strt : v[i-2])*.125 + v[i-1]*.75 + v[i]*.125); } arrow_object::arrow_object(const position &s, const position &e, position *p, int i) : line_object(s, e, p, i) { } spline_object::spline_object(const position &s, const position &e, position *p, int i) : line_object(s, e, p, i) { } void spline_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible) return; out->set_color(0, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); // shorten line length for spline to avoid arrow sticking position sp = strt; if (arrow_at_start) { position base = v[0] - strt; double hyp = hypot(base); if (hyp == 0.0) { error("cannot draw arrow on object with zero length"); return; } if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { base *= aht.height / hyp; draw_arrow(strt, strt - v[0], aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); sp = strt + base*0.1; // to reserve spline shape } else { base *= fabs(lt.thickness) / hyp / 72 / 4; sp = strt + base; draw_arrow(sp, sp - v[0], aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } } if (arrow_at_end) { position base = v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt); double hyp = hypot(base); if (hyp == 0.0) { error("cannot draw arrow on object with zero length"); return; } if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { base *= aht.height / hyp; draw_arrow(en, v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt), aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); v[n-1] = en - base*0.1; // to reserve spline shape } else { base *= fabs(lt.thickness) / hyp / 72 / 4; v[n-1] = en - base; draw_arrow(v[n-1], v[n-1] - (n > 1 ? v[n-2] : strt), aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } } out->spline(sp, v, n, lt); out->reset_color(); } line_object::~line_object() { delete[] v; } linear_object *object_spec::make_line(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { static position last_line; static int have_last_line = 0; *dirp = dir; // We handle 'at' only in conjunction with 'with', otherwise it is // the same as the 'from' attribute. position startpos; if ((flags & HAS_AT) && (flags & HAS_WITH)) // handled later -- we need the end position startpos = *curpos; else if (flags & HAS_FROM) startpos = from; else startpos = *curpos; if (!(flags & HAS_SEGMENT)) { if ((flags & IS_SAME) && (type == LINE_OBJECT || type == ARROW_OBJECT) && have_last_line) segment_pos = last_line; else switch (dir) { case UP_DIRECTION: segment_pos.y = segment_height; break; case DOWN_DIRECTION: segment_pos.y = -segment_height; break; case LEFT_DIRECTION: segment_pos.x = -segment_width; break; case RIGHT_DIRECTION: segment_pos.x = segment_width; break; default: assert(0); } } segment_list = new segment(segment_pos, segment_is_absolute, segment_list); // reverse the segment_list so that it's in forward order segment *old = segment_list; segment_list = 0; while (old != 0) { segment *tem = old->next; old->next = segment_list; segment_list = old; old = tem; } // Absolutise all movements position endpos = startpos; int nsegments = 0; segment *s; for (s = segment_list; s; s = s->next, nsegments++) if (s->is_absolute) endpos = s->pos; else { endpos += s->pos; s->pos = endpos; s->is_absolute = 1; // to avoid confusion } if ((flags & HAS_AT) && (flags & HAS_WITH)) { // 'tmpobj' works for arrows and splines too -- we only need positions line_object tmpobj(startpos, endpos, 0, 0); position pos = at; place offset; place here; here.obj = &tmpobj; if (!with->follow(here, &offset)) return 0; pos -= offset; for (s = segment_list; s; s = s->next) s->pos += pos; startpos += pos; endpos += pos; } // handle chop line_object *p = 0; position *v = new position[nsegments]; int i = 0; for (s = segment_list; s; s = s->next, i++) v[i] = s->pos; if (flags & IS_DEFAULT_CHOPPED) { lookup_variable("circlerad", &start_chop); end_chop = start_chop; flags |= IS_CHOPPED; } if (flags & IS_CHOPPED) { position start_chop_vec, end_chop_vec; if (start_chop != 0.0) { start_chop_vec = v[0] - startpos; start_chop_vec *= start_chop / hypot(start_chop_vec); } if (end_chop != 0.0) { end_chop_vec = (v[nsegments - 1] - (nsegments > 1 ? v[nsegments - 2] : startpos)); end_chop_vec *= end_chop / hypot(end_chop_vec); } startpos += start_chop_vec; v[nsegments - 1] -= end_chop_vec; endpos -= end_chop_vec; } switch (type) { case SPLINE_OBJECT: p = new spline_object(startpos, endpos, v, nsegments); break; case ARROW_OBJECT: p = new arrow_object(startpos, endpos, v, nsegments); break; case LINE_OBJECT: p = new line_object(startpos, endpos, v, nsegments); break; default: assert(0); } have_last_line = 1; last_line = endpos - startpos; *curpos = endpos; return p; } class arc_object : public linear_object { int clockwise; position cent; double rad; public: arc_object(int, const position &, const position &, const position &); position origin() { return cent; } position center() { return cent; } double radius() { return rad; } position north(); position south(); position east(); position west(); position north_east(); position north_west(); position south_east(); position south_west(); void update_bounding_box(bounding_box *); object_type type() { return ARC_OBJECT; } void print(); void move_by(const position &pos); }; arc_object::arc_object(int cw, const position &s, const position &e, const position &c) : linear_object(s, e), clockwise(cw), cent(c) { rad = hypot(c - s); } void arc_object::move_by(const position &pos) { linear_object::move_by(pos); cent += pos; } // we get arc corners from the corresponding circle position arc_object::north() { position result(cent); result.y += rad; return result; } position arc_object::south() { position result(cent); result.y -= rad; return result; } position arc_object::east() { position result(cent); result.x += rad; return result; } position arc_object::west() { position result(cent); result.x -= rad; return result; } position arc_object::north_east() { position result(cent); result.x += rad/M_SQRT2; result.y += rad/M_SQRT2; return result; } position arc_object::north_west() { position result(cent); result.x -= rad/M_SQRT2; result.y += rad/M_SQRT2; return result; } position arc_object::south_east() { position result(cent); result.x += rad/M_SQRT2; result.y -= rad/M_SQRT2; return result; } position arc_object::south_west() { position result(cent); result.x -= rad/M_SQRT2; result.y -= rad/M_SQRT2; return result; } void arc_object::print() { if (lt.type == line_type::invisible) return; out->set_color(0, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); // handle arrow direction; make shorter line for arc position sp, ep, b; if (clockwise) { sp = en; ep = strt; } else { sp = strt; ep = en; } if (arrow_at_start) { double theta = aht.height / rad; if (clockwise) theta = - theta; b = strt - cent; b = position(b.x*cos(theta) - b.y*sin(theta), b.x*sin(theta) + b.y*cos(theta)) + cent; if (clockwise) ep = b; else sp = b; if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { draw_arrow(strt, strt - b, aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } else { position v = b; theta = fabs(lt.thickness) / 72 / 4 / rad; if (clockwise) theta = - theta; b = strt - cent; b = position(b.x*cos(theta) - b.y*sin(theta), b.x*sin(theta) + b.y*cos(theta)) + cent; draw_arrow(b, b - v, aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); out->line(b, &v, 1, lt); } } if (arrow_at_end) { double theta = aht.height / rad; if (!clockwise) theta = - theta; b = en - cent; b = position(b.x*cos(theta) - b.y*sin(theta), b.x*sin(theta) + b.y*cos(theta)) + cent; if (clockwise) sp = b; else ep = b; if (aht.solid && out->supports_filled_polygons()) { draw_arrow(en, en - b, aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); } else { position v = b; theta = fabs(lt.thickness) / 72 / 4 / rad; if (!clockwise) theta = - theta; b = en - cent; b = position(b.x*cos(theta) - b.y*sin(theta), b.x*sin(theta) + b.y*cos(theta)) + cent; draw_arrow(b, b - v, aht, lt, graphic_object::get_outline_color()); out->line(b, &v, 1, lt); } } out->arc(sp, cent, ep, lt); out->reset_color(); } inline double max(double a, double b) { return a > b ? a : b; } void arc_object::update_bounding_box(bounding_box *p) { p->encompass(strt); p->encompass(en); position start_offset = strt - cent; if (start_offset.x == 0.0 && start_offset.y == 0.0) return; position end_offset = en - cent; if (end_offset.x == 0.0 && end_offset.y == 0.0) return; double start_quad = atan2(start_offset.y, start_offset.x)/(M_PI/2.0); double end_quad = atan2(end_offset.y, end_offset.x)/(M_PI/2.0); if (clockwise) { double temp = start_quad; start_quad = end_quad; end_quad = temp; } if (start_quad < 0.0) start_quad += 4.0; while (end_quad <= start_quad) end_quad += 4.0; double r = max(hypot(start_offset), hypot(end_offset)); for (int q = int(start_quad) + 1; q < end_quad; q++) { position offset; switch (q % 4) { case 0: offset.x = r; break; case 1: offset.y = r; break; case 2: offset.x = -r; break; case 3: offset.y = -r; break; } p->encompass(cent + offset); } } // We ignore the with attribute. The at attribute always refers to the center. linear_object *object_spec::make_arc(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { *dirp = dir; int cw = (flags & IS_CLOCKWISE) != 0; // compute the start position startpos; if (flags & HAS_FROM) startpos = from; else startpos = *curpos; if (!(flags & HAS_RADIUS)) lookup_variable("arcrad", &radius); // compute the end position endpos; if (flags & HAS_TO) endpos = to; else { position m(radius, radius); // Adjust the signs. if (cw) { if (dir == DOWN_DIRECTION || dir == LEFT_DIRECTION) m.x = -m.x; if (dir == DOWN_DIRECTION || dir == RIGHT_DIRECTION) m.y = -m.y; *dirp = direction((dir + 3) % 4); } else { if (dir == UP_DIRECTION || dir == LEFT_DIRECTION) m.x = -m.x; if (dir == DOWN_DIRECTION || dir == LEFT_DIRECTION) m.y = -m.y; *dirp = direction((dir + 1) % 4); } endpos = startpos + m; } // compute the center position centerpos; if (flags & HAS_AT) centerpos = at; else if (startpos == endpos) centerpos = startpos; else { position h = (endpos - startpos)/2.0; double d = hypot(h); if (radius <= 0) radius = .25; // make the radius big enough if (radius < d) radius = d; double alpha = acos(d/radius); double theta = atan2(h.y, h.x); if (cw) theta -= alpha; else theta += alpha; centerpos = position(cos(theta), sin(theta))*radius + startpos; } arc_object *p = new arc_object(cw, startpos, endpos, centerpos); *curpos = endpos; return p; } graphic_object *object_spec::make_linear(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { linear_object *obj; if (type == ARC_OBJECT) obj = make_arc(curpos, dirp); else obj = make_line(curpos, dirp); if (type == ARROW_OBJECT && (flags & (HAS_LEFT_ARROW_HEAD|HAS_RIGHT_ARROW_HEAD)) == 0) flags |= HAS_RIGHT_ARROW_HEAD; if (obj && (flags & (HAS_LEFT_ARROW_HEAD|HAS_RIGHT_ARROW_HEAD))) { arrow_head_type a; int at_start = (flags & HAS_LEFT_ARROW_HEAD) != 0; int at_end = (flags & HAS_RIGHT_ARROW_HEAD) != 0; if (flags & HAS_HEIGHT) a.height = height; else lookup_variable("arrowht", &a.height); if (flags & HAS_WIDTH) a.width = width; else lookup_variable("arrowwid", &a.width); double solid; lookup_variable("arrowhead", &solid); a.solid = solid != 0.0; obj->add_arrows(at_start, at_end, a); } return obj; } object *object_spec::make_object(position *curpos, direction *dirp) { graphic_object *obj = 0; switch (type) { case BLOCK_OBJECT: obj = make_block(curpos, dirp); break; case BOX_OBJECT: obj = make_box(curpos, dirp); break; case TEXT_OBJECT: obj = make_text(curpos, dirp); break; case ELLIPSE_OBJECT: obj = make_ellipse(curpos, dirp); break; case CIRCLE_OBJECT: obj = make_circle(curpos, dirp); break; case MOVE_OBJECT: obj = make_move(curpos, dirp); break; case ARC_OBJECT: case LINE_OBJECT: case SPLINE_OBJECT: case ARROW_OBJECT: obj = make_linear(curpos, dirp); break; case MARK_OBJECT: case OTHER_OBJECT: default: assert(0); break; } if (obj) { if (flags & IS_INVISIBLE) obj->set_invisible(); if (text != 0) obj->add_text(text, (flags & IS_ALIGNED) != 0); if (flags & IS_DOTTED) obj->set_dotted(dash_width); else if (flags & IS_DASHED) obj->set_dashed(dash_width); double th; if (flags & HAS_THICKNESS) th = thickness; else lookup_variable("linethick", &th); obj->set_thickness(th); if (flags & IS_OUTLINED) obj->set_outline_color(outlined); if (flags & IS_XSLANTED) obj->set_xslanted(xslanted); if (flags & IS_YSLANTED) obj->set_yslanted(yslanted); if (flags & (IS_DEFAULT_FILLED | IS_FILLED)) { if (flags & IS_SHADED) obj->set_fill_color(shaded); else { if (flags & IS_DEFAULT_FILLED) lookup_variable("fillval", &fill); if (fill < 0.0) error("bad fill value %1", fill); else obj->set_fill(fill); } } } return obj; } struct string_list { string_list *next; char *str; string_list(char *); ~string_list(); }; string_list::string_list(char *s) : next(0), str(s) { } string_list::~string_list() { free(str); } /* A path is used to hold the argument to the 'with' attribute. For example, '.nw' or '.A.s' or '.A'. The major operation on a path is to take a place and follow the path through the place to place within the place. Note that '.A.B.C.sw' will work. For compatibility with DWB pic, 'with' accepts positions also (this is incorrectly documented in CSTR 116). */ path::path(corner c) : crn(c), label_list(0), ypath(0), is_position(0) { } path::path(position p) : crn(0), label_list(0), ypath(0), is_position(1) { pos.x = p.x; pos.y = p.y; } path::path(char *l, corner c) : crn(c), ypath(0), is_position(0) { label_list = new string_list(l); } path::~path() { while (label_list) { string_list *tem = label_list; label_list = label_list->next; delete tem; } delete ypath; } void path::append(corner c) { assert(crn == 0); crn = c; } void path::append(char *s) { string_list **p; for (p = &label_list; *p; p = &(*p)->next) ; *p = new string_list(s); } void path::set_ypath(path *p) { ypath = p; } // return non-zero for success int path::follow(const place &pl, place *result) const { if (is_position) { result->x = pos.x; result->y = pos.y; result->obj = 0; return 1; } const place *p = &pl; for (string_list *lb = label_list; lb; lb = lb->next) if (p->obj == 0 || (p = p->obj->find_label(lb->str)) == 0) { lex_error("object does not contain a place '%1'", lb->str); return 0; } if (crn == 0 || p->obj == 0) *result = *p; else { position ps = ((p->obj)->*(crn))(); result->x = ps.x; result->y = ps.y; result->obj = 0; } if (ypath) { place tem; if (!ypath->follow(pl, &tem)) return 0; result->y = tem.y; if (result->obj != tem.obj) result->obj = 0; } return 1; } void print_object_list(object *p) { for (; p; p = p->next) { p->print(); p->print_text(); } } void print_picture(object *obj) { bounding_box bb; for (object *p = obj; p; p = p->next) p->update_bounding_box(&bb); double scale; lookup_variable("scale", &scale); out->start_picture(scale, bb.ll, bb.ur); print_object_list(obj); out->finish_picture(); }