--- rate-limit 100.0 -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 0.89ms 466.84us 35.44ms 94.39% Req/Sec 1.09k 39.30 1.32k 72.60% Latency Distribution 50% 823.00us 75% 1.00ms 90% 1.20ms 99% 2.14ms 2594524 requests in 5.00m, 687.86MB read Requests/sec: 8645.83 Transfer/sec: 2.29MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit 50.0 -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 681.74us 463.28us 20.45ms 95.46% Req/Sec 1.41k 54.00 1.60k 68.97% Latency Distribution 50% 613.00us 75% 785.00us 90% 0.98ms 99% 2.06ms 3367473 requests in 5.00m, 0.87GB read Requests/sec: 11222.76 Transfer/sec: 2.98MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit 10.0 -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 558.32us 458.54us 29.40ms 97.73% Req/Sec 1.72k 60.67 2.05k 73.10% Latency Distribution 50% 494.00us 75% 610.00us 90% 743.00us 99% 2.08ms 4105420 requests in 5.00m, 1.06GB read Requests/sec: 13683.36 Transfer/sec: 3.63MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit 2.5 -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 542.66us 440.31us 22.63ms 97.88% Req/Sec 1.76k 60.02 2.00k 72.27% Latency Distribution 50% 481.00us 75% 588.00us 90% 710.00us 99% 2.05ms 4214525 requests in 5.00m, 1.09GB read Requests/sec: 14046.76 Transfer/sec: 3.72MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit 0.0 -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 529.06us 414.38us 30.09ms 97.97% Req/Sec 1.80k 59.34 2.05k 74.47% Latency Distribution 50% 473.00us 75% 576.00us 90% 692.00us 99% 1.79ms 4287428 requests in 5.00m, 1.11GB read Requests/sec: 14290.45 Transfer/sec: 3.79MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit disabled -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 517.81us 463.10us 36.81ms 98.25% Req/Sec 1.85k 62.39 2.21k 75.65% Latency Distribution 50% 458.00us 75% 558.00us 90% 670.00us 99% 1.96ms 4416273 requests in 5.00m, 1.14GB read Requests/sec: 14719.43 Transfer/sec: 3.90MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- rate-limit off -------------------------------------------------- Running 5m test @ http://localhost:10080/index.html 8 threads and 8 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 511.67us 428.18us 27.68ms 98.15% Req/Sec 1.86k 60.67 2.05k 75.44% Latency Distribution 50% 455.00us 75% 554.00us 90% 666.00us 99% 1.81ms 4441271 requests in 5.00m, 1.15GB read Requests/sec: 14803.32 Transfer/sec: 3.92MB ----------------------------------------------------------------------