#include "dac.h" #include #include #include static char const __attribute__((unused)) rcsid[] = "$Id: dac.c, v dummy 1970/01/01 00:00:01 dcarlier Exp $"; struct da_bitset { unsigned long bits[8]; size_t bit_count; }; /* * Constructor/Destructor for possible globals. */ void da_init() { } void da_fini() { } void da_seterrorfunc(da_errorfunc_t callback) { } const char * da_typename(da_type_t fieldtype) { return "none"; } char * da_getdataversion(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return "dummy library version 1.0"; } time_t da_getdatacreation(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return time(NULL); } char * da_getdatacreationiso8601(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return "20000123T012345.678+0900"; } da_status_t da_atlas_compile(void *ctx, da_read_fn readfn, da_setpos_fn rewind, void **ptr, size_t *size) { return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_atlas_open(da_atlas_t *atlas, da_property_decl_t *extraprops, const void *ptr, size_t len) { void *ptr2 = malloc(len); free(ptr2); return ptr2 ? DA_OK : DA_NOMEM; } void da_atlas_close(da_atlas_t *atlas) { } da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_clientprop_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return (da_evidence_id_t)2; } da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_accept_language_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return (da_evidence_id_t)3; } da_evidence_id_t da_atlas_header_evidence_id(const da_atlas_t *atlas, const char *evidence_name) { return (da_evidence_id_t)1; } da_status_t da_atlas_getproptype(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t propid, da_type_t *type) { *type = DA_TYPE_BOOLEAN; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_atlas_getpropname(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t propid, const char **name) { *name = "isRobot"; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_atlas_getpropid(const da_atlas_t *atlas, const char *propname, da_propid_t *property) { *property = (da_propid_t)1; return DA_OK; } size_t da_atlas_getpropcount(const da_atlas_t *atlas) { return 1; } da_status_t da_searchv(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_deviceinfo_t *result, da_evidence_t *evidence, size_t count) { memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->propcount = count; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_search(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_deviceinfo_t *result, ...) { da_evidence_t vec[4]; /* XXX: this will have to grow if more evidence is supported. */ size_t i; va_list args; va_start(args, result); for (i = 0; i < sizeof vec / sizeof vec[0];) { vec[i].key = va_arg(args, da_evidence_id_t); if (vec[i].key == 0) break; vec[i++].value = va_arg(args, char *); } va_end(args); return da_searchv(atlas, result, vec, i); } /* * Search-result centric functions. */ size_t da_getpropcount(const da_deviceinfo_t *info) { return info->propcount; } da_status_t da_getfirstprop(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t **propid) { if (info->propcount == 0) return DA_NOMORE; *propid = &info->proplist[0]; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_getnextprop(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t **propid) { if (*propid - info->proplist >= info->propcount - 1) return DA_NOMORE; ++*propid; return DA_OK; } void da_close(da_deviceinfo_t *sr) { } da_status_t da_getpropname(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, const char **name) { *name = "isRobot"; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_getproptype(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t propid, da_type_t *type) { *type = DA_TYPE_BOOLEAN; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_getpropinteger(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t property, long *vp) { *vp = -1; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_getpropstring(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t property, const char **vp) { *vp = NULL; return DA_OK; } da_status_t da_getpropboolean(const da_deviceinfo_t *info, da_propid_t property, bool *vp) { *vp = true; return DA_OK; } const char * da_get_property_name(const da_atlas_t *atlas, da_propid_t property) { return "isRobot"; }