/* * include/haproxt/mqtt.h * This file contains structure declarations for MQTT protocol. * * Copyright 2020 Baptiste Assmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 * exclusively. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _HAPROXY_MQTT_H #define _HAPROXY_MQTT_H #include #include #include /* expected flags for control packets */ extern uint8_t mqtt_cpt_flags[MQTT_CPT_ENTRIES]; /* MQTT field string names */ extern const struct ist mqtt_fields_string[MQTT_FN_ENTRIES]; /* list of supported capturable field names for each MQTT control packet type */ extern const uint64_t mqtt_fields_per_packet[MQTT_CPT_ENTRIES]; int mqtt_validate_message(const struct ist msg, struct mqtt_pkt *mpkt); struct ist mqtt_field_value(const struct ist msg, int type, int fieldname_id); /* * Return a MQTT packet type ID based found in . * can be a number or a string and returned value will always be the numeric value. * * If can't be translated into an ID, then MQTT_CPT_INVALID (0) is returned. */ static inline int mqtt_typeid(struct ist str) { int id; id = strl2ui(str.ptr, istlen(str)); if ((id >= MQTT_CPT_CONNECT) && (id < MQTT_CPT_ENTRIES)) return id; else if (isteqi(str, ist("CONNECT")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_CONNECT; else if (isteqi(str, ist("CONNACK")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_CONNACK; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PUBLISH")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PUBLISH; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PUBACK")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PUBACK; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PUBREC")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PUBREC; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PUBREL")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PUBREL; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PUBCOMP")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PUBCOMP; else if (isteqi(str, ist("SUBSCRIBE")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_SUBSCRIBE; else if (isteqi(str, ist("SUBACK")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_SUBACK; else if (isteqi(str, ist("UNSUBSCRIBE")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_UNSUBSCRIBE; else if (isteqi(str, ist("UNSUBACK")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_UNSUBACK; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PINGREQ")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PINGREQ; else if (isteqi(str, ist("PINGRESP")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_PINGRESP; else if (isteqi(str, ist("DISCONNECT")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_DISCONNECT; else if (isteqi(str, ist("AUTH")) != 0) return MQTT_CPT_AUTH; return MQTT_CPT_INVALID; } /* * validate that is a field that can be extracted from a MQTT packet * * return the field name ID (MQTT_FN_*) if a match is found, MQTT_FN_INVALID (0) otherwise. */ static inline int mqtt_check_type_fieldname(int type, struct ist str) { int i, id = MQTT_FN_INVALID; for (i = 0; i < MQTT_FN_ENTRIES; i++) { if (isteqi(str, mqtt_fields_string[i])) { if (mqtt_fields_per_packet[type] & (1ULL << i)) id = i; break; } } return id; } #endif /* _HAPROXY_MQTT_H */ /* * Local variables: * c-indent-level: 8 * c-basic-offset: 8 * End: */