varnishtest "Test the http-reuse aggressive mode" #REQUIRE_VERSION=2.2 feature ignore_unknown_macro haproxy h1 -conf { defaults mode http listen sender bind "fd@${feS}" http-reuse aggressive server srv ${h1_feR_addr}:${h1_feR_port} listen receiver bind "fd@${feR}" http-request return status 200 http-after-response set-header http_first_request %[http_first_req] } -start # bootstrap client c1 -connect ${h1_feS_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.http.http_first_request == "1" } -run # first request should not be reused as no safe connection for the moment client c2 -connect ${h1_feS_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.http.http_first_request == "1" txreq rxresp expect resp.http.http_first_request == "0" } -run # first request must be reused with the safe connection client c3 -connect ${h1_feS_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.http.http_first_request == "0" } -run